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y cncer cervical

El papel masculino en cncer cervical

Xavier Castellsagu, Maryland, MILLAS POR HORA, PhD, F Xavier Bosch, Maryland, PhD, (1)
Nubia Muoz, Maryland, MILLAS POR HORA.

Castellsagu X, Bosch FX, Muoz N. El

papel masculino en cncer cervical. Mejicano
de Salud Publica 2003; 45 suppl 3:S345-S353.
Este papel est disponible tambin en:

Pruebas experimentales, clnicas, y epidemiolgicas fuertemente sugieren que el
Humano genital Papillomaviruses (HPVs) es pre dominantemente sexualmente
transmitido. Los estudios epidemiolgicos en mujeres virginales y HPV-negativas
claramente indican que las relaciones sexuales son prcticamente un paso necesario
para adquirir HPV. Como con cualquier otro hombre de la enfermedad de transmisin
sexual (STD) son implicados en la cadena epidemiolgica de la infeccin. HPVs del
pene son predominantemente adquiridos a travs de contactos sexuales. Los
contactos sexuales con mujeres que son prostitutas desempean un papel importante
en la transmisin HPV y en algn sexo demogrfico trabajadores se pueden hacer un
embalse importante del alto riesgo HPVs. La interpretacin tanto como
transportistas como como vectores de oncogenic HPVs compaeros de
sexo masculino puede contribuir marcadamente al riesgo de desarrollar el cncer
cervical en sus compaeros de sexo femenino. As, en ausencia de la proyeccin de
programas, el riesgo de una mujer de cervi-cal cncer puede depender menos sola
sexual comportamiento que en ese de su marido u otros compaeros de sexo
masculino. Aunque ms raramente que mujeres, los hombres tambin se puedan hacer
las vctimas de sus propias infecciones HPV como una fraccin de hombres
infectados est en un peligro mayor de desarrollar cnceres del pene y anales. Se ha
mostrado que el estado de la circuncisin masculino reduce el riesgo no slo de
adquisicin y transmisin de HPVs genital sino tambin del cncer cervical en sus
compaeros de sexo femenino. Ms investigacin es



Castellsagu X, Bosch FX, Muoz N.

El papel del varn en el cncer cervical.
Mejicano de Salud Publica 2003; 45 supl
3:S345-S353. Este artculo tambin est
disponible en:


Evidencia experimental, clnica y epidemiolgica demuestra que

los papilomavirus humanos (VPH) hijo de genitales
predominantemente de transmisin sexual. Estudios
experimentales en mujeres vrgenes y en mujeres VPH-negativas
indican de forma clara que el coito es virtualmente un paso
necesario para adquirir el VPH. Como ocurre engaan cualquier
otra infeccin de transmisin sexual (SU) los varones estn
implicados en la cadena epidemiolgica de la infeccin. Hijo de
Los VPH en el pene predominantemente adquiridos travs de
contactos sexuales. Estafa de Los contactos sexuales mujeres que
ejercen el sexo la ONU juegan comercial papel en la transmisin
de los VPH y en algunas poblaciones estas mujeres pueden
convertirse en un importante reservorio de VPH de alto riesgo
importante. Actuando ambos como portadores y
vectores de los VPH oncognicos los hombres pueden
aumentar de forma substancial el riesgo de propiciar cncer de
crvix en sus parejas. Precoz de En ausencia de programas de
deteccin, el riesgo de cncer de crvix en una mujer puede
depender menos de su conducta que de la de su marido u otras
parejas sexuales sexual. Aunque ms raramente que en las
mujeres, los hombres pueden tambin convertirse en
vctimas de sus propias infecciones por el VPH, pues una
fraccin de hombres infectados tiene un riesgo

Este trabajo fue parcialmente apoyado por Institut Catal dOncologia, Espaa, la Agencia Internacional para la Investigacin en el Cncer, Francia;
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Espaa (concede 01/1237, 01/1236, y BAE 01/5013); y UICC Conmemorativo Yamagiwa-Yoshida Subvencin
de Estudio del Cncer Internacional.

