Anda di halaman 1dari 43


c, 15-c, 16-c, 17-b -14

The x ray show scattered radiopaque line in the mandibule jaw, the
a. Paget"s bone disease
b. Garre"s syndrome
c. Fibrous dysplasia
d. Osteosarcoma

? Lefotr 1 injury involved

A/greater palatine artery
B/infra orbital artery
C/maxillary artery
D/mandibular vein

?Patient has cirrhosis of liver { should amide LA} what is the best treatment
A. lidocaine
b. mepivacaine
***c. bupivacaine

***d. articaine
OSHA{..} - based on blood borne pathosis

?The majority of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis infections are

.a Symptomatic
.b Asymptomatic
.c Proceeded by fever
.d Accompanied by gingival erythema
e a, c and d

?What are the purposes of using occlusal splint

A.To change the pattern and degree of tactile afferent neural impulses
.B.To immobilize teeth
C.To produce a permanent change in the occlusion
D.To prevent teeth from disturbing occlusal sensory input


?Which of the following endodontic failure may be retreated only with surgery .
.a. Missed major canal
.b. Persistent interappointment pain
c. Post and core
d. Short canal filling

scar tissue formation

gardner"s syndrome
Tetracycline discoloration

hen PT is 2-2.5INR on the same day

excisional biopsy
? Smoking is
contraindication for placement of implant .
not contraindication for implant therapy.
An oxide layer on the implant is important for the healing process of an
implant inside the bone?
?If a patient is absolutely allergic to LA, the specific drug used in place of it is
A. Chlorpheniramine maleate
B. Bcnzalkoniumchloride
.C. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride {antihistamine drug}
D. Ketamine hydrochloride {conscious sedation in children}
?Dermal and oral manifestations are usually seen in which type of leukemia
monocytic ,
myelocytic .
lymphocytic .
Implants being placed in young individuals may prevent normal development
of the jaws ?
?Infection from mandibular premolars drains to which nodes
sublingual lymph node .
submandibularlymph node .
Submental lymph node.
?Most common cause of swelling in the submandibular triangle region is
Sialoliths{ stone in submandibular salivary gland}


Maxilla6- 8 mandibular6..fixed denture/Maxilla4-6 Mandible4..removable

Patient is taking calcium channel blockers and you see gingival hyperplasia.
?What do you do first
a. Scaling and root planning
b. Gingivectomy as needed
c. Refer to physician to see if this is caused by other cardiac drugs
d. Mouth rinse
Which of the following conditions would NOT require antibiotic premedication
?before endodontic therapy
.a.Valvular heart disease
.b. Cardiac prosthesis
.c. Persistent odontogenic fistula
.d. Immuno-suppressive therapy
e. Organ transplant
As a part of preoperative assessment for elective facial cosmetic surgery,
?photographs need to be done
With ring flash
Flash at the side of the lens
With overhead flood lights
In natural light

increased motility of the small bowel
peripheral BV dilation, coronary artery dilation, decrease in blood pressure
increase heart rate compensatory mechanism
? The epitelial attachment to titamium consists of
hemidesmosomes basal lamina -

both ?The microgap in implantology refers to

the distance between the implant and bone
the distance between the epithelial attachment and implant
the joint of the implants itself and the abutment
Which one of the following groups is responsible for the duration of the local
?anesthetic action
a) Intermediate chain { ester, amide group }
b) Lipophyilic group
c) Ionizable group { non ionized free base }
d) All of the above
?Failure rate of implant therapy is higher in
maxilla .
mandible .
Patient presents with multiple widening of PDL spaces and bilateral resorption
?of the angle of the mandible. This is most likely
A. osteosarcoma
B. scleroderma***Type of connective tissue disease
C. ewing's sarcoma { moth eaten appearance }
D. cherubism { child, bilateral enlargement angle of the mandible }

.What should be the distance between tooth and implant

What is the distance between two implants?

