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Evolutionary Computation & Its Application in Software Testing

Evolutionary Computation is the methodology to teach the computer learning by

themselves. Evolutionary Computation often use statistic to be the input process the data and
output the better solution and the solution became the input data and process again and
again. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is the part of Evolutionary Computation by apply the theory of
evolution which contain of 4 steps reproduction, mutation, competition and selection. GA often
use for solve the problem that has many solutions and optimize the best solution.

In software engineering process the one of important process is software development

process and the modern software development process often choose many modules that
process in different things and connect the modules together to success the whole job. each of
part can choose the same process field module. In each module has different algorithm,
technique and the performance of memory used. So, the factor that we concern are working
performance, time used and memory used.

For example,there are 4 parts connect together to construct the system. There system
contains of system interface part, filtering system part, processing part part and outside
interface connector.

System interface part have 6 different modules.

Filtering system part have 5 different modules.
Processing part have 10 different modules.
Outside interface connector have 3 different modules.

We can construct chromosome model

'A' is character of system interface part.

'B' is character of filtering system part.
'C' is character of processing part.
'D' is character of outside interface connector.

The sample chromosome model

So, the possibility of solution are 6 x 5 x 10 x 3 = 900 solutions and we specify the factors.

Ordered by the best of working performance.

Ordered by useless of process time.
Ordered by useless of memory.

We can construct 3 set of experiment and we can do the same process to start with

1. Select the 300 solutions from 900 possible solutions for group 1.
2. Select the 300 solutions from 900 possible solutions again for group 2.
3. Ordering the solutions of each group by the specify factor (eg. ordering the solution
that produce the best working performance from 1st - 300th.)
4. Crossing over the solution of each solution of different set with the same ordered
number 1st with 1st, 2nd with 2nd,...

Vee Jirapongcahroenlarb 502115047

5. Maybe we can put the mutation in some gene.

6. So, they reproduction the new generation of populations.

7. We do iteration process form step 3 to step 5 again and again.
8. Until we get the same result that satisfy for the factor.
9. We do the same process from step 1 to step 8 in every group that we specify factory
10. And the last step we put the best solution of every group together.
11. Do the same process step 1 to step 8.
12. We can get the best possible solution.

The GAs can predict the best solution without brute-force method from 900 possible solutions.
So, they can reduce the most time that use to predict the best solution.

Vee Jirapongcahroenlarb 502115047

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