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Solutions - 1997 219 1. (a) Let us consider a charged hollow sphere with charge g. The charge 4g is on the surface of the sphere. We have to calculate the electrie Field at an interior point P distance r from the centre, If we imagine a Gaussian spherical surface through the point P and concentric, with the given shell, we ean use the Gauss theorem, Gavasion & wre te he entre Ex dav by this Gaussian surface = 0 (b) + On an artificial satelite orbiting the earth the acceleration is given by Se ofthe ah Nagle maa the gravitational force due to earth is Sa" towards oe the centre of the earth. Let the reaction force on the surface of the satelite be then ‘That is on the satellite there is a state of weightlessness or g = 0 -. The time period of the simple pendulum, 3. (©: The chromatic aberation formed by aeonvex Jens is considered positive and that by a concave lens is considered negative, as they have got exactly ‘oposite characteristics. So the chromatic aberration formed by one lens ean be nullified by the suitable use of the secon 4 7 @ 6 @ For very small drops, the potential energy due to gravity is insignificant as compared to that due to surface tension. Therefore the shape of the 8 (b) # Due to the rotation of the earth, the acceleration due to gravity for earth changes and at the equator, its value is given by g' = g = wR ‘And at poles, g' = g ‘The value of acceleration duc to gravity is nimum at the equator. 9. (b) : Negative sign reverses the direction. Since magnitude of the number is 2, therefore magnitude of tor is doubled. (b) The law of conservation of inear momencara 10. states that in absence of an external force, the linear ‘momentum of a body remains constant. And Newton first law states that until and unless an external foree is applied a body in a state of rest will tend to be in 8 state of test and body in motion will tend to Keep ‘on moving without a charge of speed and direction, Im other words if s body is in a state of rest then its momentum is zero and the frst law tells that the body twigs to preserve its 2ero momentum. And when in ‘motion (momentum ‘my, the body tries to preserve its momentum my again, Which is the law of conservation of momentum, I. (d+ B+Q and P-G are diagonals of a parallelogram whose sides are Band @. Thus theangle between them may be between O° and 1802 ©) te 13._(a): Pyrometer can measure temperature from 00°C 0 6000%C, Therefore trpraure ofthe sn i $= Ba BACs Now singe the magnetic field J is parallel to the surface, so the magnetic flux in a direction Perpendicular to the surface will be @ = Blcos90°=0 16. @)_ The clectrical resistance of a semiconductor decreases with the rise in temperature. Therefore at absolute zero temperature, a semiconductor becomes an insulator, 17. (6): Ina choke coil, we use a low resistance and high inductance to reduce the current in an a,c circuit. We use a high inductance in place of a high resistance because the inductance does not consume power, so we don’t lose any energy in the form of heat 18. (6) + In the ease of an intrinsic semiconductor (say Si) where cach Si is having 4 outermost electrons, its crystal structure consists of making 4 covalent bonds with 4 negihbouring Si atoms. Each bond consists of avo eletrons. Si Si ot Simin si ats Tato) Now if one of the bonds get broken due to some reason (collisions or high temperature) then one clectron gets freed and it will be having sufficient ‘energy to cross the band gap and be ready for conduction. So in intrinsic semiconductors, current flows due to breakage of crystal bonds. 19, (@): Given: EME ofthe battery (Z) = 10 volis; Internal resistance (r) = 3 9 and current (/) = 0.5 A. ‘We know that current () ao gis or 05 OSRELS bo. ‘radius of the bubbl pressure atthe surface (P;)= column of water height H. When radius ‘of « bubble becomes double, its volume (¥2) becomes 5 times, Also from the Boyle's lawy AK =Ry or 0 6° OS AIMS EXPLORER 22. (a): Viscous force (= nde keer (where A the area of the plates). the heat given to the melting solid is used in displacing the molecules from their original position and making their order irregular. It increases the average distance between the 25. (b) : Since the angle of inclination 0 = 60° 1 =H hich een no. of images formed for any position of the object in between the mirrors = 6-1 = 5 (ye OO 60 ‘Ina purely eapacitive circuit, where there isneresistance, the current # flowing through it deposits 4 charge dg on the capacitor in time that is dg = ide a i oa B= Egan Now using Kirchoft’s law, if total charge deposited fon the capacitor is q then Ge e.snos 54" CEysin or dg ain CE cose. cos! where fy =F = peak current Yeu) {= fg c080 = ig sin (w + Be and B= B, sino Hence curentis leading the voliage in phase by # Phan tar He BY Hx = Th HAS 811, Therefore depth ofthe lake g : = 8H- Hm TH. _ B= Essa 21. (©); Ifa star is moving towards the earth (ie. | 27- (a) : Given Distance between two charges = d ‘observer, the frequency of its radiation witl inerease | and dielectric constant (k) = 2. Force between two ‘or the wavelength will decrease. Therefore the spectrum (abe lines will shift towards blue end of the spe charged spheres (F)=qrex" yt where ty is Solutions ~ 1997 permitivty of free space. and force for a medium with dielectric constant &, ra z ven: Initial radius of wire (F,) = r Initial R and final radius of wire (ry) = 0,5 r, Let L, and A, be the length and cross-sectional ‘area of original wire and L, ay be the values for the stretched wire, Therefore, xb Lene wioso? or Bok og Ae : by ROS Resistance = pect op Ron A Peete Stee ‘Thermal conductivity 2. @ 32. (9): Wovetongtn O=E 4, therefore if voltage is increased then wavelength is decreased. 2, the change in voige andy i the change caret Attu, cuten 8/=0. Therefore at stration () + Plate resistance (ry SF (where oy is 34. (@ + Given | binding energy per nucleon of deuteron (,H2) = 1.1 MeV and binding energy per rueloon of helium He" 7 MeV. Total binding eneray ‘of two deuteron atoms (jH?) (Ip + In) * 2(2 * 1.1) = 4 MeV and total binding energy of helium atom GH) Qp + 2n) = 4 * 7 = 28 MeV, Therefore energy released on forming helium nucleus from two deuterons = 28 ~ 4 = 23,6 MeV. The redcton taking place is schematically represented 88 (HP #25 1.1 MeV) + (8 +2 « 1.1 MeV) — (lle! +4 7 Mevy 38_ ©. 36. (¢) + Mass is the matter contained in a body. It remains constant irrespective of the place where the 221 body is taken. Therefore mass of the body on the moon surface is M, 31. @) Givens ndbcanee af Real (> Saa cca hinge area (#2) «2M The ndsrd Aa) ‘modulus of the material = ¥. Energy stored per =A xsuessxStrain volume =4xStressxSt Stress Y (b) | We know that 1 ees 4xsx fu sxd r= $C 160i gies sts ne with positive intercept on the ¥ axis 41. (a) Planek’s constant (7) = Energy in cach photon _ LE] Frequeney of radiation ~ Uo) (yer 42. (e): We know from the lens maker's formula the ee aren )h-3) Ree oe eo eececmi una on) aioe eta eta be eaual to the refractive index of glass 43. (d): Given : Radius of the first orbit (r,) = ro. Scat ccnk Radius of ath orbit (73) =e or (2) =f >KT, where Tis the room temperature, so no electron can jump from the Tas valange band to the conduction band at low temperat ‘even at higher temperatures 52. (©) =o wea AIMS EXPLORER At the topmost point vertical component of velocity = 0) Let time taken to reach the topmost point then 2usind _ usin’ z Range, & =u c0s0 “For R to be maximum, sin a 2 28 0" > B= 4st 54.~"(0) ¢ Sound waves are longitudinal in natare and light waves are transverse in character, Moreover light wave is electromagnetic ia nature, That's why light waves do not need a material medium for its propagation, 55._ (0) 56. (a) In both the cases ofthe eyele and the eat, it is the centripetal acceleration towards the centre which provides the necessary frictional force in a wuming so that there is no skidding. In the ease of the cyclist, as, the centre of gravity of the system (cycle + cyclist) goes through the eyelist, the whole, system leans {towards the centre of the are. But in ease of the ea, the eenire of gravity does not pass through a person siting in the ear. That’s why due to inertia, that person leans outwards 57._(€) + As both the electron and the proton enters the electric field with equal ‘energies, the clectron will finally traverse a more curved path than the proton as the electron is lighter than the proton, because of which the Acecleration of the electron will be much more than that so the plese eC 58. (4) 1 the ice cap of the poles melts, ice will Now towards the equator, and will increase the moment of inertia of the earth thereby decreasing is frequency of ‘lation. Due to decrease of the frequency of rotation, the day length increase 59. (a): The encrgy gap between the valance and the conduction band is very small, so by raising the temperature we can get more electrons Nlipping from valance to conduction bond thereby increasing the carriers of electricity in the semiconductors, That's wity in samiconductors we have negative temperature coefficient of resistance and so the resistance decreases with temperature, 60. (a) + As the free falling body has an acceleration Solutions - 1997 ‘equal to ‘g", the effective acceleration due to gravity for the pendulum is gay= 0 ‘Time period T= 2 ee 61. (a): According to Helsenberg’s uncertainity prineiple, ax ay ‘Ax = uncertainity in position ‘Av = uncertainity in velocity Planck's constant (6.63 * 10 h «a cH,coon NOHC#O,., CH, +Na,COs ‘When sodium salt of carboxylic acids are heated ‘with (NaOH + CaO), alkane is obtained with one less carbon atom than the acid, and the process is called decarboxylation 63. (@) : Magaalium : 95% Al, 5% Mg, It is used in the construction of airships, balance and pistons of motor engine a. Duralumin : 959% Al, 4% Cu, 0.5% Mg, 0.5% Mn, 1 is used in aeroplanes and automobile parts. 64, (b) = If Principle quantum number (n) is 2, orbitals possible = 2, 29. 