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Animal Symbolism, Totems And

Dream Analysis From A To Z

In5D July 23, 2015 Spiritual Awakening

Preface by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

When an animal appears to you in a dream or out in nature, what
is the symbolism of this particular creature? Nothing happens by
coincidence and these animals are here to teach us lessons. Find
out below the answers to animal symbolism!
Quick story: I was watching some metaphysical videos on
YouTube when I heard a rustling sound in my bedroom. I didnt
think twice about it until about an hour later, when I was about to

leave my house to pick up my daughter and noticed a woodchuck

IN MY 2nd STORY BEDROOM! I shut the door, picked up my
daughter and we returned to film this event. Dont miss the
surprise ending!!!" target="_blank">Try watching this video on</a>, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.</div></div>

I found this animal to be very interesting in terms of metaphysical

Because the woodchuck hibernates during the winter, the animal
is symbolic of understanding the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
It seems that we are going through a rebirth of consciousness so
this event was most appropriate!
Anyway, enjoy the following analysis of animal symbolism and
refer to this chart when an animal mysteriously comes into your
life because there is no such thing as coincidence!

Animal Symbolism, Totems and Dream Analysis |

The ant is a very hard worker and conscientious in every detail of
its work. They live in huge communities where most tasks are
delegated to individuals who form work groups to carry out
various activities of hunting, gathering, nesting and nursery,
habitat construction, and protection. The ant accepts its position
within its community without question and is totally dedicated and
loyal throughout its lifetime to the entire community.The ant
people are wonderful builders and architects. They can show us
ways to build a reality based on our dreams.
Ants are determined and relentless in pursuit of their mission. If
the ant people come to visit you, it may be this quality they will

Solidarity and collaboration are keys to the success of the ant.
Every individual in the community does its duty to ensure the
welfare of the whole colony, regardless of its personal safety or
how long it must labor. The ant spirit teaches us teamwork and
Ants are unselfish and sacrifice themselves to benefit the
community. Learning this valuable lesson of the ant can be the
greatest of all gifts.
Honor and respect are the hallmarks of the ant people.
Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of
perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this
spirit will find that many of their life lessons will involve the
mastery of patience in some way.
Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release
our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what
the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values
that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure
or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to
destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely.
Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned
from this tiny little totem.
Dream Analysis: If ant appears in your dreams, or you have
other unusual ant encounters, you should ask yourself, if you are
relying on others to help you complete your project. We cant do it
all alone. We need others to support our efforts. Reach out and
ask others to do their part.

Antelope / Pronghorn
Heightened psychic ability, may need to insulate ourself or come
out of hiding, adaptability with strong survival skills, strong sense

of smell, new opportunities can be seen, teaches how to

overcome obstacles with a swift and gentle nature. Antelope
teaches listening to intuition. Are you adapting like you should?
Taking chances or afraid of failing? Are you listening to your
instincts? Antelope can teach you strength and courage in all

Teaches protection and how to use it, sensitivity to others attacks
either real or imagined, demonstrates boundaries and respecting
the boundaries of others, learn to trust what you feel with others,
new birth coming -shows how to deal with it. Teaches how to use
defenses when needed. Is it time to hide away to collect thoughts
or come out and present your thoughts and abilities? Are you
letting your guard down too often? Armadillo can show you how to
protect your personal space.Brother armadillo has a passive style
of defense and its medicine comes from its own body. The
digger is called the Little Armored One because of thick bony
plates and horns that covers its back. It teaches protection and
ways to move through dimensions.
The armadillo rolls into a tight ball when threatened to cover its
vulnerable underside. Brother Armadillos medicine is to teach
ways to expose your inner-self and allow natural defenses to
protect you. People who are too paranoid, hard-shelled or cover
their feelings unnecessarily may need the spirit of the armadillo.
Armadillos are territorial and regularly patrol their boundaries to
sniff out intruders and potential threats. If the armadillo comes to
visit you, it may be time to examine your boundaries, or artificial
limits placed on your abilities, time, or space. Is someone
invading your space?
Medicine from Brother Armadillo is strong and tenacious. It
teaches how to protect yourself from potential threats.

The armadillo is slow but persistent in its daily tasks and ignores
most non-threatening activities around it. These traits will help
one who follows the armadillo medicine to realize when they may
be negligent of a persistent problem or avoiding issues.
Brother Armadillo is a solitary dweller and does not have many
friends. Pay attention to the shell of our armored friend when he
enters your meditations and find new ways to join with others in
social activities.
The armadillo digs for its food and makes burrows to sleep and
have its young. The digging aspect of its behavior indicates that
you may need to work harder at finding the morsel of sustenance
in your life to bring more spiritual awareness.
Brother Armadillo understand the necessity of spiritual purification
and loves water. He is a good swimmer, floats very well and can
swim under the surface for long periods. Armadillo readily crosses
any stream or river with ease. These traits give people of the
armadillo spirit an understanding of the power of spiritual
cleansing and ability to move with fluid easy movement between

Ass or Donkey can teach much about patience and humility. They
have wisdom and teaches when to use it with timing. Ass aids in
realizing outer recognition of inner potentials and the strength that
comes from internal fortitude. He can aid in showing one how to
move with the flow and allow Spirit to work and/or trusting your
strengths. It is a time to not be content and complacent while you
enjoy the road to the goal. Are you working too hard and not
being productive? Are you following your intuition in what you
should do. Is stubbornness hindering you mentally, emotionally
and spiritually? Ass will teach you how to listen to your head and


Keeper of stories, write things down, sees beneath the surface of
all things and people, including herbs and roots, self-expression
and knowledge when to act and react, teaches how to ground and
connect with the earth, chances to develop self-expression,
reliance along with persistence and perseverance, and shows
how to navigate the new chapter in your life. Are you being
aggressive and fighting for what you want or need? Are you
expressing feelings?

Initiation, death-rebirth, changes are taking place which are
blessings, facing facts in ones life, fears are always beneficial,
trust instincts. Bat tells us it the end one phase of life and the
beginning of another. Bat can show how to navigate in the dark
and unknown. Soon you will see the world with a new
perspective, teaches sensitivity to vibrations around you,
navigation, introspection and demonstrates ability of observation
and power of meditation and solitude along with ability of working
in groups when necessary. Bat shows how to make those
important transitions.

Sub/Unconscious mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of soul
to find answers, judgments, are you too critical or not critical
enough, inner power to taste the honey of life. Bear teaches
caution, quiet of the mind and silence within. There is great power
in introspection which awakens insights and opportunities. Bears
teaches leadership, natural healing abilities and defending when
necessary. Are you eating a balanced diet? Utilizing your

intuition? Being cautious? Brown, black or white, what does the

color say to you? Bear will show how to balance and express
oneself. (See also Polar Bear)The Great Bear is found on every
continent and comes in many sizes and colors. The bear is
revered on every continent, especially North America where the
indigenous people who believe it was once human and Great
Mystery lives in the spirit of bear. Many American Indian tribes
have bear clans and bear ceremonies. Bear people use herbs
and other plants in healing. Bear medicine is powerful and without
peer among the animal people. The bear is a guide to the river of
Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity
and good harvest. From this place, Grandfather Bear gives
strength, introspection and knowledge.
Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its
connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and
lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with
this totem how to develop both within themselves.
Grandfather Bear is a solitary dweller and master of his domain.
This teaches us the importance of independent thinking and to
seek peace in quite meditation to
Bears are sensitive to Mother Natures cycles. They sleep long
hours in the winter living on fat stored in their bodies. It teaches
us how to go within and find the resources for survival and how to
remain balanced amid change. This medicine is a reminder of the
great circle of life and rebirth, renewal and fresh beginnings.
The stars above in infinite meadows of heaven show us the Great
Bear in the Sky, Ursa Major, as a sign of the greatness and
infinity of bear wisdom.
Bear is the embodiment of strength and is fierce to a threat on its
lair. It is not wise to come between the mother bear and her cubs,
teaching us ways to always protect those we love.