Condensing osteitis?
lower molars

caused by chronic pulpal inflammation, Vital tooth,

Focal scelorosing osteomyelitis? is a lesion where root outline is distinguised

and patient are asympatomatic but the pulp is infected
cementoma? other name for periapical cementosseous dysplasia? Vital tooth,
Asymptomatic, Lower Anterior teeth, common among middle aged black
cementoblastoma ? Lower posterior teeth, vital tooth, true cementoma in
which root outline is not distinguished and lesion cant be removed without
. sacrificing the tooth

orbans knife

Dentigerous cyst
Endochondral ossification, Intramembranous ossification

?All of the following are indications of outpatient GA except

A). ASA categories 1&2{ 1- normal health patient, 2- patient with mild
systemic disease }
B). Very young child
***C). Cost increase
D). Patient admitted and discharged the same day
?Intraosseous cyst in radiograph appear
multiradiolucent may or may not expand to cortical bone
.radiopaque may or may not expand to cortical bone
.multiradiolucent with resorption of cortical bone
.radiopaque with resoption of cortical bone

?How are facial and palatal clefts classified

Class I Cleft lip only
Class II Cleft lip and cleft palate
Class III Cleft palate only
Class IV Facial cleft
?Neoplasm that spread by Lymphatic from the angle of the mouth reach the
a. Preauricular Lymph node
.b. Mental Lymph node
c. Submandibular Lymph node
d. Pterygoid venous plexus
e. Jugulo-digastric lymph node
usually located above inferior mandibular canal

Pulp become calcified

Acute necrotizing lesions are a frequent finding

Intermaxillary traction

?Patient has cirrhosis of liver{ avoid amide LA } what is the best treatment
A. lidocaine
b. mepivacaine
***c. bupivacaine
***d. articaine
years old received a trauma to central. which caused root fracture between 0
middle and apical thirds?30
Extract coronal part Do RCT for entire tooth Do RCT for coronal part Splint both parts of fractured root -

chronic suppurative periodontitis

cell wall destruction

OKC/ Residual cyst .

width, depth ,height

Remove mandibular fixation and resume proper occlusion

Alveolar bone

Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis / Acute osteomyelitis

When planning for implant preparation, the preparation should end mm away
?from any vital structure
mm 0.5
mm 2

Periapical granuloma-vital or no vital tooth?

Non vital tooth

?The greater palatine foramen is

mm anterior to vibrating line***5
mm posterior to vibrating line

?Which of the following types of bone is considered to be the best one

type- 4
?The limit of heat during the drilling and preparation for an implant is
degree C for less than 1 min60
degree C for less than 1 min38 degree C for less than 1 min 46
If a rotation of the implant is detected at the second stage of the 2 stage
?implant system
the implant is considered as a failure and should be removed
the implant should be covered with soft tissue and allowed to heal for additional time
Which of the following is cause for peri-implantitis { inflammation soft tissue around the
?implant }
Plaque accumulation
occlusal overload



?The majority of primary herpetic infections are
.a. Symptomatic
..b. Asymptomatic
.c. Proceeded by fever
.d. Accompanied by gingival erythema
e. a, c and d

/ Remanant of Epithelial rest of malassaz

Derived from proliferation of. epithelial root sheath of hertiwigs
?CBCT {.} exposes the patient for
Low dose of radiation
High dose of radiation
Most common intra oral site for Kaposi"s sarcoma?


?Solitary bone cyst management

a. anti- inflammatory and follow up
b. curettage and close
c. marsupialization and antibiotic {if near maxillary sinus} active management
?The x ray show scattered radiopaque line in the mandibular jaw the diagnosis
a. Paget"s bone disease
b. Garre"s syndrome
c. Fibrous dysplasia
d. Osteosarcoma
?Lingual nerve supply
a. Submandibular salivary gland {supplied by facial nerve, chordi tympani branch of
facial, lingual nerve}
b. Sublingual salivary gland
***c. A+B
d. None of the above
Patient who is allergic to paramino benzoic acid { ester type LA} will also be
?allergic to
lidocaine LA. {amide LA}
tetracaine LA.***{ester LA}
prilocaine LA.{amide LA}
carbocaine LA.
Not type of LA

.metabutethamine LA

According to Malamed, slow injection is defined as the deposition of 1 ml of

.?local anesthetic solution in not less than
A). 15 seconds
***B). 30 seconds{1.8ml/60second 1ml/30second}
C). 45 seconds
D). 1 minute
Patient with rash in all body with red lesion on hard palate, no haematological
problem except slightly decrease in number of platelets < 25,000. .he had
?history of epistaxis { bleeding from nose }

A. Anemia
B. Leukaemia
C. Thrombocytopenia*** decrease number of platelets {normal platelets 150,000
D. Mononucleosis

local anesthetic agent.

