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An astrological age is a time period which astrology postulates parallels major changes in the development of Earth's inhabitants, particularly relating
to culture, society and politics. There are twelve astrological ages corresponding to the twelve zodiacal signs in western astrology. At the completion
of one cycle of twelve astrological ages, the cycle repeats itself. Astrological ages occur because of a phenomenon known as the precession of the
equinoxes. One complete period of this precession is called a Great Year or Platonic Year[1] of about 25,920 years.[2]
There are two broad approaches about the effects upon the world due to the astrological ages. Some astrologers believe the changes upon Earth are
caused and marked by the influences of the given astrological sign, associated with the Age, while other astrologers do not follow the causative model
and believe it is a matter of synchronicity.[3]
Many astrologers believe that the Age of Aquarius has arrived recently or will arrive in the near future. On the other hand, some believe that the Age
of Aquarius arrived up to five centuries ago, or will not start until six centuries from now.[4] Despite all references provided by various sources,
astrologers cannot agree upon exact dates for the beginning or ending of the ages.
Various ages are described below, such as the Age of Aquarius.

1 Overview
1.1 Contentious aspects of the astrological ages
1.2 Consensus approach to the astrological ages
1.3 Are ages equal or of variable lengths based on the zodiacal constellations?
1.4 Age cusps
1.5 Other opinions on the astrological ages
1.5.1 Ages exactly 2,000 years each
1.5.2 Binary ages involving the opposite sign
1.5.3 Mayan Long Count Calendar & Precession
2 Calculation aspects
2.1 First point of Aries alignment - the fiducial point
3 Past ages
3.1 The Age of Leo (The Leonian Age)
3.2 The Age of Cancer (The Cancerian Age)

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3.3 The Age of Gemini (The Geminian Age)

3.4 The Age of Taurus (The Taurean Age)
3.5 The Age of Aries (The Arian Age)
3.6 The Age of Pisces (The Piscean Age)
3.6.1 Timeframes
3.6.2 Overview
3.6.3 Historical similarities
3.7 The Age of Aquarius (The Aquarian age)
4 The sub-periods of ages
4.1 Aries to Pisces sub-periods
4.2 Dwadasamsa sub-periods
4.3 Sub-period direction (forward or retrograde?)
5 New, alternative, and fringe theories
5.1 Alternative approach to calibrating precession
6 Popular culture
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
9.1 Astrological ages
9.2 Age of Aquarius
9.3 Age of Pisces

There are three broad perspectives on the astrological ages:

1. Archeoastronomers are interested in the ages because some researchers believe that ancient civilizations often depicted cultural references to
the ages. Archeoastronomers in general do not 'believe' in astrology, but they study the cultural traditions of societies that did refer extensively
to astrology.
2. Astrologers have been interested in relating world history to the astrological ages since the late 19th century;[5] however, most astrologers study
horoscopes, not astrological ages.
3. The general public has become aware of the agesor ar least of the Age of Aquariussince it was publicized in the musical Hair.[6] A number
of unsubstantiated urban myths circulate about the astrological ages in various media.

Contentious aspects of the astrological ages

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Definitive details on the astrological ages are lacking, and consequently most details and urban myths
available about the astrological ages are contentious and disputed. The eminent 20th century British astrologer
Charles Carter stated that
"It is probable that there is no branch of Astrology upon which more nonsense has been poured forth
than the doctrine of the precession of the equinoxes." (Precession of the equinoxes is the root
astronomical cause of the astrological ages)[7]
In 2000 Neil Spencer in his book True as the Stars Above expressed a similar opinion about the astrological
ages. Spencer singles out the astrological ages as being "fuzzy", "speculative" and least defined area of
astrological lore.[8] Derek and Julia Parker claim that it is impossible to state the exact date for the start of any
astrological age and acknowledge that many astrologers believe the Age of Aquarius has arrived while many
claim the world is at the end of the Age of Pisces.[9] Therefore a note of caution, claims about the astrological
ages such as the Age of Aquarius should be taken with some scepticism, especially the urban myths widely
propagated about the Age of Aquarius.

Traditional western Zodiac signs

Ray Grasse states in Signs of the Times - Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events that "there is considerable dispute over the exact
starting and ending times for the different Great Ages."[10] Paul Wright in The Great Ages and Other Astrological Cycles believes that much of the
uncertainty related to the astrological ages is because many astrologers have a poor understanding of the meaning of the astrological symbolism and
"even poorer historical knowledge".[11]

Consensus approach to the astrological ages

Though so many issues are contentious or disputed, there are two aspects of the astrological ages that have virtually unanimous consensusfirstly,
the link of the astrological ages to the axial precession;[12] secondly, that, due to the nature of the precession of the equinoxes, the progression of the
ages proceeds in reverse direction through the zodiacal signs.[13] Normally, during the course of the astrological year, commencing around 21 March
at the vernal equinox, the Sun moves through the zodiacal signs commencing with Aries, then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and, finally, Pisces. After Pisces the Sun enters Aries and commences the cycle all over again. However, the
astrological ages proceed in the reverse direction. Therefore, after the Age of Pisces, the next age is the Age of Aquarius, followed by the Age of
Capricorn, and so on.
There is a third aspect of the astrological ages that has very wide consensus amongst astrologers. Though astrologers cannot agree upon the year,
century or millennium for the start of any age, they generally agree upon the core historical events associated with the recent Ages since the start of
the Holocene Epoch. For example, the Age of Leo with massive global warming that resulted in the deglaciation of Earth at the end of the last Ice
Age, Age of Cancer with domestication and the Biblical Flood ); the Age of Gemini is associated with the invention of writing, the Age of Taurus with
Ancient Egypt and its massive pyramids, the Aries age with the Iron Age and the Age of Pisces with Christianity. Astrologers claim that each zodiacal

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sign has associated archetypes, which are often referred to traditionally as 'rulerships'. For example, Gemini rules the hands, dexterity and
communication and draws upon all these archetypes to produce the first written word in the Age of Gemini, specifically in Sumer, Mesopotamia.

