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The measurements in this experiments are obtained by using

multisim. Class A amplifier
uses transistors while Class b uses 2 diodes. In
part 1 and 2, Po and Pi of a Class A amplifier are
calculated using the formula
given in the resume of theory. Its efficiency resulted to a range of 20 - 25%. In
Part 3 which focuses on the Class B amplifier, the efficiency resulted to 78.5%.
The oscilloscopes signal of a class A amplifier is full-wave.

Class A amplifier is the most commonly used because it is the
simplest form that uses switching transistors. Also, it conducts 100% of the
input signal unlike in Class B which only
conducts half. Class B amplifier is
much better compared to a class A amplifier in terms of efficiency because it
ranges from 75% -80% but causes more distortion than Class A. It is because
Class B amplifier conducts only 50% of the input signal waveform producing
larger amount of distortion and smaller amplitude to the output.
These two amplifiers also differ in the Q point. In Class A, it is
operated in the middle of DC and AC load line while Class B operates within a
distance of from VCE cutoff region of DC
load line. Power amplifiers are used
in the output stages of audio amplifier system to drive a loudspeaker load.

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