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Analysis in the Andes

Isabelle C. Druc (Ed.)
ISBN 978-1-939755-11-7 (Paperback)
Copyright 2015 Deep University Press, WI
Coming soon on Amazon

The roots of this volume go back to the session
titled "Characterization of Andean Ceramics"
organized at the 2014 Society for American
Archaeology meeting in Austin Texas. The session meant to offer a perspective on the state
of ceramic analysis in Andean archaeology, on recent views about manufacture, production
and circulation of wares in the ancient Andes, and on the technological traditions
characterizing each region.
The panorama of research presented in this volume testifies to the vitality of ceramic
analysis in Andean archaeology. It highlights the work of leading scholars and younger
archaeologists conducting investigations mostly in Peru and Chile, combining a variety of
mineral and chemical studies to investigate socio-political and cultural questions, issues of
political control, intra- and intervalley interactions, and expressions of cultural traditions
and social identities in the ancient Andes. The different chapters cover a large time frame,
from the 1st millennium BC to the Inca period, while ethnographic and experimental studies
supply additional invaluable information for the interpretation of the archaeological data. As
well, this volume offers an overview of the sampling strategies and analytical techniques
currently used in Andean studies for material analysis.
190 pages, 85 color figures, maps and diagrams, 10 chapters, 11x8

1. Ceramic Analysis in the Andes: Linking Technology and Society.

An Introduction to the Volume. Isabelle C. Druc


2. Pottery and Social Complexity in Tarapac: Reviewing the Development

of Ceramic Technology in the Atacama Desert (Northern Chile)

Mauricio Uribe Rodrguez and Estefana Vidal Montero


3. Charophytes in My Plate: Ceramic Production in Pumape, North Coast

of Peru. Isabelle C. Druc


4. Internal vs. External: An Examination of Moche Politics Through Similarities

and Differences in Ceramic Style. Michele L. Koons


5. The Residues of Power: Women, Chicha, and Agency in the Middle Horizon

Andes c. AD 600 1100. Ann O. Laffey


6. Inferring Socio-Political Dynamics in the Moquegua Valley through

Geochemical Analysis. Matthew Piscitelli, Sofia Chacaltana Cortez,

Nicola Sharratt, Mark Golitko, and Patrick Ryan Williams


7. Ceramic Exchange and Community Interaction in the Late Prehispanic

Cajamarca Basin, Northern Peru. Jason L. Toohey


8. Networks of Ceramic Production and Exchange in the Late Horizon:

Characterization of Ceramic Styles and Clays on the Central Coast of Peru

Krzysztof Makowski, Ivan Ghezzi, Hector Neff, and Gabriela Ore


9. Sampling Paste for Thin Section: An Andean Case Study of the Initial Steps

of Petrographic Research. Laura G. Marsh and Isabelle C. Druc

10. Ceramic Perspectives. Mary F. Ownby


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