Institut Catal dOncologia (ICO). Servei dEpidemiologia i Registre del Cncer. LHospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona),
Espaa. Agencia internacional para Investigacin en Cncer (IARC). Unidad de Estudios de Intervencin y el Campo. Lyon,
Recibido en: el 17 de septiembre de 2002 " Aceptado en: el 26 de febrero de 2003
La reimpresin de la direccin solicita: el Dr. Xavier Castellsagu. Institut Catal d Oncologia. Servei dEpidemiologia i Registre del Cncer.
Gran Va s/n, Km 2.7, 08907 LHospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona, Espaa.
Correo electrnico:

salud pblica de mxico / volumen 45, hombres suplemento 3 de 2001


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Castellsagu X et al.

tena que entender mejor la historia natural y epide-miology de infecciones

HPV en hombres. Este papel est disponible tambin en:

aumentado de desarrollar cncer de pene y de ano. Se ah

mostrado que la circuncisin puede reducir el riesgo masculino
ningn slo de adquisicin y transmisin del VPH tambin de
cncer genital, sino en las parejas de hombres circuncisos cervical.
Se requieren ms estudios cientficos para entender mejor la
historia y la epidemiologa de las infecciones por el VPH en el
hombre natural. Este artculo tambin est disponible en:

Palabras clave: neoplasmas de la cerviz; papillomavirus humano; infecciones

sexualmente transmitidas; papel masculino

Palabras clave: neoplasmas del cuello uterino;

papillomavi-rus humano; infecciones sexualmente
transmisibles; papel masculino

Estos investigadores supusieron que, en algunas poblaciones,

el riesgo de una mujer del cncer cervical depender menos de su
propio comportamiento sexual que en ese de su marido u otros
compaeros de sexo masculino. Sin datos del predominio HPV
a mano, proponen la idea que los precios del frecuencia del cncer
cervical en in - poblacin protegida variarn segn tres dif-ferent
modelos de comportamiento sexuales. El modelo un, sera
observado en no comunidades promiscuas en las cuales ambos
hombres y mujeres son monoga-principalmente de toda la vida
mous. El modelo B, sera el que observado en algunas
sociedades latinoamericanas en las cuales mientras se espera que
las mujeres sean hombres mongamos de toda la vida tienen
muchos compaeros sexuales. Y el Modelo C, sera observado
en una sociedad ms permisiva en la cual ambos hombres y
mujeres tienden a tener varios compaeros. El modelo de Skegg
as predijo que los precios del frecuencia del cncer cervical seran
los ms bajos en el Modelo A comunidades, en las cuales
hombres y mujeres son generalmente mongamos, y alto - est en
el Modelo B comunidades, en las cuales muchos hombres
tienen la cpula con un pequeo nmero muy pro - miscuous
mujeres, trabajadores con frecuencia sexuales quien consti-tute un
embalse de la infeccin HPV.

el pidemiological estudia en el virginal y el Humano

Papillomavirus (HPV) - mujeres negativas claramente en -

dicate que las relaciones sexuales son prcticamente un necesario

paso para adquirir HPV como descubierto por ADN HPV y pruebas de
anticuerpos del suero. HPVs genitales son predomi-nantly sexualmente
transmitido. Como con cualquiera otro sexual - ly infeccin transmitida (STI)
los hombres son implicados en la cadena epidemiolgica de la infeccin.
Actuando tanto como transportistas como como vectores de
oncogenic HPVs, la parte masculina - ners puede ser donantes importantes al
riesgo de veloping cncer cervical en sus compaeros de sexo femenino.
Aunque ms raramente que mujeres, los hombres tambin puedan ser vienen las vctimas de su propio comportamiento sexual y de sus propias
infecciones HPV, y una fraccin de hombres infectados est en un peligro
mayor de desarrollar cnceres del pene y anales, dos tumores que son
fuertemente relacionados con la infeccin por los mismos tipos de HPV ese
cncer cervical de la causa.

Este captulo examina y resume el accu-mulated pruebas

mostrando la importancia del papel masculino en carcinogenesis
cervical. Primero mostramos pruebas ecolgicas que correlacionan
modelos de comportamiento sexuales con cer-vical precios del
frecuencia del cncer en poblaciones diferentes. Tambin
examinamos pruebas para un papel de hombres en transmisin
HPV y riesgo del cncer cervical.

