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REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ‘The City of Mobile, Alabarna c/o usa C. Lambert, City Cierk 9a Floor Government Pizza - South Tower Mobile, AL 36633-1827 Pursuant fo the Code of Alabama 1975, Article 3, Inspection and Copying of Records, section 36-12-40, “every citzen nas a right to inspect and take a copy of any public wetlng of this state, except 38 thenvise expressly provided by state.” The fee schedule to bial copies of records andor to inspect ‘records and the statement of general pubic records poi are Incorporated herein and attached hereto, Please read carefully before submitting your records requests er making hnquiies. ‘heurinans” i a als coer ae scares 50|_Strhehel Paige Deive exyjsarernpeoae (Moles Al BO60G one Ne OO OD OB lols otex [OTV. com ‘Tis form may be submited to the Cty Clerk's office, In care ofthe Gy Clerk atthe abave adress. This form my be submitted person, By emal, or courer service. IF addtional information is required, 3 records representative wil contact you after recep to secure adeaional information. Do not come panne until you have been acs of te ee amount Alow fora suet and reasonable Ume period for recat lo be ‘made avaiable fer iispection or copying. The time wil Indude making avalabe stat that may be limited ‘due to performance of critical day-to-day work assignments, in some cases, approved identification may be Fequlred wien requesting records in order to determine legitmate inspection prwleges and to safeguard privacy rights of cizens, escriution of records requestid, (Pease be as speciic as pustitte, using names, record ttle, function of econ, record dete, end any other mfortretion thet you Fee wll expedite your request. Please aso identity the Clty deaertment or office that maintans the request records, Cnly ene request izem per request form. Ut needed, use adtitional pages for description. (It may be necessary to redact sensitwe information from Decameron ome e Don oe File Cem Coraneil Rapes acne fe Motel City Cases Gagairt 31, do ik CSimoThs) essences 6. Ifa request for “public records" necessitates the use of municipal coraputer time, a ‘easonuble charge shall be assessed by the Municipal Information Systems Department 7. The City will attempt to promptly respond to awful copying and/or research requests “public records” within one week of receipt. Requests for “confidential documents” ‘hal! be denied in writing by the City withini0 days. Time extensions are authorized where necessary. 8. No docuraents shall be reicased until the City of Mobile has received payment for the “publie record” and/or research services requested 9. Requests for “public records" which are unduly burtlensome, time-consuming, and those which are intended to haress the City of Mobile, or any Clty employee, shall be subject to limitation by the City, time extensions, and/or denial of the documents, 10. A Notice of Appeal of the denial of a request for municipal “public records" or “confidential documents” shall bein writing and presented to the City Clerk, or his/her duly authorized designee, within one week from the date of the denial. Research on allegations of wrongdoing is not the responsibility of City personel nor is it requiced that thoy provide more than what is present in existing documents or information systems, {important - Your signature is required for pracessiog end os yeur acknowledgement of and agreement toll ofthe terms and conditions hereine rset PS ue Lo boiak,

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