Topical anesthetic properties.
Antiarrhythmic agent
Anticonvulsant properties

?D? / C

?A? / C
Lingual nerve part of inferior alveolar nerve, mandibular nerve V3, trigeminal nerve V

Submandibular salivary gland supply via .facial nerve, chordi tympania branch of facial
nerve, lingual nerve

Edentulous patient

fixed denture maxilla 6-8 implant ..

mandible 6 implant
removable denture maxilla 4-6 implant, mandible 4 implant
Patient came to dentist after previous stressful procedure complaining of
burning & discomfort of his lip on examination found lesions on the palate,
?diagnosis is
A. Contact dermatitis allergy
B. Aphthous ulcer { occur on the mucous membrane e.g. Buccal mucosa may occur
extra-oral e.g. skin of flexor, conjunctiva, genitial
C. Herpes simplex ( herpetic gingivostomatitis )*** occur on { lining mucosa keratinized
mucosa e.g. Gingiva, Palate}

Skull base = intramembranous { flat bone } + endochondral ossification { long bone }

Skull vault = intramembranous only

Diabetic patient came to clinic with pain, swelling & enlarged mandible, on
?radiograph it showed moth eaten appearance, your diagnosis is
.***a) Acute osteomyelitis
.***b) Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
.c) Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis

d) Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis. (cotton wool appearance)

?Which of the following pharmacokinetic change(s) occur(s) with aging
Absorption is altered by a decrease in the gastric pH .
Metabolism is decreased by a reduced liver mass .
Distribution is altered by a decrease in total body fat .
Excretion is reduced because of lessened renal blood flow .
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3)
***C. (2) and (4)
***D. (4) only
E. All of the above
?Minimum duration for antibiotic in days: (Antibiotic course)
A. 3***azithromycine 3 days
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10
Which test is the most reliable test to indicate the presence of active
***a-Hbs{ surface }antigen
c-Hbe antigen
d-Antibody to HBs ( surface ) antigen
?Preload of implant with screw
high screw cause implant failure
low screw cause implant failure
high screw cause creep
low screw cause creep
year old patient with severe downs syndrome who requires surgery. Who can
consent for the procedure?.22
a) Patient cannot consent for the procedure because of his medical condition even if he
understands it

b) Patient can consent for it if he can understands it and the complications

***c) His parents would consent
d) His GP will consent

?D? / E
E. inhibit the
action of
{ vasoconstric
tor action} on
vascular smooth muscle

{ BV}

All of the above

hyperpolarize neurons -

Strickler syndrome
All of them {strickler syndrome, apertz syndrome, down syndrome}

Closed reduction
Class I malocclusion
Class II malocclusion
?Submandibular gland empty at
In the floor of mouth at sublingual cruncle .***
At 2 side of lingual frenum .
Opposite to upper 2nd molar .{duct of parotid gland..stenson"s duct }
Posterior near to tonsil .
?Implant which is more destructive
mm wide two implant4
mm wide one implant4
mm wide one implant3
mm wide two implant3
?Which of the following is NOT a sign of occlusal trauma
A. Fremitus
***B. Gingival recession
C. Widened periodontal ligament

D. Tooth migration
?The most common initial sign of occlusal trauma is .
.A. tooth mobility ***{mobility..sign}
.B. tooth sensitivity {sensitivity..symptom}
.C. radiographic evidence of increased periodontal space
.D. loss of pulp vitality
The most uncommon least desirable side effect of occlusal traumatism is .
.A. tooth mobility
.***B. pocket formation
.C. temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome
E. pulp calcifications
Patient Suffering from submandibular gland abscess, a stab incision is made
?and fixed rubber drain to evacuate pus. Drain sutured to
A. Intraoral between myeloid muscles
***B. Extra orally from most fluctuant point
C. Extra orally under the chin
D. From angle of mandible
An infected root is accidentally displaced into the maxillary sinus. Examination
of the socket reveals perforation of the sinus lining with an oro-antral
?communication. Therapy should consist of
.antrostomy for retrieval of root .
.closure of oro-antral communication and antibiotic coverage .
.antibiotic coverage and observation .
.acrylic template to cover socket opening and saline rinses .
***A/ (1) and (2)
B/ (1) only
C/ (3) only
D/ (4) only
E/ (1) and (3)
Which is the LEAST common type of adverse reaction associated with the use
?of latex gloves
.***A. Immediate type I allergic reaction