Los datos: el IARC estudia en el papel masculino

Modelos de comportamiento sexuales y frecuencia
de cncer cervical: Un enfoque ecolgico

La hiptesis

Entre 1985 y 1993 la Agencia Internacional para la

Investigacin en el Cncer (IARC) condujo una serie del
caso - estudios de control en pases con precios del
frecuencia bajos, intermedios y altos del cncer cervical para
tasar el papel de HPV y otro STIs en la etiologa de este

El grado al cual los varones contribuyen al riesgo de

HPV-relacion cnceres en una poblacin particular
Los maridos o los compaeros sexuales estables corrientes del
principalmente de pends en dos factores: el modelo total de
wom-en reclutado en estos estudios tambin fueron invitados, inter
comportamiento sexual en la poblacin en conjunto, y en su fondo
- visto, y sus muestras del pene probadas del descubrimiento del
del editor relat-predominio de HPV. Este concepto no es nuevo y
ADN HPV por la Cadena de Polymerase de ltima generacin
fue formalmente propuesto primero por Skegg y colegas atrs en
Reac-tion (PCR) tcnicas. Esto fue llevado a cabo en 1 925 hombres
1982, bien antes de que HPV fuera identi-fied como el agente causal del cncer
cervical. en siete estudios de control del caso realizados en
Colombia, Brasil, Tailandia, Las Filipinas, y


salud pblica de mxico / volumen 45, suplemento 3 de 2001

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Hombres y cncer cervical

(aproximadamente el 70%), y hombres muy promiscuos (el 55% de hombres

tena 20 o ms compaeros sexuales). En contraste, la distribucin
correspondiente en Espaa, aunque no iden-tical, es consecuente con el
Modelo de Skegg Una sociedad, con la gran mayora de mujeres siendo
mongamas (aproximadamente el 90%) y una pequea fraccin de hombres
muy pro - miscuous (el 15% de hombres tena 20 o ms compaeros
sexuales). Claramente, el varn a la disparidad femenina en trminos de
nmero de compaeros sexuales es ms marcado en Colom de riesgo elevado
- bia que en el bajo riesgo Espaa, confirmando as la estafa - trasting precios
del frecuencia del cncer cervical preditos por el modelo de Skegg.

Espaa. Este diseo permitido, casi 20 aos ms tarde, las pruebas

de la hiptesis de Skegg analizando a individuo - ly-collected datos
de infeccin HPV y prcticas sexuales en hombres y mujeres
La distribucin del nmero de toda la vida de compaeros
sexuales en hombres y mujeres es trazada en la Figura 1 para dos
pases seleccionados que tienen una proporcin de 5 pliegues de
cervi-cal precios del frecuencia del cncer: Colombia, (precio del
frecuencia ajustado a la edad [AAIR] de 34.4 por 100 000 mujeres),
y Espaa (AAIR de 7.1). La curva para Colombia, cerca - ly se
parece lo que supuso en el Modelo de Skegg B sociedad, con
mujeres siendo generalmente mongamas






6-10 11-20 20 +

2-5 6-10 11-20 20 +

nmero de toda la Vida de compaeros sexuales

Hombres de Mujeres






<17 17-18 19-21> 21

<17 17-18 19-21> 21%

Edad en primeras relaciones sexuales
Espaa Colombia



salud pblica de mxico / volumen 45, suplemento 3 de 2001



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Castellsagu X et al.

In parallel with these findings the distribution of

age at first sexual intercourse, a sexual behavior indicator consistently found to be associated with cervical cancer risk even after taking into account HPV,
greatly differed between Colombia and Spain (Figure
2). It was remarkable that, for this variable, the between-country disparity was observed both in men
(68% versus 24% men initiated sex at age 16 or younger in Colombia and Spain, respectively), and in women (26% versus 6% women, initiated sex at age 16 or
younger in Colombia and Spain, respectively).
These studies further found that the prevalence
of reported ever contacts with prostitutes (79% in Colombia versus 52% in Spain) correlated also with cervical cancer, as it did the fraction of mens sexual
partners than were prostitutes (28% versus 10% men
had more than 50 partners that were prostitutes in
Colombia and Spain, respectively).

of couples whose female consort claim to have had no

sexual partners other than her husband or stable partner. This was shown for the first time by Buckley and
colleagues who found that the risk of cervical cancer
among monogamous women greatly increased with
the number of sexual partners their husbands had
had. Other male factors found to increase risk in this
study were an early age at first intercourse,
extramarital af- fairs, and history of STDs.

