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February 8, 2014 at 11:37am

Tomato is one of the most important vegetables grown in Kenya. It is a half hardy, annual subtropical fruit vegetable used in salads or cooked as a vegetable, processed into tomato paste, sauce
and puree. It is rich in vitamins.
Climatic conditions
It is fairly adaptable and grows well in warm conditions and optimum temperature of 20-25oC during
the day and 15-17oC at night. High humidity and temperature reduces fruit size and yields while low
temperature leads to delayed colour formation and ripening. Wet conditions increases the disease
attack and fruit fail to ripen.
Our hybrid varieties
Centenario f1-greenhouse
Morelia f1-outdoor
Attributes of Morelia f1
- Bred by enzazaden and distributed by Greenlife
- Hard open field variety and suitable for long distance transport
-Yields 3 times more than heirloom tomato variety
- Yields 30 to 35 tons per acre
- Morelia f1 is resistant to fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, nematodes, late and early blight, tomato
yellow leaf curl
-Takes 75(2.5 months) days to reach maturity after transplant
- Has 12(3months) weeks harvest window compared to other varieties(10weeks)
-A fruit weighs 150 grams and has 21days shelf life
Attributes of Centenario f1
- Bred by enzazaden and distributed by Greenlife
- Hard high yielding greenhouse variety and suitable for long distance transport
- Long trusses with more than 8 fruits
-Yields more than 75 tons per acre
-Centenario f1 is resistant to tomato mosaic virus, fusarium crown and root rot, leaf mold, fusarium
wilt, verticillium wilt, nematodes, late and early blight, tomato yellow leaf curl
-Takes 75(2.5 months) days to reach maturity after transplant
- Has 8months harvest window compared to other varieties(6months)
- A fruit weighs 160-180grams and has 21days shelf life
Seed rate About 200 - 250gm/Ha or 100g per Acre of pure germinating seed for nursery, sowing is
required. Drenching of the nursery against soil pathogens with products as Bioactive and plant
guard ensures a robust seedling for quick take off (growth & development) Field
Establishment Plants can be grown on raised beds or flat land. A spacing of recommended
standard spacing is 60cm by 45cm or 90cm by 60cm depending on variety. Manure and fertilizer
Manure is required if soils are poor in organic matter. It should be applied at the rate of 2 handfuls
per planting hole and mixed thoroughly with the soil during transplanting. 200 Kg/Ha double super

phosphate should also be applied at transplanting and mixed well with the soil. Top dressing with
CAN at 100 Kg/Ha should be done when plants are 25Cm high. A second application of CAN of 200
Kg/Ha four weeks later is beneficial. Nitrogen deficiency will result in small fruits and blossom end rot
disease. Application of Foliar fertilizers as Vitabor Gold ensures induction and production of quality
flowers with no abortion both of the flower and young fruits. Ferrari Gold foliar fertilizer when applied
at fruiting stage ensures production of big quality fruits with good colour and shelf life.
A well fed crop leads to a healthy plant and thus high resistane to most disease,and this cuts the
cost on chemicals
It also leads to high yields translating to high profits. so kindly take note of the following
During nursery sowing
Mix 160ml/20l of Humigreen with water and drench seed bed before sowing to increase organic
matter and give seeds germinative power. Humigreen is rich in humic acid, potassium and iron .It
stimulates germination, shoot growth and soil infrastructure
7days after transplanting
Spray Gatit super start 50gms/20l for quick root establishment and take off/recovery from transplant
14days after transplanting
Spray Gatit compound 50gms/20l for balanced nutrients provision
21days after transplant
Spray lavender 20-40mls/20l.its rich in nitrogen and helps in vine growth and prevents stunting of
the plants. To prevent flower abortion and fruit drop spray 20-30mls of Vitabor Gold, its rich in boron
which promotes flowering, prevents flower abortion and opens the plant system for proper calcium
uptake. For growth stimulation and plant stress control during this stage spray Optimizer 10mls/20l a
plant biostimulant, rich in vitamins and proteins that help the plant withstand stressing conditions
42days after transplant (flowering stage)
Spray 50gms/20l of Gatit super flowers. Its a well balanced foliar fertilizer high recommended
during flowering stage. Repeat at 2 week intervals
49days after transplanting (fruit expansion stage)
Spray Gatit super fruits 50gms/20l. its a highly soluble, well balanced foliar feed to provide the crop
with N,P,K +TE-important for fruit growth and development of the crop, and ripening
Ripening and harvesting period
To prevent blossom end rot,a physiological disorder due to calcium deficiency spray Ferrari
Gold 60ml/20l and adopt a regular watering regime

Late blight (Phytopthora infestans)