Are ages equal or of variable lengths based on the zodiacal constellations?

It is difficult to say which is the most popular method to divide the Great Year into twelve astrological ages. There are two popular methods. One
method is to divide the Great Year into twelve astrological ages of approximately equal lengths of around 2160 years per age based on the vernal
equinox moving through the sidereal zodiac.[14] Another method is to significantly vary the duration of each astrological age based on the passage of
the vernal equinox measured against the actual zodiacal constellations.[15] Each of those twelve sections of the Great Year can be called either an
astrological age, Precessional Age or a Great Month,[16] the last term being more common in earlier texts.
One issue with the variable length age method based on the zodiacal constellations is that many of these zodiacal constellations overlap. For example
by 2700 the vernal point will have moved into the constellation of Aquarius, but due to the overlapping stars from the constellation of Pisces, the
vernal point will also continue to point towards the constellation of Pisces.[17] This overlap is a problem if this literal approach to the zodiacal
constellations is adopted.
Based on the astronomical division of the irregular constellations, the Austrian astronomer Professor Hermann Haupt examined the question of when
the Age of Aquarius begins in an article published in 1992 by the Austrian Academy of Science: Der Beginn des Wassermannzeitalters, eine
astronomische Frage? (The Start of the Aquarian Age, an Astronomical Question?), (see below The Age of Aquarius).

Age cusps
Many astrologers consider the entrance into a new astrological age is not a single moment of time but a process commonly referred to as `the cusp', by
which one age initiates its influences in a slowly increasing way before the end of the previous age. For example, Ray Grasse states that an
astrological age neither begins at an exact day or year.[18] Paul Wright states that cusps do not exist in horoscopic astrology (a planet is either in one
zodiacal sign or the next), but a cuspal effect does occur at the border of the astrological ages. Consequently, the beginning of any age cannot be
defined to a single year or a decade but blend its influences with the previous age for a period of time until the new age can stand in its own right.[19]
Be that as it may, there is no consensus on this point. Basically, those that follow the cusp approach believe that there is a merging of influence
between each adjoining ages. Many astrologers believe that the world is currently on the cusp of the Pisces and Aquarian ages, explaining why so
many developments in the world today can be aligned to Pisces (i.e. continuing strong religious influences especially from Christianity) and Aquarius
(traditional archetypes associated with Aquarius include electricity, computers and democracy). A few astrologers consider the last ca. 10 degrees of
a given age (ca. 720 years) as the time period during which the new age starts to make visible its influences, also called "orb of influence". In Nicholas
Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes there are six pages listing researchers and their proposed dates for the start of the Age of Aquarius
indicating that many researchers believe that each age commences at an exact date.[20]
Robert Hand[21] adds another point of view about cusps in that the stars of the constellation of Pisces overlap the stars of the constellation of

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Aquarius. Technically, the vernal equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius in 2691 but does not leave the constellation of Pisces until 2817. Thus,
between the years 2691 and 2817, the vernal equinox is pointing towards both the constellation of Pisces and the constellation of Aquarius.[22] This
approach has no effect upon those astrologers that utilize twelve equal sized ages based on the sidereal zodiac.
Albert Amao Ph.D. states that the transition period between any two ages is based on one degrees either side of the point of intersection of two
adjoining zodiacal constellations. As one degree is approximately 72 years, Amao has a transition period between ages of 144 years.[23]

Other opinions on the astrological ages

Though many approaches to the ages are conflicting, many different schools of thought have an established momentum but are generally not upheld
by the majority of astrologers.
Ages exactly 2,000 years each
Many astrologers find ages too erratic based on either the vernal point moving through the randomly sized zodiacal constellations or sidereal zodiac
and, instead, round all astrological ages to exactly 2000 years each. In this approach the ages are usually neatly aligned so that the Aries age is found
from 2000 BC to 1 AD, Pisces age 1 AD to 2000 AD, the Aquarian age 2000 AD - 4000 AD, and so on.[24] This approach is not consistent with the
precession of the equinoxes. Based on precession of the equinoxes, there is a one degree shift approximately every 72 years, so a 30 degree
movement requires 2160 years to complete.
Binary ages involving the opposite sign
There is also an established school of thought that believes each age's influences are also complemented by the opposite sign to the sign ruling the
astrological age. For instance, the Age of Pisces is complemented by its opposite astrological sign of Virgo (the Virgin); for this reason, a few
researchers refer to the Piscean age as the 'Age of Pisces-Virgo'.[25] Adopting this approach, the Age of Aquarius would become the Age of
Aquarius-Leo. Ray Grasse also claims that each sign of the zodiac is part of a polarity involving the opposite sign.[26]
Mayan Long Count Calendar & Precession
William Sullivan in The Secret of the Incas contends that there is a direct connection between the history of the Incan Empire and precession of the
equinoxes. John Major Jenkins in 'Maya Cosmogenesis 2012' believes that the Mayan Long Count Calendar is based on precession of the equinoxes
and solstices.[27] Jenkins believes that the Maya related the precession of the winter solstice sunrise against the Milky Wayan event which is
currently developing and supposedly instrumental in mankind's spiritual renewal.[28]