The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up

in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact.

The beaver spirit is never defeated. A gentle nature makes the
beaver a friend to all creatures within its domain. Beaver is an
industrious neighbor with its unbelievable resolve and tenacity.
People who work with the beaver spirit will learn great lessons of
life that will bring many blessings of strength, security and
trust.The beaver is a tremendously complex, yet simple totem
Complex because their abilities and talents are many, and simple
because most qualities of the beaver can be emulated by
humans. They are master architects and are among the few
animals on earth, that alter their environment to meet their
As an expert builder, beaver medicine strengthens the
foundations of ones life and can help to build new ones. Beaver
can show us ways to be in harmony with our environment even as
that environment changes.
The beaver is an excellent swimmer, able to hold its breath under
water for 15 minutes or more. As a water creature the beaver
spirit is deep within where dreams past and knowledge flow in the
subconscious warehouse of our mind. This medicine can help us
to call those inner waters to the surface where they can be used
to build a better life.
The beavers fur is highly prized because it is both waterproof and
soft, teaching us to repel afflictions of life in a good way.
The beaver is practical, quick-witted and resourceful. All these
qualities are brought forward and understood while working with
the beaver spirit.

The beavers large teeth are among its most prized possessions
and they continue to grow until the moment of death. This
prominent feature of the beaver is a reminder that the tools we
use to improve our lives must continually honed and sharpened.
Beavers are very industrious, hardworking, and tenacious in
whatever project they undertake. People who work with his spirit
are reminded to work hard to achieve their goals and they will
never be defeated by a lack of initiative. If you feel overcome or
overwhelmed by lifes challenges, ask the beaver for help.
Beaver has a kind and gentle spirit. We should all be like the

Beetle (Scarab)
The spherical proportions of the beetles wings, and their glittering
reflection lends to the perception of the scarab as a symbol of the
rising sun. Accordingly, this very powerful connection also
insinuates the scarab to be a protector of evil, symbol of rebirth,
regeneration, and transformation.
Carl Jung writes:The scarab is a classic example of a rebirth
symbol. The ancient Egyptian Book of What Is in the Netherworld
describes how the dead sun-god changes himself at the tenth
station into Khepri, the scarab, and then, at the twelfth station,
mounts the barge which carries the rejuvenated sun-god into the
morning sky.

Abundance, incorporates our own efforts to embrace and hold life,
burdens and rewards are carried, keep self well grounded, follow
the easiest path, dont use force in areas of life, flow with it.
Teaches creativity, courage, sacred knowledge, sharing with a
sense of community, survival strategies, teaches how to

challenge with forthrightness and grace. A time to honor your path

and ask for assistance from Spirit. Buffalo teaches abundance
and strength of character along with harmony and expression of
gratitude and honor for all creatures. Do you have gratitude?
Strength? Surviving with courage?The great bison or buffalo of
North America is a very powerful symbol to American Indians.
Though best suited to cooler climates, buffalos roamed virtually in
entire continent. The smaller woodlands buffalo and its bigger
cousin, the plains buffalo were revered and honored in ceremony
and everyday life. To the plains Indian, our Buffalo Brother meant
sacred life and the abundance of the Creators blessing on Mother
The buffalo is powerful medicine that is a symbol of sacrifice and
service to the community. The buffalo people agreed to give their
lives so the American Indian could have food, shelter and
The buffalo is also a symbol of gratitude and honor as it is happy
to accept its meager existence as it stands proud against the
winds of adversity.
The buffalo represents abundance of the Creators bounty and
respect for all creation knowing that all things are sacred.
The buffalo represents a manifestation of the divine aspects of
our being.
Because of its size, speed and sharp horns, buffalos can be
dangerous when threatened. People who hear the message of
the buffalo spirit are reminded to temper their power in dealing
with others and allow the tranquility and peace of the Buffalo
Brother to enter their lives.
Those with this totem need to remember to see the good in all
things and not let their frustration store up inside them.

Unlike the European domesticated cow that places its rump

toward approaching cold and faces away, the buffalo turns its
head to face and stand firmly against raging storm. This quality
reminds us to have courage and face problems head-on.
Buffalos unite against danger as buffalo cows defend their young,
old and sick by forming a protective circle around them and the
bulls form a circle around the cows. If you see the buffalo circle in
dream or vision, it may mean someone around you requires your
strength to defend and honor them. Or, it is a call to unite with
others to bring about positive change.
The huge head of the Buffalo Brother signifies higher mental
abilities that is grounded to Mother Earth by their tough bodies.
The buffalo teaches us how to eliminate our burdens by directing
our energy in a balanced way.

Blue Heron
Dream Analysis: This bird is telling you to stand up for what you
believe in. It isnt always easy but you will feel better in the long

Boar teaches spiritual strength, protection and the mysteries of
nature. Aids in getting organized and solidifying changes. Shows
self-reliance, independence and fearlessness in trials and
tribulations, enduring and strong, boar shows how to protect your
efforts. Are you too scattered in thoughts and actions? Do you
need to stand up for your beliefs and opinions? Are you using
your intuition throughout the day? Boar can teach power and
respect in the balance of complacency and activity.
Dream Analysis: This power animals message is face your

problems head on.

Bobcat teaches that there is a time for solitude, learning to be
alone but not lonely and a time for social balance. He shows how
to keep confidences of those around you with a balance of inner
and outer perceptions. Bobcat aids in tapping into the curiosity of
the unseen world of secrecy, invisibility and hidden meanings for
understanding spiritual mysteries of the path that is being
traveled. Bobcat will offer protection and expertise of this path and
lend its knowledge in maneuvering your developing natural
internal power. Bobcat teaches the ability of being able to turn on/
off creative forces in life. Always look for what is hidden on all
levels and trust your senses for bobcat medicine is a powerful one
with lessons on many levels.

Fertility of thoughts, ideas, possessions, makes the mundane and
earthy more fertile, new ideas need to be expressed, teaches
stability w/o stubbornness, assert feminine energies for balance.
May demonstrate the necessity for a balance diet. Are you being
forthright in your intentions? Are you willing to stand your ground
in life matters? Bull can give us skills needed for expressions of

The butterfly is great admired among American Indians and is a
bringer of joy and peace. Cultures all over earth revere its delicate
and colorful beauty. Most butterflies live very short lives, only a
week or two, except for the Angle Wing and Monarch live about
six months. They experience stages of development from egg in
the cocoon to caterpillar to adult butterfly.The short life span and

beauty of the butterfly is symbolic of early spiritual growth.

