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Classroom Observation

A 45-minute observation was done in the preschool classrooms at the center.

The basis of the observation was to look for social skills being taught by
teachers, opportunities for teachers to teach those skills, and the way children
handle situations that arise to use their social skills.
An example of the observation tool used is attached to this document. The
original filled in observation tool that was used is being kept due to confidentiality
and all names are removed in the summary of the observation. All notes are
objective and factual. This means no emotion is being used to prevent bias.
During the observation the skills that were observed are:

Acts respectfully to all children at all times

Goes to the child to speak at eye level
Set up the environment to prevent behavior problems
Provides at least two acceptable choices for the child to choose from
Models appropriate behaviors with words and actions
Classroom has a few positively worded guidelines, which children are
reminded of periodically. For example: Job Chart and Feelings Chart
Explains reasons for rules
Encourages children with descriptive statements
Children are encouraged to share experiences
Children are assisted in learning social skills such as taking turns, working
together, self help skills

Teacher Interactions observed:

Teacher explains expectations of behavior

Teacher encourages childrens efforts to build feelings of self worth
Teacher frequently expresses warmth toward children
Teacher encourages appropriate expression of emotions both positive and

Real-Life Scenarios that occurred:

Lunchtime in the classroom. All children were sitting at their tables eating and
serving themselves lunch. Both teachers were sitting at the table with the
children. Periodically the teachers would get up to help the children with seconds
of lunch.
Two children were talking and laughing looking at each other. The teacher sitting
next to the child said to the child I like that you are laughing. (the child
continued to laugh and look at another child). The teacher continued Please look
at my eyes, I like that you are laughing but please be careful because you have

food in your mouth. Remember you have to chew and swallow. The child then
stopped laughing and chewed her food/swallowed. Once the child was done
swallowing, the child looked at the other child and started to laugh and talk again.
This is an example of reminding children of the rules for safety.
Children asked for seconds and condiments. One child said More ketchup
please. The teacher repeated what the child asked and said Thank you for
saying Please!
Another child said thank you after getting seconds. The teacher said
everyone, listen, ____ said Thank you! Lets clap!
The teacher encouraged lunchtime conversation by asking the children about the
Fireman that came into the class. The teacher asked what the children liked
about it and what did they learn. (By doing this the teacher is asking open ended
questions and encouraging the children to talk to each other and to talk one at a
time about what they like).
Another child is still learning the routine in the classroom. The teacher guided
each step on how to throw away the lunch plate and cup. Each step was given
one at a time. The child followed each step. After each step, the teacher said,
you are doing so well! Thank you for following directions! After the child
finished the steps, the teacher gave the child two choices of activities to do after
lunch. The child chose one activity and did the activity on the carpet.
This is an example of the teacher modeling appropriate behaviors.
A child said to the teacher ____ has their shoes off! The teacher said Well
how can we help? Tell ___ why we need to keep our shoes on. The child then
said ___ we have to keep our shoes on. There can be a fire drill. Its not safe.
This is an example of how children learn safety rules and the teachers modeling
appropriate behaviors and giving the children the words and reasons to solve

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