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The Earth, in addition to its diurnal (daily) rotation upon its axis and annual rotation around the
Sun, incurs a precessional motion involving a slow periodic shift of the axis itself: approximately
one degree every 72 years. This motion, which is caused mostly by the Moon's gravity, gives rise
to the precession of the equinoxes in which the Sun's position on the ecliptic at the time of the
vernal equinox, measured against the background of fixed stars, gradually changes with time.
In graphical terms, the Earth behaves like a spinning top, and tops tend to wobble as they spin.
The spin of the Earth is its daily (diurnal) rotation. The spinning Earth slowly wobbles over a
period slightly less than 26,000 years. From our perspective on Earth, the stars are ever so slightly
`moving' from west to east at the rate of one degree approximately every 72 years. One degree is
about twice the diameter of the Sun or Moon as viewed from Earth. The easiest way to notice this
slow movement of the stars is at any fixed time each year. The most common fixed time is at the
vernal equinox around 21 March each year.
In astrology, an astrological age has usually been defined by the constellation or superimposed
sidereal zodiac in which the Sun actually appears at the vernal equinox. This is the method that
Hipparchus appears to have applied around 127 BCE when he calculated precession. Since each
sign of the zodiac is composed of 30 degrees, each astrological age might be thought to last about
72 (years) 30 (degrees) = about 2160 years. This means the Sun crosses the equator at the
vernal equinox moving backwards against the fixed stars from one year to the next at the rate of
one degree in seventy-two years, one constellation (on average) in about 2160 years, and the
whole twelve signs in about 25,920 years, sometimes called a Platonic Year. However the length
of the ages are decreasing with time as the rate of precession is increasing. Therefore no two ages
are of equal length.

First point of Aries alignment - the fiducial point

Approximately every 26,000 years the zodiacal constellations, the associated sidereal zodiac and
the tropical zodiac used by western astrologers basically align. Technically this is when the
tropical and sidereal "first point in Aries" (Aries 0) coincided. This alignment is often called the
fiducial point, and if the fiducial point could be found, fairly exact timeframes of all the
astrological ages could be accurately determined (if the method used to determine the astrological
ages is based on the equal-sized 30 degrees per age and do not correspond to the exact
constellation configuration in the sky). However this fiducial point is difficult to determine
because while there is no ambiguity about the tropical zodiac used by western astrologers, the

Precessional movement as seen from 'outside' the

celestial sphere. The rotation axis of the Earth
describes over a period of about 25800 years a small
circle (blue) among the stars, centred around the
ecliptic northpole (blue E) and with an angular radius
of about 23.4: the angle known as the obliquity of
the ecliptic. The orange axis was the Earth's rotation
axis 5000 years ago when it pointed to the star
Thuban. The yellow axis, pointing to Polaris is the
situation now. Note that when the celestial sphere is
seen from outside constellations appear in mirror
image. Also note that the daily rotation of the Earth
around its axis is opposite to the precessional
rotation. When the polar axis precesses from one
direction to another, then the equatorial plane of the
Earth (indicated with the circular grid around the
equator) and the associated celestial equator will

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same cannot be said of the sidereal zodiac used by Vedic astrologers. Vedic astrologers do not
have unanimity on the exact location in space of their sidereal zodiac. This is because the sidereal
zodiac is superimposed upon the irregular zodiacal constellation, and there are no unambiguous
boundaries of the zodiacal constellations. Modern day astronomers have defined boundaries, but
this is a recent development by astronomers who are divorced from astrology, and cannot be
assumed to be correct from the astrological perspective. While most astronomers and some
astrologers agree that the fiducial point occurred in or around the 3rd to 5th centuries AD, there is
no consensus on any exact date or tight timeframe within these three centuries. A number of dates
are proposed by various astronomers and even wider timeframes by astrologers. (For an
alternative approach to calibrating precession, see Alternative Approach to Calibrating Precession
in New, alternative, and fringe theories section below).

move too. Where the celestial equator intersects the

ecliptic (red line) there are the equinoxes. As seen
from the drawing, the orange grid, 5000 years ago
one intersection of equator and ecliptic, the vernal
equinox was close to the star Aldebaran of Taurus.
By now (the yellow grid) it has shifted (red arrow) to
somewhere in the constellation of Pisces. Note that
this is an astronomical description of the precessional
movement and the vernal equinox position in a given
constellation may not imply the astrological meaning
of an Age carrying the same name, as they (ages and
constellations) only have an exact alignment in the
"first point of Aries", meaning once in each ca.
25800 (Great Sidereal Year).

As an example of a mystic contemporary approach to precession, in Max Heindel's astrology

writings,[29] it is described, that last time the starting-point of the sidereal zodiac agreed with the
tropical zodiac occurred in AD 498. A year after these points were in exact agreement, the Sun
crossed the equator about fifty seconds of space into the constellation Pisces. The year following
it was one minute and forty seconds into Pisces, and so it has been creeping backwards ever since, until at the present time the Sun crosses the
equator in about nine degrees in the constellation Pisces. Based on this approach, it will thus be about 600 years before it actually crosses the celestial
equator in the constellation Aquarius. However this is only one of many approaches and so this must remain speculation at this point of time.

