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Coordinated Set of Transition Activities




will continue in a Regents preparatory program

will receive instruction In budgeting and money management
in math class
will participate in the school's reading club and receive
tutoring to develop her reading skills (decoding and
will receive instruction in the completion of college
will receive instruction in web based searches, Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Publisher & Microsoft Excel in Computer
Technology class
will participate in a CTE course in _______
will receive instruction In computer word processing skills
will participate in a Construction and Design Course,
Computer Art class, and/or Design classes will receive
instruction in the creation of an art portfolio
will receive ongoing instruction in resume building/writing in
ELA class
will receive ongoing instruction and practice in developing
job Interviewing skills
will receive ongoing instruction and practice in retail work at
a community work-based learning training site ongoing
instruction for developing travel training skills using the
Standardized Assessment Travel Training Readiness
Will practice her expressive verbal skills In preparation for
her ACCES-VR interview
Will learn how to ask for assistance in various social
Will engage in role play activities with counselor to improve
her self-advocacy skills
practice his/her functional math skills while shopping in the
community with his/her class
will identify and investigate local art clubs and art jobs
postings in her community
will visit local museums and art galleries and keep a journal
of her visits
investigate gyms/recreation centers in his/her neighborhood
will visit five local banking institutions to identify the banking
services in her community (to support her money
management needs)
will gather information on volunteer opportunities in her

and Other
Adult Living

Acquisition of
Daily Living
Skills (if

neighborhood and complete necessary applications

will obtain a library card make weekly visits to the public
library to borrow books in her areas of interest
will volunteer at a local ____________ in her neighborhood
will visit three colleges and/or post-secondary institutions
related to her post-secondary goal
investigate the admission requirements for three post high
school art schools/programs
will complete Job applications and sample college
applications In College and Career Education class
create a Career Zone account portfolio and explore Career
Zone (for college Information, career planning & NYSDOL
Information and data on careers)
will visit local accessibility/disability services offices at two
colleges to Identify resources and eligibility requirements
will apply for a state identification card or driver's license
complete a resume and cover letter In her Career Education
will complete an application for the Summer Youth
Employment Program
participate In a work study program In the area of ______ at
identify and investigate various art careers
will Investigate the application requirements for and
complete an application for a half-fare metro card
will develop organization skills by developing and following a
personal daily/weekly schedule
will open a checking/savings account and learn to balance a
will learn how to read and prepare basic recipes and identify
nutritional benefits in everyday foods
will practice budgeting skills by developing and following a
weekly budget
will learn CPR and how to use a first aid kit
will arrange for evaluation of home environment for possible
modifications to increase independence
will identify foods and snacks that are appropriate to his/her
medical condition
will identify and learn travel routes to two local art programs
will identify and role play responses to emergency situations
will learn travel related readiness skills for using public
transportation using the Standardized /Alternate Assessment
Travel Training Readiness Curriculum
will develop communication skills by role playing appropriate

(if applicable)

social conversations at community and work settings

will participate in an Independent Living Class at YAI
will develop self-care skills such as dressing, hygiene, selfmedication, showering, and brushing teeth using a checklist
will identify and communicate to her parents and peers her
likes, preferences and interests using a script
arrange for formal Assistive Technology Equipment
Will complete a Level 2 Vocational Assessment using Career
Will complete a Level 3 Vocational Assessment through a 2week observation in the school-based Clerical/Office Training
Will be assessed monthly at his/her work-based learning site
(Internship or volunteer site)

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