2Py, 22. total = 4 (ie. 9? = 4) on=3, Orbitals possible, one 5, three p-orbitals and fine d-orbitals total = 9 (ie. n! = 9) (@ + pH = log (H"] => 2=AHog [H"}y, and 6 = — log (H"}, toglti*}, 107 _y9s 107 =10' =10,000 ioglt"], 107 i‘ Therefore, acidity is more in pH¥=2 than pFi=6 by an order of 10,000. 66. (b)As, ph wi mM P* = vap. pressure of pure component vap. pressure in solution mass of solute, m= mol, wt. of solute M= mol. wt. of solvent 1208 =m? 356.7 & Cx{OH)s + NaOH + Na,0; > NasCrO, + 2H,0 68. (a) + According to Bronsted theory, acid is a substance that can release protons while base are those that aecept protons. 69, (¢) + Lithium aluminium hydride is a strong reducing agent. (LiAIH,) ee i Li HAH I A cHo This reaction is called Rosenmund rexetion TA. (c): H,S is the group reagent for Il and IV group of basic radicals (cations). So with COCI; (no metal here), no metallic sulphide will be produced. 72. (@)= As there is no Tone pair on boron in BCI, therefore no repulsion takes place, But there isa lone pair on nitrogen in NCls. Therefore repulsion takes place, Thus BCl, is planar molecule but NCI, is pyramidal molecule. 73. (a) | Conformers are obtained by rotatin molecules around ¢-bonds between C-atoms. eg, CHy ~ CH; ~ CH; ~ CHy cH, " ou, rH, cu, sistny H uw en Gauche conformer Bclipsed conformer 74, (@): Nylon—66 i prepared from monomers, adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine by condensation process, HN ~ (CH ~ NH, + HOOC ~ (Cy), ~ COOH-> -ENH~(CH,),-NH-CO-(CH,), -CO 4s Nylon-6 75. (2 HG) + 1g) > 2H) 41 = no. of product speices ~ no. of reactant species 224 -as)=0 Dalt= ae Tent = 200 mg 0.5 carat = 100 mg 1 mole of Catoms weight =12 g = 12 g of carbon = 6023410 Catoms = 100g of carbon = $0281 $5.02 x 107" (b): Na; {CdCl} ca sad sot Ca sad! [As there is no scope for d-d transition in Ce?™ jt exhibit lum is K,S0, AlyS0,)s. 2480. 1b fFectant purposes, ‘Aromatic compounds are characterised by jsation of x-electrons colour. 79. (b) their unusual stability, deloe: in a planar ring, They undergo substitution reactions. more favourably than addition reaction these properties ‘are not present in cyclohexane, 80. (¢) : Given : Mass of the compound = 0.189 g and mass of AgCl = 0.287 g. Equivalent weight of chlorine is 35.5 and equivalent weight of AgClis 143.5. ‘Therefore percentage of chlorine _38.5_,,_Mass of AgCl formed 143.5 * Mass of substance taken ~ ie ol wh a. ©: Oho Oho, (Major Prods) 2. ©: ~CHi,-CH,OH "8 R-CH,CH,Br x0, R-CH,CH,CN -f5> R- CH,CH COOK This is called upgradation reaction. Neon 83. (6): Glycerine is 7780 scion | and 3 C-atoms are primary. 2 is secondary C-atom. AIIMS EXPLORER 84. (a): =u = 5 200 = 1000 coulombs Charge carried by | electron =1.6x10PC. 1000, = No. of electrons for 1000 C= Tega 1102" ‘All the alcohols are water soluble due 10 the formation of extensive Hydrogen bonding between ‘water molecules and aleohel molecules. Lower aleohols at highly soluble in water and their solubility decreases with an inerease in the molecular weight. 86, (A) : Steam distillation is employed as there is 2 large difference between boiling points of ortho and paracnitrophenols. This is due to the presence of irtra molecular H-bonding in the case of o-nittophenol (so low b.p.) and intermolecular H- bonding in p-nitrophenol (So high b.p.) 37. (a) + Radioactive substances usually emit a-rays ({He numbers), Bray (electrons) o or sometimes positrons ($B. 188. (6): Copper and zine are the components of br 89. (@) : CaC, + 2H30 — Ca(OH): + CoH mol. wt. > 64 g > G4gCaC= 26 gC = 6100 gcacy= 2 6s100 8c. 6040.625 e CaHs = 26.04 Kg CxH; Cath + Hh —> CH Mol. wt. 268 Bg 3 WEN = WEH > reorxacate Ba 250K ct 5 28.04 Ke GH, CH, > (CHy-CH,), ‘Therefore, amount of polythene obtained is 28.04Kg. 90. (a) : According to Charles’ and Boyle’s Law, AY Bl 7h = 620%300 _ 64024, 300320 10 ce. Soltions - 1997 225 D1, (hb): 2Cu + 21--> Cush +h T 28,0)" +h > S02 + (thiosulphate) Jodometric titration involves the evolution of iodine immediately before adding thiosulphate solution. 92, (@) #1 ion ean act as Lewis base fe, itcan donate clectron pair to some species e.g. 1;. The electron donor species are termed as Lewis base. b+hob 93. (©) 2 Enthelpy change (4H) is a state function so it does not depend on the path taken by the reaction, It depend only on the difference of final and initial values of enthalpy change, 94. (@) NH, + 3Cl, > NCL + 3HCL NCI; is an explosive material 95. (@): | reactant Product ‘Activation energy ; (b)R-NH,+ HO-NO—> R-OH+ N+ HO Nitrous acid 97. a): Bai, (05M) + H,S0, (IM) > BaSO,0 HCI AAs Br ion concentration is only 0.5M, therefore only 0.5M of BaSO4 can be precipitated 98, (@) a, o-Dihalides when treated with sodium zine form oycloalkanes, Resction is called Freund reaction, 100. (a) Potassium dictomste : KyCO> Let the Oxidation sate of Cr be x SS De(Hye2e 7x2 a 101, (a: compressibility factor is dined a8 # 2 ee ” (PVYideat nRT for non ideal gases, Z# 1 fox ideal gases, Z=1 y To2: ( : Motaliy isnot effected by temperature ae molality isnot involved with volume (volume ehanges wrth temperate), vena = Wal (03. (@) NaNO, + AgCl > AgNO, + NaCl NH,OH + AgCl > Ag(NH,),Cl+ 24,0 NayS,0, + AKCI -> AgiS,0, + 2NaCI 104, (&) Cl, OH nd NH groups are all ep directing while COOH group isa srong m-direeting agent (due tauttaectroa withdrawing cffeed) 105. (a) + de Broglie proposed the relation : 2. = wavelength i momentum of particle 106. (@) + Equilibrium constant [cH] mole litre” (CHAT) Cmoie.itee")-Cmole.titre _CH,~ CH,~ COOH + HCOOH Ce eer A 108. (¢) + Neon : 15%, 25%, 3p? Sct Be Son, Excited state of Neon can be represented as Cyclo propane 20, 2p 3! aes 99, (a): Charge = Current = time 109. (by: Visible specrum ranges tom 4000A to 7000A eee ane ee 110, (8) 28+ 3720, $0, +25 eal = 59706 : : 5970 C deposites 3 g of metal 3 => 96500 C will deposite ~ zy7q * 96500 g metal = 48.49 g metal ‘Therefore equivalent weight is 48.49 g ‘SO, —> $0, + 120, > $0, + keal Heat of formation of SO; in equal to 2x ~ y keal. AIL. (@): The bond angle of PBr, is lesser than PH, but the bond angle of NBr is greater than NHy, Size of Br is larger than hydrogen. 112, (a) + NaOH is a strong electrolyte and decomposes fully in solution int its ions NaOH —> Nat + OH" Due to high availability of OH ions, both stong acids HINO, and HCI are neutralised with equal ease So equal heat of neutralisation for both 113. (+ Gibbs free eneray (AG) is given by = AG=AH-TAS In chemical systems, the reaction moves in a direction in which there is decrease in fice energy i. AG=-ve, Also, decrease in fee energy is a measure of the ‘maximum usefll work that can be obtained from a reaction. But the reacton can be exothercmic or ‘endothermic eg. water evaporation is endothermic but it isa spontaneous process (Le. AG = ~ve) 114, (b) = Liquid ammonia is used in refrigeration on account of its large heat of evaporation 115. (6): Tungsten isa transistor element and is very hard due to high metallic bonding. Tungsten (1); Z = 74; Sa 6st 116. (a): Hydrogen (Z= 1}, Is! This single electron can be expected to go in higher energy levels and when de-excited it gives out Afferent spectral lines e.g. Balmer, paschen, etc 117. @: BeZ=4y, 12 B(Z=5) 1s, 28% 2p! Tonisation potential of Be is greater than that of B as first electron released from Be is from s-orbital while it is from p-orbial in B. ° 2 I 118, (@):NO":N> Bi] ON o& *o Hybridisation is sp? here and therefore planar ture is expected Ng: Ist, 2s2, 2p? Hybridisation is sp%, therefore tetrahedra structure is expected but there is pyranical structure as lone pair of election occupy one of the comers of ( | \, 119. (b) + Due to the sence of unpited electron in NO and Ny both ase diam yiNBN total no, of 4 total no, of" in Ny= 787 = 14 “Therefore, both are isoelectronic. 120. (@) + The large sized sulphate anion (60, is stabilise better bya large sized cation, So the stability of sulphates down the group, increases. In other words Fate energy is more down the geoup, Ermey 121, (a): NO is physiologically ubiquitous asa potent vasodilator. It is produced and rceyeled in the respiratory tract to regulate the air way. NO has much higher affinity for haemoglobin than COp and Oy thas no direct reaction with O,. Thus it does not impede O3 transport. 122. (d) + Eugenics isthe study of improvement of human race by controlled selective breeding between individuals with desirable characteristics, Euthenies is the study of environmental conditions that contribute to the improvement of intellect and other traits in the human genetic engineering. Obstetrics is the science connected with care of women betore, during and after childbirth 123. (@) + As a result of nucleie acid digestion, nitregenous organic bases-purines (adenine and ‘guanine) and pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine and uracil) ‘are absorbed from intestine into the blood. Most of these are excreted out. In man, putines are changed to ti aid for excretion 124, (6) + Positron Emission Tomographic Scanning (PET) is computerised imaging technique. It gives quartitative information on the metabolic and physiological process of tissue and organs. 125, (6) : Phenylketonutia and Alkaptonoria both ars inborn errors (congenital) of metabolism. Phenylketonuria is due to accumulation of pherylpyruvic acid and causes mental disorders. Alkaptonuria is the lack of ability to breakdown homagentisic acid into acetoacetie acid. Due to accumulation of homogentisi acid, the urine of patients suffering from this disease turns black as soon as it ‘comes in contact with ai. 126. @ 127. (©) Growth curve is the graphic representation ‘of the total growth against time. If total growth (of Sotutons - 1997 TME eas) Atypical sigmold growth curve for highor ania ‘nung ma.) Lag hse: ing pase obs eishing rows 88 ‘an organism or population) against time is drawn an S - shaped oF sigmoid curve is obtained. It consists ‘of four pans - lag phase, log phase exponential phase), phase of diminishing growth and stationary phase (steady growth for organs or organisms of indefinite srowth). Growth is slow inthe log phase. rapid during Jog or exponential phase, slow again during the phase of diminishing growth 128. (d): Prolactin ia lactogenic hormone produced by the anterior lobe of pituitary gland, It stimulates milk production in cov. 129. (6) Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae and its toxin. JE primarily affect the membrane of the nose, throat or larynx and marked by formation of a gray = white pseudomembrane, with fever, pain and in the laryngeal form, aphonia’ and respiratory obstruction. Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium mbereulae and marked by formation of tubercles and causes necrosis in tissue of any organ. Tetanus is an acute, often fatal disease marked by tonie muscular spasm and hyper-reflexia, resulting in lockjaw, generalized ‘muscle spasm, episthotonus and seizures. It is caused by the neurotoxin, Pertussis is whooping cough. 130. apartofthindwallofretina SSMS" gies Saat ofeye tis composed of evra sue coating “oO the receptor cells. The w posterior partof the retina chery process which ends at the ciliary Ameior lf of the eye soon body along an irregular ‘rom beni line is termed as ora serrata 227 131. (@) : Colour - blindness is a sex linked disease Which istinked to X - cheamoseme. Cretinism is arrested physical and mental development with dystrophy of bones and soft tissues, due to congenital lack of thyroid secretion, Night - blindness is caused by deliciensy of vitamin A. Anacmia is caused due (0 iron deficiency. 1 132. (b) = Chloragogen cells (yellow cells) of earthworm ate star-shaped, small sized cells stori food. They also help in exertion. Thus itis analogous 133. (@ :Colostramismatemal milk of mammal formed dling the rst few days after the bie, lis partculacly h 134, (© Klinefeter’s syndrome is charactevized by twisomy (XXY). These are male individuals, wlio are phenotypically fairly normal but havea very low sperm count and, are therefore sterile, As the syndrome has two X ehromesomes, one batt body is seen in this case. _ 135, (@) 2 The preparation of perm before penetration ‘of ovumis called capacitation, During tis time coating substances of the sperm, especially acrosome is removed and the sperm becomes ready 10 receive the signal from ovulated egg. Afler this penetration 136. (0) + Plasmin is the prowolyti enzyme fou in plasna which can digest many proteins through the process of hydrolysis. Plasmin (also known as Fibsinolyin) is the active component of fibrinolytic system. This enzyme lyses fibrin and fibrinogen degrading products. Plasmin is formed by its active precursor plasminogen Thrombin | Thrombomedulin Protein C Activator L Protein C —> Activated protein C ji Inactivates inhibitor of plasminogen activator Plasminogen —> Plasmin ‘Thrombin Lyses fibrin The fibrinolytic system 228 137. @) 138. (b) + Juvenile hormone is secreted by corpora alata aretrocerebral complex present in insect brain, Chemically itis an unsaponifiable, nonsteroicTipid This hormone regulates momphogenesis and so promotes metamorphosis, ic. development of the larva into 139. (b) : Flight feathers of wings of birds are termed as pinions or remiges of quills wing. They are present a uill oF flight Feat 140. (@) + Metamorphosis in frog is regulated by thyroid activity. Doring metamorphosis changes eceur in heart, lung and intestine, but the nervous system remains the same afler metamorphosis. It undergoes Teast changes however, brain acquires is normal shape and size ducing metamorphosis, 141, (b) + 1.34 ml of oxygen is present in one gram of hacmogtobin i. each gram of haemoglobin can combine maximally with 1.34 ml of 05; normally, there 12-15 gm haemoglobin per dl of blood, 142, (6): Otoconium are minute particles, composed chiefly of calcium carbonate, found in otolithie, membrane on surface of maculae of inner car. 143. () # Any persistent fear of a specific stimulus oF abject or situation is called phobia. Fear due to pain is called algophobia. Pathophobia is phobia or fear of contracting sexually transmitted disease, Myaphobia is a paradigm created from the misuse of fitness language that translates into a fear of muscle, Haematophobia is fear of blood. 144. (6) + Antiserum contains antibodies, The term. antiserum is applied to materials prepared in animals. Antiserum isa serum containing antibodies with affinity for a specific antigenic determinant to which they bind, They may result in cross-reactivity within recipient. 145, (b): Psychiatry is the branch of medicine dealing with the study, treatment and prevention of mental illness. Neurology is that branch of medical seience which doals with the nervous system, both normal and in disease. eurapsychiatry is the combined specialities of neurology and psychiatry. Psychology is the science dealing with the mind and mental processes, especially in relation to human and animal behaviour. 