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1 [State np Fis ensisi = ae Asner «The Fis Transnision Enuation is used to ta poe ed fon oe arog (vith ain Gl, whe tani fom ang anterma(vih gin C2), serrated ty a distance 8, and Operating a fequeny fg Natt lamb, Thispaces woth ea oles aude il nen * Consider typ antennas in fee space ho ONstuctons ey distanoe “tsa ya * Assume that We at eid fo the tansnit g » Ifthe transmit antenna has an antenna gain in the direction of the receive antenna given by , then the power density equation above becomes: —_PaxGr PTB RuR + The gain term factors in the directionality and losses ofa real antenna, Assume now that the receive antenna has an effective aperture given by Aeff, Then the power received by this antenna Pris given by: i Pox Gp x Aas AxBIdxRxR + Since the effective aperture for any antenna can also be expressed as: =( oy An= (Ta + The resulting received power can be written as, BaBeGn(e? (\y

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