The potential importance of the male role was

also suggested in early studies of marital clusters.
One study reported that subsequent wives of
husbands whose previous wife developed cervical
cancer had an increased risk of cervical
neoplasia, and several stud19

ies have shown that wives of men with cancer of the

penis have a higher incidence and mortality rates of
cervical cancer.20-22
Studies showing geographic clustering of cervical and penile cancers,23-25 and studies showing strong
Concerning HPV infections in men and women
the results from these studies show that penile HPV
correlation between incidence rates of male and female
correlates better than cervical HPV with cervical cangenital cancers,22,26 provided further ecological support
cer incidence rates. In Colombia, men had a higher
on the importance of men in the natural history of cerHPV prevalence than women (19% versus 15%,
vical cancer.
respec- tively). In Spain, HPV prevalences for both
More recently, data from the Swedish Family
men and women were 5 to 6-fold lower than those in
Can- cer Database showed that husbands of women in
Colombia, and men had a lower HPV prevalence than women
situ or invasive cervical cancer had an excess risk of
anal cancer, a recognized HPV-related cancer. 27
(3% versus 5%, respectively).
cancer was also increased as a second primary cancer
in women with cervical neoplasia.28 Of special interest
The role of men in cervical carcinogenesis
is also the excess risk found in husbands of cervical
cancer patients of both tonsilar cancer and cancer of
Male sexual behavior and cervical neoplasia in sexual partners
the tongue, supporting the currently emerging evidence that HPV may be etiologically involved in a
Although the implication of a sexually transmitted
frac- tion of these tumors.
agent in the etiology of cervical cancer has been suggested since the 1940s, 16most early studies focused
All together these studies provide thus indirect
evidence that: a) cervical and penile cancers share a
on the analysis of females sexual behavior and on the
common infectious etiology, b) both men and women
testing of females biological samples, paying little atcontribute to the transmission of an infectious agent,
tention to the potential contribution of men. However,
and c) both men and women may become cancer
as with any other STD, studies in couples should provictims of this viral infection.
vide consistent evidence of the venereal nature of
HPVs and one would expect higher rates of HPV
Stronger evidence of the male role has been proinfection and HPV-related diseases in women who
vided by formal case-control studies comparing either
had sexual contacts with promiscuous men than in
direct histories of sexual behavior or clinical evidence
women who had contacts with non-promiscuous
of HPV-related lesions in male partners of women with
men. Indeed, this was already reported more than 30
years ago by Pri- dan and colleagues who showed for
and without cervical cancer.
Zunzunegui and
the first time an association between the number of
colleagues showed, for instance, that as compared to
sexual partners of the husband and the risk of cervical
unaffected women, women with cervical neoplasia
cancer among mostly monogamous Jewish women.
were five times more likely to be married to a man who
had had more than 20 sexual partners.
In another study,
Since the women themselves may also have had
women who were the sole sexual consorts of men with
multiple sexual partners, the evidence for a role of
pre-existing penile condyloma showed an increased
men in HPV transmission is more clearly shown in studies risk of cervical neoplasia.
Barrasso and colleagues also


salud pblica de mxico / vol.45, suplemento 3 de 2001

Men and cervical cancer

reported a high prevalence of HPV-related penile neoplasia in the sex partners of women with cervical neoplasia.34
Penile HPV DNA and risk of cervical cancer
After the identification of HPVs as the sexually transmitted agents etiologically linked to cervical cancer,
firm evidence for a role of men as carriers and vectors
of oncogenic HPVs stemmed from studies that introduced HPV DNA detection in penile samples.

in the partners of both monogamous and non-monogamous women.7

Results for the IARC studies conducted in low- to
intermediate-risk countries (i.e., Spain, Thailand and
the Philippines), also indicate that the mens lifetime
number of sexual partners, including female
prostitutes as sexual partners, is one of the key
determinants of cervical cancer risk in their wives. In
Spain, the pres- ence of HPV DNA in the husbands
penis conveyed a 5- fold increased risk of cervical
cancer to their wives. The odds of cervical cancer
among monogamous women increased up to 9.5-fold
in relation to the presence of high-risk HPV types in
the penis of their husbands. The excess risk associated
with HPV type 16 was 6- to 9- fold. Furthermore, the
prevalence of penile HPV showed a positive trend
with increasing number of sexual partners and with
the number of sexual partners who were prostitutes.
In contrast, in high-risk countries such







Penile HPV + (%)

Penile HPV + (%)