Occurs under cool and high humidity conditions and is characterized by rapid drying of leaves and
brown dry rot of fruit. Brown streaks are observed on the stem.
Spray with Cadilac 80% WP (40 Gm / 20L water) or Tower 72% WP. Tower is both preventive and
curative at 50gm /20Lt, while Cadilac is preventive.
Early blight (Alternaria solani)
In tomatoes, it causes stem cankers on seedlings and small irregular dark brown spots on the older
leaves leading in partial defoliation of the crop. The fungus survives on the crop debris. Infections
begin as small brown spots on older leaves that quickly enlarge. The lesions develop a "bulls-eye"
pattern of concentric rings that can be seen.
Control: Field sanitation, crop rotation.
Spray with Cadilac 80% WP (40 Gm / 20L water) or Tower 72% WP. Tower is both preventive and
curative at 50gm /20Lt, while Cadilac is preventive.
Bacterial cankers (Clavibacter michiganensis)
This is a seed borne disease whose symptoms are not apparent until the disease is well established.
It reduces crop by 90%. Symptoms include wilting and curling of the leaflets of the lower leaves.
Dried, whole leave curls upwards, turns brown, wither but still remain attached to the stem. If
affected, young fruits show slight discoloration of the vascular system, deformation and stunting of
fruit and seed abortion.
Control: Uproot, burn any infected crop. Routine spray with copper sprays, crop rotation as well as
use of certified seeds
Fusarium wilt, bacterial spot
Use resistant varieties and soil fumigation with copper based fungicides.
Control:Manage soil fertility to activate antagonistic microbes with Bioaktiv &Humigreen.
Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum)
The disease causes wilting of tomatoes and potatoes. In tomatoes it is mainly seed borne.
Control: Control is mainly cultural as:- Strict crop rotation, Removal and burning infected plant debris
& Planting certified seed.
Damping of
Control is:
-Proper spacing in the nursery i.e. 30cm between rows avoids too much crowding between one plant
and another.
-Drench the nursery with Bioactive, Tower 72%WP or Megaprode lock
-Proper watering in the nursery avoids water logging. Ensure watering is done in the morning and not
late afternoon to avoid wetting at night.
Powdery mildew/septoria leaf spots
Potentially damaging disease and occurs at all stages of crop growth and favoured by wet weather.
Control:Foliar spray with domain/Ducasse/milestone
Blossom end rot not a pathological disease, but mainly physiological

This is caused by calcium deficiency. The early sign of the disease is a water soaked spot near the
blossom end of the fruit. The surface of the spot becomes dark and leathery but no soft rot develops
unless bacteria or fungi invade the spot. Other causes are; Too fast growth during the early stages
followed by sudden drought, excessive nitrogen and infrequent irrigation.
Apply Ferrari Gold foliar fertilizer fortnightly and if plant is stressed use Optimizer to help in
Root knot nematodes
These are galls and swellings on the roots causing stunting of the plants and eventual death.
Good agricultural practices and chemical controls are used
Planting nematode free seedling through application of Nematicides
Fertilizers as Plant Guard helps through facilitating production of beneficial microbes and help in
production of new root hairs to substitute the damaged / infected ones.
Tobacco white fly
These are small, white, moth-like flies, which fly from foliage when plants are disturbed. Nymphs
suck plants sap from the underside of the leaf. They transmit plant viruses as cowpeas mild mottle
viruses (CMMV), cassava mosaic among others.
Control: Easily controlled by the chemicals as Sinophate 75%SP and Presento 200SP.
Red spider mites
The minute, spider like animals are visible by the naked eye and feed on sap from the underside of
the leaves. They cause speckling and tarnishing of the leaves turning yellowish to whitish. The pest
has wide host range including wild e.g. sodom apple and cultivated plants such as cassava, maize
Controlled by foliar spraying with Escort 19EC
Leaf hoppers and aphids Thrips and cutworms
Control spray with Ranger 480EC
American boll worm (Heliothes armigera)
The caterpillars bore into fruit and feed on the inner of the fruit releasing plenty of excreta which is
Control: Spray with Legacy/Heritage 5%EC (12Ml / 20 Lt water) or Emerald 200SL or Pentagon
5%EC or Escort 19EC (8- 10ml / 20Lt) during flowering and fruit setting.


Tomato Greenhouse Farming

Tomato is the most common type of crop grown in a greenhouse. There have been numerous debates on
whether it makes economic sense to plant Tomatoes in a greenhouse as opposed to doing it open field
In Kenya There are various tomato varieties that can be grown in a greenhouse
Anna F1 Monsanto
Tylka F1 Syngenta
Corazon F1 Amiran Kenya
Nemonetta F1 Amiran Kenya
We decided to test this project live and these are the results.
Output Results
Type of Seeds: Anna F1
Number of Plants : 200
Production/Weekly Harvest : 105 kgs or 3.5 Crates (30kg Plastic Crates)
Period of Harvest : 4 Months
Market Price : Low of 600 & a high of 2000
Gross Revenue : Ksh 96,000
Monthly Expenses/Deductions : Casual Ksh 4000, Direct Cost Of Production Ksh 3000,
Transport Ksh 1000
Net Revenue Ksh 64,000
Management Practices Carried Out
Weeding : YES
De-suckering : YES
Layering : YES
Plant Support : YES
Defoliation : YES
Deflowering : NO
Thigmogenesis : NO
Folia Fertilizer Spraying : YES
Fertigation : NO

Challenges Faced
Botrytis Blight/Grey Mold
Early Blight
Damping Off
White Flies
Leaf Miner
Management Related
Lost some flowers and fruits during Layering
Blossom End Rot as a result of irregular Watering
Market Related Challenges
There were times when The market was flooded with open field Variety which saw prices Dip
There is a lot of prejudice about greenhouse Tomatoes regardless of how big and beautiful they
Choose a good type of hybrid Seeds to Maximize Output
Be updated with Market Dynamics otherwise you may be exploited by middle men
Knowledge in Management of your Crops is Paramount. Do not be naive enough to think you can
do it blindly

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