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:- 1, BHOPAL
Half Yearly Examination November- 2016
Class XI (Physics)-answers
Time : 3 Hrs.

M.M. 70

Ans :-1 A related effort is to derive the properties of a bigger, more complex, system from

the properties and interactions of its constituent simpler parts. This approach is called
reductionism and is at the heart of physics.
For example, the subject of
thermodynamics, developed in the nineteenth century, deals with bulk systems in terms
of macroscopic quantities such as temperature, internal energy, entropy, etc.
Subsequently, the subjects of kinetic theory and statistical mechanics interpreted these
quantities in terms of the properties of the molecular constituents of the bulk system. In
particular, the temperature was seen to be related to the average kinetic energy of
molecules of the system.
Ans:- 2 A large force acting for a short time to produce a finite change in momentum is called an
impulsive force.

Ans:- 4

If the external torque is zero,

Ans:- 5

The ratio of hydraulic stress to the corresponding hydraulic strain is called

bulk modulus. It is denoted by symbol B.


Large distances such as the distance of a planet or a star from the earth cannot be measured
directly with a metre scale. An important method in such cases is the parallax method.
To measure the distance D of a far away planet S by the parallax method, we observe it
from two different positions (observatories) A and B on the Earth, separated by distance AB = b
at the same time as shown in Fig. below. We measure the angle between the two directions
along which the planet is viewed at these two points. The ASB in Fig. represented by symbol is
called the parallax angle or parallactic angle.As the planet is very far away,

therefore, is very small. Then we approximately take AB as an arc of length b of a circle with centre
at S and the distance D as and

Ans:- 8

Ans:- 9


Ans:- 10
The change in kinetic energy of a particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force.

i.e. Change in K. E. = Work done.

Section- C

Gravitational Force:The gravitational force is the force of mutual attraction between any two objects by
virtue of
their masses. It is a universal force. Every object experiences this force due to every
other object in the universe. All objects on the earth, for example, experience the
force of gravity due to the earth. In particular, gravity governs the motion of the moon
and artificial satellites around the earth, motion of the earth and planets around the
sun, and, of course, the motion of bodies falling to the earth.
Electromagnetic Force:Electromagnetic force is the force between charged particles. In the simpler case when charges are at rest,
the force is given by Coulombs law : attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges. Charges in
motion produce magnetic effects and a magnetic field gives rise to a force on a moving charge. Electric and
magnetic effects are, in general, inseparable hence the name electromagnetic force. Like the gravitational
force, electromagnetic force acts over large distances and does not need any intervening medium. It is
enormously strong compared to gravity.
Strong Nuclear Force:The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons in a nucleus. It is evident that without some attractive
force, a nucleus will be unstable due to the electric repulsion between its protons. This attractive force
cannot be gravitational since force of gravity is negligible compared to the electric force. A new basic force
must, Therefore, be invoked. The strong nuclear force is the strongest of all fundamental forces, about 100
times the electromagnetic force in strength. It is charge-independent and acts equally between a proton and
a proton, a neutron and a neutron, and a proton and a neutron. Its range is, however, extremely small, of
about nuclear dimensions
(10 15 m). It is responsible for the stability of nuclei. The electron, it must be
noted, does not experience this force.
Weak Nuclear Force:-



J.C. Bose
C.V. Raman

Ultra short radio waves

Inelastic scattering of light by molecules

M.N. Saha

Thermal ionisation

S.N. Bose

Quantum statistics

Homi Jehangir Bhabha

Cascade process of cosmic radiation

S. Chandrasekhar

Chandrasekhar limit, structure and

evolution of stars

Absolute Error:- The magnitude of the difference between the individual measurement and the true value of the quantity is called the
absolute error of the measurement. This

Relative Error:- The relative error is the ratio of the mean absolute error

to the

mean value amean of the quantity measured.

Percentage Error:When the relative error is expressed in per cent, it is called the percentage error


For uniformly accelerated motion, we can derive some simple equations that relate displacement (x),
time taken (t), initial velocity (v), final velocity (v0) and acceleration (a).
Acceleration a = time rate of change of velocity of a body
a = (v-v0 )/

v = v0 + at

the displacement x of the object is

Consider two objects A and B moving uniformly with average velocities VA and VB in
one dimension, say along x-axis. If xA (0) and xB (0) are positions of objects A and B,
respectively at time t = 0, their positions XA (t) and xB (t) at time t are given by:

the velocity of object B relative to object A is

Relative velocity of ground with respect to


Centripetal Acceleration:- The acceleration of an object moving with
speed v in a circle of radius R has a magnitude



and is

directed towards the centre is called centripetal


Therefore centripetal acceleration

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in
the direction in which the force acts.

