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Chest tube

This is thick tube that is inserted between the ribs and into the patient chest. It is used
for a pneumothorax, or collapsed lung. The tube is attached and it sucks our the air around the
collapsed lung, causing it to re-expand to normal. The tube is usually left in for a couple days
until the lung remains inflated by it self.


Ultrasonography (USG) is the examination in the field of diagnostic that utilizes

ultrasonic waves with a high frequency in generating imaging publishing, without using
radiation, is painless (non-traumatic), does not cause side effects (non-invasive), relatively
inexpensive, the examination is relatively fast and preparation of the patient and the
equipment is relatively easy. Ultrasound sound waves have a frequency of more than
20.000Hz, but are used in ultrasonography techniques (medicine) just sound waves with a
frequency of 1-10 MHz.

Endotracheal tube

Endotracheal intubation is the process of entering the patient's endotracheal tube into
the trachea. In this case tracheal intubation in the governance of advanced airway. As
indication of endotracheal intubation is done in the case of cardiac arrest, conscious patients
with respiratory disorders in which oxygen delivery is considered inadequate by means of
non-invasive ventilation, or in circumstances where the patient can not maintain airway
(comatose patients).
Remind respiratory therapists, and prepare tool set ventilator or oxygen as
recommended by your doctor. Explain the procedure to the patient, if possible. Posting
restrain if necessary. Ensure that patients receive intravenous therapy were stable. Place the
equipment condition bed cardiac arrest. Check to ensure that the suction devices (suction) and
ambubag already available and functioning properly, connect one end and a Yankauer suction
source. If the patient is in cardiac monitor, connect the monitor or ECG. Move headrests and
tempatka patients as close as possible to the top of the bed. Patients should be in a position
sniffing, neck in flexion with head extension. This can be achieved by placing 2-4 inches
behind the headrests at the bottom of the neck. Ask your doctor blade type of operation to be
prepared and the size of the ET tube to be used. Connect operation on laryngoscope blade,
and check the bulb to get adequate lighting. Prepare ET tube, and develop cuff / balloon to
detect leaks and symmetrical development. Wet the distal end of the ET tube with anesthetic
jelly. Insert the stylet into the tube, make sure not to protrude from the tip of the ET tube.
Prepare to give drugs intravenously (succinyl-kholin or diazepam). Hold the ET tube with
probe sections and stylet in place, laryngoscope with blades attached, oropharyngeal airway
in the direction of a doctor. Observation and berikandukungan in patients. Maintain
intravenous therapy and monitor for dysrhythmias. Give pressure on cricoid during
endotracheal intubation to protect isilambung regurgitation. Find cricoid cartilage by pressing
the touch just below the thyroid cartilage (adam apple). Inferior portion protruding toward the
cricoid cartilage is cartilage. Give pressure on the anterolateral part of the right lateral
cartilage of the center line, use your thumb and forefinger. Maintain pressure until the
endotracheal cuff developed. After the ET tube in place, developed cuff with minimal content
as follows: For inspiration (manual resuscitation bag / ventilator), the input lines to the air

gently cuff. Hold cuff that has been developed during the expiratory cycle -> Repeat with the
slow development of the cuff for extra inspiration cycle -> End develop the cuff when the
leak has stopped. Perform suction and ventilation. To check the position of the ET tube,
ventilation with a bag and do auscultation of breath sounds. Observation of bilateral breast
irregularities. Fixation ETT in place with the following steps: For patients with oral
intubation toothed lengmanset, (if the oral-pharyngeal airway is used, it must be shortened so
as not entered into the posterior pharynx) -> For two sheets of plaster, an almost long 20-24
cm and the other about 14-16 cm (enough to surround the patient's head and circled around
ETT some time) -> Letakkkan plaster with a length of 20-24 cm on a flat area, stand side up,
and turn towards the plaster with 14-16 cm length -> Apply lime to be in the area around the
mouth -> Place the plaster in addition to the patient's neck -> Put one end of the tape crosses
above the lips, then the tip around the ETT at the point towards the mouth -> Place the other
end below crosses the lower lip chin, then ends around the ETT at the point of entry into the
mouth -> Perform chest auscultation bilaterally.


What is meant by cervical collar (neck brace tool) is an orthopedic medical device
used to support or sustain the patient's neck and head. This tool can also be used in patients
with Cerebral Palsy as well as victims of trauma to the head or neck injury to treat chronic
medical conditions.
Function neck braces (Cervical Collar)
In patients with Cerebral Palsy, The cervical collar neck serves as a therapeutic tool to reduce
interference on the part of the neck control. By doing so, the patient is able to support the
neck and head in order not looked backward and forward. In children Cerebral Palsy, cervical
collardisarankan to be worn during activities such as children playing or school.
Whereas in patients with traumatic injury to the head or neck which made possible
high risk for spinal cord injury, cervical collar serves as a protective neck to reduce the
movement of bones cervical fracture, and can also as a therapeutic tool to realign the spinal
cord that possible injury so that the pain suffered by patients could be reduced. If not handled
properly and quickly, this injury can be exacerbated by the patient's movements that can
cause paralysis or death.

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