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Village of Fleischmanns
Board Meeting
June 20, 2016

The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held their regular Village Board
meeting on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Skene Memorial Library.
Present were: Mayor Donald E. Kearney, Deputy Mayor Harriet L. Grossman, Ben
Fenton, and Fred Woller. Village Trustee David Yates was absent.
Mark Project, Inc./Peggy Ellsworth
Peggy Ellsworth was present and discussed grant options with the Mayor & the
Village Board such as an application for comprehensive planning for the Village
pool, a consolidated funding application, a possible grant for repairs to the Library,
Motion made by Ben Fenton to apply for a consolidated funding application to hire a
consultant to secure additional money for the Library project. Motion not carried.
Motion made by Ben Fenton to seek funding from the OConnor Foundation and from
Kenneth Pasternak to pay for a master plan for the Village pool. Motion not carried.
Peggy Ellsworth advised the lease with the Mark Project, Inc. was no longer in effect.
Further discussion was held about keeping the electric on at the movie theatre in
order for Malcolm Fairlie to complete an inspection.
Mayor Kearney commented that a letter was received from the Skene Memorial
Library President, Roy Stratton Todd, advising he had found a major foundation issue
which appears to have been caused by water runoff. The runoff has dramatically
damaged a significant section of the foundation wall.

CWC Stormwater Retrofit Program

Motion made by Fred Woller authorizing Mayor Donald E. Kearney, to sign the
Agreement between the Catskill Watershed Corporation and the Village of
Fleischmanns for Installation of Stormwater Retrofit Measures with an estimated
project cost not to exceed the amount of CWC funding of $46,875.00. Motion
seconded by Harriet L. Grossman. Fred Woller-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye.
Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.
Cedarwood Environmental Services, /Purchase Orders
Motion made by Fred Woller to approve the following purchase orders for the
WWTP for June, 2016: Hach Company, Hach pH buffers 3 pack of gallons, 2507200,
1 @ $78.07, Hach yellow, 7 buffer, gallon, 2283556, 1 @ $37.20, total cost of
request: $116.77, reason for purchase: pH meter uses standard buffers for
calibration, buffers are used to calibrate the pH meter which is calibrated daily, 365
days a year; Slack Chemical, 25% sodium hydroxide, 55 gal. drums, 220 gal. @
$1.66/gal, total cost of request $365.00, reason for purchase: chemicals used in the
treatment process; Slack Chemical, chlorine bleach, 55 gal. drums, 110 gal. @
$2.66/gal., total cost of request: $292.00, reason for purchase: chemicals used in
the treatment process; Slack Chemical, pallet of dense soda ash, 56 bags @
$16.99/bag, total cost of request: $951.44, reason for purchase: chemicals used in
the treatment process to add alkalinity for nitification and the following purchase
orders for the Fleischmanns Water: Slack Chemical, NSF Ortho-Phosphate @
$1.39 per lb, 10-55 lb carboys at $76.50 each, total cost of request $765.00, reason
for purchase: protects water mains from corrosion; Slack Chemical NSF Chlorine @
$2.89 per gallon, 20-5 gallon carboys at $14.50 each, total cost of request-$290.00,
reason for purchase: disinfects & protects water from contaminates. Motion
seconded by Harriet L. Grossman. Fred Woller-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye.
Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.
Cedarwood Environmental Services also provided the Village Board with their
monthly report for May 2016. At this time the WWTP is running through most of the
month at a reduced rate of flow and discharges effluent flow from the facility almost
every day of the week. Operators continue to monitor the pump station and the
collection system on a daily basis.

Northland Proposed Water Supply/ 287.18-1-15, 287.18-1-14 & 287.18-110
Motion made by Fred Woller to approve the installation of a 6 tap that will extend
from the main to the property line. Motion seconded by Harriet L. Grossman. Fred
Woller-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye.
David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.
Village Springs/Reservoir
Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to extend the current agreement for the land
clean up at the Village reservoir pending costs do not exceed the limit in the
Villages procurement policy. Motion seconded by Fred Woller. Harriet L. GrossmanAye. Fred Woller-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent.
Motion so carried.
Agreement Village of Fleischmanns w/
Cedarwood Environmental Services for
Water Treatment Plant Operator
Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to table approval of the Agreement Between
the Village of Fleischmanns, New York and Cedarwood Environmental Services for
Services as a Contract Water Treatment Plant Operator. Motion seconded by Fred
Woller. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Fred Woller-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben
Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.
Delaware Engineering/Snack Shack
Jeff Francisco of Delaware Engineering distributed copies of the Floodplain
Development Permit issued to the Village of Fleischmanns for the construction of a
new Snack Shack at the Village Park. The permit is dated May 31, 2016 and issued
by Carl Patrick Davis, CEM of the Town of Middletown.
Jeff Francisco advised that the Flood Doors have been ordered and they are waiting
on delivery of the jambs so that they can start pouring the walls. They cannot start
the walls until they have the jamb pieces to set in the concrete. The schedule for
construction shows that the bathrooms will be available for the August event in the
park. Eastman will be installing fence around the area of the new snack shack so
that the baseball fields can be used.
Blizzard Electric has been sending in submittals for review. The Fire Alarm will need
to be out of service for about a week while they install the new service and transfer
the equipment in to the new panel enclosure.
Snack Shack/Pay Requisition
Eastman Associates
Motion made by Fred Woller to approve payment of the application and certificate
for payment, invoice # 4625 in the amount of $13,214.50. Motion seconded by
Harriet L. Grossman. Fred Woller-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Donald E. KearneyAye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.
Agreement/Depot St. Riparian Restoration Project
Motion made by Fred Woller to approve the Agreement between the Village of
Fleischmanns and LaFever Excavating, Inc. of Bovina Center, New York for the Depot
Street Riparian Restoration project for the bid price of $19,989.00. Motion seconded
by Harriet L. Grossman. Fred Woller-Aye. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Donald E.
Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.