.B. Delayed hypersensitivity reaction

.C. Type IV immunological reaction
D. Irritant contact dermatitis
?Upper face infection can communicate with the cavernous sinus through
A. the angular vein to the superior ophthalmic vein
B. the pterygoid venous plexus to the inferior ophthalmic vein
***C. A. and B
D. None of the above

?In dentinogenesis imperfecta, what occurs

.A. Odontoblast mature and become tall cuboidal cells
***B. Dentin matrix is involved
C. Occur during odontoblast formation
Which of the following allows the best surgical access to the apical aspect of a
?tooth root with the least reflection of the tissue
a.envelope flap
***b.semilunar flap
c.vertical release incision
d. rotation pedicle flap
?Intraosseous injection of local anesthesia to lower molar .
a. Perforate the bone mesial to the tooth
b. Give one carpule or 1ml with 1:50,000 epinephrine
***c. Give 1/4 to 1/5 of the LA cartridge
d. Ask the patient if he has numbness in his lower lip after injection
. Patient came back after 4 hours the bleeding didn"t stop after extraction
manage with clot removing and checking the source of the bleeding
Patient which take propranolol {.. .}. should lessen the anesthesia dose
Child who take Albuterol {} have .. bronchial asthma
Aspirin is contraindicated with ...sulfaurea
Prosthestic valve need prophylaxis antibiotic

tachycardia { increase heart rate} is sign of thyroid crisis { increase thyroid secretion}
pregnant position on dental chair upright position
The angle which we evaluate the prognethia or retrognathia of the mandible ..SNB
palatal torus should be removed in case of interference with denture construction or
ulceration palatal mucosa
Speech problems in cleft palate caused by, the soft palate cannot close the pharyngeal
Mouth breath guide to high and narrow palatal vault
Intruded tooth treated at first by, repositioning
Codiene {opioid drug} poisoning cause
myiosis {eye pupil construction} mydriasis {diluated in eyepupil}
The appliance which pull the maxillary tooth forward, face mask
Deficiency maxilla growth corrected by lefort 1
?Maximum Dose of Lidocaine 1:80 000 LA in Child 20KG
a) 20 mg
b) 60 mg
c) 80 mg*** child 4.4 X 20 kg =88 mg MRD
d) 140 mg
In needle stick injury, what is the most common transmitted viral infection in
?Fully Immunized dental Team
a) HCV*** no immunization for HCV
b) HBV

{fully immunized dental team}

c) HIV

{ not common viral disease }

Which of the following is contraindication for use of ultrasonic and sonic

?devices select all that apply
immunosuppressive patients
risk for pulmonary disease
older patients
??Pacemaker only

?Most common secondary malignant tumor of bone respect

***osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma
chondrosarcoma and osteosarcoma
osteosarcoma and ameloblastoma?Patient with renal failure will discover
Candida infection
Hairy tongue
Hairy leuokoplakia
*** Hyperparathyroidism
?Common in people with cerebral palsy

a. periodontal disease***

all of them if found

b. caries
c. malocclusion
d. dysphagia
?Drugs, which should not be given by I.V. route
.A) paracetamol
.B) diclofenac***{make irritation vein }
.***C) choloroquine
D) adrenaline

??D.penicillin G
Elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels resul in Ca2+ being released from
?bone through receptor mediated actions on
.A. osteoclasts

.B. osteoblasts
.C. osteocytes
D. chondroblasts

B. Orange peel appearance

Cotton wool appearance..paget"s bone disease on skull vault

CSF high glucose

Nausea and vomiting

?Incision and drainage indicated in

***Acute apical periodontitis
Swelling diffused and indurated
***Chronic suppurative periodontitis

Sinus tract

Teenager with bruxism how to

***a) cusp capping
b) remove occlusal interference
c) sedatives
Best treatment for bruxism behavioural therapy and occlusal splint {night guard}, mouth
A tooth w grade 2 mobility { ..} & type 2 recession ?{} w moderate bone support its prognosis

