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Did you know that Christmas was celebrated
thousands of years before Jesus was even born?
Although the whole world is celebrating
Christmas as a Christian holiday, including
millions of non-believers, please take this
moment to look throughout every page of the
at the end you will not find even a single word
of Christmas being celebrated by any of God's
It is not even mentioned once in the
whole Bible, neither by Jesus or by any of his
apostles before or after the death of Jesus.
Yet on the other hand the pagans and the
heathen world observed 25th December for two
thousands years before Jesus was even born!
December 25 was a date to celebrate the birth
of the Sun god Tammuz.
Tammuz was the child of Nimrod the man we
read about in Gen 10:8-10, Nimrod was very
wicked king before the Lord and he was the first
great King of Babylon. After he defeated many
nations and conquered them Nimrod claimed to

be greater than the Supreme

God. He commanded the whole empire to
worship him as a god.
After the death of Nimrod Queen Ishtar
commanded the whole empire to worship
Nimrod as Baal the Sun god.
Ishtar proclaimed that Nimrod was taken to the
Sun, and he had to be
worshipped as the Sun god.
Tammuz was the only child of Nimrod, and he
was born on 25th December: Tammuz was a
great king who always
defeated his enemies. However, he was just like
his father Nimrod in doing great evil before the
Tammuz was killed by bush pigs and after his
death Queen Ishtar commanded that Tammuz
had to
be worshipped as the child of the god Baal who
was Nimrod.
From that time in history, it was Queen Ishtar
who built a strong foundation of paganism which
spread across the whole world that December
25th was to celebrate the birth of Tammuz, the
child of the god of Baal.

Thus, in paganism worshippers are worshipping

Nimrod, Queen Ishtar and Tammuz.
Nimrod from that time was to be honored every
Sunday as the Sun god Baal, Queen Ishtar on
Easter (the word Ishtar is where the word Easter
comes from) and Tammuz was to be worshipped
on 25 December;
These are the three great holidays that were set
aside to celebrate these three people who
showed great wickedness before the Lord.
Indeed, Christmas was celebrated thousands of
years before Jesus was even born. During
Christmas, One of
their customs was to decorate a tree.
(Jeremiah 10:3-4) in this chapter God is telling
us not to learn the way of the heathens, and
not to even practice it.
For God condemns all customs of the heathens.
Yet we see these same customs exist today and
the holiday is now called Christmas with the
Christmas tree.
The Scriptures describe these Christmas
celebration as idolatry! Some claim that this
chapter of Jeremiah 10:3-4 refers to idols being
made from the trees: this maybe true, but does

God approve of trees being

used to worship Him? Is there a command in
the Scriptures allowing us to do so?
The answer is very simple, NO! Isaiah 40:19,
41:23) 45:20, 46:17, Psalm 115:4-7, Habakkuk
2:19). December 25 is always a Sun Baal worship
holiday because of the birth of Tammuz one of
the Sun gods.
On the Christmas tree you find people put the
Sun, moon or the Star on top their Christmas
Some people will say that the Star on the tree
represent the Star which appeared when Jesus
was born, but where does the Scriptures
approve of such things?
Some people place an angel on their Christmas
trees and claims that this is fine, Oh, let us see
what Bible is teaching us; 2 Corinth 11:14 for
Satan Himself is transformed into an angel of
Putting an angel on the Christmas trees is
synonymous with placing a star on top of the
tree, because both images represents light, or
the Sun.
But many people claim that the angel they place

on the Christmas trees is a

heavenly one; Exodus 20:4 says that thou shall
not make into thee any graven image, or any
likeness of
anything that is in heaven above.
Angels are in heaven above, and God forbids
having images of anything that's in heaven
above for the purpose of worship.
Heathens hate God's commandments because
they want to worship their own gods without
anyone condeming them with the word of the
Supreme God.
Under Rome, December 25 was always a date to
celebrate the birth of the Sun god. in A.D 324,
for the first time
under the Roman Emperor Justinian
(A.D-527-565) it was first recognized as an
official Christian holiday.
An old Babylonian festival played a major part in
the choice of this particular day.
Paul warns us about this evil festival by these
words in 2 Corinth 11:3-4 "I am afraid that your
minds will be corrupted and that you will
abandon your full and pure devotion to Christ in
the same way that Eve was deceived by snake's

clever lies. For you to gladly tolerate anyone

who comes to you preaching a different Jesus,
not the one we preached; and you accept a
spirit and a gospel completely different from the
Spirit and the Gospel you received from us."
Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter: these
three have nothing to do with Jesus, but much
to do with paganism religion that was put into

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