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We have told you that it's open season on dinosaurs, bag a big one.

ignorance wants an armageddon cause ignorance believes it's more powerful than G
od. ignorance zero, Love One, and the All celebrates.
The Starships are waiting for the 7th Day, because that's when they are Here. Th
is is when You arrive out of the tunnel of the 6th night, and the Light is Here
It's Humanity's graduation, and there ain't no ignorance that can prevent or sto
p this from Being. This is a given, can You hear Us Now?
Love Is Here on this Planet, and Love Is Here to stay. Any questions? Anybody ig
noring that Love Is Here? Would that be ignorance? ignorance is toast.
ignorance zero, Love Also, Two.
According to ignorance, the Sun is a black hole, when in Reality, It's just a po
rtal. The portal of Light pouring in.
2-dimensional thought is just the awareness of the surface. 5d Thought, laugh ou
t loud.
If MotherGod and I were to let Ourselves Free out there across this Planet and s
hare what We understand, this whole Planet would quickly transform into Love. Th
at's just the Way, and Here We Go!
God is not a buddhist, and God is not an -ism. God just Is, Present within Love
Everywhere Present.
Song to all Baby Gods:
â Baby I Love Youâ
The Truth of Humanity's culture exists not from the past, but in the Freedom of
Love Being Present. Stretch out your Wings and learn to Fly. Awaken to the New D
â Chug a lug, chug a lugâ
According to ignorance, anyone who doesn't have nothing is missing out.
According to Love, You've Got Your Oneness. You want to sell that to nothing? No
thing wouldn't have it and nor would you.
We are not here to save anyone, We Are Here to Liberate Everything. If you have
complaints, take your ticket to the complaint dept and wait in line.... if you c
an find it. We will get back to you later... maybe.
You see, You belong to Love. Humanity belongs to Love, and All of You belong to
Us, Love, called the Kingdom of Heaven.
The ground You walk on Every Day, is the Kingdom of Heaven. Please take notice.
Now, it's your choice to walk Aware of this Divine Truth, or walk ignorant of th
is Divine Truth. Either way, Love is who made You. We Are Love and We Are Here.
You want a sign? Look in the mirror.
We heard a lawyer on NPR that has announced the people vs. the corporations in t
he BP spill.
You see, it's impossible for Humanity to sell their Soul to ignorance because hu
manity doesn't own their Soul, We do. We just rent it out to You. You do not rea
lly own your Souls until You are Completely Aware and in Full Consciousness, and
then it still belongs to Us, because We Are Everything.
Can We get a parade with that?
The New Moon in Gemini was like a reboot to your systems to expand the braincell
s and take the body with You.
We put out a newspaper when the newspaper comes out. If you would like more of t
he newspaper, and for it to come out quicker, participation by the Co-Creators i
s required.
We highly recommend Sheldan's 6/8/10 and Quinsey's 6/11/10 Messages:
â Waving Flagâ - K'naan


WE are supported by your donations and care packages. Thank you for making a don
ation today!
Donations so far:
May- $237
June- $0

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