?Retropharyngeal abscess is drained through

***A. Intraoral
B. Pharyngeal
***C. Anterior to sternocleidomastoid muscle
D. Angle of mandible
18y old patient suffer of sever inflammation in attached gingiva and tired and
?has psychological stress in his life
aphthous ulcer { mucous membrane e.g. buccal mucosa, lip} .

recurrent herpes .{keratinized mucosa, lining mucosa, attached mucosa e.g. Gingiva }
allergic stomatitis.

Patient come to clinic with pain in the area of the mandible molars with
paresthesia in the lower lip since 15 days , on x-ray it showed moth eaten
?appearance your diagnosis
A. Acute osteomyelitis
.***B. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
C. focal sclerosing osteomyelitis
D. Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis

below the occlusal plane in children -399

both false-401

?Patient came to you suffer from palatal cleft in which age that will happens
.In 8 weeks 2 months
Dentist has to see position of unerupted premolar whose eruption is disrupted
?by odontome. Which x ray will be the best
***Occlusal radiograph
Periapical radiograph
Opg { panorama}
Computed tomograph
?Which of the following is the most associated with resorption at root apex
Fibrous Dysplasia
Pridormal cyst
Periapical granuloma
Periapical abscess
?During root planning, the optimal tooth-blade-relationship or angulation is

.More than 45 degree, less than 90 degree

?Muscle involved in unfavourable fracture
***Temporalis muscle & Lateral pterygoid muscle
Temporalis muscle & masseter muscle
All of the above
?Primary reason for the failure for a free gingival autograft is
Edema .***
Disruption of the vascular supply before engraftment .***
The formation of scar tissue .
A cutaneous maculopapulary rash of the head and neck preceded by
?small ulcers in the buccal mucosa would suggest which of the following
A. Primary herpes simplex infection
***B. Rubeola
C. Varicella zoster
D. Primary syphilis
E. Actinomycosis
?Recurrent epileptic seizures more than 10 minutes , drug to give is
a) Administrate 10 mg midazolam IV
b) Administrate 20 mg midazolam buccally
c) Refer to hospital
d) Administrate 10 mg midazolam buccally
***e) Administrate IV diazepam
?Permanent damage to inferior dental nerve after third molar surgery
***a) 1%
***b) 3%
c) 5%
d) 8%
?Maximium Dose of Lidocaine 1:80 000 LA in Patient 70KG
a) 200 Mg
***b) 300 Mg
c) 400 Mg
***d) 500 Mg
Adult patient (7/kg) with adrenaline.7ml X 70kg=490mg MRD=500mg
Adult patient (4.4/kg) without adrenaline4.4ml X 70kg=308mgMRD=300mg
?What are the most difficult bacteria to kill in the sterilization process
A. Hepatitis C
B. Streptococcal mutans
C. Clostridium botulinium
D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

According to the original two-stage Branemark method of endosseous implant

placement which of the following describes the recommended healing time for
maxillary and mandibular bone without bone graft, soft tissue graft or
?parafunctional habitual
.A. Maxilla: 5- to 6-month healing period
Mandible: 3- to 4-month healing period
.B. Maxilla: 1- to 2-month healing period

Mandible: 1- to 2-month healing period

.C. Maxilla: 1- to 2-month healing period
Mandible: 3- to 4-month healing period
.***D. Maxilla: 3- to 4-month healing period
Mandible: 1- to 2-month healing period
.E. Maxilla: 5- to 6-month healing period
Mandible: 1- to 2-month healing period
How many days does it usually take for surface epithelialization to be
?completed following a gingivectomy
27- 20

?The most common cause of the discoloration of non-vital teeth

A-stains from drink coffee
***B-hemorrhage after trauma
C- Toxins from chronic illnesses
1-2WEAKS { to avoid ankylosis}
222 -3
Child take anti-tatanous vaccination before 5 years now he get injured with big
?wound what u will give him
a. Toxoide*** {booster dose}
b. Toxiode and anti-tatanous
c. Anti tatanous { no need to anti tatanous he took his vaccine from 5 years ago so he
need only booster dose}
Which is a cause of lip and neck swelling following ingestion of drugs,
?shellfish, or nuts

