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Teaching Lesson 3 (Final)

Name: _____ Rede, Nicole_____________
Date lesson was handed in_________12/1/15____________
Grade Level of Lesson Taught: __
First Grade_______
Day and Time your Class Meets: ____Tuesdays at 12:00 2:50____
Scientific Content- 4 points
Ignite catch fire or cause to catch fire.
The matches will be ignited in order for them to elevate.
Elevate raise or life (something) up to a higher position.
The match will elevate once ignited.
Fuse join or blend to form a single entity.
There is a fuse that happens between the two matches are ignited and causes one of the matches
to be magically elevated.
Inquiry Based-5 Points
(Number 2 in the Scientific Inquiry Process, just reworded it to fit my lesson plan.)

Plan and conduct a simple

a. Get materials in order. (1st & 3rd grade)
b. Take out all of matches. (1st & 3rd grade)
c. Leave 2 matches out and ready. (1st & 3rd grade)
d. Have students cut small hole into match box. (1st & 3rd grade)
e. Then place one match into hole. (1st & 3rd grade)
f. Place penny on the middle of the box. (1st & 3rd grade)
g. Patiently balance another match, leaning on the match in the hole and on the penny.
(1st & 3rd grade)
h. Once balanced, ignite the leaning match in the middle. (3rd grade from h. j.)
i. Watch as the fire spreads and both matches fuse together.
j. Then the leaning match will then elevate.

(Number 5 in the Scientific Inquiry Process, just reworded it to fit my lesson plan.)

Communicate investigations,

data, and explanations to others.

a. Have a display of the experiment.
b. Have students write a hypothesis of what they think is going to happen.
c. Challenge the students to take the penny away without moving the match.
d. Then I will conduct the experiment.
e. Have students conduct the experiment themselves. (3rd grade)
f. Then follow into a discussion on the physics of the experiment and how igniting one
match causes a bigger flame once it hits the other match. Then explain how when the
two matches lite up they fused together due to the heat. This causes the leaning the
match to elevate and being able to take the penny.
Science TEKS Alignment-5 Points
112.12 (6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that force, motion, and energy are
related and are a part of everyday life. The student is expected to: (A) identify and discuss how
different forms of energy such as light, heat, and sound are important to everyday life;
112.14 (6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and that
energy exists in many forms. The student is expected to: (A) explore different forms of energy,
including mechanical, light, sound, and heat/thermal in everyday life;
Assessment -5 point
These types of assessments will be oral as well as a worksheet to follow. I will use a rubric to see
how well the students answered the questions and measure what they learned as well as
understood from the experiment.
1. What did you think was going to happen first?
2. What is it called when you lite the match?
3. What did the two matches do when they both were lite?
4. What caused the leaning match to elevate?
This experiment was effective because the students were able to see the ignition of the fire and
how it spread, the fusion between the two matches, and the elevation caused by the heat. Not
only was this experiment based on physics, but in the childrens eyes they see it as a magic trick.
The evidence is that the students were very responsive to the experiment and were able to answer
the questions presented to them.
Changes -4 points
The things that I would change would be, to get a medium sized coin as well as medium sized
matches. Due to the fact that the small matches were very hard and time consuming to balance
on the penny and leaning too. I would also like to try this experiment with fire place matches to
see if there is a same reaction.
Writing Quality and Following Directions-2 point


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