Resolution/Joint Sale of Tax-Acquired Properties by the

Village of Fleischmanns & the County of Delaware
At the Village Board Meeting
Of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York
Held at the Skene Memorial Library on
Monday, June 20, 2016 and
Upon motion made by Harriet L. Grossman and seconded by Fred Woller, the
following resolution was duly adopted:
Whereas the County of Delaware has proceeded to foreclose on the following
properties in the Village of Fleischmanns; and
Whereas it is in the best interest of the Village and the County of Delaware to work
together to protect the Village tax lien;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the County of Delaware sell the interest of
both municipalities. The proceeds from said sale shall be divided in proportion to
the taxes owed each entity for the years 2014-2015 & 2015-2016. Each parcel to
be treated individually.

George Hasay
George Hasay
John Kowatch
Daniel S. Rainis
Rainis Robert S. Estate
Elaine Wadler


Boyd Walker


---------------------------------------------------------Lorraine De Marfio, Village Clerk
Village of Fleischmanns

Dated: June 20, 2016

State of New York


County of Delaware)
I, Lorraine De Marfio, Village Clerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of a resolution
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, New York on June
20, 2016 and the whole thereof.

-------------------------------------------------Lorraine De Marfio, Village Clerk

Village of Fleischmanns

Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to approve the above resolution. Motion

seconded by Fred Woller. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Fred Woller-Aye. Donald E.
Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.

Budget Transfers 2015-2016

Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to approve the following budget transfers for
2015-2016: 1. Transfer $1385.00 from A1325.1 (Treasurer, PS) to F8325.1 (Water
Treasurer, PS) 2. Transfer $13,028.00 from A1410.1 (Clerk, PS) to F8310.1 (Water
Clerk, PS) 3. Transfer $212 from A1990.4 (Contingency Acct) to A1010.4 (Board of
Trustees, CE) 4. Transfer $4,734 from A1910.4 (Insurance, CE) to A1410.1 (Clerk, PS)
5. Transfer $276.00 from A1990.4 (Contingency Acct) to A1410.4 (Clerk, CE) 6.
Transfer $56.00 from A9010.8 (Retirement) to A9055.8 (Disability Insurance) 7.
Transfer $2,500.00 from A1910.4 (Insurance) to A1989.4 (Grant Writing/Consulting)
8. Transfer $21,000.00 from A5112.2 (Chips aid) to A5110.4 (Street Maintenance,
CE) 9. Transfer $750.00 from A5110.1 (Street Maintenance, PS) to A5142.1 (Snow
removal, PS) 10. Transfer $1,677.00 from A5110.1 (Street Maintenance, PS to
A5142.4 (Snow Removal, CE) 11. Transfer $2,657.00 from A9010.8 (Retirement) to
A7140.4 (Recreation, CE) 12. Transfer $67.00 from A9010.8 (Retirement) to A8020.4
(Planning Board, CE) Transfer $138,402.00 from (Unexpended Balance) to A8760.4
(Playground, CE) 14. Transfer $175,000.00 from (Unexpended Balance) to A9730.6
(BAN Principal) 15. Transfer $6,445 from (Unexpended Balance) to A9730.7 (BAN
Interest) 16. Transfer $12,772.00 from (Unexpended Balance) to 1420.1 (Attorney)
17. Transfer $904.00 from F8320.4 (Source Supply, CE) to F8310.4 (Clerk, CE) 18.
Transfer $567.00 from F8320.4 (Source Supply, CE) to F8330.4 (Purification, CE) 19.
Transfer $273.00 from F8320.4 (Source Supply, CE) to F8510.41 (Delaware
Operations Contract) 20. Transfer $18,521.00 from (Unexpended Balance) to
F8510.4 (Maintenance, CE) 21. Transfer $28,111.00 from G8110.4 (Sewer
Administration, CE) to G8110.41 (Delaware Operations, CE) Motion seconded by
Fred Woller. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Fred Woller-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben
Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion carried.

Monthly Reports/April & May 2016
The monthly report ending April 30, 2016 and the monthly report ending May 31,
2016 were presented to the Village Board.
Public Input
Discussion was held as to different options pertaining to the building of a new
Village pool.
Vouchers/June 2016
Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to pay the following vouchers for the month of
June, 2016: General Fund, Abstract # 1, Vouchers # 1 through 24 totaling
$19,906.52; Water Department Fund, Abstract # 1, Vouchers # 1 through 8 totaling
$9361.38; Sewer Department Fund, Abstract # 1
, Vouchers # 1 through 8
totaling $9361.38. Motion seconded by Fred Woller. Harriet L. Grossman-Aye. Fred
Woller-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye. David Yates-Absent. Motion so
Motion made by Harriet L. Grossman to adjourn. Motion seconded by Fred Woller.
Harriet l. Grossman-Aye. Fred Woller-Aye. Donald E. Kearney-Aye. Ben Fenton-Aye.
David Yates-Absent. Motion so carried.

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