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Question 1)

What is an equation of state (EOS)? (2mks)

Question 2)
Why is the EOS important? (8mks)
Question 3)
Derive any of the following EOS: (i) Peng Robinson or (ii) Soave Redlich Kwong

State- phase (same chemical n physical) defined/given by specific pressure n temp

Function of state (path independent)- (everything/matter has a value of these all the
time: pressure, temperature, mass, enthalpy, entropy, free energy(these are
measured by calc when changes in values.(all are related, therefore as one
changes all change)

Answer 1)
An equation of state is a mathematical equation, or relationship, between different
functions of state. These state functions (which are path independent) include
properties easy to visualise such as temperature, pressure and mass and others
such as enthalpy, internal energy or specific heat. The state functions are all related
therefore as one changes the other state functions changes as well.
The equation of state therefore characterise the state of matter (gas, liquid, solid,
plasma) or of a material under a given set of physical conditions. To put simply the
EOS is a functional relationship between state variables.
Answer 2)
EOS allows the calculation or understanding of the function of states that are not
easily observed such as enthalpy or specific heat. Understanding this would allow
one to understand the specific state or phase of a material. The EOS also gives
relationships between the function of states and this would therefore allow one to
better understand the expected change of matter with a change of state property
such as temperature or pressure.
In petroleum engineering the EOS can be used to determine the hydrocarbon or
fluid compositions at various depths since each depth has a corresponding pressure
and temperature. The EOS would also allow one to understand how the volume or
density of the fluid varies as a depth varies. It therefore reflect the phase or atomic
structure, chemical bonding and stability of the fluid.

Answer 3)
BackgroundIn 1949 Redlich and Keong introduced a temperature dependency to the attraction
parameter a of the van der Waals (quantitate approach) EOS. In 1972 Soave
modified this by introducing Pitzers acentric factor, which considers the nonsphericity of molecules and relates it to vapour pressure, giving rise to the Soave
Redlich Kwong (SRK) EOS.
In 1979 Peng and Robinson (PR) proposed their ESO which main goal was to find the
EOS best applicable to natural gas systems.

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