The largest study to date exploring the male role

in cervical carcinogenesis is the multicentric case-control study coordinated by the IARC (Lyon, France). As
explained in a previous section this large study involved over 1 900 couples that were enrolled in seven
case-control studies of cervical cancer carried out in
Spain, Colombia, Brazil, Thailand, and the Philippines
and in whom exfoliated penile cells were collected in
as Colombia and Brazil, no associations with cervical
men for HPV DNA detection.
cancer risk were found with penile HPV DNA or with
Pooled data
other indicators of male sexual behavior. 13
from these studies clearly indicate that the overall penile HPV prevalence clearly increases with increasing
The lack of association between most
lifetime number of sexual partners of the men and
male-related variables and cervical cancer risk found
with and early age at sexual debut (Figure 3). If we
in high-risk countries could be explained by the fact
take also into account the sexual behavior of the
that in these populations HPV is such a widespread
female consort in the studies conducted
in Spain 13and Colombia
we that hampers case-control studies to
discriminate subjects at a higher risk. In these
can see that penile HPV prevalences were systematipopulations, womens having sexual contacts with an
cally higher in husbands of non-monogamous women
even limited number of male partners place them at a
than in husbands of monogamous women (Figure 4).
high risk of acquiring cervical HPV infections and
Furthermore, the increasing trend between penile
subsequent cervical cancer. HPV DNA detection in the penis of adult men, e
HPV and number of sexual partners of men was observed



Lifetime number of sexual partners



Age at first sexual intercourse


Data is based on 1 140 men who were husbands or current stable partners of women recruited in one of seven case-control studies of cervical cancer
carried out by the IARC in Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Thailand, and the Philippines


salud pblica de mxico / vol.45, suplemento 3 de 2001



Castellsagu X et al.

sia.40Among women with cervical neoplasia, the relevant infection may have occurred many years earlier,
and the relatively low prevalence of penile HPV infection in their husbands suggests that viral shedding of
advanced cervical lesions is limited. Also point detection of penile HPV may measure relatively recent exposures to HPVs that may be unrelated to the
initiation of cervical neoplasia in the wife.

Penile HPV-DNA
prevalence (%)



>20 Husbands
number of
sexual partners

Male circumcision, penile HPV, and cervical cancer

A recent piece of evidence confirming the importance of

Source: Data is adapted from Castellsagu et al and includes 595 men

that were husbands or stable coital partners of women with and without
cervical cancer

7men in HPV transmission and cervical carcinogene- sis


prevalence in circumcised and uncircumcised men to

estimate a womans risk of cervical HPV infection and
that of cervical cancer according to the husbands circumcision status. We found that circumcised men
were about three times less likely to harbor HPV in
their penis than did uncircumcised men. Consistent
with the venereal nature of HPV infections, we found
that male circumcision also reduced the risk of both
geni- tal HPV infections and cervical cancer in the
female partner. As shown in Figure 5 among
monogamous women, circumcision status of the
husband was as- sociated with a reduced risk of
cervical cancer, partic- ularly and most strongly,
among women whose male consorts had engaged in
high-risk sexual behaviors as measured by an early
age at first sexual intercourse, a high lifetime number
of sexual partners, and sexual intercourse with
women that were prostitutes. Further- more, as shown
in Figure 5, using a computed sexual behavior risk
index revealed a statistically significant dose-response
relationship between increasing hus- bands sexual
behavior risk and cervical cancer risk reduction linked
to circumcision in their wives. These findings
confirmed for the first time the long-suspect- ed
hypothesis claiming that male circumcision might
reduce the risk of cervical cancer in female partners
and underlines the importance of the male in the risk
of HPV acquisition and cervical neoplasia in the female partner.







is still a poor reflection of lifetime exposure to HPV.

Other biological markers of lifetime sexual promiscuity in men such as seropositivity to Chlamydia trachomatis have proved to better discriminate mens partners
at a high risk of cervical cancer, not only in populations at low risk, 2 but also in populations at high risk
of cervical cancer.13
HPV concordance in couples
Several studies have addressed concordance of genital HPVs in heterosexual couples. Most, but not all, 35
of these studies found a relatively poor correlation of
HPV-positivity and types in cervical and penile sam7,10,36-38
The low agreement may be partly due to
technical reasons, since a smaller amount of penile
exfoliated cells may be obtained in men relative to the
cellular yield obtained from the cervix. In some couples, the partner who has been sampled may not be
the relevant one in determining the womans risk of
HPV persistence and progression to cervical neoplasia. Agreement in HPV findings, however, was also
modest in couples where both the wife and husband
reported only one lifetime sexual partner. In some of

comes from the IARC multicentric study on male

circumcision. 6 This study compared penile HPV DNA

The male role: Closing the epidemiological chain linking

HPV and cervical cancer


these studies the timing of the sampling of penile and

cervical specimens at a relatively old age is the likeliest explanation for HPV discordance, since spontaneous regression of HPV infection is common in men 39
and in women who do not develop cervical neopla-


