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Mod Developer Notes

Creating an .ftl File

An .ftl file is simply a renamed .zip with a specific file structure.
For an example, try renaming and unpacking the example mods.
The root of the ZIP file should contain one or more of these folders:
You should ONLY put in the files that you want to modify. This keeps
mod sizes low and prevents major conflict between mods.
The "mod-appendix/" folder is for extra files that will not be inserted
into the game's resources. Slipstream will look for the following inside.
Optional embedded description. (See the example mods.)
The Append Extension
Any file in your .ftl with the extension .xml.append will be appended to
its respective vanilla file. (See the example mods.)
It is highly recommended that you take advantage of this as much as
possible. As a rule of thumb, if you're editing an event xml file,
you're going to want to append your changes rather then flat out replace
the file. Using .append helps prevent mod conflict.
Keep in mind that you can override vanilla events (among other things)
to your pleasure by writing an event of the same name. Whenever multiple
tags share the same name, only the last one counts.
When you're not overriding something, try to use unique names, so that
it won't clobber another mod and vice versa.
When developing a mod, save your text files as ANSI/ASCII, or UTF-8.
Slipstream will tolerate UTF-16 and Windows-1252 ANSI.
Dos style (CR-LF) line endings are preferred. The game only partially
accepts the unix style (LF): fine for xml, crashing for layout.txt.
Slipstream will convert both to CR-LF as it patches.
File and directory names must be plain ASCII (no accents). That
restriction isn't confirmed for the game, but the mod manager enforces
it just to be safe.
Images should be 32bit PNGs (24bit color + 8bit alpha transparency).
Things that *should* be opaque rectangles like backgrounds may vary,
but that would be undesirable for ship floors that should reveal the hull
under them.

OSX adds a junk to .zip files.
These commands will address that:
zip -d __MACOSX/\*
zip -d \*.DS_Store
Text ultimately boils down to 1's and 0's. There are numerous standards
for encoding that information. If an app reads the 1's and 0's assuming
the wrong standard, it can come out as gibberish.
ANSI - A family of related standards, often incompatible because each has
language-specific characters and lacks others. They can at least agree on
certain characters, called ASCII. When only ASCII characters are present,
it doesn't matter which ANSI encoding was used.
ASCII - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 (and uppercase)
Windows-1252 - The most popular flavor of ANSI.
Unicode - A series of standards, all capable of handling the same huge
pool of characters, each successively less optimized for common
characters in favor of consistency. Sometimes they come with a BOM
header, a distinctive binary blob, that indicates what encoding was
UTF-8 - A flavor of Unicode. For ASCII characters, it is identical
with all the ANSI encodings. The BOM is optional. Apps often fairly
safely assume all text is UTF-8 without a BOM. However, some apps may
not know what to do when they see BOM bytes (eek weird binary), and if
the document WERE written in ANSI with characters beyond ASCII, they
may get garbled.
UTF-16 - Windows uses this sometimes. Ideally always has a BOM. It is not
identical with any other encodings. The whole thing looks like a mess
when decoded incorrectly. Apps have to deliberately support it - usually
by including tests to determine when they're dealing with UTF-16 or
something else.
Advanced XML
Since v1.2, Slipstream supports special tags to not only append, but
insert and edit existing XML. You can practice using them with the
"XML Sandbox", under the File menu.
They take the form:
<mod:find... reverse="false" start="0" limit="-1" panic="false">
<mod:holderForExtraFindArgs />
<mod:someCommand />
<mod:someCommand />
Some identify existing tags, using each result as context for commands.

Unless stated otherwise, these all accept optional reverse, start,

limit, and panic args: defaulting to search forward, skip 0 matched
candidates, return up to an unlimited number of results, and not cause
an error when no results are found.
Sometimes the <find...> may have an auxiliary tag just to hold more
<mod:findName type="abc" name="def">
Searches for tags of a given type with the given name attribute.
The type arg is optional.
Its unusual defaults are: reverse="true", start="0", limit="1".
It finds the first match from the end.
<mod:findLike type="abc">
<mod:selector a="1" b="2">abc</mod:selector>
Searches for tags of a given type, with all of the given attributes
and the given value. All of these find arguments are optional. To
omit the value, leave it blank, or make <selector /> self-closing.
If no value or attributes are given, <selector> is unnecessary.
<mod:findWithChildLike type="abc" child-type="def">
<mod:selector a="1" b="2" ...>abc</mod:selector>
As <findLike>, except it searches for tags of a given type, that
contain certain children with the attributes and value. All args are
optional here as well. Note: The children are only search criteria,
not results themselves.
<mod:par op="AND">
Collates results from several <find...> criteria, or even multiple
nested <par>entheses. The <par> combines results using "OR" (union)
or "AND" (intersection) logic. Any commands within those <find...>
tags will be ignored.
The following commands can occur inside a <find...>.
Searches the context tag's children and acts on them with its own
nested commands.
Sets a text value for the context tag.
<mod:setAttributes a="1" b="2" />
Sets/adds one or more attributes on the context tag.

<mod:removeTag />
Removes the context tag entirely.
Appends a new <XYZ> child to the context tag. Aside from the prefix,
the tag's type and content will appear as-is. It can be self-closing.
If possible, the first <XYZ> child under the context tag will be
removed, and this <XYZ> will be inserted in its place. Otherwise,
this has the same effect as <mod-append:XYZ>.
Special tags and normal append content are processed in the order they
occur in your mod. And when patching several mods at once, later mods
edit in the wake of earlier ones.
FTL is quirky. Occasionally you may need to include non-standard XML in a
mod without elaborate parsing. For instance, "misc.xml" defines phrases
for localization, which may begin/end with a space. Normally, this
whitespace would be trimmed away, leading to ugly results in-game.
If your mod has a file named "misc.xml.rawappend", the content of that
file will be tacked onto the end of "misc.xml". Line-endings and encoding
will be standardized, but Slipstream will make no attempt to
(mis)understand the tags of either file.
You can still override existing tags by adding your own with the same
name attribute, since FTL honors the last it sees.
Similarly a file named "misc.xml.rawclobber" will entirely replace the
original "misc.xml".
Any other mods patched afterward must either avoid that file or also treat
it as raw themselves. Hence this should be used as a last resort.
Running Slipstream from a prompt can speed up development...
--patch Abc.ftl Def "Ghi 1.0.ftl"
Patches named mod files. Dirs can also be named, so you won't have to
re-zip for every test.
While patching, reveals typoed <find...> tags. Any find that yields no
matches will cause an error, as if it had panic='true'.
Runs the game. If used with "--patch", runs afterward if successful.
--validate Abc

Prints a "Validate" report for named mod files/dirs. Handy when

you're checking repeatedly as you correct typos.
FTL Bug (fixed in 1.03.3): If a ship is modded to have level 5 shields,
asteroid storms will be abnormally fast.
The game will crash at the main menu or hangar if an event choice loads
another event, which has a choice that loads the previous event. FTL
does not like event loops.
When adding a music track to sounds.xml, the explore and battle theme
files are played simultaneously as one song (mixing between them when
entering/exiting combat). They should have similar duration because if one
is longer than the other, there may be noticeable silence at the end of the
shorter piece.

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