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Clinic Assistant Reflection

Emily Hession
Humber College

Clinic Assistant Reflection
Last week's clinic assistant assignment seemed like a daunting task at first. As I started to
break it down, however, it started to look more and more manageable. At first I started making a
list of everything I would need the day of: supplies, handouts, note sheets, etc. Then I took a look
at the mini presentation portion, and what that would entail. Finally, I took a look at the
reflection, and everything that I needed to include. Once I had sorted these manageable chunks
into to do lists that made sense to me, I felt that I was ready to begin tackling the assignment.

The mini presentation took a lot less preparation than I was expecting. After brushing up
on the relevant anatomy, I pulled together a chart of all the relevant information out of our text
books from last year. After the information was collected and organized in a format that I liked, I
felt that I was ready to give this quick presentation to my peers.

On the day of the internship I showed up half an hour early with all the textbooks,
supplies and handouts I thought I would need, but still found myself getting incredibly nervous
and feeling unprepared. However as I started to set up, those feelings were replaced by being
completely busy and making sure the clinic was prepared. The rush did not subside until
everyone was settled in and with their patients, and I began sorting through who needed which
competencies. Working with the instructor to get through everyone was easier than I expected,
but I found myself feeling guilty if a student was left waiting so they could demonstrate a
competency. After the first round of patients, I was in a rush again, this time to get everyone's
station clean and reset for the next round, and the cycle repeated itself rather smoothly. At the
end of the day my presentation went off well, and overall I believe my day was a success.


Looking back, I think that one thing I should work on for next time centers around my
confidence as a practitioner. While nervousness is expected when taking on a responsibility like
this, it's not fair to myself to feel as though I will never be completely prepared. After this
experience I feel as though I will be able to give myself credit where it is due, and know when I
am as prepared as I can be. Although I am proud that I take responsibility and take my education
seriously, there is a fine line between responsibility and over preparedness and undue anxiety.

Ultimately I enjoyed my time as clinic assistant. It was really interesting to see how a
clinic is run from this particular angle, and I enjoyed the experience a lot. I believe I have learned
valuable insight that I will be able to take with me in the internships to come and ultimately into
my career as a massage therapist.

Below I have provided a copy of the handout that accompanied my mini presentation.

TrPs referral

Splenius Capitus
C3-C6 via the nuchal ligament, spinous processes of

Levator Scapulae
Transverse processes of C1-C4

Mastoid process of the temporal bone

Medial border of the scapula, from the

Extends the head and neck, Laterally flexes and

spine to the superior angle

Elevates the scapula

rotates the head and neck to the ipsilateral side

Posterior rami of spinal nerves

Dorsal scapular and cervical nerve

Image retrieved from:

Image retrieved from:

Can present as headaches or migraines, and result

Can form as a result of carrying heavy

from poor posture.

poor ergonomics/posture

Associated TrPs can be found in splenius cervicis,

Associated TrPs can be found in uppe

upper traps, levator scap, and semispinalis Capitus

splenius cervicis, scalenes, and erecto




This is the list I used to plan out my project:
Mini Presentation: Trigger Points in Levator Scapulae and Splenius Capitus
Topics Required:
- OINA of both muscles
- Referral patterns of pain and discomfort
- Special notes
To Do:
- Collect info
- Arrange speaking cards
- Make handout
- Reference
To Bring:
- All treatment supplies
- Textbooks:
o Magee
o Palpation
- Extra patient note sheets
- Reflection note sheet
General to do:
- Make reflection note sheet
- Start forming Reflection
- Contact Robin
- Print required sheets
The Reflection Journal:
- Plan
- Format
- Intro, including preparation process
- Body
o What happened
o So What (what went well, what could've been better)
o Now what (recommendations for next time)
- Copy of mini assignment prep and handout
- Conclusion
- Have robin review
o Proof of Mentor input
- Reference
- Edit and Review
- Submit

Finally, below I have copied the email interaction between me and my 3rd
year mentor:
Monday, October 24, 8:43pm
Hi Emily!

Sorry again for not getting back to you with this sooner.

So the assignment looks really good. You did a great job and judging by what you wrote, you
know it! That's a really important lesson to learn. I'm still learning it. Confidence in your skills is
a difficult attribute to get used to, but comes with time, practice, and a positive mindset. Reading
your relflection was a lot like re-reading mine. I had similar doubts about my level of skill and
capability, but you seem really strong-willed and that's a huge bonus! Don't lose that becuase
that'll make you really successful throughout the rest of the program.
Just some formatting and APA edit reccomendations: your title should be bumped down a couple
more spaces, your page numbers need to be apart from your running head, this isn't that big a dea
but you could probably add the word 'reflection' to your running head, the first sentence of your
paragraphs should be intdented and that's really all I could see that needed polishing up!
Great job Emily! I'm excited to come watch your treatment Wednesday.


On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 3:47 PM, <> wrote:

Hey Robin, hope everything is going well with you. This week I was clinic assistant, and I'm
sure you know that involves writing a reflection on the experience and having you as my mentor

look it over and provide feedback. I've included the reflection here, if you could look it over and
give your thoughts sometime this weekend that would be fantastic.

See you next week,


Moore, K. L., Agur, A. M., & Dalley, A. F. (2015). Essential Clinical Anatomy (5th ed.).
Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
Muscolino, J. E. (2016). The muscle and bone palpation manual: With trigger points, referral
patterns, and stretching (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

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