***A. Anaphylaxis reaction

B. Urticaria
C. Fixed drug reaction
.D. Acquired angioedema
E. Contact allergy
Patient with leukemia absolute neutrophilic count is 1700 what oral surgeon
?should do to manage this patient
.A. Postpone another day
.***B. Work with prophylactic antibiotic
C. Platelets transfusion
years old patient, had extraction of the lower primary molar & he had 5
?fracture of the mesial and distal apex of the tooth what is the best ttt
.aggressive remove
.visualization & remove
***visualization & leave

figure of eight suture -1

hemofulus -2

***Z-plasty technigue
***Supraperiosteal incision of vestibuloplasty

Lateral pterygoid muscle arise from superior head..infratemporal surface of greater

***wing of sphenoidal bone and lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
Inferior head..medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
?Non resorbable membrane in graft removed after
***A 4-6 weeks
B 8-12 weeks
C 14-36 weeks

C-CNS excitation
First sign..excitation of CNS { increase heart rate, hypertension, increase respiratory
Second sign..depression of CNS { decrease heart rate, hypotension, decrease respiratory
Take care different between Allergy { hypersensitivity} : Toxicity {overdose }
Patient of HBV came to your clinic and during dental procedures have a severe
?Injury and bleeds alot, what is your management
.Squeeze the wound but dont scrub .
.Wash the wound with water and put water proofer plaster .

.Assess the virulent of the patient and refer him for infectous disease consltant .
.Ask him to apply pressure on the wound to stop bleeding .
.***a. 1+2+3
.b. 1+4
.c. 1+2+4
**d. 3+4
Patient with lupus erythematous under cortisone, needs surgical extraction of
?a tooth. What should surgeon instruct the patient
A. Take half of cortisone dose at day of operation
***B. Double the cortisone dose at day of operation
C. Take half of cortisone dose day before and at the day of and day after operation
D. Double cortisone dose day before n at the day of n day after operation
?Oxygen flow rate of (L/min) in children
Flow rates greater than 4 L/min are very irritating to the nares and are not tolerated by
most children. Flow rates greater than 2 L/min are not recommended for newborns and
14- 10
18 -16
?Local anesthesia of choice in uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
A. Prilocaine
B. Mepivacaine
C. Bupivacaine
D. Lidocaine
? Most influential for designing of a flap
A. Probing depth
.B. presence of infrabony defects
***C. Quantity of attached gingiva
?Magnetostrictive ultrasonic units are

?Which electrons have the most energy
The most common complication occurring in a child after inferior alveolar
?nerve block
A. Angular cheilitis
***B. Lip ulceration
C. Necrosis of the lip
D. Paresthesia
RCT comes under emergency or surgical phase?

E mergency

Long face predispose patient to class 2 malocclusion

and short face to class 3 malocclusion
Right or wrong
Right answer

Prohphylaxis not required for block anesthesia & infiltration ( its required in
?intraligimentary only ) T/F

?What route of transmission is a needle stick injury of infectious disease

A). Direct contact
B). Indirect contact
C). Accidental contact
***D). Parenteral contact
E). Droplets
?All of the following are possible effects of aspirin EXCEPT
a. Reduction of fever
***b. Shortening of bleeding time
c. Suppression of inflammatory response
d. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract
e. Increase in the renal excretion of Utica acid at high doses
?Most likely cause of pulp necrosis
?Intraosseous cyst in radiograph appears
.***Multi radiolucent may or may not expand to cortical bone
.Radiopaque may or may not expand to cortical bone
.***Multi radiolucent may with resorption of cortical bone
Radiopaque may with resoption of cortical bone

?The result of enlargement of the mesial root of lower third molar is
mesioangular impaction-1
***distoangular impaction-2
vertical impaction-3

***Periodontial pocket
All of the above
What is the cell in
diabetic patient
resposible for low

***Upper mucosal layer

Z-incision, V-Y incision ..Frenectomy

D. All of the above

Immediate postoperative complicationyou are worried about postoperative bleeding
C.IV only