The Age of Leo (The Leonian Age)

Symbol for Leo:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Leo;
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Common interpretation: ca. 10,500 BC to 8000 BC.
Overview "The Golden Age"
Historical similarities

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The major event at this time was an ancient global warming to such a massive extent that it led to the deglaciation of what now constitutes much of
the modern habitable world. The deglaciation ultimately caused a 300 foot (90 m) rise in the sea level. The sign Leo is a Fire sign and is traditionally
ruled by the Sun in astrology, and it is entirely appropriate that in an Age ruled by the Sun, that the warmth of the Sun melted the glaciers that covered
much of North America and Europe. Leo is also related to any kind of light source, and the carved stone oil lamp was invented during this time (Oil
lamps existed previously, but this type was the first proper continuously burning lamp.).

The Age of Cancer (The Cancerian Age)

Symbol for Cancer:
The zodiacal signs:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Cancer;
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation:[30] began in ca. 8600 BC and ended in ca. 6450 BC.
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation:[31]
Overview "The Age of the Great Mother." Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and is associated with the process of bearing, birthing, nurturing, and
Historical similarities The Neolithic Revolution, including the beginning of civilization, with domestication of farm animals including pigs, goats and
bees. Some nomadic people settled down to living in permanent dwellings. For example, the city of Jericho, believed constructed during this age, was
protected by a wall 1217 ft (4 to 5 m) high & 5 ft (1.5 m) thick. (Cancer is always associated with 'protection' by utilizing an external barrier). There
is also evidence of massive loss of coastal regions by the rising sea level following deglaciation of many areas on Earth. This loss of land caused the
forced relocation of people to higher ground. Cancer's list of archetypes always include anything to do with the home (including houses, place of
residence, migration).
Evidence of widespread use of boats (maritime vessels of all types are ruled by Cancer).
Rise of pottery (a protective vessel conforming to one of Cancer's archetypes).
Religious similarities Widespread evidence of the mother goddess in the Near East (the `mother' archetype in all shapes and forms is always related

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to the sign Cancer).

The Age of Gemini (The Geminian Age)

Symbol for Gemini:
The zodiacal signs:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Gemini;
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 6450 BC and ended in ca. 4300 BC.
Constellation boundary year: (not calculated).
Shephard Simpson interpretation: (none).
Overview "The Age of Communication, Trade and the Twins"
Historical similarities During this age writing developed, and trade started to accelerate. This corresponds to the symbols the Gemini constellation
represents. The constellation can be seen as two people holding hands (thought to be twins), believed by some to be symbolic for trade and
communication of peoples. Regardless of the lore associated with the constellation of Gemini, both writing (including literature, newspapers, journals,
magazines and works of fiction) and trade (including merchants) are traditional archetypes belonging to the sign of Gemini.
The wheel, although having been used earlier as potter's wheels, was used for the first time for transportation purposes around the 5th millennium BC.
Most forms of local transportation (horse and cart, bicycles, suburban trains, trams, cars, motorcycles, walking, roads, freeways etc.) are archetypes
associated with the sign of Gemini.
Religious similarities Multiple gods, such as the pantheon of gods in Ancient Greek literature, are believed to have appeared in this Gemini age
probably in Sumer (Mesopotamia). (Gemini not only is associated with the archetype of `twins' and `duality' but also 'multiplicity')

The Age of Taurus (The Taurean Age)

Symbol for Taurus:
The zodiacal signs:

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the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Taurus;

Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 4300 BC and ended in ca. 2150 BC.
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation: began ca. 4525 BC to ca. 1875 BC
Overview "The Age of Earth, Agriculture and the Bull"
Historical similarities Bull worshiping cults began to form in Assyria, Egypt, and Crete which relates to Taurus symbolizing the bull.
Main article: Bull (mythology)
This age is notable for the building of the Pyramids, during the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. They personify structure,
solidity, stability and attempts at eternity, keywords of Taurus. The completed Great Pyramid of Khufu, clad in smooth pure white limestone, must
have been a sight of dazzling beauty in the sunlight. Beauty is another keyword of Taurus.
Taurus is associated with the metal copper, and bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) was for the first time smelted and worked into bronze swords
during the early phase of this era.
Papyrus was invented during this time, enabling improved writing techniques. It could be manufactured into very long strips that could be rolled (but
not yet folded) into scrolls or rolls for efficient storage and handling. (The Taurus glyph invokes the image of the partially unrolled scroll).
Traits of Taurus such as 'stubbornness' and 'strength' but at the same time 'sensuality' may be attributed to civilizations such as Ancient Egypt's.
Religious similarities
Ankh: thoracic vertebra of a bull - Egyptian symbol of life
Worship of Apis, the bull-deity (see also Bull (mythology)), the most important of all the sacred animals in Egypt, said to be instituted during
the Second Dynasty of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and worshipped in the Memphis region until the New Kingdom (16th century BC).
When Moses was said to have descended from the mountain with the ten commandments (c. 17th - 13th century BC, the end of the Age of
Taurus), some of his people or followers were found by him to be worshipping a golden bull calf. He instructed these false idol-worshippers to
be killed. This represents Moses "killing" the bull and ending the Age of Taurus, and ushering in the Age of Aries, which he represents.

