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To Fulfill The Tasks Subjects Grades English

Andre Rifky P.
KMS. M. Fajri Pratama
Rigan Sasunu Basworo
Rizky Andrian R. P.




November 2016

The need for a computer network technology is increasing. Apart from being a media information
provider, via intenet also activities of commercial communities become part of the largest and fastest
growing and penetrating various State borders. Even through this network activity in the world market
can be known for 24 hours. Via the internet or also called cyber space, anything can be done. The positive
aspect of this virtual world of course adds technology development trend of the world with all forms of
human creativity. However negaif impacts could not be avoided. When the rampant pornography notably
the internet, people could not do much. Along with the development of Internet technology, led to the
emergence of cyber crimes is called crime or crimes through the Internet. The emergence of several cases
of cyber crime in Indonesia, such as credit card theft, hacking some sites, intercepting the data
transmission to others, such as email and manipulate data in ways unintended prepare orders into
computer programmer. Thus, in the computer crimes made possible the existence of a formal offense and
offense materially. Formal offense is the act of someone who enters Computers others without
permission, while the offense is the act of causing material losses due to others. The existence of cyber
crime has become a threat the stability, so the government is difficult to compensate for the crimes
committed by the techniques of computer technology, especially the Internet and intranet.
The purpose of this paper is:
a. Fulfilling one of the tasks subjects of English.
b. Adding insight on Cyber crime.
c. As input to the students to use the knowledge gained to the benefit of a positive.
The purpose of this paper is wanted to provide some understanding of cyber crime to our own in
particular and society in general reading.

A. Definition
Cyber Crime is a criminal act of unlawful use of computer technology as a tool of crime. Cyber
Crime happens because there are advances in computer technology or IT world media, especially the
Internet. By engineering the offense can be divided into off-line crime, semi on-line crime, and Cyber
Crime. Each has its own characteristics, but the main difference between them is the connectedness of
public information network (internet). Cyber Crime is defined as the unlawful acts that utilize computer
technology berbasasis on the sophistication of Internet technology development.

The rise of crime in cyberspace depends on the extent to which resources either in the form of
hardware / software and technology users concerned have the knowledge and awareness of the
importance of security in cyberspace, a service provider / target Cyber Crime must have sufficient
knowledge about the methods typically a cybercrime do in carrying out the action.
The Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offlenderes in Havana, Cuba in 1999 and in Vienna,
Austria in 2000, says there are two terms that are known:
Cybercrime in the narrow sense are called computer crime, the illegal behavior or abuse directly
attack the security of a computer system or data that is processed by a computer.
o 1.2 Cybercrime in the broad sense is called computer related crime, the illegal behavior or abuse
related to a computer system or network.
B. The types Type Cybercrime:
Some kinds of examples of Cyber Crime is partially below:
1. Hacking
Hacking is the activity of people's way through a computer program / the other party. Hackers are
people who liked tinkering with computers, have the expertise to create and read a particular program,
and obsessed at the safety (security) of his.
Hacker has a double face, there is nothing grafter dear. Hacker Budiman notify the breached
computer programmer, will be flaws in the program are made, so that it can "leak", in order to be repaired
immediately. Meanwhile, hacker thieves, breaking through programs of others to destroy and steal data.
There are so many definitions of hacking itself. From an activity intrusion into a computer system or
network for the purpose of damaging the system, through the computer programs owned by, ngutak
tweaking things, troubleshoot software and hardware, access the server then ruffled websites that exist on
that server, and much more ,
2. Defacing
Defacing a part of the web hacking or application program, which focuses on the operating target
changes in appearance and / or the physical configuration of a web or application programs without going
through the source code of the program. While deface itself is the end result of cracking activity and the
like, the technique is to mebaca source code (this is specific to the context of web hacking), and then
replace the image (for example), editing html tag et al, and others.
Act of defacing there purely for fun, skill performance, showing off the ability to make the
program, but there is also that to steal data and sold to other parties.
3. Phishing
Phishing is the fishing activities of computer users on the Internet (user) to be willing to provide
personal information user (username) and password (password) on a website that has been defaced.
Phising is usually intended for the online banking users. Stuffing user data and passwords are
vital that have been delivered will eventually belong to the criminals and used to shopping with a credit
card or cash accounts belonging to victims.
Phishing is typically done through e-mail spoofing or instant messaging, and often directs users to
enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the original.
4. Spamming
Spamming is sending a fake email activity by using email servers that have "open relay smtp" or
spamming could be also interpreted as sending information or advertising a product that is not in place
and this is very disturbing to those who are sent.

