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WA ETI: can story mapping improve the students reading comprehension of narrative tex

A. Background of the Study

Reading is one of the Basic Skills of English. It is categorized as input skill. It means when
people read something they will get information from it. Therefore reading in teaching
process is very important. If the students lack in reading skill, he or she cannot improve to the
higher level. As Blachowicz and Ogle (2008, p. 15) said reading is essential. It is the process
by which people gain information and ideas from books, newspaper, manuals, letters,
contracts, advertisements and a host of other material. So reading is aimed to get
The main purpose of reading is to get comprehension. When the students read a
passage, they decode written information and it is combined with the students background of
knowledge in their brains to produce comprehension. Anderson in McKay (2006: 224) stated,
reading is both process and product. The product of reading is called reading comprehension,
or an internal construction of meaning; that is, there has been understanding of what has been
Some of students reading comprehension cannot reach the target of teaching reading
narrative text. Its because the students have difficulty in finding or memorizing the point of a
text or it may be caused that they do not have a technique to analyze elements of narrative
text easily. Each student has different level of creativity and imagery. So, they need guidance
to write down their understanding orderly. Students need to be able to read texts in English
either for their careers, for study, or simply for pleasure (Harmer (2005:8) in Fauziati
Base on explanation above, there are some difficulties in reading comprehension. For
example, in beginning observation in MTsN 1 Konawe, the students also feel difficult in
some basic reading comprehension skills such as how to find and determine main idea, how
to figure out what words mean without a dictionary and how to tell the difference between
fact and opinion. The research has done informal discussion with some of students there. The
researcher found that most of them cannot understand well about the reading material
presented because there are so many unfamiliar words. There for, the students feel bored
during the English learning process. In this case, reading is one of skill aspect in language
should be paid attention. From this, teacher has an important role in creating the successful of
teaching and learning process.

To active students comprehension in reading the text, the researcher want to discuss
about story mapping technique to improve students reading comprehension in narrative text.
In similar way, Li (2007) state that a story maps is a graphic organizer used to identify the
main elements of the story and categorize the main events in sequential order. After
completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out
their final versions for feedback and assessment. It supported by Isigdogan (2010, p.4 )The
Story Map Method is accepted as an effective technique in distinguishing significant and
insignificant information in the story, directing students (making them focus on important
components), providing active participation, transferring information into long term memory,
activating foreknowledge, and predicting

YAYU: can English song improve students vocabulary achievement at ten grade of
SMA N 12 Konsel
A. Background of Study
English becomes the most necessary language in the world. Almost people from many
different countries around the world use it to communicate. English has always become a
special interest. Its because of the significance of English in our lives but in the fact English
is still considered as a foreign language in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia cant speak
English because they lack of basic knowledge about English. English must be taught from
elementary school to give more times to learning English.
There is also a factor people cant speak English, such as lack of vocabulary. One of the
important elements in language is vocabulary. Vocabulary is important to support our four
basic skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Related with statement above
according to Lado (1979: 50) vocabulary is considered as an important language component
because it can support the learners ability in developing language skills. It means that lack of
vocabulary can impair our personal ability in using language. Some causes of vocabulary are
people cannot express their opinion and ideas in English without knowing their vocabulary.
Low vocabulary also makes them unable to express their opinion properly. According to
Cameron (2001: 72) the importance of vocabulary learning especially for children who learn
a foreign language, she state that vocabulary learning can serve as a stepping stone to
learning and using grammar. Thus, it can be state that vocabulary learning is also important to
be conducted in the classroom.
However, teaching English in Senior high school is still difficult especially at SMAN 12
Konsel. Based on an interview on April 5th 2016 with some student who studies there, she
said they are getting boring when learning English, she also said actually learning English is
interesting but when their learning English the teacher only give them text and only instruct
the student to translate or answer the questions. So that, the way teachers English teach them
make students get boring. According to Harmer (2001), young learners especially those up to
the ages of six to twelve learn differently from older learners, adolescents, and adults. They
easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so. The teacher should have an extra
power to teach them, because the children have certain characteristics and need a certain
treatment. One of strategies in teaching English is by using media. There are some teaching
media available now, but the writer chooses English song to improve students vocabulary.
Why the writer choose English song to improve students vocabulary ability because student

in senior high school is teenager and the teenager already familiar with song. So, with song
the writer easy to teach them with English by using media who familiar for them.
Song is some strategy to learning especially on vocabulary. According to John
Wrenshall (2002) there is also plenty of evidence that song help memorization, and the
rhythm and rhyme of the lyrics can certainly help vocabulary as well. Music or song is a
trend of modern city. Most of students want to learn English in different style. Using English
song in teaching English is very useful to increase students vocabulary mastery by using
popular song. According to Medina (1993), a wide variety of useful vocabulary items can be
acquired through popular songs. Using students' favorite songs to teach vocabulary creates
endless opportunities for revision which is fundamental for storing the information in long
term memory (Murphy, 1992).

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