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"All of us can't stay in the [internment] camps until the end of

the war. Some of us have to go to the front. Our record on the

battlefield will determine when you will return and how you
will be treated. I don't know if I'll make it back."Technical
Sergeant Abraham Ohama, Company "F", 442nd RCT, Killed in Action
"They were superb! That word correctly describes it: superb!
They took terrific casualties. They showed rare courage and
tremendous fighting spirit. Not too much can be said of the
performance of those battalions in Europe and everybody
wanted them...."General George C. Marshall "...I had the honor to
command the men of the 442nd Combat Team. You fought
magnificently in the field of battle and wrote brilliant chapters
in the military history of our country.""They demonstrated
conclusively the loyalty and valor of our American citizens of
Japanese ancestry in combat."General Mark W. Clark
"...I cannot say, however, that their "Go For Broke" service has
ever been adequately honored, but I do know that any
objective appraisal of the record of this unit will place it high
up in the annals of our military history...Whether in France,
Italy or elsewhere, I know of no units in the American Army
that fought and persevered more gallantly than did those Nisei
companies and battalions."John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of
"The Nisei troops are among the best in the United States Army
and the respect and the appreciation due honorable, loyal, and
courageous soldiers should be their's rather than the scorn and
ridicule they have been receiving from some thoughtless and
uninformed citizens and veterans."
Major General E.M. Almond
"The members of the Combat Team have made a magnificent
record of which they and all Americans should be proud. This
record, without a doubt, is the most important single factor in
creating in this country a more understanding attitude toward
the people of Japanese descent."
Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior

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