Lessons of life will be shown during sometimes difficult formative
years and come to light as the butterfly spirit begins to fly. They
hold the gift of transformation and soul evolution.
The butterfly is reminiscent of freedom and creativity.
Butterflies have a pair of large compound oval eyes made up of
thousands of individual lenses. They can see a single image
clearly and are able to perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light.
This suggests clairvoyant abilities for those that hold this totem.
The antennae of the butterfly have small knobs on each end
which is said to play a role in orientation. When one antenna is
missing the butterfly will fly in circles unable to find its way. Those
with this medicine need to stay consciously connected to spirit at
all times in order to arrive at their desired destination.
Butterflies are not very organized, often return to the same flower
many times before they realize it, and cannot remember relatives.
This trait shows us to be better prepared for lifes challenges and
The butterfly represents the process of transformation and shape
shifting. When butterfly shows up, make note of the most
important issues confronting you at the moment. What state of
change are you at in regard to them?
Butterflies remind us not to take life so seriously. They feed on
flowers that they help pollinate, thereby further spreading beauty.
They represent the element of air, quickly changing and ever
moving, so gracefully. Butterflies are messengers of the moment.
They come in a variety of colors. To understand the message that
the butterfly holds for you a study of its colors can be helpful.

Whenever an eco-system is damaged, butterfly is usually the first

to leave. They are especially sensitive to the harmony of earth. If
butterfly comes to you in a hurt, trapped or ill way, you are being
asked to stop disturbing the natural design of life and to flow with
events in a more gentle, natural way.

Dream Analysis: Animal communication is very real so we can
benefit by paying attention to what they have to tell us. Camel is
telling you that even though things may seem difficult at the
moment, trust that you have the resources to get through this
challenging time in your life.

Dream Analysis: Cardinal power animals message is that you
have an imbalance. The imbalance could be spiritual or physical.

Caribou teaches endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance
in going the distance. He will teach the power of adaptability in
adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things
accomplished. Caribou will show how to take on the roles of
duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time
to take a more dominating role in life and work or perhaps a softer
subtler stance in situations? Caribou will also aid in spiritual
transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. Caribou
will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group.
Caribou is about movement and finding your inner peace and
your place as you walk through life.

Magic, independence, clever, unpredictable, balance of energies

and actions in life, mysteries will unfold in life if a cat has come
around. Cat shows how to clarify perceptions which allows new
ideas to manifest, encourages mental and emotional agility, aids
in being resourceful and stealthy tactics, teaches courage and
confidence. Do you need to be more independent? Are you using
your resources the best of your ability? Is it time to start a new
project? Cat will show how to continue the process of opening
your intuition for soul growth.
Dream Analysis: Cat symbolizes independence. Cat is asking
you to look at how you can reduce your dependency and strike
out on your own.

Dream Analysis: Adapt to the situations you are finding yourself.

Dream Analysis: This totems message is to get clear on your
intentions. Focus more to achieve your goals.

Dream Analysis: Chimpanzees message is to combine intellect
with intuition to solve your problems. One with out the other will
not work but the two together will give you the answers to your

Dream Analysis: Condors message is to take a step back before
making any decisions.

Cougar-Puma-Mountain Lion

Assertion of growth, take charge, be strong, come unto your own

power, defending yourself when needed, teaches how to leap into
opportunities, helps balance when to be gentle and when to
assert your energy more forcefully. Cougar teaches strength and
grace, responsibilities and balanced leadership. Are you taking on
enough responsibilities? Are you empowering your life the best
way you can? Is it time to go forward? Cougar will assist in these

Cows can teach us about the home and community and the joy,
contentment therein. Cows aid us in realizing to be easy going
and live in the moment. They show us about love and connections
at work and home. Cow also may demonstrate how to eat
properly. Are eating enough fruits and vegetables? Are you happy
at home? Cow can teach how to make those changes that are
needed to balance to the joy in your surroundings.

Wisdom, jokester, having fun, stimulates cooperation and tasks,
adaptations, balances knowledge and laughter into teaching,
shows us how to learn from our mistakes with wisdom and a
sense of humor, sense of family and children, demonstrating and
communicating along with balancing risk and safety, trust and
connection to the Spirit to find answers. Are you taking yourself
too seriously? Too uptight and stressed? Are you trusting enough
right now? Coyote will teach resourcefulness and adapting to new
situations and how humor can be a useful tool in any
situation.Coyote is subject of many American Indian stories,
songs and ceremonies and if often referred to as the Trickster.
Coyotes can adapt to almost any environment, but prefer the
prairies and low foothills. They live in undergrounds dens or
sometimes caves. Coyote is a survivor. Hunted to near extinction,

coyote populations are slowly rebounding in areas where they are

least threatened.
Coyotes usually mate for life. This favorable characteristic of
Coyote reminds us to be loyal in all our relationships and
especially those of a spiritual nature. Roaming from relationship to
relationship, without direction or stability should be avoided.
Coyote is a cunning adversary. He sniffs the air and surrounding
plants and stones looking for the scent of prey. Once a scent is
located he stalks with great stealth and circles the area in which
prey is located to understand possible escape routes and
determine the best area suitable for an attack to take place. The
spirit of coyote shows us ways to fully understand the
circumstances surrounding situations in everyday life and to
develop reasonable plans to achieve our goals.
Coyotes slyly hunt small game and move very slowly into position
before pouncing on their prey. Applying this lesson in life, we can
learn patience and ways to move forward at the best possible
Coyotes are excellent teachers, providers and protectors of their
families. They will go to extreme lengths to insure the safety and
well-being of their offspring. Visions and dreams in which coyote
spirit makes itself known may bear a message of duty and
responsibility to ones family, community or employment.
Coyotes work well with its brothers and sisters to develop a strong
community. Like the coyote we can work with others to get what
we want in life. Followers of coyote medicine put other peoples
needs before their own.
Coyote is always on the look out for traps set by both humans and
other animals. They move cautiously through their environment

ready in a flash to move out of dangers way. Thank the coyote

spirit for showing you ways to avoid lifes pitfalls.

Crow is the left-handed guardian. Crow knows the unknowable
mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law. There
are several species of crow. Raven is one of these and magpies
are another. Crow medicine people are masters of illusion. Do not
try to figure crow out. It is the power of the unknown at work, and
something special is about to happen.Crow is also the guardian of
ceremonial magic and healing. In any healing circle, Crow is
present. Crow guides the magic of healing and the change in
consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel disease or illness. You can rest assure when ever crows are
around, magic is near by and you are about to experience a
change in consciousness. Crow can give you the courage to enter
the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in
They are territorial and wont give up an area without a fight. They
are loners, seeming to like to spend time to themselves.
If you have a crow as a totem, you need to be willing to walk your
talk and speak your truth. You must put aside your fear of being a
voice in the wilderness and caw the shots as you see them.
Crow is an omen of change. If he keeps appearing to you he may
be telling you that you have a powerful voice when addressing
issues that you do not quite understand or feel that they are out of
Crows are the bringer of messages from the spirit world, and is
thought to dwell beyond the realm of time and space.
When you meet crow, he could be telling you that there will be

changes in your life and that possibly you should step by the
usual way you view reality and look into the inner realms walk
your talkbe prepared to let go of your old thinking and embrace
a new way of viewing yourself and the world.
Crow is the sacred keeper of the law. Crow medicine signifies a
firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that
indicated by the laws created in human culture. With Crow
medicine, you speak in a powerful voice when addressing issues
that for you seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack, or
When you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide,
your sense of feeling alone will vanish. Your personal will can
then emerge so that you will stand in your truth. The prime path of
true Crow people says to be mindful of your opinions and actions.
Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your lifes
mission, and balance past, present, and future in the now. Shape
shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the
bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape shifted world
of peace.