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The Age of Aries (The Arian Age)

Symbol for Aries:
The zodiacal signs:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Aries;
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 2150 BC and ended in ca. 1 AD.
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation: began ca. 1875 BC to ca. 100 AD
Overview "The Age of War, Fire and the Ram"
Historical similarities Aries represents a Fire symbol as well as bold actions, a lot of these behaviors can be seen during any age. However, the
themes emphasised during this age relate to courage, initiative, war & adventure. Nations during this age such as the expanding empires of China,
Persia, Greece and Rome, are often cited as examples of the archetypes of Aries in action. Also the Aries constellation shows a ram running. This
could correspond with the sacrifice of Abraham's Ram. While the number of names containing the sound of the ram during this period is noted: Ra
(Sun God), Ram, Rama, Brahman, Brahma, Abram/Abraham, Amon Ra, and Ramesses I. The battering ram was employed by the Assyrians, Greeks
and Romans with great success during this time. (The symbol of Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, evokes this interpretation.) According to the
Roman state religion, the Roman people were the "Sons of Mars".
Aries is associated with the metal iron, and iron ore was for the first time smelted and worked into iron swords in Anatolia during the early phase of
this era, replacing the heavier, softer-metalled, duller-edged bronze swords of the previous Taurus Age.
Traits of Aries such as 'initiative' may suggest the explosion of originality in the development of social aspects, sciences and arts in regions such as
Ancient Greece but at the same time traits such as 'Impulsivity' may be attributed to the various Wars of the time.
Religious similarities The Age of Aries ushered in efforts to replace polytheism with monotheism. The earliest known attempt was by the Egyptian
Pharaoh Akhenaten, who, in about 1350 BC, decreed the Sun God Aten to be the supreme deity, apparently in reaction to his earlier lack of inclusion
in religious rites by his family. After his death, however, power reverted to the original polytheistic priests, who re-established the old religion.
Speculation (including that of Freud) has it that later, during the reign of Ramesses II, Moses was influenced by rumour of Akhenaten's revolutionary
idea, and grasped the idea of a single supreme God, who especially favoured his people, as an inspirational mechanism that best suited his people held

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in bondage. The symbol of Aries can be seen as representing the power of multiple gods streaming down into a single god-head.
Moses (born c. 16th13th Century BC; 7 Adar 2368 - 7 Adar 2488 in the Hebrew calendar), an early Biblical Hebrew religious leader, lawgiver,
prophet, and military leader, condemns his own people upon finding them worshiping a 'golden calf' (a symbol of the previous Age of Taurus and of
the worship of the bull deity) after coming down Mount Sinai. These events may have occurred during the Age of Aries (see also Dating the Exodus
See also:
The Mithraic Question and Precession

The Age of Pisces (The Piscean Age)

Symbol of Pisces:
The zodiacal signs:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Pisces;
The Age of Pisces is technically the current age and some astrologers believe it will remain so for approximately another 600 years. At that time, the
vernal equinox point will no longer be facing Pisces, but moved into the constellation of Aquarius, thus beginning the Age of Aquarius. However,
there are many astrologers who believe that the Age of Aquarius has already arrived or will arrive soon.
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. AD 1 and ends in ca. AD 2150.
Heindel-Rosicrucian interpretation: began in ca. AD 498 and ends in ca.AD 2654
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation: began ca. 100/90 BC and ends ca. AD 2680.
"The Age of Monotheism, Spirituality, and the Fish"

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Historical similarities
The Age of Pisces is characterized by the rise of many religions such as Christianity (founded 1st Century), Islam (founded 7th Century) and
Buddhism (founded 6th to 4th Century BC) due to the "spiritual" nature of Pisces and its ability to go beyond the boundaries of the physical world.
The Age of Pisces is mainly marked by the continuous research of humanity about the truth hidden behind what's perceived by five senses (see
Traits of Pisces such as being "gentle" and artistically able but at the same time "impractical" may hint to the dominance of aristocracy.

The Age of Aquarius (The Aquarian age)

Main article: Age of Aquarius
Symbol for Aquarius:
The zodiacal signs:
the vernal equinox (northern hemisphere) is occurring in Aquarius;
Timeframes In 1928, at the Conference of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Leiden, the Netherlands, the edges of the 88 official
constellations became defined in astronomical terms. The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age
around the year 2600.
The Austrian astronomer, Professor Hermann Haupt,[32] examined the question of when the Age of Aquarius begins in an article published in 1992 by
the Austrian Academy of Science: with the German title "Der Beginn des Wassermannzeitalters, eine astronomische Frage?" ("The Start of the
Aquarian Age, an Astronomical Question?"). Based on the boundaries accepted by IAU in 1928, Haupt's article investigates the start of the Age of
Aquarius by calculating the entry of the spring equinox point over the parallel cycle (d = - 4) between the constellations Pisces and Aquarius and
reaches, using the usual formula of precession (Gliese, 1982), the year 2595. However Haupt concludes:
"Though it cannot be expected that astrologers will follow the official boundaries of the constellations, there will be an attempt to calculate the
entry of the spring equinox point into the constellation of Aquarius." ...
"As briefly has been shown, the results and methods of astrology in many areas, such as concerning the Aquarian age, are controversial on their
own and cannot be called scientific because of the many esoteric elements."[33]
Zodiacal 30 degrees:
Neil Mann interpretation: begins AD 2150.

