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Vanessa Sanchez

Oct 1 2016
Anatomy 2nd
Integumentary System Lab Report
In this lab report you will see many things like a histology structure, eccrine sweat
gland, skin temperature recovery, two point discrimination test, a homunculus drawing,
and also a case study infographic on Melanoma.
Figure 1 explains the histology structure of an epithelial tissue. We went to the
lab and found a picture of the cell in 400 magnification. Epithelial tissue is a sheet of
cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity: it forms the outer layer of the
skin. You will also see the types of shapes in the tissue: squamous, columnar, or
cuboidal. In this figure, there will be labels pointed to the things inside of the epithelial
tissue, getting more detailed.
Figure 2 refers to the homeostasis of skin thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is
the process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature. All of the
thermoregulatory mechanisms are designed to return the body to homeostasis. That
also brings up figure 3. The skin temperature recovery data i received was by timing 30
seconds on four different regions of my body with and without ice and recording the
difference in temperatures.
Figure 4 refers to the two point discrimination lab that I did. You poke yourself
with 2 things and put them closer together until you only feel one, you then measure
what that is in centimeters. That is how I got the data for figure 4. For figure 5, the
homunculus drawing, the data that I received from the two point discrimination, i
multiplied by ten, then filled in the certain number of squares for it.
Figure 5, the infographic case study, was about Melanoma. The situation was a
20 year old female that was out getting a tan with her friend. She then noticed that her
mole was bigger in size and also very jagged like. She went to the doctors office to get
it tested: they did a biopsy. They then told her that she had a skin cancer called
Melanoma that she got fairly early in life. This infographic explains the situation and also
some facts about Melanoma.

Figure 1- Histology Structure

Description- I looked through the microscope and found this structure. I labeled some of
the familiar things I have learned.

Figure 2 Eccrine Gland Graph Density

Description- I applied Iodine to these body regions for twenty seconds, took it off, then
counted the sweat glands. I compared my data to the data of the entire class.

Figure 3- Skin Temperature Recovery Data

Description- I took the temperatures on my data table by timing 30 seconds on four
different regions of my body to get the temperature differences with and without ice.

Figure 4- Two Point Discrimination Test

Description- I measured my body parts with a protractor and ruler. After that, I multiplied
it by ten and that is how I got my measurements.

Figure 5- Homunculus Drawing

Description- The data that I collected from my two point discrimination, multiplied by ten,
is how I developed my homunculus drawing.

Figure 6- Melanoma Case Study Infographic

Description- The case study I read about explained the situation of a 20 year old female
who had a type of skin cancer called Melanoma. In this infographic, it explains the
cause of the cancer and also how she figured it out.
APA Citations
Skin Cancer Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from
What is melanoma skin cancer? (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from
Written by Kimberly Holland Medically Reviewed on March 25, 2014 by George Krucik,
MD, MBA. (n.d.). Symptoms and Pictures of Stage 4 Melanoma. Retrieved October 19,
2016, from

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