The most numerous are sending e-mail can be a gift, lottery, then they will be asked its bank
account number, and send the money / funds as an angler, certainly in the US dollar, and lately nothing is
said again.
5. Malware
Malware is a computer program that is looking for the weaknesses of a software. Generally
malware created to break into or damage a software or operating system. Malware consists of various
kinds, namely: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, adware, browser hijackers, etc.
Malware consists of programming (code, scripts, active content, and other software) designed to
disrupt or deny the software in order to gather information leading to the loss of privacy / exploitation /
gain unauthorized access to system resources.
In the market of computer equipment and software stores (software) that has been provided antispam and anti-virus and anti-malware. Nevertheless, for those who do not watch out there is always a hit.
Because viruses and malware makers generally continued creative and productive in creating programs to
work on his victims.
6. Snooping
Snooping is an electronic monitoring of the digital network to find out passwords or other data.
There are a variety of techniques snooping or also known as eavesdropping, namely: shoulder surfing
(direct observation of the display monitor for someone to gain access), dumpster diving (access to obtain
passwords and other data), digital sniffing (electronic surveillance of the network to reveal passwords or
data other).
7. Sniffing
Sniffing is eavesdropping on the data traffic on a computer network.
Example: You are a computer user connected to an office network. When you send an email to your
friends who are outside the city then the mail will be sent from your computer then pass your office
computer network (server or gateway may pass through the Internet), then out of office through the
Internet, and to your friend's email diinbox.
At the time of the email through your office computer network sniffing activities that can be
done. By whom? By the network administrator can control the server or by the users of other computers
connected on your office computer network, it could be a friend next to you. With this Snffing activity in
your email could capture / dicapture so that the contents can be read by people who do Sniffing earlier.
8. Spoofing
Spoofing is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to a computer or information on where
the attacker associated with the user by pretending to falsify that they are hosts to be believed "this is
usually done by a hacker or a cracker".
9. Pharming
Pharming is a fake website on the internet, is a method to redirect computer users from sites that
they trust to a site similar. Users themselves simply do not know if she's been in a trap, because the site
address is still the same with the truth.
C. Motive Cyber Crime
Motive perpetrators in in cyberspace (Cyber Crime) generally can be grouped into two categories,
Intellectual motive, namely crimes committed only for personal satisfaction and to show that he has
been able to engineer and implement the information technology field. Crimes with this motif is usually
done by someone individually.
Motive economic, political, and criminal, crimes committed for personal gain or to certain groups that
have an impact on economic and political losses on the other. Because it has a purpose that can have a
major impact, a crime with this motive is usually done by a corporation.

Some of the factors that cause computer crime (cyber crime) increasingly being carried out are:
1. Internet access was not limited.
2. Failure of computer users.
3. Easy to do and sullit to trace
4. The perpetrators are generally people who have high intelligence and great curiosity
5. The network security system is weak.
6. Easy to do with a small security risk and unnecessary equipment is super modern.
7. Social and economic factors
D. Act
The Code of Penal (Penal Code) is still used as a legal basis to encompass
cyber crime, cyber crime, especially the type that meets the elements in the articles
of the Criminal Code. Some basic laws in the Criminal Code that is used by law
enforcement officials, among others:
1. Article 167 Criminal Code
2. Article 406 paragraph (1) Criminal Code
3. Article 282 of the Criminal Code
4. Article 378 of the Criminal Code
5. Article 112 Criminal Code
6. Article 362 Criminal Code
7. Article 372 Criminal Code
In addition to the Criminal Code Act unisex relating to this case, namely Law No.
11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE), where the rules of
criminal acts that occur therein proved to threaten Internet users. Since the
enactment of Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions on
21 April 2008, has caused many casualties. People who are charged under the EIT
Law will be entirely exposed to the possibility of article 27 paragraph (3) and Article
45 paragraph (1) UU ITE namely the threat of six years in prison and a fine of 1
billion rupiah. UU ITE can be used to beat up all the activities on the Internet without
exception journalist or not since the formulation is highly flexible.
E. Solve the problem of Cyber Crime
In order to combat Internet crime is increasingly widespread, we need a consciousness of each
country will be the danger of abuse of the Internet. then here is a step or countermeasures globally:
Modernization of national criminal law along with the procedural law harmonized with international
conventions related to the crime.
Increased security standards nationwide computer network system in accordance with international
Increase the understanding and expertise of law enforcement agencies regarding prevention,
inventigasi, and prosecution of cases that relate to cybercrime.
Increase citizen awareness about the dangers of cybercrime and the importance of prevention of such
Increase cooperation between countries in the field of technology regarding cybercrime law
So Broadly speaking, for the prevention of global cooperation is needed between the state and the
implementation of the International standardization of legislation to combat cybercrime.

Based on the data discussed in this paper, then we can conclude, Cyber crime is a crime arising from
the impact of negative developments internet.Sarana application that is used not only computers but also
technology, so that commit these crimes need to be a learning process, the motive of this crime as well as
money also fraudulent. This crime can also arise due to the inability of law included in the apparatus to
reach it. This crime is virtual in which the perpetrator did not appear physically.
The cyber crime related to the need for efforts to prevent it, for it to be considered are:
1. Immediately make regulations relating to cyber law in general and cyber crime in particular.
2. This crime is a global crime need to consider the draft international dining relating to
3. Conduct an extradition treaty with another country.
4. Consider the adoption of electronic evidence in legal evidence.
5. There should be a specific rule regarding cyber crime.

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