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JS Promises

to callback hell and back

by Adam Winick

Pleased to meet you

Electronic musician, passionate developer, devoted father
Sr Web Developer at Real Matters
Current project is a realtime web app using jHipster (Angular/
SpringMVC/Node with a dash of D3) in production and currently
supporting a migration to React
UI Designer
Front End Developer / JavaScript SPAs

Why another presentation on


This is the intro to promises I wish I had before reading all the currently
available intro to promises

Not enough focus on the core promise concept, a library (and a library
specic API) is introduced before all the concepts are explained: except
for this article:

Now that we have a Promise Spec, we can start writing promises lean
and native without a library specic API

What are Promises?

As a programming concept :
A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation

They are there to help manage complexity in the order of execution of

our functions in our apps.

As a ECMA Specication :
We nally have a Promise Specication and several implementations
ES6s native promise have adopted the Promise/A+ Spec:

In these implementations, at their core they give developers use of a

promise object or function with a then method whose behaviour
conforms to the Promise Specication.

Why do we need Promises in Javascript?

Why should we care?

JS functions at their core are synchronous

They execute logic, return values, and throw exceptions

Modern JS in 2015 ( Node, consuming APIs, data fetching ) is mostly asynchronous

You cant return values if they arent ready.
You cant throw exceptions, if nobodys there to catch them.
So we use callback functions to manage the order of execution.
In complex situations this can result in callback hell.

How do JS promises save me from hell ?

The point of promises is to give us back functional composition and error bubbling in the
async world. They do this by saying that your functions should return a promise(an
eventual result), which can do one of two things:

Become fullled by a value

Become rejected with an exception

Demonstrate what you mean using code :

We now have behaviour formally reserved for synchronous logic :

1. Flattened callbacks
2. Return values from asynchronous function
3. Throw and Catch exceptions

For a Promise to make (2) and (3) work, the asynchronous function itself
should return a Promise Object. This Promise object has two methods,
then and catch. The methods will later be called depending on the state
(fulled || rejected) of the Promise Object.

The next question is: How do we convert an asynchronous function

to return a Promise Object?

Dierences between callbacks and promises

1. Callbacks are functions, promises are objects
Callbacks are just blocks of code which can be run in response to events such as as timers going o or messages
being received from the server. Any function can be a callback, and every callback is a function.
Promises are objects which store information about whether or not those events have happened yet, and if they have,
what their outcome is.
2. Callbacks are passed as arguments, promises are returned
Callbacks are dened independently of the functions they are called from they are passed in as arguments. These
functions then store the callback, and call it when the event actually happens.
Promises are created inside of asynchronous functions (those which might not return a response until later), and then
returned. When an event happens, the asynchronous function will update the promise to notify the outside world.
3. Callbacks handle success and failure, promises dont handle anything
Callbacks are generally called with information on whether an operation succeeded or failed, and must be able to
handle both scenarios.
Promises dont handle anything by default, but success and failure handlers are attached later.
4. Callbacks can represent multiple events, promises represent at most one
Callbacks can be called multiple times by the functions they are passed to.
Promises can only represent one event they are either successful once, or failed once

Promise you will show me a promise (object)

asynchronous fn returning a promise instead of relying on a cb

but what if my cb based fn doesnt return a promise and I cant modify it

Lets see that again with a core node function like fs.readFile()

callback hell example tbt

solved with promises example tbt

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