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Part One Blood
Part Two Circulatory

Part One - Blood

At the end of this section you should be able to:
Identify the liquid and formed elements of blood.
Identify their functions.
Identify different blood types and their compatibility.

What we have learned so

Nutrients enter the bloodstream after they

have been absorbed by the small intestine.

Oxygen enters the bloodstream through the


Together, these elements travel through the

blood to enter our bodies trillions of cells so

as to nourish them and to allow energy to be

Later, we will learn how waste products leave

our bodies.

Blood is an fluid flowing through our bodies. It
flows everywhere.

Its main function is the transportation of nutrients

and gases from their point of entry to their
destination, and vice versa.
Nutrients from the digestive system.
Oxygen from the respiratory system.
Waste made from cellular respiration.

Characteristics of Blood
Blood is red, not blue as you may think from looking at

your veins. But we refer to it as RED when oxygenated

and BLUE when it is not carrying oxygen in all diagrams
and textbooks

Reason for this: it is a different shade of red coming

from your red blood cells when it is carrying oxygen.

When it is in your veins (no oxygen) it is a very dark red
(appearing almost purple or blue)

Characteristics of Blood
Viscous, (thick)

Males have 5-6 litres of blood.

Females have 4-5 litres of blood.

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