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Exccurive Cuannen APPROVAL #1] Noverber 28, 2016 CHAPTER #443 MEMORANDUM fled with Astenbiy Bil 1685, ete: “AN ACT to anced te vehi a ti ay nein ours the ‘sues of iene ples bearing te words "Cure Cidhoos Can tho aac hese nae nnn wen the cae hdd eaecr fn ABERO ‘Ths i would aa new sein 404 the Vbiiae Taf Law torte Sistem eat he words “Cure Cid Cane adit aa sere ‘hag of $25 woud be imposed ad eps inte “Care Childbood Conca Resa Fund {sashed puso seton of the Sst Finance La, vid he et $600 shal te deported inte “Diane Plate Developme Fun” psu a scion 953 fs Lay, fete design, roucton avetsing a aban of bh pee ‘Tne provisos of isa ot in complane with se aew DMV repltons fe sine Noose es nore fo cnet tht en esl imp 9 DMV fer arly wih the poisons of is il be cca has scare teeny sone wie Lepr tops legislation athe pering eon crt thse. On tat Ps Lan Sing is wi ha il ppv. Executive Cuaunem APPROVAL #/X Novenber 26, 2016 CHAPTER #44 [MEMORANDUM ied with Ase i 5245, etd: AN ACT ‘amend te local nance a a aan ta the sane of bonds fnaes pe improvenents ao Eat Hanon Aion” arrnovep ‘This egition would autos he Town of Fast Hanan ise ands nase supe consrton, recanstuton, or exten tthe Eat anon Aipots Because of ‘snl ovrihy tsi would ince alluw he ei of probable wees (PU) of flaming, machiery, oF apa to be incrprate in i yer PPU fap. ensrston a pps othe 15 yea ped erly provided Lal Fa for those The Excutive hs scored ates arent wih the Legit to sein Inke upcoming session const his ior eng eon tht si am siping isi This is perv APPROVAL #13 Novenber 28, 2015 CHAPTER #45(> MEMORANDUM file wth Asebly Bil 259, AN ACT so amend the conection ln aon desing te vision of| imi justice series to mol the appropiate gsi, iin A oursofthe ee a change of es, or feline, ‘Sendnce, employment or residoce anna of ghee ‘beatin yao offender” ROVED This il woud amend Coton Law 168 sous Division of Crile Serves (OCS) onl a enforcement of ese flees change of ees cha sts of erolinent, atdans employment or ede sw neon of ches elcaion| itis hours of esp DCIS han mre then weny Ser af spencer wh ah fnficerea gels and peoviig upto sxoenderinston, Whi he inaction thatany police apres av viet complins sou the tances of mxetons, 1 se th i's sponse tl we shold ln ok foresee ergy ‘eommaniations, Cumeny, the ex Oren Regist io! salon nis, weskend nd lyn nde sen tat DCIS i abet coma this tng eset maser th 8 ations ecived th Exzeuve a creda heey geen with ie Leite fe chapter mendine! tht wl fy i's ining regent on "A oa oto basins day On tht ai, Tan ing ei Tis bile ppv Executive Cuaunen approval #4 Noveber 28, 2018 CHAPTER #473 ‘MEMORANDUM fied wth Sent 92, etie “AN ACT Wamené te ext law aon taaition savior ‘nue appearing beer the pce ou" arpRovep This il eure he Deprient of Caren nd Commit Supervision (BOCES) ‘oem its re appenting belt fe Bon of Prvle who rege langage lncrpetes orsign ngs ergs, no pove anally oid or Seeded ‘ners yp inate eet if yramount nore that every imate who appr efor the Bod of Pas kana el oppacun oes the sits ks her lee fom peso Wik neat a "hn ofthe Sue's innate poplin speatig English ae seeod lngungs agree wi be b's Sponsors tt inmates ase aforesaid rir won ste bt he ‘Boa of Pale. That why DOCS ied acl paring wht sil inns seat. Hoyevesitiot yet poset DOCCS to somply wt hil’ equirenents du to 1 nko atonal. cet or State credentialed ntrpcters curently worngn New Yo, The Exceve bas there seureduve-wy semen with he Leis acapcr mene ht lense a quid erp s avaae o tetht eite ‘sve wil povdag DOCCS wth it enaly given eising source concen 08 Ta bs, sein hi ‘Tis isaproved approvat. #15 ber 25208 cHaPTER # AH [MEMORANDUM Sed with Sent Bil 2330.8, ‘AN ACT toumeod thats nel! awn atoning the New York ste counel une at om sting ot and full gs when x eresation ha ops of ase win the sit ad oe oop aude owes o New York te opams™ areRoy! Tis would probit he New You State Cou onthe Arts (NYSCA) fen varng ay gas oa now-pot ezaiaton Gate ot inept eed edb ‘osern New York Sue Ensng hat Now Yor State orprintons bef fm New Yo Ste funds ‘ponent goal which woebearedy support Asda, Hower bil otains ‘cnnistatve ands roves Mavs. NYSCA coment aberes obs documentation ad nat compliance eview proces and ve tats poss rer tan pone Bie ‘supe cafremt heme she apport meted for esis conplnce wt he Snore i ‘The Exssuthe as sere ae nay agroement wi th Leila to ps gion ‘ne upcoming session ales thse concen. On Ising i al eis approve, Executive Cuaunen APPROVAL #1 CHAPTER #494 MEMORANDUM is wih Sent Bil 689-8, en “AN ACT to mend the general uss alton th tsiton of ‘ler desea consaners” APPROVED This i woud rege lomo toast acne calle deft nfrmation ‘ocaleridetticao ences fy spp: te ael of iil Teka shold ot be pete els hie iene sin earings calls entieaton infront Rowe thsi reute evidence hat healer iSetfction ee provide commited niowing olasion ote star hn rquig evens he invitee awy ‘outed he te. Tis wuld plea much higher bade on thine seking pov lon The Fectve has scr thos grant with he Lesa tps egiton ‘ne wpoming session ones is onc Ont har, lam sping th il. ‘This approved exrcurive Cuauaen APPROVAL #17. Novenber 28, 2016 CHAPTER #488 [MEMORANDUM fed wt Senate BU 6915, exit AN ACT wamend the men yp lo areaton lili for

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