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Dane Rudhyar's interpretation states that the Age of Aquarius will begin in AD 2062.
Nicholas Campion in The Book of World Horoscopes indicates that he has collected over 90 dates provided by researchers for the start of
the Age of Aquarius and these dates have a range of over 2,000 years commencing in the 15th century AD.[34] The range of dates for the
possible start of the Aquarian age range from 1447 to 3621.
Constellation boundary year:
Shephard Simpson interpretation: begins in ca. AD 2680.
Hermann Haupt interpretation begins in ca. AD 2595.
Michael Sidi interpretation begins in ca. AD 2720.
Overview "The Age of Freedom, Technology (especially space travel and electricity), and the Water Bearer"
There is an expectation that the Aquarian age will usher in a period of group consciousness.[35] Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas claim that the
lighting up of the earth artificially by electricity is a sign of the Age of Aquarius.[36] Furthermore they see the appearance of dictators, self expression
and the rising influence of the entertainment industry are linked to the Aquarian age by its opposite sign Leo.
Popular culture In popular culture, the expression "Age of Aquarius" usually refers to the heyday of the hippie and New Age movement of the
1960s and 1970s. The 1967 successful musical Hair, with its opening song "Aquarius" and the memorable line "This is the dawning of the age of
Aquarius", brought the Aquarian Age concept to the attention of a huge worldwide audience. This New Age phenomenon is seen by some astrologers
to be marked by the conjunction of the planet Uranus, ruler of the sign Aquarius, and the coming age, with Pluto, ruler of the masses, bringing radical
change, in the 1960s. However, as the song relates, it is only considered by astrologers as the "dawning" or "cusp" of the Age, with the full strength of
the Age not occurring until some time in the future.
Historical similarity: Current/Projected
Traits of Aquarius such as being 'humanitarian' but at the same time 'unemotional' may indicate to the emergence of active intergovernmental
organisations and global solidarity movements. Alternatively, it may indicate individual New Age spiritual awakening en masse, which although is not
organized, spontaneously forms a worldwide 'humanitarian' yet 'unemotional' era of spiritual clarity and spontaneous friendship.
See also
Age of Aquarius
Technological convergence

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Many research astrologers believe that the astrological ages can be divided into smaller sections along the lines of `wheels within wheels. The most
common method is to divide each astrological ages into twelve sub-periods.[37] There are two common ways of undertaking this process and two
ways of applying these sub-periods. Furthermore some astrologers divide the ages in different ways. For example Lcdr David Williams employs a
decanate sub-division whereby each age is divided into three equal sections.[38] Robert Hand developed another approach entirely whereby the
conjunction of the moving vernal point with specific stars within the zodiacal constellations provides an extra flavour to the corresponding historical
events based on the nature of the star involved.[39] However Robert Hand believes that the moving Capricorn solstice point (around 20 December)
near the modern New Year provides greater correlation to historical events compared to the vernal equinox. Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet used a variety
of sub-periods including decans, but Patrizia advocated that the ninefold division of each sign was the most powerful and influential sub-division.[40]
The ninefold division (termed 'navamsa') of the zodiacal signs is also the most popular sign sub-division system employed by Vedic astrologers. Vedic
astrologers also apply their nakshatra star asterisms in place of the twelve zodiacal constellations. There are 27 nakshatras of 13 degrees 20 minutes
each, thus the average length of a 'nakshatra' age is 960 years.

Aries to Pisces sub-periods

The most popular method of sub-dividing astrological ages is to divide each age equally into twelve sub-periods with the first sub-period Aries,
followed by Taurus, Gemini and so on until the last sub-division, Pisces. Charles Carter was an early advocate of this approach.[41] Technically this
approach is based on the twelfth harmonic of the zodiacal signs.

Dwadasamsa sub-periods
The alternative approach is to apply a method commonly used in Vedic astrology but with long antecedents also in western astrology.[42] This method
also divides each astrological age into twelve sub-periods but the first sub-period for each sign is the same as the sign itself, then with the following
sub-periods in natural order. For example the twelve dwadasamsa of Aquarius are Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and so on until the last dwadasamsa
Capricorn. Technically this approach is based on attributes of both the twelfth and thirteenth harmonics of the zodiacal signs and can be considered
to be halfway between the 12th and 13th harmonics.

Sub-period direction (forward or retrograde?)

There are two ways of applying the above sub-periods to the astrological ages.
Natural Order - The most common way is to arrange the sub-periods so that they go forward in the natural order. Therefore if the Aries to
Pisces method is adopted for example in the Aquarian age, the first sub-period is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini and so on until the last
sub-division Pisces. This is the approach made by Charles Carter. If the dwadasamsa sub-period is adopted they also progress in the natural

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order of the signs. For example the twelve dwadasamsa of Aquarius are Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and so on until the last dwadasamsa
Geometric Order (Retrograde) - The other approach is to arrange the sub-periods geometrically and reverse the direction of the sub-periods in
line with the retrograde order of the astrological ages. For example if applying the Aries to Pisces method, the first sub-period of any
astrological age is Pisces, followed by Aquarius, Capricorn and so on until the last sub-period Aries. Charles Carter indicated there was some
merit to this approach.[43] If applying the dwadasamsa sub-period system geometrically for example the first sub-period in the Aquarian age is
Capricorn, followed by Sagittarius, Scorpio and so on until the last sub-period Aquarius. This approach is adopted by Terry MacKinnell,[44]
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet[45] and Lcdr David Williams applied his [decans] (threefold division) geometrically thus supporting this approach.

