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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)

Template with guiding questions

Lakeya Prince



Ballard-Hudson Middle School/Bibb County




Grade Level(s)


Content Area

Social Studies

Time line

2 wks

Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge, skills, and strategies do you
expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject area benchmarks? ) Please
put a summary of the standards you will be addressing rather than abbreviations and numbers that indicate which
standards were addressed.
Students should be able to:
1. Explain the importance

of key issues and events that led to the Civil War; include slavery, states
rights, nullification, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the Georgia Platform,
Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the debate over secession in Georgia,
and the role of Alexander Stephens.
2. State the importance of key events of the Civil War; include Antietam, the Emancipation
Proclamation, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, the Union blockade of Georgias coast, Shermans
Atlanta Campaign, Shermans March to the Sea, and Andersonville.
3. Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia and other southern states, emphasizing
Freedmens Bureau; sharecropping and tenant farming; Reconstruction plans; 13th, 14th, and
15th amendments to the constitution; Henry McNeal Turner and black legislators; and the Ku
Klux Klan
4. Place events in chronological order
5. Use basic web 2.0 tools to create products aligned with standards
6. Create visuals ,images, and videos that depict key elements of civil war and reconstruction
SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on
Content Standards
NETS*S Standards:
Overview (a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible products)
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The lesson plans focuses on one standard on the civil war and reconstruction time frame in Georgia history. Lesson
will start with very basic Cornell note taking, followed by group work, gallery walk, and individual performance task.
The Cornell notes will take place with whole group instruction in which students will create notes that highlight the
importance of the Antebellum period of the civil war in Georgia, the significant people and events during the Civil
War, and the impacts of the civil war and reconstruction in the south. Students will then be placed in groups of five
no more than 6 to create posters on given topics. Posters need define topic, display a graphic organizer, and an
illustration on the topic. All poster boards from each group will be placed on the walls around the classroom and
used in a gallery walk. Students will be provided a chart with all topics, using the posters from other groups, students
will rotate around the room and fill in information on their chart. Once gallery walk is completed on all topics relating
to antebellum, civil war, and reconstruction students will use what they learned and complete a performance task. All
students will work individually on performance task. Each student will be presented a menu board that provides all
students options on presented information.

Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students care or
want to know about the topic? What are some questions to get students thinking about the topic or generate
interest about the topic? Additionally, what questions can you ask students to help them focus on important
aspects of the topic? (Guiding questions) What background or prior knowledge will you expect students to bring
to this topic and build on?) Remember, essential questions are meant to guide the lesson by provoking inquiry.
They should not be answered with a simple yes or no and should have many acceptable answers.
1. What significant people were involved in the antebellum, civil war, and reconstruction time period?
2. What are the important key issues and events that led to the Civil War b. State the importance


key events of the

3. What important events occurred during the Civil War?
4. What impacts did the reconstruction time frame have on

the development politically, socially,

and economically on Georgia?

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to generate new
knowledge? How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)? How will you assess
what they produce or do? How will you differentiate products?) You must attach copies of your assessment and/or
rubrics. Include these in your presentation as well.
1. (formative assessment)Students will produce a poster that displays one of the key events that occurred
during the antebellum period, civil war time frame, and reconstruction. Posters will then be placed on the
walls around the classroom so that other students can see and use to complete a graphic organizer
chart on the key events.
2. ( summative assessment) Students are to complete an individual activity performance task. The
performance task will presented in a menu choice board, in which student have to complete activities
equaling 100 points. See attachment
Resources (How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resourcesonline student
tools, research sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etchelp elucidate or
explain the content or allow students to interact with the content? What previous technology skills should students
have to complete this project?)

