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Fact 1: Benthic Diatoms are microscopically small and vastly abundant algae type life forms that live in

the reef ecosystem. They are a huge reason why a living coral reef has such a dense biomass.
Fact 2: Scientists have discovered that many parts of a coral reef can be harvested to make medications to
treat cancers and other illnesses.
Fact 3: The numerous types of seaweed, plankton and algae type growths that thrive on a coral reef
provide food for an amazing amount of fish fish that are also safe to feed in the protected structure of
the reef.
Fact 4: The Great Barrier Reef is actually made up of 900 smaller reefs.
Fact 5: Coral reefs can also be started on the shells of sunken boats. In fact, to help preserve different sea
biomes, the navy will sink old ships to allow a coral reef to grow.
Fact 6: Coral reefs also help to improve the surrounding water quality. They act as a kind of filter that
traps things floating in the water, which makes for cleaner water all around.
Fact 7: Did you know that because the coral reef can stabilize the seabed for seagrasses, it provides a
space for feeding and raising babies for many of the sea mammals? A seagrass meadow acts like a nursery
for manatee and dugongs, where they can feed and raise their calves in a protected environment.
Fact 8: Villages tend to appear wherever there is a coral reef because it can provide a major food source
for people without them having to venture out into unprotected waters, or too far inland.
Fact 9: There are three types of reefs, and one gets mistaken for an island. There are barrier reefs, fringing
reefs and atolls. The last is often called an island when it is really a reef.
Fact 10: A coral reef needs sunlight to grow, that is why they hardly ever grow in waters deeper than 30
meters. They also are more likely to be found in tropical oceans, as the water is clearer and warmer.
Fact 11: Fringing reefs get their name from being closer to shore than a barrier reef. They are arranged
like a fringe around the shallow waters.
Fact 12: reefs usually grow up on the east shore of land masses. The temperature there is thought to be
warmer than the western side. The ideal temperature for a coral reef is between 28 and 32degrees
Fact 13: Reefs also grow where there are stronger wave patterns and currents. The stronger currents and
waves deliver more food for the ecosystem that creates the reef structure.
Fact 14: Coral reefs also play an important role in helping to manage carbon monoxide levels. This makes
them of great benefit to the worlds population.
Fact 15: There are more types of fish living in a two acre area of coral reef than there are kinds of birds in
all of North America.

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