Due to the lack of consensus of almost all aspects of the astrological ages, except for the astrological ages relationship to precession of the equinoxes
and the retrograde order of the astrological ages, there are more alternative, esoteric, innovative, fringe and newly expressed ideas about the
astrological ages probably than any other branch of astrology. For this reason, most ideas and theories of the astrological ages appear in this section if
they have not established credibility in the wider astrological community or amongst archeoastronomers.
The inclusion of any theory, approach or concept of the astrological ages in this section in no way indicates or suggests that they are incorrect or
wrong (partially or fully), but they have not yet received widespread acceptance. In addition, the inclusion of any fringe approach in this section does
not grant the approach any validity by their inclusion in this topic.

Alternative approach to calibrating precession

Terry MacKinnell has developed an alternative approach to calibrating precession of the equinoxes for the purposes of determining the Astrological
Age. His major point of departure from the traditional modern approach is how he applies the vernal equinox to the zodiacal constellations. Instead of
referring to the position of the Sun at the vernal equinox (a modern mathematical technique developed by the Greeks in the late 1st millennium BC),
he refers to the heliacal rising constellation on the day of the vernal equinox. This approach is based on the ancient approach to astronomical
observations (the same ancient period that also saw the invention of the zodiacal constellations) prior to the development of mathematical astronomy
by the ancient Greeks in the 1st millennium BC. All ancient astronomical observations were based on visual techniques.[46] Of all the key techniques
used in ancient times, the most common in Babylon (most likely the source of astrology) and most other ancient cultures were based on phenomena
that occurred close to the eastern or western horizons.[47] MacKinnell claims that it is incongruent to use a modern mathematical approach to the
much older constellations that were first described well before these mathematical approaches were invented.
The heliacal rising constellation at the vernal equinox is based on the last zodiacal constellation rising above the Eastern Horizon just before dawn and
before the light of the approaching Sun obliterates the stars on the eastern horizon. Currently at the vernal equinox the constellation of Aquarius has
been the heliacal rising constellation for some centuries. The stars disappear about one hour before dawn depending upon magnitude, latitude and
date. This one hour represents approximately 15 degrees difference compared to the contemporary method based on the position of the Sun amongst

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the zodiacal constellations. Each age is composed of 30 degrees. Therefore 15 degrees represents about half an age or about 1080 years. Therefore
based on the heliacal rising method, the Age of Aquarius arrived about 1,080 years early than the modern system. John H Rogers in part one of his
paper Origins of the ancient constellations also states that using the ancient heliacal rising method compared to the (modern) solar method produces
a result that is approximately 1,000 in advance.[48]
Using MacKinnell's approach, the Astrological Ages arrive about half an age earlier compared to the common contemporary approach to calibrating
precession based on modern mathematical techniques. Therefore Terry MacKinnell has the Aquarian age arriving in the 15th century CE while most
astrologers have the Age of Aquarius arriving in the 27th century, almost 700 years in the future.[49]

The movie Aquarian Age, released in Japan in 2008. Directed by Hidetaka Tahara and starring Dori Sakurada, Rakuto Tochihara, Takuya
Uehara, Keita Kimura, Toshikiyo Fujii, Nao Nagasawa, Go Ayano and Masami Horiuchi. This movie is based on the Japan's most popular
domestic trading card game, the characters from the female-oriented Juvenile Orion spinoff. The story focuses on several high school boys who
discover that they inherited latent genetic traits from among other things, wings that sprout out of their backs. They soon find themselves
caught in a millennia-old war, with each representing one of several different factions.[50]
Aquarian Age (, Akuerian Eiji?) is a Japanese collectible trading card game similar to Magic: The Gathering. It is marketed
and produced by Broccoli, which produces games and Anime-related goods.
The 1967 rock musical Hair featured the song "Age of Aquarius" (composed by Galt MacDermot, James Rado and Gerome Ragni), which
spoke of the coming age; a recording of the song by The 5th Dimension was a top-ten pop hit in 1969.
The first section of the film 'Zeitgeist' presents a theory of astrological ages that proposes that many events in world religions, such as Moses'
condemnation of the Golden Calf and Jesus' ministry, are merely allegories used to describe astrological events. The narrator of the film implies
that Biblical characters, such as Jesus, never existed as real human beings but are rather metaphors for constellations and ages.

Age of Aquarius
Alice A. Bailey
Astrological sign
Astrology within the Bible
Axial precession (astronomy)
Christian Rosenkreuz, "But the work itself shall be attributed to the blessedness of our age.", in C.F., 1615
Astrology and alchemy
Great Year
History of evolutionary thought