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In order to complete the task and assessment, students will have to utilize electronic devices such as lap tops and
ipads. Students will us simple web 2.0 tools; for example, power point, story maker, glogster, and powtoons. The
correct integration of technology within the class lesson will help students to better understand and master
concepts and ideas related to the civil war. Students should have previous skills in the basic functions of Microsoft
power point and word, navigate glogster, and upload files to dropbox. Also students need to be able to conduct
effective research, and use text and images without plagiarism.
Instructional Plan
Preparation (What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a foundation for this lesson? How can
you find out if students have this foundation? What difficulties might students have?)
Prior learning and needs: The standard being addressed is an entire new unit; therefore, students do not need
any prior skills or knowledge besides skills in analyzing information, understanding cause and effect, and
placing events in chronological order.
Difficulties: Considering the first task will be done in groups, I do not see many students having difficulties;
however, I can see students with specific learning disabilities struggle with the individual menu task. Students
can be identified through prior assessments, and they will receive a reduced performance task. Another major
difficulty I see students having is the lack of technology access at home to complete assignments; therefore,
most of the work done on the computers will be completed at school.
Management Describe the classroom management strategies will you use to manage your students and the use
of digital tools and resources. How and where will your students work? (Small groups, whole group, individuals,
classroom, lab, etc.) What strategies will you use to achieve equitable access to the Internet while completing this
lesson? Describe what technical issues might arise during the Internet lesson and explain how you will resolve or
trouble-shoot them? Please note: Trouble-shooting should occur prior to implementing the lesson as well as
throughout the process. Be sure to indicate how you prepared for problems and work through the issues that
occurred as you implemented and even after the lesson was completed.
Classroom setup- Desk and students will be arranged in groups of 5
Stations- During performance task the class will be broken into sections. Station 1- a set of 6 lap tops for
students to type information, create power points, and graphic organizers, Station 2- a set of 6 Ipads for students
to use to conduct research, and Station 3- with all supplies for example, construction paper, card board, poster
boards, crayons, markers, rulers, scissors ,and glue. Station 4- will be in the library in which students will conduct
further research ,create story boards, and work with the media specialist for additional technological assistance
Trouble shooting- Collaborations with the media specialist is essential for the production of the lesson. Lesson
will be shared and created with media specialist prior to implementation of the lesson in case additional
assistance is needed.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities Describe the research-based instructional strategies you will
use with this lesson. How will your learning environment support these activities? What is your role? What are the
students' roles in the lesson? How can you ensure higher order thinking at the analysis, evaluation, or
creativity levels of Blooms Taxonomy? How can the technology support your teaching? What authentic,
relevant, and meaningful learning activities and tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge
and skills? How will students use digital tools and resources to communicate and collaborate with each other
and others? How will you facilitate the collaboration?

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Research Based Strategies- Students will be working in groups, receive instruction in whole and small group,
formative assessments will be given throughout lesson as well as a performance task choice board. The choice
board speaks to multiple intelligences by allowing students to build on kinesthetic, audio and visual learning styles.
My role during the lesson will be a facilitator. After the whole group instruction, the instruction will be student led
and directed. Research based instruction, teacher facilitation, and student led direction will call for students to
analyze and search for information and demonstrate understanding through various hands on assignments.
Assignment choice board: Students have a choice to display understanding of the antebellum ,civil war, and
reconstruction through informative and persuasive writing, internet tools such as gloglster, story board create,
movie maker, powtoon , and oral presentations that require them to recite poetry, create a play, build a historical
scene ,and collages. See Attachment

Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning styles and
abilities? How will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and
opportunities for enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)
Differentiation: The content will be broken down in terms that all students can understand; however, students
who require additional assistance will be placed into small group settings and receive more guidance and
instruction through visual and audio representation. Rephrasing, chunking, and reciting of information will be
delivered by collaborative teacher.
Enrichment- The choice board has tier assignments listed in which students who need to higher level activities
and instruction will have an opportunity to complete those activities. See Attachment

Reflection (Will there be a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will students be
asked to provide feedback on the assignment itself? What will be your process for answering the following
Did students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What went well and why?
What did not go well and why?
How would you teach this lesson differently?)
Students will evaluate each other, themselves, and overall project on nearpod. Nearpod is a web 2.0 online tool
that allows for students to give and receive immediate feedback. Students will answer poll questions, evaluate
themselves, and on other students.

Closure: Anything else you would like to reflect upon regarding lessons learned and/or your experience with
implementing this lesson. What advice would you give others if they were to implement the lesson? Please
provide a quality reflection on your experience with this lesson and its implementation.
In my years of teaching, I have found that time, planning, and strategies are essential to creating an effective
lesson. The lesson created on the civil war provides students time to reflect, elaborate, and express what they
have consumed and learned during the instruction. I have found in previous years that providing students the
opportunity to choose activities more favorable to them and their learning styles encourages student
engagement, awareness, and achievement. Students show pride in their work, admire others, and analyze more
effectively. My advice to other professionals planning to implement this lesson to make sure that they understand
their students learning styles, create strict guidelines of movement and rotation within the classroom, and to
utilize technology through the year so students feel more comfortable engaging in technology on their own.

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