146. (e) ¢ Several theories have been put forward to explain the mechanism of translocation of organic AUIS EXPLORER rutricnts through the pliloem The best one is known as mass flow hypothesis which was proposed by Munch. 147. (a) +n cabbage plant, the stem is 80 short that the great mass of thick overlapping leaves tend to forma head. The older leaves surround the younger small, more tender leaves and the cabbage resembles a huge bud, In cauliflower a short erect stem is produced with an undeveloped infloresence. The whole inflorescence forms a large head of abortive flowers on thick hypertrophied branches. The onion bulb consists of edible fleshy leaf bases. Agave provides “Sisal Hemp”, 148, (a) # ICs an example of test eros, Test cross js across to know whether an individual is homozygous or he:erozygous for the dominant character. When double heterozygote(for eg. THRr) crossed with double recessive (ttt), the ratio will be H:1:1:1, TRE tte Ws TRI eRe Toke Te tr ue 149, (a) : The upper surface of leaf blade or fomina of “Sundew” bears a number (100 - 200) of club - shaped hair or tentacles. Their tips are swollen, glandsler and reddish. The glandular heads of the Centacles secrete a thick sticky juice which shines in the sun Tike dew drops.An insect which happens to touch the head of the tentacle is stuck by its juice Aldrovanda bears whorls of specialised leaves with broad - winged petioles, two lobed winged lamina bearing curved marginal teeth, x number of sensitive trigge: hair and colourless digestive glands, The upper surface of each lamina lobe in Dfonaea contains 3 sensitive spines anda number of red coloured digest lands, a 180. (a): Unfavourable reiteration of soil by addition of removal of substances and factors which decrease soil productivity, quality of plants and ground water is called soi pollution. Its of two main types: negative and positive, Negative soil pollution includes over use of soil and erosion. Fertile land is also being ‘converted into barren areas by unplanned urbanisation, building of roads, houses or industrial complex Rubbish, empty cans, garbage, broken furniture, empty, bottles, buildiag material, sludge, ash, ete, are all dumped outside the town on vacant lands which not only become barren but also make the nearby lands so, ‘Solutions = 1997 Positive pollution is a polluction casued by (i) pesticides, herbicides and fumigants (ii) chemical fertilizers and (ii) air pollutants washed down from lmosphere through rain. Excessive use of chemical fenilizers causes soil deterioration through the decrease {in natural bacterial population and destruction of crumb structure. The salt content of the soil is also bound to increase with continuous use of fertilizers. Addi of industrial wastes come under positive pollution 151, (d):Perisperm is persisting nucellusin the seeds Chapparal is @ broad - leaved evergreen shrub forest of hard and thick - leaved small trees ‘and shrubs which usually contain resin but are resistant to fires. Both plants and animals are adapted to long droughts. Steppes are grasslands of Eurasia ‘Temperate deciduous forest has dominant climax vegetation consisting of broad - leaved hardwood trees like Oak, Elm, Maple, Birch, Beech, Hickory, Magaolias, ete. Tropical deciduous forest is dominated by tees, e.g. Dalbergia, Bombax, Butea, Shorea, ete. 153. (a) : The primitive atmosphere contained gases, like COs, CO, N, Ha. ele, Water vapou and metallic carbides rascied to torm the first oFganic compound, methane (CH). It is suggested that simple one called organisms somewhat similar to today’s cyanobacteria (blue green algae) were present on earth about 3600 rillion years ago. With the addition of oxygen into the atmosphere, methane and ammonia began to disappear as they got oxidised forming CO, and Ny respectively. The reaction of oxidaton of Cli is. CH, +20, ~» CO; 42H,0 229 ‘compound (3 - PGA), are called C; plants. Hatch and Slack proposed a new pathway of CO, fixation via the carboxylation of Phosphoenol Pyruvate (PEP), Because the products are four carbon compounds (oxalosectie, malic and aspartic acids), plans exhibiting this pathway are referred as C, plants. Ribulose diphosphate is the first acceptor of CO; in Cy plants and phosphoenol pyruvate is the first acceptor of CO; in; plants. In C, plants fixation of one molecule of CO; uses 3 ATP and 2 NADPH, whereas in Cy plants fixation of one molecule of CO, uses $ ATP and 2 NADPH, 157. (c} + In xerophytic plants, stems are Mattened (€.g. Opuntia, Muklenbeckia) or cylindrical (e.g. Euphorbia royleana, E. tirucalli). Green stems of unlimited growth in such plants have taken over the function of photosynthesis. True leaves are caducous. Formatien of phylloclades helps the plant to grow in dry habitats because transpiration is little from the stem. 158, (¢): Biosphere or living mantle is the habitable part of carth and its atmosphere which is composed of both biotic and abiotic components. Biosphere hhas three subdivisions:- G) Lithosphere - 1 is the solid or dry crust of the earth that forms the continents and other land Gi) Hydrosphere - It isthe liquid mantle of the earth present in oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, ‘ground ste. Gil} Atmosphere - It isthe gaseous mantle that ‘envelopes the biosphere and overlies both lithosphere as well as hydrosphere. 