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Princess Sasha Algebra Overview Football Player

by Courtney West

Brief Step-by-Step
The FOIL Method
Detailed explanations of the concepts
presented in this overview are available
in Courtney Wests article Princess
Sasha Rescues a Frog and a Football
Player, which is for children age 8-13
(and older). The above article is
accessible at thru
the FREE Lessons page.

Completing the Square
The Quadratic Formula

The FOIL Method

The FOIL Method is a technique used in algebra to multiply two binomials. A
binomial is a polynomial (i.e. an expression that can have constants, variables and
exponents, that can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication and
Binomial Examples: (x + 2)(x + 2) and (x + 2 )(x + 6)
Polynomial Examples: x + 2 and x 3 and x + 1 and x + 4
In Factoring (p. 3) and Completing the Square (p. 16) problems below, you will see
how the FOIL Method enables you to make sure particular binomial expressions
will lead to the correct final answers. For example, as shown below,

(x + 1 )(x + 4) are the correct binomial expressions because after using The
FOIL Method, it is true that they equal the original equation: x + 5x + 4 = 0.
FOIL stands for:
First - multiply the first term in each set of parentheses
Outer - multiply the outer term in each set of parentheses
Inner - multiply the inner term in each set of parentheses
Last - multiply the last term in each set of parentheses

(x + 1) (x + 4)

After the FOIL-based

trial and error process
described on pages 11
and 12, you will see that
the factors 1 and 4 are
the correct ones to solve
the equation below:

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0

After applying the FOIL Method to the binomial expressions, you get:

( x + 1 ) ( x + 4) = x2 + 4x + 1x + 4
Now simplify

x2 + 4x + 1x + 4 = 0 to get:

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0
This is the original equation so the factors (1) and (4) are the right ones. The easyto-follow FOIL Method drawing below shows you eactly how to use The FOIL

(x + 1 )(x + 4) and you will see that an equations in a

different form can be equal to the original equation of x + 5x + 4 = 0.
Method the multiply

Easy-to-Follow FOIL METHOD Drawing

(x)(4) = 4x


(x + 1)(x + 4) = 0
(x)(x) =

(1)(x) = 1x



(1)(4) = 4

(x + 1)(x + 4) = 0
The above binomial equation is equal (but in a different form) to the
original/trinomial equation below:

+ + =

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Before factoring a quadratic equation, you must put it in standard form, which is
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c can be any real numbers, except that a cannot
equal zero. All quadratic equations contain at least one term that is squared.

The a variable is the coefficient of the squared term (i.e. x ). Sometimes the b or
the c terms equal zero so you dont see them in certain quadratic equations. The c
term is called the numerical term and is not multipied by an x value.

There are three types of quadratic equations, as shown below:

x2 - 9 = 0

(type 1)

2x2 6 = 0

(type 1 with a 1 coefficient)

x2 - 7x = 0

(type 2 without numerical term since c = 0)

2x2 - 8x = 0

(type 2 with a 1 coefficient and without numerical term

since c = 0)

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0

(type 3 has a = 1 with b coefficient and c numerical


2x2 - 8x + 8 = 0

(type 3 with a 1 coefficient as well as a b coefficient

and and c numerical term)

The purpose of factoring an equation is to find the value of the x variable. This
means you must determine what number is hiding behind the letter x. The only
way you can do that is to get the letter x all by itself on the left side of the equal
sign. Once you do that, it will be easy to find the value of the letter x.
Below is a brief, step-by-step explanation of how to solve the three types of
quadratic equations by factoring. The original problem is presented in red.

x2 - 9 = 0
To get x by itself, add 9 to both sides of the equal sign. (If there was a positive 9,
you would subtract 9 from both sides).

x2 - 9 =

+9 = +9

x2 + 0 = + 9

= +9

So now you have this:

x2 = 9

Since you must have only one x on the left side (not x ), take the square root of
both sides. Also, since square roots always have two answers one positive and
one negative - remember to add a plus and minus sign in front of the square root
sign on the right side, like this:

x2 means x x or -x -x so the square root of x2 is simply

x or x. Therefore, the final answers are:

x = 3

or x = -3

Check your answers by substituting the letter x in your original equation for the
answers you found, like this:

x2 - 9 = 0
(32) - 9 = 0
9 - 9 = 0
0 = 0
Since zero equals zero, you know that 3 is a correct answer. Now check -3.

x2 - 9 = 0
(-32) - 9 = 0

9 - 9 = 0
0 = 0
Since zero equals zero, you know that -3 is also a correct answer.

