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Sharon LaVigne

Discovering the Titanic

Collaborative Lesson

I worked with our 7th grade English Language Arts teacher to teach a collaborative
lesson on understanding text structures (specifically cause and effect text structure),
recognizing the features of nonfiction text structure and reading and writing a nonfiction
narrative. Through this unit we worked on identifying nonfiction text features to find
meaning, build comprehension, expand vocabulary and writing a nonfiction narrative.
Students were identified as having reading and writing deficiencies through their SRI
Reading Inventory scores, Lexile levels, and their Georgia Milestone scores. We chose
to use a leveled text reader titled, Discovering the Titanic as the anchor text for this
lesson. Students worked on improving writing skills through the Writing a News Story
Task. Students used the 5 Ws and (How) strategy to guide their writing, and apply their
knowledge of using nonfiction text features. Students also showed their understanding
of other text structures through the creating of a digital timeline.

Title of Unit: Discovering the Titanic

Grade Level: 7th

Subject Area: ELA

Time Frame: 4-5 55 minute periods

Developed by: Sharon LaVigne

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
ELAGSE7RI2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the
course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text
ELAGSE7RI4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on
meaning and tone.
ELAGSE7RI5: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major
sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas
ELAGSE7W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
AASL 1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
AASL 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media,
digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
AASL 2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.
AASL 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.

Students will understand
1. How to recognize the supportive features1.
of a nonfiction text.
2. How to identify text structure.
3. How to identify signal words in cause and
effect text structure.
4. How to use Sequence of Events text
structure to create a timeline.
5. How to use the 5 Ws strategy to guide a
nonfiction narrative.

Essential Questions:
How does understanding a texts structure
help me better understand its meaning?
How do authors use text features to
support understanding?
How do readers construct meaning from
How do readers use signal words to
identify cause/effect?
How do graphics organizers help to show
cause and effect relationships.

Students will know.

Students will be able to

The difference between the 5 different

text structures
How text structure helps to create
The signal words used in cause and effect
text structure
How graphic organizers present

Identify cause and effect text structure

Use a graphic organizer to arrange
Create a timeline using sequential text
Write a nonfiction narrative using the 5
Ws and How strategy

1. Students will have the opportunity to read text alone or with a partner.
2. Students will choose the design of their digital timeline. Students may use the timeline
creator that I suggested or another free timeline generator. Students also have the
option of drawing out their timeline by hand.
3. Students will choose the aspect/topic for their news story.
4. Students will use the Smore design features to create a unique and individualized final
product for their news story.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
1. Students will use the free website to create a digital timeline of
events from the text.
2. Students will complete a cause and effect graphic organizer
3. Students will choose one event from the text, such as the sinking of the Titanic, the

discovery of the wreck etc. to write a news story to tell about the event. Students will
use a 5 Ws and How graphic organizer to organize their information first. Students
will then write a first draft using nonfiction text features such as headlines, pictures,
images, illustrations bold words etc. Students will use the free website to create and share their newstory.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

(Before Reading) Teacher and SLMS will use activating strategies (movie clip and
KWL chart), and discussion to focus attention on the subject matter. Students will
preview vocabulary.
(During Reading) We will do appropriate comprehension checks throughout the
reading. For example: Why does the author call the Titanic a floating palace? How
do the photographs help you understand the tragedy of the titanic? Point out some of
the vocabulary words we previewed before reading. Remind students to notice the
dates and years of events from the text.
(After Reading) Students will discuss with each other what caused the Titanic to sink.
What were the effects of the ship sinking?
Point out how captions are used under each photo. How would their understanding
change if there were no captions? Have students verbally summarize the most
surprising thing they learned about the Titanic from reading the text.
Day 1:
The SLMS will introduce the Titanic by using a KWL chart to activate prior knowledge.
Students will share what they already know about this subject and what they wonder
about the Titanic. At the end of the lesson we will come back and chart what new
things we learned about the topic from the text.
To create interest, students will be shown a short clip of the movie Titanic. We will
explain to them that while the movie is based on real events, the characters and story
are fictionalized. We will discuss the difference between fiction and nonfiction genres
and explain that our focus for this unit will be on reading nonfiction, specifically the
nonfiction events from our text, Discovering the Titanic.
Next, we will introduce and preview the vocabulary words list from the text and
discuss why it is important to do that before reading. I will ask students to identify prior
knowledge of words, and I will also share new knowledge of the words.
Day 2:
On this day the SLMS will give students a text structure chart, and show the chart on
the Smartboard.
We will discuss the difference between each text structure, paying close attention to
signal words that help identify cause and effect text structure.