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New Age


^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars Above, Victor Gollancz London, 2000, Pg116
^ Billy Meier's Contact Report 9, sentence 186. [1] (
^ Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche - Intimations of a New World View, Viking/Penguin, New York, 2006, Pgs 50-60
^ Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, Great Britain, 1999, Pgs 480-495
^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars Above, Victor Gollancz London, 2000, Pg 117
^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars Above, Victor Gollancz London, 2000, Pg 124-5
^ Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, Great Britain, 1999, Pg 485
^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars Above - Adventures in Modern Astrology, Victor Gollancz, London, 2000, Pg115
^ Derek & Julia Parker, Parkers' Encyclopedia of astrology, Watkins Publishing, London, 2009, Pg 3
^ Ray Grasse, Signs of the Times - Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc, Charlottesville, Virginia,
2002, Pg 5
^ Paul Wright, The Great Ages and other astrological cycles, Parlando Press, Edinburgh, 2007, Pg 8
^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars above, Victor Gollancz London, 2000, Pg116
^ Terry MacKinnell, A New Look at the Old Ages, NCGR Member Newsletter, National Council for Geocosmic Research Inc., JuneJuly 2002, Pg 10
^ Charles Carter, An Introduction to Political Astrology (Mundane Astrology), The Camelot Press, Great Britain, 1973, Pg 74
^ Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer, 1999, Pg489 clearly refers to both conventions adopted by many astrologers
basing the Ages on either the zodiacal constellations or the sidereal signs.
^ Marcia Moore & Mark Douglas, Astrology, The Divine Science, Arcane Publications, York Harbour, Maine USA, 1971, Pg676
^ Ray Grass Signs of the Times, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc, 2002, Pg 263
^ Ray Grasse, Signs of the Times - Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc, Charlottesville, Virginia,
2002, Pg 14
^ Paul Wright, The Great Ages and Other Astrological Cycles, Parlando Press, Edinburgh, 2007, Pgs 7-8
^ Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth UK, 1999, Pgs 489-495
^ Robert Hand is reputed to be one of the world's most famous and renowned astrologers and received the Regulus Award for his life's work at the "United
Astrology Conference" in Denver in 2008.
^ Robert Hand, Cardinal Points, 1997
^ Albert Amao, Aquarian Age & The Andean Prophecy, AuthorHouse, 2007, Pg56
^ Neil Spencer, True as the Stars Above, Victor Gollancz London, 2000, Pg119
^ Derek & Julia Parker, Parkers' Encyclopedia of Astrology, Watkins Publishing, London, 2009, Pgs3
^ Ray Grasse, Signs of the Times - Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc, Charlottesville, Virginia,
2002, Pgs 113-127
^ Albert Amao, Aquarian Age & The Andean Prophecy, AuthorHouse, 2007, Pg4
^ Albert Amao, Aquarian Age & The Andean Prophecy, AuthorHouse, 2007, Pg57-8
^ A Rosicrucian Spiritual Astrology library ( , a Western Esoteric Christian astrology library
^ Mann, Neil, W.B. Yeats and a Vision: The Astrological Great Year ( , 2000s

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31. ^ Simpson, Shephard, Dr., An Astrological Age ( ,

32. ^ In an article copyrighted by Sepp Rothwangl: Considerations About the Start of the Age of Aquarius (see External Links),
33. ^ Haupt, Herman, Prof., "Der Beginn des Wassermannzeitalters, eine astronomische Frage?", 1992
34. ^ Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth UK, 1999, Pgs 485, 489-495
35. ^ Marcia Moore & Mark Douglas, Astrology, The Divine Science, Arcane Publications, York Harbour, Maine USA, 1971, Acknowledgments
36. ^ Marcia Moore & Mark Douglas, Astrology, The Divine Science, Arcane Publications, York Harbour, Maine USA, 1971, Pg686
37. ^ Terry MacKinnell, A New Look at the Old Ages, published in the NCGR member letter June- July 2002, National Center for Geocosmic Research
Inc, Pg 10
38. ^ Lcdr David Williams, Simplified Astronomy for Astrologers, 1980, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe Arizona
39. ^ Robert Hand, Cardinal Points, 1997
40. ^ Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle, Samual Weiser Inc, New York, 1978, Pgs 105-122
41. ^ Charles Carter, An Introduction to Political Astrology (Mundane Astrology), The Camelot Press, Great Britain, 1973, Pg 75-6
42. ^ the ancient Roman astrologer Manilius used dwadasamsa but called them dodecatemorion (sometimes `duodecatemorion') - Stephanie Jean Ennis,
Decanates and Dwads, 1983, Pg 57 ISBN 0-86690-239-2
43. ^ Charles Carter, An Introduction to Political Astrology, 1973, LN Fowler & Co Ltd, London, Pg 76
44. ^ Terry MacKinnell, "The Cusp of Ages" published in The FAA Journal June 2001 Vol 31 No. 2. Pgs 33-42
45. ^ Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle, Samual Weiser Inc, New York, 1978
46. ^ O Neugebaurer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, 1969, Pg 106
47. ^ O Neugebaurer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, 1969, Pg 98
48. ^ John H Rogers, "Origins of the ancient constellations: I. The Mesopotamian traditions", Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 108,1, 1998, Pg 9
49. ^ Terry MacKinnell, "The Mysterious Zodiacal Constellations", published in The International Astrologer Vol XXXI No. 3, 2002, Pgs 29-33
50. ^ (

Astrological ages
The Grand Ages (
The Astrological Great Year (
Astrological Age (
Precession of the Equinoxes (
Precession of the Earth's Axis (
Alternative View of the Astrological Ages (
The Dawn of Aquarius - From the Piscean Age to the Aquarian (

Age of Aquarius
Rosicrucian Age of Aquarius (

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New Age of Aquarius by Jamis Lopez (

The Aquarian Age by Elsa M Glover (
Shepherd Simpson: The Age of Aquarius (
Shepherd Simpson: Searching for a New Age.. (
Sepp Rothwangl: Considerations About the Start of the Age of Aquarius (
TheAQUARIANproject.Net (
The Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius (
CESNUR 2006 International Conference - Globalisation or Aquarius: Are 'we' talking from the same thing? (
Demystifying the Aquarian Age (
Drawing Down the Fire of the Gods: Reflections on the Leo/Aquarius Axis by Ray Grasse (

Age of Pisces
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