154, (a) + The genes involved in quantitative inheritance is called polygenic gene or polygenes. Quantitative inheritance is a type of inheritance controlled by one or more genes in which the dominant allele expressing a part or unit of the trait, the {ull trait being shown only when all the dominant alleles are present. The gene having a multiple phenotypic effect because of its ability to control expression of number of characters is called pleiotropic gene. 155. (¢) Gambusia feeds on the larva of Anopheles mosquitoes, Anopheles isthe carrie of malarial parasite, Plasmodium. Thus, Gambusia, is used to control Anophetes population and hence, malaria. 186, (b) + Plants that utilize primarily RuBP to fix (CO;, which results in the formation ofthe three - carbon, 159. (@), (@) : The red and blue biliproteins, called phycoerythrins and phycocyanins, respectively, are found in algae. They both are called phycobilins. ‘The phycobilins are active in the transfer of light energy 10 chlorophyll for utilization in the process of photosynthesis. The phycocyanins and phycoerythrins effectively absorb light over range of wavelengths that cannot be absorbed by chlorophyll. Thus, they prevents chlorophyll from Tong and direct illumination and also from its photo oxidation, 160. ( in the sporophyte of Dryopteris, the sporangia are usually grouped together in sori. Ir sporangia each spore mother cell finally undergoes the reduction division (meiosis) to form four haploid 230 spores, Spores under favourable conditions germinate 1o_gametophyte (prothallus), Prothallus is haploid, (61. (b) + When fossil fuels are burnt, S and N are oxidized and there is a build - up in the atmospheric CO, and the oxides of S and N, which lead to acid = ‘base interection. The acidity of the rain water is mainly caused by H,S0, and NHO,, 162. (b) : Autoradiography is the study of fate of labelled precursors and intermediate metabolites by knowing the movement of radioactivity with the help ‘of photographie films and emulsions at short intervals, ‘Tritiated hydrogen (*H) and carbon - labelled (!C) compounds of thymidine, uridine and amino acids are used to study synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins respectively. Cellular fractionation is rupturing cells, separation and suspension of cell constituents. Phase contrast microscope is useful in observing components of living cells and their processes. Tissue culture is a technique of growing eells, tissue and other structures ‘on artificial medium under controlled aseptic conditions inside special containers. 163, (@) : The common wheat is hexaploid with 2n = 42 and is derived from three diploid species : (i) AA Triticum aegilopoides (2n = 14), (i) BB= Aegilops spelloides (2n = 14), (iit) DD = Aegilops squarrosa. The hexaploid wheat therefore, is designated as AABBDD, the tetraploid (2n = 28)as ABB and dij Qu=14)as DD 164, (a) : It is as dihybrid cross Copp x cePp ‘The genotype of colourless flowers will be cepp. We know that Copp ¥ cePp. Male gametes are Cpep [ep Female gemetes are ePep [eP|CePp | ePep Hence, ratio ‘colour| white Veolour) : 3 (whi lep| Cpep | cpep fe, 25% coloured flower, white | white es may include sexually 2s well as apomictically (asexually) reproducing individuals Fragmentation is vegetative means of reproduction in lower plants, Self fertilization is the ease in which fasion occurs between male and female gametes from individual, 167. (@) + After M- phase (mitotic phase) a cell may either enter interphase oF G, phase. Gy phase is the AIIMS. EXPLORER stage when cell eyele is arrested. Therefore, further divisions stop. 168, (b) : The gene which inhibits or suppresses the expression ofa nonallelic gene is known as epistatic gene. Epistasis reduces the number of phenotypes appearing in the F, generation of dihylrid cross. Thus instead of normal 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio, epistasis may result ina ratio of 9:3:4 (recessive epistasis), 12:3:1 (dominant epistasis), 13:3 (dominant recessive epistasis) or 9:7 (double recessive epistasis) ete. 169. (a) : All characters of options (a, b and ¢) are simi to family solanaceae. Gynoecium of Solanaceae is obliquely placed. Ovary becomes 2 - celled or somictimes 4 - celled owing to the development of a ¢ septum, Ovary is superior. . (6) # Phytoalexins are non - specific fungitoxic substances, generally phenolic in nature, synthesized de novo or in greatly inereased concentraton by plants in resronse to infection by fungi, Phytotron is building jn which plants ean be grown on a large scale in a range of rigidly controlled conditions of light, temperature of sir and soil, humidity