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Statements of Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi regarding the first Adhaan.

Allah taala has mentioned in his noble book:

Oh ye who believe fear Allah and say a straight word.
Likewise he mentioned:
Oh ye who believe be those who establish (the religion) for Allah and witnesses to
justice. And do not let the hate of a people make you be unjust. Be just, it is closer to
Imam As Sadi mentioned:
As you are witness for your friend also be a witness against him. And as you are
witness against your enemy be a witness for him. Even if he is a disbeliever or an
innovator, it is compulsory to be just to him and to accept what he comes with from the
truth not because he said it. And the truth is not rejected because he said it because this
is in fact oppression toward truth. (Sadi 1999:212)
Indeed these words by Imam As Sadi should be written in golden ink during this
juncture in time wherein clear injustice is witnessed against one of our Salafi scholars,
Shaikh Yahya Ibn Alee Al Haajoori and against his students (may Allah preserve them
from all evil).
Therefore, since Salafi Publications and their entrails have chosen to spread the speech
of Shaikh Rabee regarding one of the students in Dammaj regarding the issue of the
Adhaan of Uthmaan () . I have chosen to inform them that Shaikh Yahya is
not the only one who said that it is an innovation. Rather his teacher, the Imaam, the
Mujaddid, Muqbil Ibn Haadi Al Waadiee preceeded him in this and was never accused
of being:

A Hadaadi

Someone who disregards the companions.

Therefore, without further ado these are the different statements of Imaam Al Wadiee
regarding the Athaan of the Khaleefah Ar Raashid Uthmaan Ibn Affaan.

Section: The Speech of Imam Al Waadiee regarding the first Adhaan.

(1)The Imam was asked: Is the first Adhaan Sunnah?
He ( ) said:
Verily Al Bukhari narrated in his authentic collection from the Hadeeth of Saaibn Bin
Yazeed that the Prophet ( ) had a Muadhin who called one Adhaan or
with this meaning. Al Bukhari mentioned it in the book of Jumuah. However, when the
people became many, and it is from the Hadeeth of Saaib Bin Yazeed () ,
Uthmaan made an order for another caller to call from on top of the Zawraa, and it was
a place in the market.
And that which Uthmaan did ( ) in order that the people gather and
prepare for the Jumuah prayer is an Ijtihaad from Uthmaan () . And Ibn
Umar said, as is found within the Musannaf of Ibn Abee Shaibah that verily the first
Adhaan on Jumuah day is an innovation.
As for the Hadeeth: Upon you is my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided
caliphs hold unto it with your molar teeth. The best speech I have come across is that
of Abu Muhammad Alee Bin Ahmad Bin Saeed ( ) who is known as Ibn Hazm:
It is either that you take all the Sunan of the rightly guided caliphs and this is
impossible because they have disagreed (on some matters). Or that we reject all of it and
this is clear misguidance. Because from their Sunnah is that which went according to
the Sunnah of the Prophet () . Or that we take from their Sunnah that
which goes in accordance to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of
Allah ( ) and this is our statement.
Shaikh Ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah said in At Tawassul Wal Waseelah meaning: There is
no Sunnah with anyone with the Messenger () . And likewise Al
Haakim mentioned this before Ibn Taymeeyah. He (Al Haakim) mentions on the
authority of Yahya Bin Aadam wherein he said: There is no Sunnah for anyone with the
Messenger of Allah () . It was said the Sunnah of Abee Bakr and
Umar on order that it is known that these Sunan were acted upon in the era of Abu
Bakr and Umar.