Power of gentleness, love, alertness, camouflage, balance and
alertness, attention to subtler outside influences, ability to listen,
attention, shows how to walk gracefully and carefully, connections
to children and people for best interests of all, vision, hearing,
smell, helps discern what actions to be done. Teaches empathy
for others, soft direction and leadership abilities. Are you
awakening to your own innocence? Are you listening to your inner
child? Deer walks softly and gracefully. Are you ready for new
opportunities that will reflect this gentle love to others?

Protection, companionship, faithfulness, warnings. Dog is a
symbol of friendship and the unconditional ability to love and
accept. They exhibit loyalty and are fierce protectors when
needed. Examine the type of dog and what it says about you.
What behaviors do you have or would like to have of the dog? Are
you showing compassion for others? Are you a good companion
and protector balanced with playfulness and joy? Are you serving
humanity in the best way you can? Dog can teach you strength in
the above qualities. (Also see Wolf)Dogs have one of the best
totems or spirit guides because they are well attuned to the nature
of humans and understand the best ways to guide them.
Throughout history the dog has been known as mans best friend.
There are hundreds of varieties, sizes and shapes found on every
continent. Certain breeds of dog are designed for specific
The dog is a protector and guardian. Their acute hearing and
keen sight forewarned their masters of impending danger. They
serve selflessly never asking for their service to be praised. They
hold the energies of unconditional love and teach us its true
Domesticated dogs are faithful companions to humans and enjoys
being useful by serving human friends. Their sense of spirit and
the ability to love even when abused is incredible. The dog
teaches those with this totem how to give and receive love
unconditionally. It also carries the energy of forgiveness. People
with dog medicine would do well in service oriented jobs.
Dogs are intelligent and sensitive. They are able to sniff out
dangerous situations accurately and guide us into safety. Psychic
gifts have long been are associated with the dog because of their
ability to detect subtle energy frequencies often unknown to

mankind. If dog suddenly appears in your life pay attention to your

immediate surroundings and let the dog guide your footsteps.
Certain breeds of dog were designed for specific functions. The
study of the breed and its purpose can help you define the energy
associated with it. Since wolves and coyotes are its descendants
these should be studied as well.
The behavior of a dog often reflects the personality of its owner.
Through its observation and constant interaction with you it
anticipates your next move, and serves as a mirror image of who
you truly are. The dog is a great teacher for those who are willing
to be loyal students. The choice is yours.
Dream Analysis: Dog symbolizes loyalty and faithfulness. Dog is
telling you that your loyalty is misplaced by serving too may

The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and
adaptability in life. As spirit animal, the dragonfly is connected to
the symbolism of change and light. When the dragonfly shows up
in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit more lightness and joy
into your life. Those who have this animal as totem may be
inclined to delve deep into their emotions and shine their true
The dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning
of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal
Change and transformation
Joy, lightness of being
Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into

your feeling
Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are
external or personal
Connection with natures spirits, fairies realms
Dragonflies start to grow in water and then move into the air and
fly. When this spirit animal shows up in your life you may be
called to transform and evolve. Symbol of metamorphosis and
transformation, it inspires those who have it as a totem to bring
about the changes needed in their lives in order to go to reach
their full potential.
When this spirit animal shows up in your life, its an indication that
its time for change. Just like the dragonfly changes colors as it
matures, you may be called to live and experience yourself
differently. Stay open to the enfoldment of your personal journey.
Dragonflies are powerful allies to connect with the spirit of nature.
Their fairy-like quality makes them auspicious spirit animals to
work with the power of light and fairy realms.
Animal of wonder, the dragonfly can bring forth the enchanting
spirit of our own nature. When you see this spirit animal, allow
yourself to open up to the magic of nature and the elements.

American Indians see the eagle as a sacred messenger that
carries prayers to the Creator and returns with gifts and visions.
We use eagles feathers to connect to this majestic and powerful
spirit guide as we know the eagle feather holds cleansing and
healing powers. The eagle is seen by many cultures as a symbol
of courage, vision, strength and endurance.Eagles need isolation
in the wild to propagate and prosper. This teaches us that we
have a singular walk in life and must face life on its terms.
Freedom is vital to the survival of the eagle and this teaches us

that all people must be free to choose their own paths; to worship
as the Creator leads them; and to respect the freedom of others.
As a lesson in balance and equality, both female and male eagles
care for their young.
The Eagle teaches how to master the art of patience and how to
move through life without material attachments from their ability to
sit for long hours perched on a limb in meditation.
Eagles have excellent hearing and can hunt as much by ear as by
sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually
and psychically will awaken.
Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws that can remove a
finger in one snap. The eagle tells us to mind our words and how
they affect others; to speak kindly without sharp rancor.
Eagles are renowned for their superior vision, ten times greater
than human eyesight. This quality is a gift of vision and clarity that
should be used to help others through dark and troubling times.
One who seeks the eagle spirit views situations and other people
from a broad perspective for better understanding just as the
eagle sees the world from a its great height.
The eagle is a creature of the air, but has strong legs to walk on
the earth and often lives near the water for food. These qualities
of the eagle teach us to maintain balance in all dimensions to
achieve inner-growth. As we soar to spiritual awareness, we
remain well grounded in reality as we purify ourselves with the
cleansing waters.
The eagle teaches us to have the courage to strive for greater
heights of spirituality. The Eagle is seen by American Indians as a
connection to the Great Mystery The Creator of all things.

Wisdom and power, strength, warrior, excellent memory, poor
eyesight, relies on smell (higher form of discrimination), aroma
therapy may help clear of ills and ease tensions, reclaim family
ideals and strengthen the connection with family members and
shows how to care for the young and the elderly. Are you applying
your wisdom to help others at this time? Are you discerning and
aware? Maybe it is time for a family outing to ease the tensions
and stresses of everyday life? Elephant can teach this balance of
family and occupation.

Nobility, about to hit your stride in life, dont give up, have
endurance for the long run, dont neglect the need to relate to
others, adjustment of diet needs to be made to have strong
energy levels. Elk teaches you dont need to walk the path alone,
you have much wise help from Spirit. Are you pacing yourself
accordingly? Do you want immediate results? Elk teaches
patience in reaching your goals and aspirations. Have you simply
asked for help? Elk will show you how to adapt to this stage in
your life.Elk can run forever. They have great stamina and are
powerful beings with excellent reflexes. Elk are very unpredictable
too. They can be friendly one moment and angry the next. The
Elk is sensitive to signs of danger and when threatened, may
stand and fight to the end or the herd may run in every direction to
confuse predators. Elk live in large herds, but a lone elk can often
be seen. Elk graze during the day only never at night. But if
disturbed, such as by humans during hunting season, they will
feed only at night. An adult bull elk with antlers is a formidable
opponent against any animal, including mountain lion and bear.
Elk teaches us how to become more observant of subtle energies.

