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source: Na(onal Center for Immuniza(on and Respiratory Diseases

E. (2006).

Immuniza(ons by Lauren Sargent

Overview of Presenta/on

Specic Goal: My audience will learn and understand the
importance of immuniza(ons.

Applica/on: My audience will learn where to look for accurate
informa(on about vaccines and hopefully will be in favor of

Primary Ethos: I have been working at a pediatric clinic for 8
years and I am in nursing school currently.

Secondary Ethos: I will cite 8 references out loud in my speech.

Pathos: Discussing the importance of looking to the right source
for informa(on about vaccines so that my audience will
accurately learn the true facts about immuniza(ons.

Logos: I will use charts to illustrate the sta(s(cs about whooping
cough and MMR outbreaks.

Audience Assessment: My audience likely knows that immuniza(ons
are required but they might not necessarily know how much they
help us as a society.

Adapta/on to Audience: I will use pictures and graphs to explain
how the rate for whooping cough, and MMR has decreased
tremendously when vaccines were rst given, and now there are
more cases occurring, which is not good for future genera(ons.

Pa@ern of Organiza/on: Topical

Note: all pictures are from Google Images Immuniza(ons. 2016

People are s/ll dying of illnesses that could be prevented from

Is it worth it to chance your child developing these

diseases because they arent immunized
Immunizing is impac(ng more than the individual who
is not immunized, many are too sick to have any

Knowing and understanding the importance of why we immunize,
and realizing without immuniza(ons we are seVng up future
genera(ons to develop these diseases.


First, I will talk about what immuniza(ons

Second, I will explain the controversy about
immuniza(ons and au(sm.
Third, I will discuss how immuniza(ons can
be the dierence of life or death

Moreover, lets begin by going into more detail about why
we should vaccinate.

Many people believe that it is not a big deal to not

be immunized, but I know that it is vital for our
society to remain healthy

Some do not know enough about vaccines so let me

explain what we should understand about vaccines.
Secondly, there are hundreds of thousands that do not
understand why we should be vaccinated?
Thirdly, people may not immunize because of the
associated risks, but the chance of having a severe
reac(on is slim to none.

Source:(Your Childs First Vaccines,2015)

Generally speaking, there are many false
beliefs about immuniza/ons.

Sadly some have a come to the conclusion
that immuniza/ons causes au/sm.
Andrew Wakeeld has made false claims about
vaccines and is a fraud. (CNN Wire Sta. 2011).;
(Mercola, D. (2012, January 24).
The MMR outbreak in Disneyland probably
occurred in part because of Andrew Wakeeld.
(Haberman, C. 2015).
The future may not have a good outcome when it
comes to the diseases that vaccines could help
prevent (The future of vaccines, 2014).

Corum, J., Keller, J., Park, H., & Tse, A. (February 6).

Furthermore, these claims can impact many
lives presently and our future genera(ons.

Immuniza/ons can literally be the dierence

of life or death.
It has been said that currently there is the largest outbreak

of whooping in more than 50 years. (The future of vaccines,

One of the greatest way we can protect our children and
those around us would be to make it a priority for the
whole family to be immunized(The future of vaccines,

All things considered, it is up to

you to decide what you feel is best
for you and your family.

In conclusion, I hope that I have made an

impact on your decision about vaccina(ng.

We must do all we can to learn the facts and
educate those around us about the importance of
being fully immunized.
By con(nuing to immunize you are able to make a
dierence in our society.

How important is it to for you to

protect your family from diseases?

CNN Wire Sta. (2011, January 5). Retracted au(sm study an 'elaborate fraud,' Bri(sh journal nds.
Retrieved July 30, 2016, from hhp://
Haberman, C. (15, February 1). A Discredited Vaccine Studys Con(nuing Impact on Public Health.
Retrieved July 30, 2016, from
Mercola, D. (2012, January 24). New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakeeld Case. Retrieved
July 30, 2016, from
The future of vaccines. (2014, March 27). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from hhp://
This website is cer(ed by Health On the Net Founda(on. Click to verify. This site complies with the
HONcode standard for trustworthy health informa(on: verify here.
Your child's rst vaccines. (2015, November 15). Retrieved September 30, 2016, from
Content source: Na(onal Center for Immuniza(on and Respiratory Diseases

Corum, J., Keller, J., Park, H., & Tse, A. (February 6). Facts About The
Measles Outbreak. Retrieved July 30, 2016, from
Johnson, M., & Fauber, J. (2016, November 27). Once almost eradicated,
whooping cough surges back. Retrieved November 26th, 2016, from
Content source: Na(onal Center for Immuniza(on and Respiratory
E. (2006). 9 Things to Know About Childhood Immuniza(ons. Retrieved July
31, 2016, from hhp://www.educa( slideshow/things-you-needknow-about-immuniza(ons/
Google Images Immuniza(ons.N.p/,n.d.Web.27 November 2016 from

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