2x2 6 = 0
To get x by itself, add the number 6 to both sides of the equal sign.

2x2 6 = 0
+ 6 = +6
2x2 + 0 = + 6
2x2 = 6
Divide all of the terms by 2.

2x2 = 6


6/2 =3

1x2 = 3

and since


so I get:

is the same as

x2 the equation looks like this:

x2 = 3

Since you must have only one x on the left side (not x ), take the square root of
both sides and write the plus/minus sign in front of the square root sign.


Simplify the equation to get:

x =
x = +

so the final answers/solutions are:


x = -

Check your answers by substituting them for the letter x one at a time - in your
original equation.

2x2 6 = 0
2( )2 6 = 0

2(3) + ( 6) = 0
6 + ( 6) = 0
0 = 0


= 3

then the equation looks like this:

and after multiplying,

and after adding 6 to 6, I get:

so you know is a correct answer.

Check to see if -

is a solution.

2x2 6 = 0
2( )2 6 = 0

2(3) + ( 6) = 0

= 3


and after multiplying,


then the equation looks like

0 = 0

so is a correct answer.

Now youre ready to solve Type 2 quadratic equations, like the following one:

x2 - 7x = 0
As you can see, Type 2 quadratic equations do not have a numerical term because
c = 0. Instead, they have a middle term (e.g. -7x). Since you must have only one

x on the left side (not three xs - meaning x2 and x), you must factor x out of the
equation, like this:

x(x 7) = 0
By doing this, you have created two factors (i.e. x and x-7) and both factors are
equal to zero. Therefore, you must now set each factor equal to zero, like this:

x = 0


x7 = 0

Solve both equations. The first one is already solved because x equals zero and the
second one is solved by adding 7 to both sides, like this:

x 7 = 0
+ 7


x + 0 =
x = 7



x = 0

Check your answers in the original equation.

x2 - 7x = 0

(7)2 - 7(7) = 0
49 - 49 = 0
0 = 0

so you know that the number 7 is a solution, just as zero is a solution

(since 0 = 0).

Now you are ready to solve 2x - 8x = 0. The only difference between this

equation and x - 7x = 0 is the a coefficient.

2x2 - 8x = 0

Since you must have only one x on the left side (not three xs - meaning x and x),
you must factor x out of the equation, like this:

2x(x - 4) = 0
Set each factor equal to zero:

2x = 0
2x = 0
x = 0


(since 0 = 0, you know that zero is a correct solution).

x - 4= 0
Solve the equation by adding 4 to both sides, like this:

x - 4 = 0
+ 4 = +4
x + 0 = +4
x= 4
Check to see if 4 is a correct solution.

2x2 - 8x = 0
2(4)2 - 8(4) = 0
2(16) - 32 = 0
32 - 32 = 0
0 = 0

so you know the number

is also a solution.

Below is a tricky-looking Type 2 quadratic equation, but its easy to solve.

+ 2x = 0

x(x + 2) = 0

x( x + 2 2) = 0 2
x( x + 2 2) = 0 2

x(1x + 4) = 0
x(x + 4) = 0
x = 0

so zero is a solution.

Set the other factor (x + 4) to zero, like this:

x + 4 =

- 4


0 = -4

x = -4



is a solution because when you substitute 4 for x in the

original equation, like this,

( ) + (-8) = 0

8 + (-8) = 0
0 = 0


+ 2(-4) = 0, you get:

and since 16 divided by 2 equals 8, you get:

which is simplified to

4 is also a solution

Below is a Type 3 equation. You only need to follow 6 easy steps to solve this
equation as shown below:

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0



) = 0


List the possible pairs of factors for 4, the numerical term.







Identify the pairs of factors that equal the numerical term (c) when
multiplied and also equal the middle term (b) when added together.

(1)(4) is the correct pair of factors since 1 4 = 4 and 1 + 4 = 5.

Place the factors 1 and 4 in the parenthesis.

(x + 1)(x + 4) = 0

Use the FOIL Method to ensure you chose the correct pair of factors. To do

that, multiply the binomial expressions (x + 1)(x + 4) as described below:

FOIL stands for:
First - multiply the first term in each set of parentheses
Outer - multiply the outer term in each set of parentheses
Inner - multiply the inner term in each set of parentheses
Last - multiply the last term in each set of parentheses

(x + 1) (x + 4)

After applying the FOIL Method to the binomial expressions, you get:

( x + 1 ) ( x + 4) = x2 + 4x + 1x + 4

Now simplify

x2 + 4x + 1x + 4 = 0 to get:

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0
This is the original equation so the constant factors (1) and (4) are the right ones.

