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Task No: 0CH507-3

Hassles at the moment of take the plane

Some important travel tips from experiences
Some of the people who traveled to an international destination via
airlines, had been experienced ever some hassles o even more 1. If I were you, I would be leave my house and take a taxi to the
nightmares; All this traveling hassles or nightmare can be associate to
airport between three hours and half, and four or five hours
the difficulties that we experienced, from the moment that we check-in
before the hour that it shows it on the boarding pass or in your
on the departure airport to the last part of our trip that its the arrival
ticked reservation. Just in case, like traffic stuck, to many people
on the check-in counters line, or a large security checking and

scanning presses like TSA on USA or National Police on

A good example to show this is next:

Assume that you arrived just in time to the airport, but when you enter
into the gate for departures of your airline ticket, the first thing that you
2. If you organize very well your carry-on baggage and dont put it
will encounter, is a big spiral snake line of people that are waiting for
in recipients that contains viscous fluids (like beauty, and
check-in process and the baggage registration. According to your
humectant/body creams, liquid soap, etc.) or a good
reservation ticket the plane would have been taking off one hour after
dangerous, the probability that a TSA agent or a National police
the you had arrived at the airport, but when you already finished your
agent, will stop you and is going to ask that open your carry-on
check-in and your baggage registration, and you are ready for passing
baggage, and confiscated the recipients, could be less of 10%.
to the boarding gate, another line but this line is for the immigration
check, and security check, you know after the 9/11 incident, all airports
require an enforcement weapons and explosive checking just for your 3. Some airlines, the lapsed time between connections, for
example, from domestic fly -> connection -> are very
own security. There you go to your access route, but when you arrived
short than usual or you arrive from the other fly just in time, so for
at the boarding gate for the las check and you see that your airplane
stays in there parking slot and the, the flight attendant say to you the
this a recommend that you would buy some breakfast or
next thing, Now we were close the main door, and your baggage was
smoothing good to eat, if you had been fly for more than an hour,
retired from the airplane of your destination in other way that means
because the some people suffer or have gastric problem like the
that you lose your money and if you want to trip you will need to pay an
additional penalty feed.
The second one is when you are arriving on a country like Colombia that
before you can enter to the country legally you will need to make a tax
declarative form, that in many cases if you dont put the exact amount
of money or value of the thing that you bring on your package you have
a high possibility of need to pay a high value of the tax for the concept
of importation, or in the worst of the cases the can confiscated your
things that you omitted putting on the tax form.

4. If the country or state destination require that you give some

information about how much in values of money you are going to
enter the country, it would be necessary that you fill that form
seriously and be honest, because if you hadnt been honest and
you omit information that for the tax agency is important, they
could blind you to pay a high penalty for the concept of evading
taxes, even worst, they would confiscate part of your gifts and

International fly

By: Santiago Herrera Palacio

Level: 0CH507


Task No: 0CH507-3

By: Santiago Herrera Palacio

Level: 0CH507


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