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Continental philosophy is a set of 19th- and 20th-century philosophical traditions

from mainland Europe.

Starts with kant- focuses on reasoning, possibility of knowing something in space

and time.
Late 18th century- early 19th century, Hegel (Romanticism), feitche, schlling,
schaupheneur (Idealism), neitzche (Pre-existentialism)
Late 19th century- marx(Talks about philosophy(capitalist versus workers) in
society), kierkagaard
20th century- heideggar, Sartre
Hegel, neitzche and kierkagaard were pre-existentialist
Romanticism- deals with vedic tradition, talks on one absolute, donot believe in
All philosophers were strong in literature and picked the social issue.


In analytical philosophy,
when we break down the metaphysics (about the reality), then we cannot verify the
In this tradition, people writes very well and their writings are very much verifiable.
Based on verification
Focuses more on clarity of meaning.
main sources of authority are logic, mathematics, and science, and whose core
concerns include what there is and how we can know it.
In continental philosophy,
writings were vague, multidimensional, unclear, multifaceted.
They dont believe in clarification but gives concepts.
There was bashing by analytical philosophers.
Deals on metaphysics
Not focusing on meaning, therefore question arises.

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