Set each of the binomial expressions (x + 1)(x + 4) equal to zero and

solve each equation by isolating the x on the left side.

x + 1 = 0
- 1


x + 4 = 0


x +0 =-1



x +0 =-4

Therefore, x = - 1 and x = - 4
Check your answers by substituting both answers one at a time in the
original equation.

x2 + 5x + 4 = 0
(-1)2 + 5(-1) + 4 = 0
1 + (-5) + 4 = 0
1 + (- 1) = 0
1 - 1 = 0
0 = 0

so -1 is a correct solution


x2 + 5x + 4 = 0

(-4)2 + 5(-4) + 4 = 0
16 + (-20) + 4 = 0
16 + (-16) = 0
16 - 16 = 0
0 = 0

so -4 is a correct solution


2x2 - 8x + 8 = 0

Follow the same 6 easy steps to solve the above equation. However, notice the x
term has a 2 in front of it. You know that x = x x. So the only way to get 2x
is to multiply the 2 by one x and then multiply that x by another x. That means

2 x x = 2x2

Draw two sets of parenthesis and factor the x term, along with the 2
coefficient, like this:


) = 0

List the possible pairs of factors for 8, the numerical term.







Identify the factor pairs that result in the original equation but since the x

term has a 2 in front of it, use trial and error (thru the FOIL Method) to
figure out which pair of factors will result in the original quadratic equation.

So place each set of factors one at a time - in parenthesis and use FOIL to
see which pair of factors result in 2x - 8x + 8 = 0.

After using the FOIL Method in step 3, you know that (-4)(-2) are the
correct pair of factors so you need not use the FOIL method again in this
step. Therefore, your Step 1 equation now looks like this:

(2x - 4)(x - 2)

Of all of the factors, only -4 and -2 would enable you to arrive at the
correct answers (or answer in this case). You must now set each of the
correct binomial equations (2x - 4)(x - 2) equal to zero to determine
the final solutions.

(2x - 4) = 0
2x - 4 = 0
2 2
1x - 2 = 0
x - 2 = 0


x +0 = 2



(x - 2) = 0
x - 2 = 0
+2 = 0
x +0 = 2




Check your answers by substituting each answer one at a time in the
original equation. Since both answers are 2, the answer only needs to be checked
one time as follows:

2x2 - 8x + 8 = 0
2(2)2 8(2) + 8 = 0
2(2 2) 16 + 8 = 0
2(4) - 16 + 8 = 0
8 - 16 + 8 = 0

(8 + 8 = 16)

16 - 16 = 0
0 = 0

so 2 is the final solution


Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

The Completing the Square technique can be used when factoring a quadratic
equation does not work.

+ + =
Make sure only x factors are on the left side of the equation by
subtracting 3 from both sides of the equal sign.

+ + + () =
+ =

Rewrite the equation with a plus sign after the 4x and then a line
underneath a blank space before the equal sign, like this:

+ + _____ =
The number you place in the blank space is the number you get when you take half
of the middle term coefficient (i.e.4/2 = 2) in the equation. Then you multiply
that number (i.e. 2) by itself (i.e. 2 2 = 4) and then place the product on top of
the line, like this:

+ + =

Add 4 to the right side of the equation to get this:

+ + =
Take the two xs from

and insert them in the far left side of each

bracket, with an equal sign (=) and the number 1 after it. Since the variables and
numbers in + + = are positive, the signs in each bracket will be

positive so also add a plus sign (+) after each x, like this:

(x +

) (x + ) = 1

Identify the middle term (4x) and divide the coefficient (4) by 2 and then place
the answer (2) after the plus sign (+) in each of the brackets, with an equal sign

(=) and the number 1 after everything, like this: (x + 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 1

Use The FOIL Method to determine that 2 is the correct factor for both
binomials. If they are correct, (x + 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 1 will be the same equation as

the original equation

+ + = but in a different form.

to each other:

(x + 2) (x + 2)

shows the following equations are equal


(x + 2)(x + 2) = 1, which is equal (but in a different form) to:

+ + = , which is equal (but in a different form) to the original

+ + =
Remember, the 3 was subtracted on both sides. Then, after completing the square
on the left side, 4 was added to both sides of the equation, which resulted in:

+ + =

(x + 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 1

(using FOIL, these binomial expressions can be

multiplied by each other. FOIL isnt used to multiply (3)(3), which is the same
thing as 3 and both equal 9. This means that (x + 2 ) (x + 2 ) = 1 can be

written as (x + 2 ) = 1.
The square root of 9 (i.e. ) is 3. Similarly, (x + 2 )(x + 2 ) is the same thing

as (x + 2 ) and the square root of this polynomial (i.e.