Elk demand space to roam, but occasionally need time alone. It

teaches us to seek sacred space.
Those with Elk medicine are reminded to maintain emotional
balance to keep aggressive tendencies in check.
This medicine teaches survival techniques in all types of
Elk people demand respect and have great pride in their
professional and private lives and must be continually on guard
against becoming to egotistical.
Those who know Elk medicine stand tall with a strong self-image
and must seek to be humble.
When Elk appears it often comes with a message to stand strong
with pride and to use ones gifts to show others of its power.
Dream Analysis: Elks is telling you to remain your dignity.

The Falcon is a bird of prey that possesses great powers of speed
and precision. They are found throughout the world except in
Antarctica. Falcon are 15 to 21 inches long with a wingspan of 40
inches. The female is slightly larger than the male and both have
long pointed wings. They like to nest in cliffs, tall trees and on tall
buildings and eat other birds. Falcons live about 15 years and
travel great distances during migrations.The hunting technique of
the falcon relies on spectacular stoops, in which the birds fold
their wings and go into a dive that ends with a midair strike.
Depending on the size of the prey, they either grab hold with their
talons, or knock the kill out of the air and descend to pluck and
eat. The medicine of the falcon spirit often emphasizes swift
movement or aggressive action.

The falcon rides wind currents searching for movement in the sky
or on the ground. When falcon comes to perch near you, the
message may be to search for new ideas, take a broader view, or
look at a situation with a fresh perspective.
When on the hunt, falcons will often dive for prey prematurely and
miss the kill, indicating they may be somewhat impatient.
Examine your actions to see if you are acting in a similar way in a
situation that requires more patience.
Its beauty, regal stance and aggressiveness marks the falcon as
a leader among the bird people. Search for ways to be a role
Frequently, the falcon, like the hawk and owl, is a messenger
spirit guide and will come and leave quickly during an event and
make a powerful statement or whisper quietly in your ear.
Falcons need freedom and stimulation in their lives. Possibly this
is the message they bring to you.
Dream Analysis: Falcons message is to act on the opportunity in
front of you.

Skilled and ingenious, cunning, a new world and creative process
opening up, look in between yourself and others (physically,
mentally, spiritually), teaches gentleness, swiftness and
persistence, courage, power of observation, good eating habits
and taking care of health concerns, shift awareness to feminine
energies for balance. Fox can teach you how to walk in both
worlds and in between since he is the master of camouflage and
shape-shifting and walking the spaces in between. Are you in
harmony with your surroundings? Blending in with others? It is a

time to be careful and discriminating, aware of your

communication abilities, and to be alert to your surroundings. Fox
teaches how to be still and silent and all the qualities of
patience.The Fox represents cunning, slyness, stealth,
observation, and wisdom. The Fox can take on human form
according to Chinese and American Indian beliefs. The Hopi,
Cherokee and other tribes know that Fox Medicine brings healing
power. The Apache say the Fox brought the first fire to the
people. Other cultures such as the ancient Egyptians thought the
Fox brought blessings of the gods. The Incas deified the Fox.
The Fox also has a highly developed sense of smell. As an
animal spirit guide, the Fox will help you to recognize subtle
things in life and make you alert to unpleasant situations.
A Fox is very quiet and blends into its surroundings becoming
almost invisible. Being in harmony with ones surroundings is
important to people who carry this medicine. For those with this
animal spirit guide, try being very quiet and practice blending in
without notice especially if you have a powerful presence
around others.
The body of the Fox is quite small in comparison to its cousins,
but its ample fur offers good protection and appears to be much
bigger than it is. There are several things that may be learned
from this good trait.
The Fox has super-sensitive hearing so you may also be able to
hear Spirit. Listening is often more important than speaking a
good lesson to remember.
Mr. Fox comes out of hiding at dusk-twilight the time and often
hunts under the cover of darkness. His keen eyesight is a gift that
may teach you too see beyond your present situation and to be
able to see Spirit.

By living between light and darkness, the Fox looks into both
The Fox is physically and mental quick and extremely agile which
can teach you ways to respond quickly to situations by using the
power of inner instincts and knowing.
A Fox teaches good eating habits not from what it eats, but from
the way it eats. The fox eats small amounts frequently. The Fox is
not a picky eater and readily accepts whatever is available.
The Fox packs a lot of medicine and good teachings into its small
body. Knowing the Fox and its ways will help you maintain
balance and harmony in your life.

The neck is the bridge between the realms, farsightedness to see
beyond, expression and communication through body language,
family ties. Teaches balance of sky and earth, care in what you
say and how you take others opinions. One has strong
relationships and inner perceptions. Are you becoming
complacent and lose track of your goals? Are you setting your
sights ahead for the future?

Goat teaches climbing ability and agility along with independence
and surefootedness. He shows the importance of supporting
others as you move and being flexible in exploring new
possibilities. Goat aids to establish foundations in which to stand
and will guide in building a stronger foundation if need be. He
wants to make sure what is before us is strong before the next
lessons begin. Goat prepares for moves in life and teaches how
to seek new heights in spiritual, mental and emotional areas so
one can achieve the best future by looking up and forward. Do
you feel stuck and lost? Goat will show direction in which to move.

Is it time to finally put forth your independence and strength? Look

within to find the answers and allow Goat to lead you where you
need to be. Trust the sure foot of Goats wisdom.Goose
Dream Analysis: Goose is telling you that it is time to rest. Take
the time to recuperate now.

Gopher medicine will teach how to attune oneself to spiritual and
physical vibrations and sensations. He teaches abilities of
listening and feeling and heightens intuition and shows direction
with innate instincts. Gopher shows the skill of uncovering hidden
truths and meanings and all the lies beneath a situation. Gopher
will show timing in which path to take of the many choices
available and how those choices are interconnected. Is it time to
dig with a sense of purpose and direction? Perhaps it is time to
utilize your resources that you have before you because youve
been prepared better than you realize. Gopher shows how to
maneuver with purpose and keep the balance of instincts in tune
the heartbeat of the earth. Pay attention to the movement and
follow Gophers wisdom for deeper truths await.

Gorilla demonstrates a gentle yet firm strength. He teaches
balance between passive and aggressive. He shows the art of
communication and social interactions with family. Gorilla teaches
the skill of listening to subtle frequencies; intuition and
clairaudience. Listen to your hunches. Are you being too
protective or not protective enough? Gorilla can show how to take
on leadership roles and bring out the nobility within and to expand
responsibilities to gain respect. He will show the power of dignity
and honorable behavior. Gorilla medicine is pairing an
understanding of compassion with respect and temperance.

Dream Analysis: Gorillas power animal is telling you to take the

time to listen to what others are saying and what your own inner
wisdom is telling you.