The unit of force has not been defined so far. We, therefore, have the liberty to choose any constant
value for k. For simplicity, we choose k = 1. The second law then is

The retardation a of the bullet (assumed constant) is given by

The retarding force, by the second law of motion, is

Banking of a road:- To reduce the contribution of friction to the circular motion of the vehicle outer
edge of the road is raised at some angle than inner edge this is called banking of road.

There is no acceleration along the vertical direction, the net force along this direction must be zero.

The centripetal force is provided by the horizontal components of N and f.

From Equation 1 & 2, we get

we see that maximum possible speed of a car on a banked road is greater than that on a flat road.


A collision in which momentum and kinetic energy remains conserved is known as elastic collision. A
collision in which only momentum remains conserved is called in-elastic collision.

A collision in which the two particles move together after the collision is called a completely
inelastic collision. The intermediate case where the deformation is partly relieved and some of the
initial kinetic energy is lost is more common and is appropriately called an inelastic collision.
Consider first a completely inelastic collision in one dimension. Then, in Fig.

From above two equations we get,

Also except answer if student derive for particular two

Escape Velocity:The minimum speed required for an object to escape from the surface of earth or from
influence of earth gravitational force is called escape velocity.
Suppose the object did reach infinity and that its speed there was V. The energy of an object is the sum
of potential
and kinetic energy. The total energy of the projectile at infinity then is


From equation (1) & (2); applying principle of conservation of energy;


The minimum value of Vi corresponds to the case when the L.H.S. of Eq. (3) equals zero.


Variation in g with height:-

Variation in g with depth:-

Section D
Q:- 23

(b) (i) 800 N (ii) 400 N (iii) 1200 N

Section E

24-a) we know
Distance covered by body in t seconds :S (t) = ut + at 2
Distance covered by body in (t-1) seconds :S(t-1) = u(t-1) + a
Distance covered by body in (tth) seconds :S(t) - S(t-1) = u +
h = ut + gt2
Distance covered in first 3 seconds = 3u + g (3) 2
Distance covered in last second of motion seconds = u + g (2t-1)

According to question;
3u + 1/2g (9) = u + g(2t-1)
2u = g(2t-10)
u = g ( t-5)
Since ball is dropped u =0 ; therefore 0 = t-5
We get; t=5 sec.
H = 1025 = 125 m

Time of flight:Time taken by the projectile to reach the maximum height :Since at this point

Horizontal Range :The horizontal distance travelled by a projectile from its initial position (x =
y = 0) to the position where it passes y = 0 during its fall is called the horizontal
range, R. It is the distance travelled during the time of flight T . Therefore, the range
R is


Your by putting any two values to show the same may be excepted

Q:-25 a)

Theorem of perpendicular axes

the moment of inertia of a planar body (lamina) about an axis perpendicular to its plane is
equal to the sum of its moments of inertia about two perpendicular axes concurrent with
perpendicular axis and lying in the plane of the body.

Theorem of parallel axes

The moment of inertia of a body about any axis is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia
of the body about a parallel axis passing through its centre of mass and the product of its
mass and the square of the distance between the two parallel axes.

A) .

B) .

a) Stress:- The internal restoring force acting per unit area of a deformed body is called
stress i.e.

S = External deforming force/ area

S.I. Unit of Nm-2
Types of Stress:- 1) Normal Stress :- When a deforming force acts normally over an
area of a body, then the internal restoring force set up per unit area of the body is
called the normal stress.
Normal stress can be sub divided into following categories:a) Tensile stress b) Compressive stress c) Hydraulic stress
2) Tangential or Shearing Stress :- When a deforming force, acting tangentially to the
surface of a body produces a change in the shape of the body without any change in volume,
then the stress set up in the body is called tangential stress.
a) Strain :- The ratio of change in configuration to the original configuration is
called strain.
i.e. Strain = Change in configuration/ Original Configuration
Types of Strain:1) Longitudinal Strain:- If the deforming force prodces a change in length alone, the
strain produced in the body is called Longitudinal strain or tensile strain.
2) Volumetric Strain:- If the deforming force produces a change in volume alone, the
strain produced in the body is called volumetric strain.
3) Shearing Strain:- If the deforming force produces a change in the shape of the body
wihout changing its volume, the strain produced is called shearing strain.

The point B in the curve is known as yield point (also known as elastic limit) and the corresponding stress
is known as yield strength of the materi
The point D on the graph is the ultimate tensile strength ) of the material. Beyond
this point, additional strain is produced even by a reduced applied force and fracture
occurs at point E. If the ultimate strength and fracture points D and E are close, the
material is said to be brittle. If they are far apart, the material is said to be ductile.
In case, even when the stress is zero, the strain is not zero. The material is said to have a permanent set.
The deformation is said to be plastic deformation.
a) Young Modulus of Elasticity:- It is defined as the ratio of normal stress to the longitudinal strain with in the
elastic limit.
r 2 l
S.I. unit of Youngs Modulus is N/m2
Steel is more elastic than rubber, because value of Y of steel is more than rubber.


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