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Network Setup Family parameters

SNMP INPUT BUFFER Size in kilobytes of the input buffer traffic per SNMP socket.
SNMP MAX OUTPUT PACKET LENGTH The maximum size of SNMP packets to send to
the network. Some agents reject or mishandle large packet, so keep the default size.
500 bytes (sufficient for most cases)
(64 bytes - 65536 bytes)
SNMP OUTPUT BUFFER Size in kilobytes of the output buffer traffic per SNMP socket.
SNMP TRAP COMMUNITY Community string of traps sent by InfoVista Server.
SNMP TRAP PORT (AUXILIARY) Port number that VistaNotifier uses to send SNMP
SNMP TRAP PORT Port number to which SNMP traps are sent.
SNMP TRAP RECEIVER (AUXILIARY) IP address of a secondary NMS. All trap Indicators
send traps to this address.
SNMP TRAP RECEIVER IP address of a primary NMS. This address is used for trap
Indicators which do not specify an IP address.
SNMP VERSION These Setup values allow you to define which snmp version to use.
1 the system only polls agents using SNMPv1.
2 the system only polls agents using SNMPv2c.
3 the system only polls agents using SNMPv3.
0 (default) the poller detects which SNMP version to use.

Poller Setup Family parameters

OPTIMIZATION POLICY Modify this setting only under guidance from InfoVista
technical support.
Enables or disables poller optimization. Optimization reduces network traffic by
ensuring that a variable is polled only once when required by several Indicators. Only
disable optimization for troubleshooting purposes.
Default value 1 (optimization enabled)
Alternatives 0 (optimization disabled)
2: (optimization enabled, except for augmented tables).
RETRY POLICY Enables or disables the poller retry policy. If enabled, whenever the
poller receives a response after a number of retries, it sets the following SNMP
query's initial timeout delay to the previous query's final delay, divided by two. If
disabled, the initial timeout delay is reset to the minimum timeout.

Default value 1 (retry policy enabled). This reduces traffic.

Alternative 0 (retry policy disabled)
RESTART GUESS FREQUENCY Sets the number of periods before the poller retries
the guess mode for a Collector Status that is stuck on the default formula.
Provided that the poller processes a multi-formula indicator, it chooses which formula
is the most appropriate for a given device by checking which variables the device
responds to. This is called the Guess mode.
Default value 3
Alternative 0 (retry policy is disabled)
Minimum 1
Maximum 10
SCHEDULE QUEUE COUNT Modify this setting only under guidance from tech.
This is the number of scheduling queues at the poller.
Default value 256
Alternatives 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
SMOOTH LIMIT Sets the maximum offset period (as a percentage of the acquisition
rate) over which polling can be spread.
Default value 25%
Minimum 0% (no smoothing)
Maximum 85%
SYNCHRONOUS THREAD COUNT Modify this setting only under guidance from
InfoVista technical support. Sets the number of internal threads used for optimization
and to poll the database for Property Values, server statistics (using the InfoVista
statistics MIB), and other data.
Default value 2
Minimum 1
Maximum 8
THREAD COUNT Modify this setting only under guidance from InfoVista technical
Sets the number of processing threads (SNMP, ICMP, ) used by the poller.
Default value 2
Minimum 1
Maximum 8

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