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Economa y poltica

Plan Colombia (also called Plan for Peace and the Strengthening of the State or Colombia Plan for peace) is
a bilateral agreement made between the governments of Colombia and the United States. It was
conceived in 1999 during the government of Colombian President Andres Pastrana Arango and the
American Bill Clinton with the specific objectives of creating a social and economic revitalization, end the
armed conflict in Colombia and create a strategy antinarctica.1
The Colombia Plan has mainly supported by the US government program called "Andean Initiative Against
Drugs" and receive assistance from the "Financing for foreign military forces" of the Department of
Defense's center and the Central Narcotics of the United States Department of Defense .1 the objectives of
Colombia and the United States differ in some respects. The main objective of the US government is to
prevent the flow of illegal drugs into the United States, as well as help Colombia to promote peace,
economic development which in turn contributes to safety in the reginandina. The main objective of
Colombia is to promote peace, economic development, improve security and end the illegal drug trade.
Both have evolved from strictly antidrug war against drugs to include aspects of the war on terrorism,
because the violent groups and mafias use the drug trade to finance the war.


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En que consiste el plan Colombia
Que piensas del plan Colombia (15 renglones)
Porque es importante el plan Colombia

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