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Dear Friend,

I thought of writing up a few lines about God, Jesus & Christianity. When you
start reading the Bible things will get clear.

- In the Beginning there was the Creator of the World (who Christians call as God
our Father) and his Angels. Angels were created by God to serve him.
- God the Father is full of Love, Compassionate, Merciful and all others that lead
to Goodness. He is all about Life.
- God is full of Love and he wanted to share this Love. The only way he could
share this Love was to create another being that would be similar in
characteristics to him and share all that he had with them. By sharing and taking
care of these beings he was able to extend his Love. So he created Man Kind
starting with a male called Adam and a female companion for him called Eve.
God also placed the reproduction system in place so that man kind would
continue to grow and God would be able to share his Love from generation to
- When God created Adam & Eve they and their generation were to live in
harmony and happiness forever with God. There was no concept of death.
- God did not place any restrictions on the first 2 human's. He warned them about
what is good and what is bad. He told them that they should not do evil things.
- Since God is 100% pure and Holy only Holy people can be close to him.
- Some of the Angels that God the Father created rebelled against God since
they wanted to be like him and take his place. The leader of this battalion of
Angels is called "Satan".
- "Satan" tricked Adam & Eve the first humans to also rebel against God and
disobey his commandments. Basically they believed "Satan" and did something
that made them impure. The moment they became impure, "Sin" entered into the

human system and death was the penalty for it. Thus death became part of the
- Once sin entered among Gods first children they could no longer live along-side
God. Both our first parents (Adam & Eve) along with Satan and its Angels were
banished from Heavenly kingdom to the Earthly Kingdom. So presently the earth
is filled with humans as well as evil angels who we call as Devils. The leader of
the evil angels is "Satan".
- Once our first parents sinned their sprit was contaminated and they became
unholy. This un-holiness was passed from generation to generation. You may
wonder how come sin had entered the human race through the Sin of our first
parents. We say a child resembles the parent, grandparent or someone in the
family tree. Like wise when we visit the doctors the doctor requests to fill-out a
form identifying if there are any sickness that is in the family tree which could
have been passed onto us. Like the resemblance and sickness that is passed
along the family tree, sin is also passed along from Adam and Eve all the way to
every child that was born there-after. This is the reason it is said that every single
human born is unholy and is blemished by sin.
- From the beginning until now the human race has been continuously tormented
by these evil devils that roam the Earth. The purpose of these Evil beings is to
make sure that all humans (children of God) rebel against God their Father and
will never be able to live alongside him in heaven. This is the reason we see that
the whole world is filled with Evil. Families are falling apart, war, killing...etc. In
reality there are these demonic beings that the eye cannot see who are
responsible for all this turmoil. All that the children of God do is the opposite of
what God likes and wants of them.

- God on his part will not intervene and stop these demons or force the humans
to do the correct thing. The reason for this is that he decided to allow humans to
have their free will in making decisions when he created the first humans. The
reason for allowing them to make their own decisions is out of Love. If he forced
the humans to do what he wanted them to do then it is not Love any more...It is
more of forcing things according to what he wants.. All that God does now is to
teach what is good & holy and hope that we do things that are good in his sight.

- Once a human being dies on this earth, the spirit within that person lives
forever. When we say someone is dead it's the body that is dead but the spirit
never dies. The Spirit either lives with their "God the Father" in Heaven or "Devil"
in Hell. Heaven is Holy and Happy place while Hell is a place of continuous
misery and sadness.
- Since all human beings have sinned and are unholy, there was no chance any
of his created children would ever be able to get close to their holy God
(remember that only Holy beings could be close to a Holy God). God knew
someway or another some kind of a Ransom had to be paid for the Sin that has
been committed by his children to get them back to him. Something had to be
paid in exchange to get us into heaven...But none of the human beings could pay
for the sin since all have rebelled and sinned...A "SIN" cannot be paid by
"SIN"....Only "HOLINESS" can be paid for "SIN".
- The only person who is without a blemish of "SIN" is God himself. So God
himself had to pay for all the "SIN" of mankind in order that they come back and
live with him.
- So God came down in human form as Jesus Christ (this name means "God is
With Us"). Jesus Christ said that he came from God and that he and God are
one. He said that if one saw him they were seeing God himself. He said that he
had come to reveal "God the Father" to the whole world. He spoke about God,
heaven and eternal life. He said that there was life after death. He spoke about
devil and his kingdom of hell. He cured the sick, raised the dead and did so many
miracles that no human in history had ever done. He is the only person ever to
have claimed he is GOD as well do miraculous deeds that only God could do. He
predicted that his own Jewish people would put him to death and on the 3rd day
he would rise-up and go back to heaven...and just as he had predicted he was
put to death and he rose and went back to heaven on the 3rd day.
- So God has come as human being, revealed the qualities and thought of God
and told us how the kingdom of God is and that he is waiting eagerly for us to join
him after the life we live here....and the ransom has been paid for all mankind by
the suffering he went through in the hands of his own people, accused for saying
that he is God and finally nailed to the cross for telling the truth in order to save

all his children, even those who put him to death.

The Ransom has been paid!!! A holy and pure person has died to save all his
unholy children. A Holy God has been accused, massacred and murdered. Even
though he was God he came down from heaven just like a human being with all
the feelings we have. He went through all the pain but without opening his mouth
went to the slaughter house and was slaughtered so that you and I will live with
him in paradise. The ultimate price has been paid.
- His resurrection back to life on the 3rd day is what will happen to all of us...We
will also be resurrected after death.

- God has paid the price for us. Now each and every one of his children have to
accept that ransom that has been paid for us on the cross by Jesus. Anyone who
accepts and confesses that Jesus Christ is God, that he came down from heaven
and died for them has accepted him and thus all their sins committed through-out
life on this earth has been paid for by the death of God himself on earth. Anyone
who does not accept him as God basically reject him and thus lose their eternal
life in heaven and are condemned in hell for eternity. Again God has left this as
free will decision for his children to decide! Again out of Love he is not forcing any
of his children.
- First time around God had come to earth as a human being to sacrifice his life
so that his children can be saved.

- At the end of the World God (in the form of Jesus Christ) will come again to
judge all his children. All those who accepted him as God and the Ransom he
had paid for their sins would be holy and will have a place in the kingdom of
heaven for eternity ....while others would be in the Kingdom of hell for Eternity.

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