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Valerie Fagan

Mr. White CP English

October 6, 2016

Research Paper

The project that this research on this paper is being based on the integration of
art into everyday academics.The importance of this is being followed with a great
outcome that we aren't taking into our advantage. Creating a better and friendlier
environment for students to gain educational knowledge and self confidence is
something that should be really looked into. The goal has always been to motivate and
gain interest in kids so we can see a great success in our future, and the more
traditional way of teaching hasn't been getting most kids leaning into that direction.
How does having an art curriculum for students affect them in regular academics?
How is it important to introduce art to students to help them through internal
problems? Questions like these and others along these lines are what will be hit in the
following paragraphs.

Having arts incorporated in everyday academics can create many benefits in a

single student but how, how is having art creating benefits for students? Everything
down to efforts in other scholarly activities or self improvement have been a result of
exposure to the arts. Opening this window for children will increase their efforts and

motivation to learn other subjects. Teachers will have a wider selection of ways to
teach kids and allow more critical thinking problems (Ross, 2008). Over years the arts
have decreased over many districts and started focusing on raising test scores of
children. Dewy an Educational Theorist describes how arts have played an integral in
a child's ability and motivation to learn and overall understanding on the subject
(Ross, 2008). Having multiple ways for students to learn will allow us to reach out to a
wider more diverse group of children and help them grasp topics and ideas better.
(Reif and Grant, 2010). Hands on and visual learning students can focus on sculptures
and pictures to guide them through a lesson.

Not only is this going to help children of all ages and cultures, but also teachers
who are struggling with having their students understand what's being taught.
Throughout the years teachers have taught the same lessons in the same usual way
almost every year. It's straight from the book and repetitive for the teachers. Having
this form of art can bring new ideas to the teachers on more creative ways to motivate
students to learn and grab a bigger audience attention. If a whole administration
offered this opportunity and pushed students to explore, discover and think outside the
box on critical problems (Reid and Grant, 2010). Teachers are more focused on the
traditional way of teaching rather than gathering ideas themselves and creatively
connecting and more visual way for students to understand a necessary academic
subject. Connections through various contents and basic connection are important to
see results and success in your students in and out of school doors (Scorse, 2014).

This form of teaching and motivation for students will greatly affect their lives
not only in but most importantly out of school. With the chance of such a diverse way
of teaching, students can interact with each other in great ways. Communication,
Self-Esteem, Motivation, Comprehension and understanding are great outcomes on
this integration. If a story is read in class and scenes are acted out or drawn out
visually students are more likely to remember what was being said because they have
a picture of the words and actions written down (Ross, 2008). As humans there is a
natural reaction to express ourselves and communicate feelings or ideas. It's allows a
direct connection with being creative and analytical thinking (Reif and Grant, 2010).
Allowing students to feel comfortable expressing themselves and connecting with
other students gives them a great boost in confidence when it comes to approaching a
problem. You will get more students excited and willing to learn rather than a more
traditional lecture with notes and no contact with the material being taught.

With the idea of having drawing, music, acting, etc it's still very confusing on
how that will help someone learn something more educational. Drawing and Painting
are ways to accurately show a student what is being taught rather than imagine
numbers, symbols or words. Drama and movement arts can be express to gain
understanding of a character and why their actions were chosen. It invokes a greater
thinking on the plot, setting and emotions when you are portraying a story or scene.
Students playing a character will allow a personal connections as if it was actually

them, it's will increase natural reactions and emotions displayed through the student
(Krashen, 1982). These kinds of opportunities to learn will create a higher motivation
and engage a larger amount of students to participate and understand more (Reif and
Grant, 2010).

Throughout this project ive learned many things to help concluded my research
on art integration. Reading these articles and files really opened my eyes and truly
believe more in integrating art in basic academics. I believe everyone should have a
second to gaze one of these articles and have this idea be taken into action and see
the outcome. We have a chance to create a more interesting and welcoming
environment by one simple change. A change that is going to allow a better mentality
and environment for kids to grow up in and that shouldn't be something we pass up.

Krashen, S. (1982).Principles and practice in second language acquisition. New York:
Pergamon Press

Mason, Christine, et al. "Arts integration: How do the arts impact social, cognitive, and
academic skills." Submitted for publication (2005).

Purnell, P., Ali, P., Begun, N., & Carter, M. (2007). Windows, bridges, and mirrors: Building
culturally responsive early childhood classrooms through the integration of
literacy and the arts.Early Childhood Education Journal, 34(6),419-424.

Reif, Nancy, and Leslie Grant. "Culturally responsive classrooms through art integration."
Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education 5.1 (2010): 11.

Ross, Cindra L. "Art Integration in the Classroom." (2008).

Scorse, Sarah A. "The Positive Influences Art Integration and Content Integration has on
Students Learning Needs." (2014).

Purnell, P., Ali, P., Begun, N., & Carter, M. (2007). Windows, bridges, and mirrors:
Building culturally responsive early childhood classrooms through the integration of literacy
and the arts.Early Childhood Education Journal, 34(6),419-424.

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