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Anchoring Magic
Anchoring is a very useful tool in the tool-bag of an NLP
practitioner. Here I present ANCHOR DANCE, a method of
anchoring and linking that is both very effective and easy to
master. Using ANCHOR DANCE, an NLP practitioner (or even
a layman with some training) can easily change
problem/undesirable states or responses to more useful
/desirable states or responses. With ANCHOR DANCE,
within minutes, I have changed anxiety into cool and
peaceful confidence. Once done it need no conscious effort
or will power. The new state emerges automatically. This is
unconscious competence at its best. I have helped
students, managers, housewives and teachers to have
automatic resourceful states. This article will help you learn
the ANCHOR DANCE technique step by step and possibly
Vikas Dikshit get the most amazing results. You can use ANCHOR DANCE
with others as well as with yourself. I regularly use ANCHOR
NLP Practitioner DANCE to create some wonderful mindsets like confidence
about my ability to achieve a certain goal, for clearing
Pune, India doubts, and also to motivate myself. Applications of
ANCHOR DANCE are only limited by your imagination. You are invited to learn it, experiment with it and share your
experiences with others. Using NLP, let us make this world a
better place.
Copyright -2008, 2009,2010. Vikas Dikshit, Pune, India.
Disclaimer: - This document is only for purpose of information and does not purport to be advice. The writer accepts no responsibility for the readers actions.
Readers should make own decisions and obtain appropriate medical advice where necessary.

ANCHOR DANCE is a very simple, easy to learn and effective mind exercise. Learning and doing ANCHOR DANCE will help you
make changes in habitual behaviours that you may have considered to be difficult or even impossible to achieve. You can use
ANCHOR DANCE for clients as well as for yourself. If you are already trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), all the better. You
will master this great technique of ANCHOR DANCE very quickly. If you are new to NLP, reading this article a couple of times more and
experimenting will make you proficient in this art. For more help, you can talk to an NLP practitioner or e-mail me.

Eliciting A State-
Even before we talk about ANCHOR DANCE, let us first understand how to elicit a state.
If I ask someone, do you remember a time when you did something and you were very peaceful and confident about doing it? She
may probably look to her left and access the memory of a past event, when she was doing something and felt really peaceful and
confident about doing it. I may say, Take your time to remember such an event. It may be totally unrelated to your current situation
or problem. (Speaking slowly in a hypnotic tone will help her to remember such an event). When she remembers an event her face
will light up and then I can say, Imagine you are doing that activity now and please tell me how you are feeling. She will probably
describe her feelings. Not only her words will tell she is feeling peaceful and confident but her voice, her tone, her gestures, her
expressions and body posture will congruently tell she is feeling peaceful and confident. If you are seeing and hearing some or all of
these, you have elicited a peaceful and confident state in her. Bravo. Well done indeed!

Anchoring a State-
If I say, As you are doing that thing and feeling really peaceful and confident now, imagine you are standing in a circle, and you want
to choose a color for this circle any color that comes to your mind, what color will that be? And she may say, Blue. Thats great.
Wonderful! Will you please describe this blue? And she may say, Confident sky blue. I can say, That is very nice. Can you actually
see that confident sky blue color?. Yes. Great! Great indeed!
Now, what is happening here? Allow me explain When I say imagine you are in a circle as you are feeling peaceful and confident, I
have anchored that feeling to the circle. This is a spatial anchor. Next time she stands in the circle she can automatically feel peaceful
and confident. When I am asking her to choose a color and to describe it and see it, I am anchoring the same peaceful and confident
state to the color also. That is synesthesia... a visual image of color standing for a physicial sense of feeling peaceful and confident.
That is even stronger and more powerful anchor. Next time she stands in that imaginary circle and sees that color in her minds eye,
she instantaneously feels peaceful and confident. That is cool. A really cool peace of anchoring there!
Now, you can easily do that for all the circles and the corresponding states explained below in ANCHOR DANCE exercise.

Language softeners-
Repeated use of expressions such as Thats great, Wonderful, You are doing great indeed etc. softens language and encourages
and authenticates client. If you have done this exercise many times with people, your confidence and a sense of authority will help
client to at least do what you suggest. (What the heck! Let me try this funny thing!)

Stepping into a circle and seeing or mentioning color elicits that state, and quickly stepping into next circle and seeing and mentioning
appropriate color links the previous state to the next state. It is as simple as that! Hay, thats easy! I can do that, you may say!
Now, on to the DANCING floor. By the way have you put on your DANCING shoes? (Just kidding ;-)) Read on

Copyright -2008, 2009,2010. Vikas Dikshit, Pune, India.

Before you begin this exercise, decide
1.Desired Outcome/Goal
what your is desired outcome. The
desired outcome should be
2.Confusion experienced in terms of five senses
3.Ease not words. Then you do following
4.Certainty + Resources
5.Yahoo + Outcome/Success
--Break State
2 1. Stand in circle 1. Think of
desired outcome and quickly
think of a colour. See the
Break State colour clearly in front of your

closed eyes. (The colours
shown in the diagram are just
for example, and you are free
Anchor Dance to choose colours you like.)
2. Think of the thought you are

5 4
not thinking now and see
another colour.
3. Think of something you do
very easily, something like
brushing your teeth, and see
another colour.

4. Think of something most certain, like sun rising every morning, and see another colour.
5. Think of a time when you successfully did something really great, and you were overjoyed, you wanted to shout
yahoo, and to tell everyone about it, and think of yet another colour.
6. This was first iteration. In second iteration, repeat steps 1 to 4 and in circle four add appropriate resources. Adding
resources means just imagining that you are adding some good, useful and relevant qualities like confidence, luck, joy,
fun, love etc as if they are things.( List of sample resources is given below, but you are free to add something else if it
is meaningful to you.)
7. Do step five and after seeing that colour see your outcome as already manifested/happened or achieved.
8. Break state meaning just take your mind to something else.
9. Now repeat the steps 1 to 5 rapidly by just seeing colours quickly one after another. The purpose is not to give mind to
waver and do something else. And after step 5 see your outcome as already achieved. Break state.
10. Do four or five such iterations. Remember to break state between two iterations.
11. If you want to do the same exercise for some other outcome, just change the first circle colour and keep all the other
colours the same.

This exercise creates and installs a different programme into our subconscious, changes our belief system and aligns our
thoughts toward a specific outcome. It is a good idea to repeat the exercises for 3 or 4 days and then it can be forgotten. It
can also be a good idea to do this again after a month or so if you want and if your goal term is longer. But it is certainly
not needed to be done daily till the goal is achieved.

Copyright -2008, 2009,2010. Vikas Dikshit, Pune, India.

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