One gets deep into areas of interests, building, studying and
working for 2 years will show results. Dream time and altered
states heightened, death and dying upon rebirthing, metabolic
control. Is it time to awaken to your possibilities, dreams and
ideas? Groundhog teaches tenacity and how to burrow within any
area to fully engage in its experience. He teaches how to create
boundaries and make them known, how to cleanse areas of life,
and to bury the past and all things that no longer serve your
purpose. Are you balancing the mind and heart, the spiritual and
the physical, the mental and emotional? Groundhog/Woodchuck
will guide in this skill and teach how to use your resources wisely
and efficiently and will walk you through the rebirthing of
awareness. Because the groundhog hibernates during the winter,
the animal is symbolic of understanding the cycles of life, death,
and rebirth. It is further representative of the ability to know when
to go underground, or to back up from a situation.

The Hawk represents Awareness, Perspective, Insight, Truth,
Visionary Power, Guardianship, Strength, Initiative, Decisiveness,
Creativity, Messenger, Caution, Maneuvering, Leadership and
Spirit.The hawk has keen eyesight, it is about opening our eyes
and seeing that which is there to guide us.
The hawk totem is a messenger of insight, adaptability and
openness, it is also about visionary power and guardianship.
Hawks spirit teaches us to be observant and to pay attention to

what we may overlook. This could mean a talent we dont use, a

blessing for which we havent expressed gratitude, or a message
from the universe. The hawk has keen eyesight, it is about
opening our eyes and seeing that which is there to guide us.
Hawk spirit awakens vision and inspires us to a creative life
purpose. Look to the world around you for there are totem
symbols buried in everything.
Dream Analysis: To see a hawk in your dream, denotes that
suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to
proceed with caution. Alternatively, a hawk symbolizes insight.
Consider the phrase hawks eye to mean that you need to keep
a close watch on someone or some situation. The key is to sense
the subtle meaning carried by the winds and spirit of change.

Hedgehog teaches defense mechanisms against negativity along
with showing how to enjoy life and to walk the earth with a sense
of lightness and a sense of wonder. Hedgehog shows when to act
with tenacity and strength to get things accomplished. He can aid
in balancing emotions with actions while lending wisdom when to
work and play. Are you taking opportunities that could make you
happy? Are you letting people bring you down? Hedgehog can
show you to be confident and move with strength.

Honey Bee
Dream Analysis: This totem says have compassion and
forgiveness for yourself and others.

Travel, power, spiritual and physical stamina, freedom,
persuasiveness, increase clairvoyance, awareness of cooperation

and communication abilities, time to move on if you feel stuck,

teaches how to go in new directions with freedom and the power
to face life and overcoming obstacles with grace. Your journey will
take you in new directions. Horse teaches the power to allow and
awaken your freedom in movement and will clarify the path in
which to take. Do you need to break from current confinements
and restrictions?
Pay attention to what the individual breed is saying to you.Speed,
strength, and grace are the finer qualities of this noble animal.
The horse lived on the North American continent for thousands of
years, but mysteriously disappeared and was later reintroduced
by Spanish Conquistadors in the 1500s. American Indians quickly
mastered equestrian skills and found the spirit of the horse to be a
valuable asset in learning ways of leadership, safety in movement
and freedom.
Even though the horse can be domesticated, its spirit forever
roams into the far reaches of freedom. The horse meant ease of
movement for indigenous people who quickly learned they could
hunt and move into new territories as never before. For those who
seek the spirit of the horse, the idea of freedom may be a
predominant theme. To the American Indian, the horse
symbolizes freedom and the power that comes with being free.
If horse has come in your dreams or visions, there may be a
promise of safe travel ahead. Movement or a new adventure,
whether it be physical or spiritual is near.
People knowledgeable of horse medicine know that taming the
wild, freedom seeking aspects of its personality is not easy, but
the benefits of gentleness and tolerance is attainable with patient
kindness and continual training.
The horse spirit is intensely independent that often creates

conflict in personal and professional relationships. People who

walk with the horse spirit are often independent leaders who forge
new paths of awareness.
The power and strength of the horse spirit is able to take its rider
to new spiritual territory. It reminds us of our inner power and
gives us courage to move forward.
The strong legs and back of the horse remind us to remain solidly
grounded in our spiritual walk our earthly experiences and to carry
the burdens of life with dignity.

Humpback Whale
Dream Analysis: This is a symbol that you need to bring more
music into your life whether it means playing an instrument or
simply listening to music.

Instincts are heightened when Hyena appears. She shows how to
relate to others and when to use your teeth in situations. She will
help balance the power of ferocity with a caring. Is it time to be
strong and stand up? What you do and say is heightened with
Hyena medicine. Truth need to be said? Large projects and
endeavors may best be done in groups so cooperation is key. Are
you part of the team? She gives lessons in discrimination and
discernment so listen carefully to your instincts, intuition and
perceptions. Family is emphasized. Is it time to hunt or relax?
Hyena shows how to adapt to any situation by singing your own
song of internal strength and power.

Jaguar enhances spiritual and psychic vision with a keen sense of
awareness, pinpointing strong intuitional abilities. Jaguar shows

how to embrace the gifts of the Spirit with composure, tenacity,

fortitude with a complete integration of lessons learned and
applying them in daily life. Are you integrating ideas and thoughts
like you should? Jaguar will aid in this transition of selfactualization. He shows how to move silently, stealthily knowing
when and how to react, shows empowerment, teaches how to
maneuver and understand things unseen. He cuts through the
illusion of separation and shows how the hurtful lessons of the
past can be transformed into a higher clarity of purpose with a
higher sense of self and connectedness. Jaguars wisdom will
show clarity in the chaos in the soul process of integration and
shifting perspectives with balance and grace.

Dream Analysis: Ladybug power animal symbolizes good
fortune. You will receive abundance in your life.

Teaches us to examine our lifes lessons, utilizes surrounding
resources, shows us free thinking and demonstrates courage,
solitary in nature with population booms. Lemming teaches how to
balance and manage our personal time with others. Is it time to be
alone for introspection? Are you utilizing those around you? Are
you following others? Maybe its time to think for yourself and
voice your opinion?

Silent, inconspicuous, strong intuitive abilities (inner instincts),
overcoming haunts of the past, renewal of vision, helps in
strength of inner demons, leaps about to be made spiritually,
mentally and physically. Aids in overall sensitivities,

communication abilities and movement in dream world and the

unconscious realms. Are you listening carefully of the world within
and around you? Leopard teaches the nuance of hearing your
heart and intuitions and when and how to react.

Leadership, truth, nobility and power balance the playful and calm
serenity of Lion. He will teach how to strengthen your spirit and
resolve. A quiet demeanor is balanced with a fierceness
especially when family is concerned. He shows that rest is
needed before continuing. Are you misappropriating your time
and energy? Listen to the actions of Lion for he will show if it is
time to relax and de-stress your mind, body and spirit. Respect,
grace, stealth, focus, knowledge Lion medicine is about timing
or your personal power. Increased community responsibilities and
cooperation, cunningness, fearlessness and expert timing are
lessons that Lion teaches. Lion aids in recognizing and
understanding your own noble and regal attitudes. Are you taking
on the characteristics of a male lion or a lioness?