( + )2

is x + 2.

Therefore, place x + 2 in one set of brackets, with a 2 outside the brackets
in the upper right corner, and place all of this under the square root sign and make
everything equal to 1, like this:

( + )2

(Note: its unnecessary to place

a 2 on the outside of the square root sign. Even without the 2, the square root sign

still means you must determine whether a particular number when multiplied by
itself will equal a number inside of the sign).
Simplify (x + 2)2 by placing this polynomial inside the square root sign, like

( + )2


An important Algebra rule says you must maintain the balance of an

equation by doing the same thing on both sides of an equation. Therefore you
must take the square root of the term on the right side of the equation, like this:

( + )2 =

[1 means 1 x 1, which equals 1]

Since the answers to square roots can be either positive or negative, insert a
plus/minus sign on the left side, like this:

( + 2 =

Simplify the equation by taking the square root of both sides. Remember:

x + 22 = (x + 2)(x+2) = ( + )( + ) = ( + 2 = x + 2
Therefore, after simplifying the above equation (with sign), you get:

x+2 = 1
Get x alone on the left side by adding a -2 to both sides, like this:

x + 2 + (-2) = -2 1

x + 2 + (-2) = 0

and since 2 + (-2) = 0, you get:

x = -2 1
The first equation is:

x = -2 + 1 and the answer is -1.

The second equation is:

x = -2 + -1 and the answer is -3

To ensure you did all 6 steps correctly, check your answers by substituting each
answer one at a time for x in the original equation as follows:

+ + =
(-1)2 + (4)(-1) + 3 = 0
(-1)(-1) + (4)(-1) + 3 = 0
1 + (-4) + 3 = 0


-1 is a correct answer.


+ + =
(-3)2 + (4)(-3) + 3 = 0
(-3)(-3) + (4)(-3) + 3 = 0
9 + (-12) + 3 = 0
12 12 = 0



-3 is a correct answer.


Solving Quadratic Equations with The Quadratic Formula

The Quadratic Formula is used in algebra to solve quadratic equations
(polynomial equations of the second degree). The general form of a quadratic
equation is, where x represents a variable, and a, b, and c are constants.
A quadratic equation has two solutions called roots.

x + 3x - 180 = 0
The above original quadratic equation (shown in blue instead of red) is in standard
form (ax2 + bx + c = 0) so you can begin solving it immediately with the Quadratic
Formula, shown below:


Negative b plus or minus the square root of the quantity b squared minus 4 times
a times c, all divided by 2 times a. When using the Quadratic Formula to solve
equations, you may get no answer, one answer, or two answers. You only need to
follow 4 easy steps to solve a quadratic equation using this formula while you
must follow 6 easy steps to solve the same equation by factoring it. Since the
equation x + 3x - 180 = 0, you only need to follow 3 easy steps to solve it.
1. Figure out the values of a, b, and c.
The value for a is 1, the value for b is 3, and the value for c is -180.
2. Substitute the values of a, b, and c in the Quadratic Formula and solve for x.

x + 3x - 180 = 0
1x2 + 3x + (-180) = 0

then I substitute as follows:




x = 12







x = - 15


Check your answers.

x + 3x - 180 = 0
(12 12) + 3(12) + (-180) = 0
144 + 36 + (-180) = 0
180 + (-180) = 0

0 = 0

so 12 is a solution


x + 3x - 180 = 0
(-15 -15) + 3(-15) + (-180) = 0
(-15 -15) + 3(-15) + (-180) = 0
225 + (-45) + (-180) = 0
180 + (-180) = 0
0 = 0

so -15 is a solution

The above Princess Sasha Algebra Overview is for children age 8-13 and is
accessible at thru the FREE Lessons page (scroll down to
More FREE Lessons to access the above overview.
The internet resource also offers FREE Algebra lessons
designed for children age 4-8 as well as books (English and Spanish) that enable
preschoolers and kindergarteners to use facts from a fun and engaging fable to
construct and solve Level 1 Algebra equations. The reader needs no knowledge of
Algebra; children (through their innate capacity for mathematical thinking) learn
by drawing the things described in the books as they are read/shown to them.
Princess Sasha Rescues a Frog: Fun Algebra and the Practice Problems book are
available at


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