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History of Indonesia

Indonesia is an independent country since 68 years ago but a lot of the history of
independent Indonesia.
Kingdoms in Indonesia are very much, among the others is Sriwijaya on 904, this
kingdom is the biggest kingdom in Indonesia then any other kingdom. Majapahit kingdom also
appeared on 1293. Majapahit was taken of the name of Maja fruits that the taste are bitter.
Majapahit had its peak under the influence of Gajah Mada with his palapa oath.
In the 1434 Admiral CHENG HO arrived in Indonesia and carrying Chinese cultural
influence into Indonesia. Followed by Portuguese who also arrived in Indonesia on 1511 and
bring keroncong mucic and Portuguese guitar accompaniment. At this time, Christianily was
introduced in Indonesia.
In the 1595, Netherlands arrived in Indonesi under supervision of CORNELIS DE
HOUTMAN with 4 ships and 249 crew members in 1602 the Dutch establish, but the VOC was
disbanded 198 years later, precisely on January 1 1800. Allegedly because of corruption in the
VOC. After it, Netherlands/ the Dutch cended power made to Thomas Stamforld Rafles who
wrote a book tilled History of Java with agreements made of kew between Thomas and the
On Maret 1942 Japenese charming Dutch 9 over nor and Japan seize power by
preteneding to be nice to Indonesia and doming that Japan is the older brother of Indonesia after
the Japanese has complete control over many stabilishement organizations in Indonesia such 05
Sarekat Islam, Indische Partis, BPUPKI, PPKI, Boedi Oetomo, etc. On Juni 1 945, Pancasila is
created and passed as a symbol of Indonesia state besis by BPUPKI. On 15 Agustus 1945, Japan
surreded to the alien after the Hirosima and Nagasaki atomic bombed and at the time, In
Indonesia there is vacuum of power.
With the power vacuum experienced by Indonesia, the youth took apportunity to kidnap
Soekarno, 16 Augustt and took it to the batiens and forced him to make proclamation script.
And on the next day, Augustt 17, 1945 proclamation was read and Indonesia have been
freed from colonialisme. Indonesia also has 68 years of Indonesia.

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