Even though males have traditionally been much less

studied than women, in the last decade data from all
sorts of epidemiological study designs assessing
direct- ly or indirectly the role of men in cervical
carcinogen- esis have been accumulating. The large IARC studies

salud pblica de mxico / vol.45, suplemento 3 de 2001

Men and cervical cancer



Age at first intercourse
17 121/315


Lifetime number sexual partners



sexual practices

Cases Controls



Sexual intercourse with prostitutes

Sexual behavior risk index




ORs for cervical cancer

OR (95% CI)
(P-value for interaction)
0.75 (0.49-1
0.89 (0.56-1.40
0.30 (0.09-1.06
1.40 (0.76-2.57
0.42 (0.23-0.79
1.39 (0.70-2.74
0.53 (0.30-0.94
1.61 (0.86-3.02
0.50 (0.27-0.94
0.18 (0.04-0.89
P for trend: 0.0

(monogamous women)

* The black square and horizontal line represents the OR and 95% CI for that stratum. The area of the black squares is proportional to the estimates
precision. The diamond represent the combined OR and 95% CI. Husbands with a high sexual-behavior risk index were those with sexual debut before
17 years of age and six or more lifetime number of sexual partners. Husbands with a low sexual behavior risk index were those with a later sexual
debut and a lower number of sexual partners. The remaining husbands were considered to have an intermediate sexual behavior risk index. For all
models reference group is wives of uncircumcised men in that stratum. Models were adjusted by study, males and females age, males education
attained, males age at first sexual intercourse, males frequency of genital washing after sex, males lifetime number of sexual partners, and females age at first intercourse




on couples have shed new light on the largely

unknown male side of the epidemiological chain of
HPV and cervical
Our current understanding is that men who have
had multiple sexual partners or who are carriers of
HPV DNA may be vectors of high-risk HPV types,
placing their sexual partners at a high risk of cervical
cancer. The key question though is how men acquire
the virus in the penis in the first place. It is now well
established that penile HPVs are predominantly
acquired through sexual contacts. Sexual contacts with
prostitutes play an important role in HPV transmission
and sex workers may be an important population
reservoir of high-risk HPVs. Through sexual
intercourse with high-risk women, HPVs enter the
penis which can then be transmitted to the current
stable partner or to subsequent sexual partners. Men
are thus the vectors of oncogenic HPV types that are
usually found in cervical carcinomas. Circumcision is
also likely to modulate the risk of penile

salud pblica de mxico / vol.45, suplemento 3 de 2001

HPV acquisition, the risk of transmission to the partners as well as the long-term risk of cervical cancer.
At the ecological level, populations in which the
sexual habits of men greatly differ from those of women, male promiscuity in general, and sexual contacts
with prostitutes in particular, is likely. Under these
cir- cumstances, a womans risk of being infected and
de- velop cervical cancer depends much more on the
sexual behavior of her partner than on that of her1 own.
Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological evidence
strongly suggests that genital HPVs are predominantly sexually transmitted. As with any STI men are implicated in the epidemiological chain. Penile HPVs are
predominantly acquired through sexual contacts notably, at least in some populations, with prostitutes
who become an important reservoir of high-risk HPVs. Act-


Castellsagu X et al.

ing both as carriers and vectors of oncogenic

HPVs male partners may be important contributors to
the risk of developing cervical cancer in their female
partners. Male circumcision status has also been
shown to influ- ence not only the risk of acquiring and
transmitting genital HPVs but also the risk of cervical
cancer in women with promiscuous sex partners.
We thank Gina Albero for her assistance in statistical
analyses and graph design.

Colombia, a high-risk area for the disease. J Natl Cancer Inst

14. Muoz N, Kato I, Bosch FX, Eluf-Neto J, De Sanjos S, Ascunce N et
al. Risk factors for HPV DNA detection in middle-aged women. Sex
Transm Dis 1996;23:504-510.
15. Ngelangel C, Muoz N, Bosch FX, Limson GM, Festin MR, Deacon J et
al. Causes of cervical cancer in the Philippines: A case-control study. J Natl
Cancer Inst 1998;90:43-49.
16. Rigoni-Stern A, Ricci JV, ed. One hundred years of gynaecology 18001900. Philadelphia: Blakiston Co, 1945.
17. Pridan H, Lilienfeld AM. Carcinoma of the cervix in Jewish women in
Israel, 1960-67. An epidemiological study. Isr J Med Sci 1971;7:1465-1470.
18. Buckley JD, Harris RW, Doll R, Vessey MP, Williams PT. Case-control
study of the husbands of women with dysplasia or carcinoma of the cervix
uteri. Lancet 1981;2:1010-1015.

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