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Comparison Between Students With and

Without Jobs
ASUSD (Group C8)
Erika McClinton, Katia Sotelo, Shelby Hemley
Fall 2016
EDT 180C -Problem Solving using Digital
Technology Applications
Professor Gary Lewallen
November 15, 2016


Comparison Between Students With and Without Jobs

The comparison between students with and without jobs is the topic of our research
project. We decided this would be an interesting topic because we wanted to specifically evaluate
the difference in grades between the two groups of students but also wanted to evaluate the many
other effects of having a job. We asked the students what their gender is, their age, what year in
school they are in, their average grades, which college they are enrolled in, are they employed,
how many hours they work per week if they work and is their job on campus or off campus if
they have a job. In order to collect this information, we used Google Docs Form and received 96


When comparing men and women who have a job and do not have a job that attend ASU,
we discovered that extensively more females have a job compared to males. Out of our 96
responses, 56 females do have a job, and 22 do not. For males, we have only 8 that do have a job
and 10 that do not. With this information, we can conclude that females are more open to the idea
of working while attending college compared to their male counterparts. It is interesting that a
majority of females work but not males because in society, it is typical to think that more males
work, but this demonstrates the shift in that mentality.


Now we take a look at approximately what percentage of people work on campus in each
grade. The first thing that caught our attention is the fact that no freshmen at all work on campus.
Next, sophomores are the biggest group with on-campus jobs with an astonishing 60%. They are
followed by juniors with 30% and lastly seniors with only 10%. We see a constant decline with
on-campus jobs on each grade after sophomore year. This might be due to students exploring


their fields and probably getting jobs in those as they gain more college experience.


Finally, we wanted to compare how having jobs would affect students average grades.
This chart presents average grades starting with A of those students who have a job. People
might think that working while attending college may result in students dropping their average
grades, but from the information collected we actually believe it might help them build character
and become more responsible as there are multiple things they are to do and keep up with.
Although an A is not the most common average grade amongst students working, the results
were not at all disappointing with over 22 of our respondents having this average. Most of the
people who have jobs surprisingly have a B grade average. Only a few have C as a grade average
and none have D or below.


We came to a conclusion that the majority of ASU students are in fact working. Not only
that, but we came across the pleasant surprise that females are taking the lead when it comes to
having jobs. We also noticed that despite it being a hard task to keep up with job requirements
and school work, the majority of people working at Arizona State University are performing
extremely well with average grade letter B. That by itself proves wrong the overall opinion of
people who think doing both things at a time will only negatively impact a students GPA.

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