Lizards are ancient brothers who are found in warmer climates all
over the earth. There are five general families of lizards and
literally hundreds of species, the largest being the Komodo
Dragons weighing in at more than 350 pounds and the smallest is
the Beata measuring less than three quarters of an inch long.
They have many descriptive names such as the Australian
Bearded Dragon, Yellow Spotted Gecko, Iguanas, Salamanders,
and Horned Lizards who squirt blood from their eyes. Many
American Indian tribes recorded their relationship with the lizard in
images on pottery, petroglyphs, effigy bowls, figures, and shells
and portrayed lizards in their ceremonies and stories as symbols
of strength.Some Southwest Indian tribes believe horned lizards

can cure the sick by asking for the lizards strength in song and
chant showing their respect to the animal.
The Lizard is often seen lying peacefully in the shadows of rocks
or seen skittering around in dark holes, between light and
darkness and is thus referred to as the dream walker or one who
lives in the dream world. Dreams are important to the human
psychic and depict subtle messages from deep within the mind.
Lizard medicine reveals these hidden messages during the dream
state. Proper interpretation of these dreams often requires the
assistance of one trained in the ways of the lizard medicine.
The psychic characteristic inherent in the lizard teaches those
with this medicine how to awaken their own abilities by making
choices that honor every part of ones life. When lizard appears it
signifies a need to go within and analyze your present reality and
once done, move with confidence and conviction out into the
world of new beginnings.
A powerful totem to have, lizard reveals your weaknesses, your
strengths and prompts the energy of change.
The lizard is very sensitive to ground vibrations, they have keen
eyesight and superior hearing. Those who feel the spirit of the
lizard can learn ways to use their enhanced sensory perceptions
to connect with their deeper psychic and spiritual awareness.
One power of the lizard is its ability to escape from danger by
leaving its tail behind and growing another. When lizard slithers
into your life, it may mean a need to move quickly to avoid danger
and be prepared to leave something behind.

Secrets of hidden and the unseen, ability to see lies and
falsehoods, teaches inner workings of others, keen sight, careful

not to break confidences, people may become uncomfortable

around you, trust intuitions teaches ability to access secrets,
mysteries and hidden aspects of yourself. Lynx teaches
awareness and insights of thoughts, totem_images, dreams and
visions. Lynx also teaches to be take care in breaking
confidences and the trusts of others, there must be a balance with
this conscious knowing. Are keeping quiet when you need to
express? or vice versa? Be aware and observe your
discoveries.The Lynx is an exquisitely beautiful member of the cat
family know by its short, strong body and long legs, bobbed tail
and tufts of fur that sprout out a the top of each ear. Their coats
are thick and luxurious in the winter to protect them against the
icy winds that prevail in the high mountainous regions of Canada
and Alaska. Having large, padded paws the lynx is sure-footed on
ice and snow while chasing its primary prey, the snowshoe hare.
Like most cats, the Lynx will spend much of its life alone. The lynx
has powerful eyesight and great abilities of stealth and cunning
are formidable.
It is said the ancient Greeks believed the lynx could see through
mountains and American Indians tell many stories about the
hypnotic eyes of the lynx with their captivating powers seduction.
These and other unique characteristics have encouraged ideas
that the lynx has supernatural qualities.
The lynx is a patient hunter and its messages often entail
serenity, tolerance, understanding. The lynx helps us to endure
waiting for long periods to achieve a necessary goal.
The lynx is very territorial and will go to great lengths to protect its
hunting grounds. If lynx is in your dreams and visions, you may be
in need of spiritual or mental protection. The lynx keen nose can
warn against negative invasions.
As a solitary animal who hunts and lives alone much of its life, the

lynx often comes to those who are loners by desire or design.

Lessons of independence and self-reliance are part of its offering,
but sometimes the message may be one to console a lonely heart
or spirit.
Because of its coloring, size and stealth, the lynx is able to blend
and sometimes appear to disappear in its environment. This
medicine is valuable in moving unseen between planes and
remaining in the background, unobserved and not up front in
relationships and events.
Once the lynx has successfully tracked its prey, he will sit and
quietly observe the whole environment before moving for the kill.
Watching for intruders, other prey and passersby, the lynx will
absorb all the various activities and weigh all the options before
taking action. These characteristics are valuable lessons life in
general terms for humans. Silent observation is a great power that
allows one see things unnoticed by others. As we follow the
power of good silence, we are able to hear the higher purpose
intended by the Creator.

Dream Analysis: This power animals message is to have more
acceptance of yourself and others.

Dream Analysis: Meerkat is reminding you to make sure that you
turn to friends for support.

Mink shows how to walk in the spiritual and physical world with
joy and playfulness along with a balance of fighting for just cause.

He teaches attention to intuition and timing, keen senses,

awareness and how to move in the emotional waters balanced
with the mental world. Mink aids in understanding the nocturnal
realm of dreams, visions and hidden knowledge. He will teach
how to remain within, a quiet solitude of personal space for
contemplation. Are you completing a life cycle, something that
you started long ago? Mink will aid in this returning with
understanding and compassion. Perhaps you are ready for a
move? Mink will also guide in this direction and will last
approximately 2-3 weeks. Allow Minks wisdom to show you the
power of adaptability and balance.

Teaches expression of nature and sensitivity one surroundings,
alertness and awareness of what is happening around you, aids
in self-introspection. shows how to find hidden parts of your
spiritual being, teaches to listen and feel carefully while using
intuition. Mole teaches lessons of grounding and working toward a
goal. Are you truly listening to others and circumstances? Listen
beyond the obvious, trust your intuition on this. Are you eating

Monkey teaches the balance of dark and light, he brings
awareness the darker side of oneself, aids in seeing both sides of
all communication methods. Are you showing your creativity at
this time? Is it time to examine an ancient wisdom you just
encountered? Monkey ignites the inspiration and imagination from
the deep recesses of the self and mind and teaches how to move
within/without, above and below.


Magic of life and death, sacred energy is opened, camouflage

self, conceal ideas/thoughts/actions until the appropriate time, life
is awakening and moose will acknowledge the truths that are
needed by your spirit. Aids in moving emotions for awareness,
teaches strength, wisdom and patience. Moose gives you the
ability to move swiftly but silently with wisdom. Are you being
gentle with yourself? Do you need to more graceful and humble or
speak up more? Moose will show you balance along with how
strength can be found in gentleness and how to deal with
situations.Our powerful moose cousin is a symbol of courage and
determination. Those who know the moose spirit proudly walk
with grace and have universal knowledge. The power of their
presence is awesome and inspiring.
Moose calves are born with their eyes open. Those who follow the
moose medicine see life situations with clarity and can see into
the beyond.
The mooses huge antlers protect it during battle and represent
the tree of knowledge. This teaches us to shield ourselves from
lifes many adversaries with truth and spiritual understanding.
The adult male can stand over 7 feet tall and weigh 1,200 pounds.
Its size and lumbering appearance is deceiving because the
moose is agile and fast. Moose spirit guides bring these same
qualities to the individual who seek their wisdom.
Despite its great size, moose can camouflage itself very well and
can move silently and quickly through its terrain. This teaches us
ways to become invisible when necessary and not allow our
powerful presence to become overbearing to others.
The bellow of the male moose can be heard for many miles. This
trait shows us that our great presence can be known to all when

The appearance of the moose is both awkward and graceful at
the same time. These traits are translated in human terms as
instruction in ways to be gracious and relaxed in our dealings with
Moose have a keen sense of smell and hearing. The spirit guide
of the moose will often bring messages of future events yet
The sheer power and strength of the moose is tremendous.
Those who walk with the moose know the value of good selfesteem and quickly discover their walk in life.