And Allah has said in his Noble book:

This day I have completed for you your religion and completed my favours upon
you and am pleased with Islaam as your religion. And he said: Follow that which
has been sent to you by your Lord and do not follow other than him.
And as for the Hadeeth: Follow the two after me: Abee Bakr and Umar. This does not
enter into the subject because Uthmaan was the first who began it. And that we believe
that the Hadeeth is weak because it is from the narration of Ribee Ibn Harraash on the
authority of Hudhaifah. And he did not hear from Hudhaifah. Likewise the servant of
Ribee is unknown.
Therefore, it is known that the first Adhaan is not from the Sunnah. 1
(2) He also said: And after that they have innovated the first Adhaan in Jumuah
therefore the people stand in the two Haraams and pray. And they have spoken ill of
us who has done so because we say it is innovation when Abdillah Ibn Umar said it
is an innovation. We say that it is an innovation however if someone does it out of
ignorance or out of making effort to find the truth he is not an innovator as
Abdullah Ibn Umar did not call Uthmaan an innovator. However, if it reaches
someone and he does not accept (that it is an innovation) one can judge him as an
innovator. 2
(3) He also was asked: Is everyone who commits an innovation an innovator? And what
is the connection between innovation and the innovator.
He answered: No, not everyone who has innovated is an innovator. For verily
Uthmaan ( ) ordered that the first Adhaan be in the Zawraa and Abdullah
Ibn Umar upon entering into a Masjid wherein the first Adhaan was called left it
and said: Verily it is a Masjid upon innovation. And with this he did not say that
Uthmaan is an innovator. Rather, Uthmaan made Ijtihaad. And if the evidences


become clear after Uthmaan and yet (the person) blind follows Uthmaan upon this
then he is an innovator because Taqleed in itself is an innovation. 3
From these verdicts the following benefits can be taken:
1. That the narrations of Ibn Umar regarding the first Adhaan were seen as
authentic by Ash Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi.
2. That following the Caliphs means to follow them in that which went in
accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah.
3. That the companions are not free from error. Regarding their Ijtihaad some of it
is correct and some of it is incorrect.
4. To state that a companion erred regarding a matter does not mean that one has
spoken ill of him/her.
5. If someone falls into innovation/sin/Kufr mistakenly it does not necessitate that
such a person is an innovator, sinner or Kaafir.
6. Taqleed (blind-following) is unlawful and those who do such willingly, taking
this as their methodology in Islaam is an innovator.
7. That Shaikh Yahya Al Haajoori is upon the same methodology of Shaikh Muqbil
Ibn Haadi Al Waadiee.

Section: Difficult questions for SPUBS and their underlings to answer.

From what has come before it is clear that Shaikh Muqbil believed that the first Adhaan
is an innovation based on the narration of Ibn Umar. Likewise his student of 20 years,
Ash Shaikh Yahya Ibn Alee Al Haajoori mentioned this issue in his book Ahkaam Ul
Jumuaah which Shaikh Muqbil introduced as it is known.
I therefore ask SPUBS the following questions:
1. Over ten years have passed since Ahkaam Ul Jumuah has been written and yet
it is only now Ash Shaikh Yahya is taken to task for it. Why now when the
scholars have said:
It is unlawful to delay clarification after its time.
2. If Shaikh Yahya is a Hadaadi and an innovator in this time because he mentioned
that the first Adhaan is an innovation then what is the case of Shaikh Muqbil and
other Imams who believed this statement? Is it truly a case of love and jealousy
for the companions? Or is it that Shaikh Yahya is the target at this point in time?
3. If the narration of Ibn Umar is authentic 4, wherein he said that the first Adhaan
for Jumuah is an innovation, then what would you have to say about those who
follow his statement?
I ask Allah to make us see truth as truth an falsehood as falsehood. And to make us
from among those who hold onto the evidences. And to make us from those who can
discuss these topic dispassionately.

Compiled by: Musa Millington
Date: 24th Jumadah Thaaniyah 1434 corresponding to the 4th of May 2013

And it is authentic. And the issue of Hishaam Ibn Gaaz, who was one of the narrators in the chain regarding the
statement of Ibn Umar, is a clear issue to the point that many scholars including Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad,
Shaikh Muhammad Aadam Al Ithiopi and Shaikh Naasir Ud Deen Al Albaani have mentioned that he is trustworthy
(regarding Hadeeth).

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