and composition ‘of air, water and nutrient content of sil ete, Phytotoxins are toxic substances produced by plants,e.8. Azadirachtin, Rotenones, Aflatoxin, ete. Phytol is a hydrosarbo: _ a 171. (d) + Absorbed alcohol is carried directly to the liver, where it becomes the preferred fuel. Use ‘of moderate amounts of alcohol does not cause liver damage, provided adequate nutrition is maintained. The liver becomes enlarged, yellow, greasy and firm Hepatocytes are distended by large fat globules which push the hepatocyte nucleus agains! the cell membrane. Accumulation of fat inthe liver ofthe aleoholic person results from the combination of impaired fatty acid oxidation, inereased uptake and esterification of faty acids to form triglycerides (fats) and diminished lipoprotein biosynthesis and secrection, it means there is increase in the fat synthesis in the liver. 172. (@) : Ovaries seorete steroid hormones or female sek hormones like estrogen and progesterone which are mainly responsible for the controlling of total menstiual cycle. Ovariectomy means total removal ‘of ovary from the body. Thus no hormones would be secreted from ovary and menstrual eyele may be stopped. 173. iby Cold blooded animals have no fat layer The skin of cold-blooded animal is devoid of any fat layer because temperature regulation-the important function of fat layer, is not necessary here. But fat bodies are present in front of each testis. They ai reserves of nourishment and cold-blooded animals may use them in hibemation. o 174. (b) + In morula stage, the eells divide without any increase in size and becomes 2 solid mass of cells, Zona pellucida remains undivided till cleavage ‘of Henle’s loop is 10 water so n0 water is reabsorbed with solutes (itis known as diluting segment). Due to which rphrie filtrate become hypotonic in ascending, limb. (On the other side, descending limb is not permeable to Na* and other solutes, But it is very permeable to ‘water, making more water absorption from the solution, thus, the filtrate becomes hypertonic to plasma. 176. (b): There are no stomata inthe epidermal layer of the leaves of submerged water plant, at all present, they arc nonfunctional. The leaf epidermis either lacks ‘cuticle or itis feebly developed, thus permiting easy ibsorption of salts dissolved in water and gascous exchange. Similarly the thin cuticle and epidermis of submerged organs presumbly allow free passage of dissolved organs and CO;, there is evidence that all epidermal cells are not equally permeable (0 dissolved salts 177. (a) : Cutinization involves the transformation of cellulose or pectic substances of the primary or secondary wall into cutin, which forms a continuous layer, called the cuticle. It generally forms the skin ‘or outermost covering of the stem, leaves and some fruits, I is impermeable to water and pathogens. 178. (b) 3 There are three codons UAA, UAG and UGA which are designated as termination codons. UAA (also known as ochre), UAG (alse known as amber) and UGA (also known as opal) are three codons wheih whenever present in mRNA, would bring about termination of polypeptide chain which would then be released from ribosome. m - RNA has a“termination codon” region which consists of UAA, UAG or UGA. 179. (@) : Plasmids are small, circular, double - stranded, self - replicating additional or extra chromosomal DNA elements which are commonaly found in bacteria (prokaryote), 180. (a) The plants where the usual sexual reproduction has been completely replaced by a type of asexual reproduction are called apomictic,and * 231 phenomenon is apomixis. Apomixis offers the possibility of indefinite multipliction of specially favourable biotypes without any variation duc to segregation ot recombination. Ses 181. 0 A 182. (b) There are seven tombs built by Quatab Shahi nesr the Golkunda fort, which are situated in Hyderabad, 183. (0) 184. @ physician, dedicated to the cause of medical science. He is known as the father of medicine, Rules ofconduct for doctors are based on Hippocratic Oath 185. (@) 186, (d) + Comets are the long tals stars. Halley's comet is the most famous comet which is seen alter ‘every 76 years, Last time, it was seen in 1986, Therefore will be seen next in 2062. 187, @) 188, (a) | Deep-Biue is a computerized chess system having very high speed and very large memory. Recently this system defeated the world champion of chess. 159.@) aide 190. (a): As Dachigam Sanctuary in Kashmir is popular for hangul or Kashmir st 192. (a); Saeed Anwar, a left handed open of Pakistan, who scored 194 runs against India in ‘Chennsi in May 1997. He has the highest score in a Olpmpic Gams war no played tthe Yeats 1916, 1940 and 1944 duo to worden ane eee 196. (by; Th ft and the inh Asan Games ware held in March 1951 (New Delhi) and in 1982 (New Det) respectively 191.) : 198. (@)s The Principaliy of ee 199. (d) 200.0 Future Shock’ is & science fiction which was writen by Alwyn Toffler.

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