Sialodinitis CTscan show

mass on submandibular gland
Patient has something like injury and bleeding what is the type of paste you
will put it in the tooth to assist heal and the type of local anesthesia you will
?use to assist stop bleeding
***A.50% bupvicaine + 1:200,000epinephrine + Ca OH paste
b.2% lidocaine + 1:00,000 epinephrine + GI paste
. .C

years old patient came to your office for routine check up without any 21
complains when u take x-ray you found a R.L area around upper central and
?lateral .. no swelling no pain the diagnosis is
radicular cyst { apical, lateral, residual} incidental, asympatomatic, anterior

?External carotid artery
..a-Begin or divide at hyoid bone
b-Sternomastoid muscle cover its course
***c-Medial to internal carotid artery

Albright syndrome
Patient have cross bite { anterior cross bite..lower incisor overlap on upper
incisor }/ { posterior cross bite..lower molar overlap on upper molar} when
?move his mandible laterally why
unilateral costriction of maxillary .
unilateral constriction of mandible .
Asymmetrical growth of mandible .
bilateral constriction of maxilla .***

According to the WHO, risk of various obesity-related conditions

?occur at
BMI of 25
BMI <20 underweight
BMI normal from 20-25

?Early calcification of sutures in which syndrome

apert and crouze syndrome
klinefelter and crouzon syndrome
All of the above

?Which is most affected by tetracycline


Who needs general

***a. 2 year old with many cavities
b. 8 year old autistic with 4 occlusal cavities
c. 10 year old with molar cavities

?Last sensation that disappear after LA

A. pain
***B. deep pressure
C. touch
D. temperature

You should treat ANUG until disease completely removed

Otherwise, it will change to necrotic ulcerative gingivitis
A-both true
B-both false
***C-1st true, 2nd false
D-1st false 2nd true

?Best way to clean interdental areas after flap/ perio surgery

***Interdental brush
Tooth prick
***Water irrigation device
Tooth was extracted and socket was biopsied due to radiolucency,
microscopic evaluation showed lymphocytes, neutrophils etc what's the
Hodgking"s lymphoma

Non Hodgkin"s lymphoma

,Haemopoetic Bone marrow disease
Acute Lymphatic Leukemia

?What are the purposes of using occlusal splints

To change the pattern and degree of
tactile afferent neural impulses
.To immobilize teeth
To produce a permanent change in the occlusion
To prevent teeth from disturbing occlusal sensory input
?Patient has cirrhosis of liver what is the best treatment
A. lidocaine LA
b. mepivacaine LA
***c. bupivacaine LA
***d. articaine LA
The % of specific LA which is present in the base form when injected in
the tissue whose pH is 7.4 inversely proportional to the pKa of that
a. Onset of action is faster, duration of action is longer
b. Onset of action is slower ,duration of action is longer
c. Duration of action same onset of action both is slower
Which of the following injection is most likely to have positive
a. Inferior alveolar nerve block
b. Varzinia akinosia
c. Infraorbital nerve block
d. Gowgate mandibular nerve block
e. Mental nerve block

Which kind of patients cannot be treated with B blocker as

?antiarrthymic medication
a. patient with angina pectoris
b. patient with HTN
c. patient with COPD
d. patient with bronchial asthma
kg child ... The allowed amount of LA?child dose 4.4...16kg X
mg 32
mg 115

?What is the clinical hallmark of a chronic periradicular abscess

a. Large periradicular lesion
.b. Sinus tract drainage
.c. Granulation tissue in the periapex
d. Cyst formation

X 0.017=0.034mg*** Answer C 20

A-Myelogenous leukaemia

?Bacteria associated with acute sinusitis

Streptococcus pneumoniae
H influenza

?Most common odontogenic tumor of mesenchymal origin

odontogenic mesenchymal
Odontogenic Myxoma
Your diagnosis for the lesion in the right posterior mandible noted on
?a routine dental radiograph of 31-year-old white male
A. Odontogenic keratocyst
B. Traumatic bone cavity***
C. Central ossifying fibroma
D. Unicystic ameloblastoma
E. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

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