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"As above so below" like most spiritual teachings, is just a mantra for those in

power to maintain the status quo by having us believe that they are simply doing
the same as the heavenly administration is doing.
There is no heaven, no spiritual Lords or Gods or whatever you want to call
them. The whole thing is part of a self perpetuating system of slavery and
scamming. Lucifer is just a metaphor for anyone that stands to wake people up.
Jesus didn't do this, he just set up another lying system of control.
"Resistance is futile"
"When you are enlightened you see that everything is exactly as it should be"
"Just go along with it and everything will sort itself out"

Lucifer is labelled Satan and considered to be The Serpent in Eden because

both Lucifer and The Serpent are depicted questioning the status quo, this makes
them adverse to it, hence "Adversary" is quite appropriate.
Jesus taught humble submission and set an example for it, he told people
that they are and should endeavour to remain sheep, to "render to Caesar that which is
Caesar's, and render to God that which is God's".
It's all about being owned and accepting your role as a slave.
Satan however means "adversary" or "enemy", you can't have this without
conflict. The impulse that tells us to question things, to resist and fight, is
designated Satan by our spiritual teachers because they want us to submit
(ironically "submit" is what the word "Islam" means, this is the evolution and
strengthening of what the Abrahamic faiths were all about).
Start thinking for yourselves without turning to sacred texts and spiritual
teachers for advice.

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