Next, students will be asked to peruse through our text, Discovering the Titanic.
Students will be asked to identify any text features that they notice:
How are titles and headlines used
How are bold and italicized words used?
How are illustrations and pictures used?
What are captions? How do they support understanding?
Here, I will explain that this text is written with a cause and effect structure. I explain
the following:
A cause is something that makes something else happen. Out of two events, it is the
event that happens first. To determine the cause, ask the question "Why did it
An effect is what happens as a result of the cause. Of two related events, its the one
that happens second or last. To determine the effect, ask the question "What
Students will read chapters 1 and 2 of the text. I will guide the reading with the first
chapter. Students will read the second chapter silently. The chapters are short and
dont take very long to read.
Students will be given a cause and effect graphic organizer. Together we will choose
one cause and effect relationship from chapter 1 and write it on the graphic organizer.
Students will continue to fill out the graphic organizer as they read through the text.
Day 3:
Students will learn about the following text structures: Sequence, chronological,
problem solution, and order of importance. We will use this presentation powerpoint to
practice identifying text structure.
Students will read chapters 3 and 4 of our text that shows an example of a partial
timeline of events from the reading and we will discuss which text structure a timeline
falls under (sequence).
To show understanding, students will create a digital timeline of events using the
Day 4: Students will read the final chapter of Discovering the Titanic. Using the
Smartboard, We will complete our final section of the KWL chart. Students will share
what they learned about the Titanic and see if their prior questions had been
answered through the reading.
Students will begin writing the rough draft of their news story by completing the 5 Ws
and How graphic organizer. Students will have the option to choose what aspect of
the Titanic they want to write about. Here are student news story options:


The History of the Titanic

Discovering the Wreck
The People of the Titanic
The Tragedy of the Titanic

Students have already been working on the writing standard for nonfiction narratives.
Students will use their graphic organizer, and the information from the text to create
their first draft. The SLMS and teacher will go around assisting students with editing
and making corrections on grammar and writing mechanics. Once students have
made their corrections they will re-write their story and finalize the raft. Students will
use a writing rubric/checklist to make sure their final draft is ready. The teachers and
SLMS will also assess readiness by assisting students while they are working. be
ready to create their final news story using the website Smores.
Day 5
1. On the last day of the unit, students will complete their cause and effect graphic
2. Lastly, students will write the final draft of their newsletter using the free website,
Smores. ( Smores is a website where users can create beautiful,
digital posters, flyers, and more. For our purposes, we are using it to create a news
story. We chose this website because students in this ELA class had already been
introduced to this website, so they already had experience and knowledge. The SLMS
will do a brief reintroduction of Smores using the Smartboard. Students will type or
copy/paste in their news story.
3. Students will use the design features of the website to personalize their news story.

Resources List:
What Works in K-12 Online Learning
Cavanaugh, Cathy, Robert L. Blomeyer, and Susan Patrick. What Works in K-12 Online
Learning. Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education, 2007. Kindle.

The Titanic Movie Clip
Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
Text Structures Chart
Text Structure Ereading Worksheets

Softschool Timeline Maker
Timeline Printable
Additional Resources
Remebering the Titanic
Would You Have Survived the Titanic?
Titanic Facts for Kids
The Real Story of the Titanic
Text Structures
Text Structures Features and Organization

News Article Rubric

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