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If you were handed the power to save someones life, would you take it?

we dont know is that we are all handed the power to save someones life.
Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a
difference by giving someone a second chance at life. The progress of human
civilisation has been marked with extraordinary breakthroughs in the medical
science, from the first transfusion of human blood, to the use of insulin to treat
diabetes and chemo to treat cancer.
In most cases, the donor chooses to donate his or her organs after they have
passed on. The purpose of this action is to help someone in need of the
orgaorgans due to some ailments such as drinking and smoking. Smoking kills
your lungs and drinking kills your liver and without those organs there isnt life at
all, so in such cases organs are transmitted to the patients body if the
replacement of the failed body organ is available.and there are some of the
organs that can be transmitted: heart, kidneys, intestines, pancheas and there
are many more organs.
Organ donation was a ground breaking achievement in 1954, by American
surgeon Joseph Murray, who performed the first kidney transplant between
identical twins. In 1967 the South African surgeon Christian Barnard performed
the first human heart transplant.
Well today more than 123000 patients are waiting for their life saving organs or
tissues. Every day 18 of those people die and every 16 minutes a new name is
added to the organ transplantation waiting list. One organ donor can save up to
8 lives, the same donor can improve the life of up to 50 people just by donating
tissues and eyes. What is the sense in burning or burring a body that can give
life to many more people?
Your donation can save the lives of those who are in waiting list for transplant;
over 10% among these are minors below the age of 18 years. The average rate
of survival after organ transplantation is above 80% and only 20% survive
without surgery. We would be having no use of the organs once we are gone so
why to deprive anyone from using it.
I want you to imagine watching a loved one, maybe you friend, grandparents,
parents even your own child, dying because one of their vital organs has quite
working, maybe because of a disease or accident or no reason at all, but the only
way for them to survive is if they were to receive an organ transplant but they
are no organs available.
There are plenty of reasons for organ donation, but one of them is selfsatisfaction. As they say everything that goes around comes back. There is no
age restriction, even dead infants and the elderly can donate as long as they are
healthy, but individuals below the age of 18 require their parents or guardians
approval before considering this act.

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