Mountain Goat
Dream Analysis: This animals spirit guide shows there are
imbalances in your life and they need to be corrected.

Attention to details and examining closely, fastidious, may be
getting too locked into details or may need to see them more
closely now, need to focus on where your attention is. Are you too
quiet or too loud? Mouse can teach lessons of stealth and
invisibility for sometimes great strength lies within quietness. Time
to be aware of new discoveries and possibilities. Listen to your
introspection and intuition.
Dream Analysis: The message from mouse is that you are
missing an important detail. Pay more attention to what is going
on around you.

Dream Analysis: Fit in by altering your physical appearance or


Opossum teaches the lesson of using and enhancing
appearances and deceptions and illusions. He also aids in resting
when needed (playing dead), and the art to act or behave in
strategic manner as appearing to be fearful or fearless in spite of
true feelings. Opossum gives courage to pretend for a while in
order to cope with mental and spiritual constructs. He teaches
wisdom and sensibility and knows when to fight if needed. Is it
time to fight for things or to rest?

Being the consummate fisherman, the Osprey teaches us to be
risk takers; to plunge into our projects with faith instead of fear.
Like all hawks, to go for what we desire and get it. To take that
leap out of the proverbial box and grab our opportunities before
they have a chance to slip away. He shows us how to utilize the
water and wind elements in order to take what we need from life
and our experiences and be satisfied with it instead of constantly
craving more.Osprey is a great totem for relationships because he
teaches us that everyone deserves respect, even those who have
wronged us or who dont seem to deserve it. He teaches the
respect of each others boundaries despite what we may think or
feel. Osprey energy guides us when we clash with other
personalities and need to get along. In this way, Osprey promotes
more harmonic relationships.
As a beacon spirit, Osprey can help us to find our way back to
ourselves, spiritually and physically. He helps us to hone our
senses so that we will be nourished. To seize our opportunities
before they slip away from us.

If you know Osprey people, they can teach you to go for what you
want with the full faith and no fear and by doing so, teach you
self-confidence and provide you with the personal power to
achieve whatever you can dream.

There are thirteen species of otters divided into two living
environments, the river and sea. Otters grow to be around four
feet long and males weigh over sixty-five pound and the female
over forty-five pounds. Their hearing is excellent and they can see
very well under water. Otters have flipper-like hind feet for
propulsion and their whiskers can sense movement in the water.
The retracting claws on the front paws are cat-like and otters have
an excellent sense of touch. The otter has a long stream-lined
body, small ears and a broad muzzle. Their extremely thick fur
that keeps them insulated in frigid waters. They are the one of the
very few animal known to use tools.As otters are very territorial
they tend to live alone. This medicine teaches independence and
self-reliance for our needs.
Otters are very playful and are frequently seen They are often
seen floating on their backs with their paws extended out of the
water soaking up sunrays, sliding on their bellies playfully,
performing water acrobatics or chattering to their neighbors. Their
relaxed and happy attitude about life reminds those to whom the
otter spirit splashes to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest.
Otters are curious about everything in their domain. They will
touch or sniff every object within sight. No stone, plant, critter or
other object will escape the otters appetite to know, who or what
are you?. This special medicine reminds us to always look at
situations, events and people from different angles; to always be
open to new challenges.
Otters are agile and fast in the water. Water is the element of

emotional energy in man. Otter spirit teaches us how to swim

through problems and emotional upheavals of life with ease.
Otters are very good parents and nurture their offspring longer
than most marine mammals. The relish the company of their
neighbors Otter medicine emphasizes nurturing energies within
us and the creative and interactive, comforting associations with
other beings.
The otter likes to talk and they are often heard chatting away to
anyone or anything within earshot. When frightened their calls
take on an eerie piercing sound similar to a baby screaming. They
have few natural enemies and are not afraid of humans. If the
otter swims into your life the message may be to rid yourself of
fret, worry and pain. Enjoy the blessings Creator has provided
and follow the otters lead.

There are about 135 species of owl across the world and 18 are
found in North America. The owl is a silent flyer, extraordinary
vision and the best hearing of any bird in the world. Grandmother
Owls can rotate their heads three- quarters of the way around
rather quickly giving the illusion of a complete turn. All owls are
predatory and some owls hunt during the day but most hunt at
night. Some species, like the Screech Owl and the Great Horned
Owl, live in one place year round; others, like the Saw-whet Owl
and the Short-Eared Owl and the Burrowing Owl will travel long
distances. It is illegal to capture or kill an owl in the United States.
Contrary to superstition, owls pose no threat to humans,
physically or spiritually.The secretive habits of the owl, its quiet
flight and various calls from whistles, screeches and hoots, have
made them objects of fear and superstition. The Creator made no
evil creatures. Individuals to whom the owl speaks are very
fortunate because messages of the owl are deep, far reaching

and complex.
The varied and remarkable abilities of Grandmother Owl to fly
silently and to quietly move from place to place offer lessons of
stealth and poise to our everyday lives.
The wise appearance from their large eyes, stout bodies teaches
those people who hear the call of the owl to find deeper reasoning
in relationships and events.
The vision and hearing of Grandmother Owl is very powerful.
Those with this medicine are can be gifted with the ability to see
into the human psychic and become clairvoyant listeners. Owl
often visits those who are teachers, therapists and counselors.
Because most owls are active between dusk and dawn, they are
sometimes called Night Eagles, or messengers from the dark
side. If Grandmother Owl comes and sits nearby, it may indicate a
need to peer into the darkness and face our fears. Or, a great
mystery that is unfolding will be revealed by looking deeper in to
its meaning.
Grandmother Owl is often thought to come to those who need to
let go of some part of their life that is no longer needed.
As a guide, the owl teaches us to see and hear past shadows,
beyond fear and darkness, though to the other side that promises
light, happiness and knowledge.

Dream Analysis: Create a sacred space for yourself.

Symbol for ferocity, valor, time to put to use psychic, mental,
physical, spiritual muscles. Strong hearing of other realms, may

become sensitive to touch, past suffering will return to transform

and so you can confront it, teaches understanding of
transformation and agility in reclaiming ones power and prowess.
Are you listening carefully of the world within and around you?
Panther teaches the nuance of hearing your heart and
intuitions.The puma is also known as jaguar, panther, cougar,
mountain lion, cheetah, leopard and more names than just about
any other mammal. Male pumas are solitary cats and their
domain vary in size between 30 to 125 miles, but ranges do
overlap the ranges of the smaller female. Pumas communicate
with each other by leaving feces, urine, scratches on logs or in the
dirt or snow. Only females make a den and males tend to roam.
Pumas are powerfully built and have sharp paws and large paws.
Even though they can run very fast and have a flexible spine to
help them maneuver around obstacles and change direction
quickly, pumas are mostly ambush hunters. Pumas have been
known to down large elks and moose. American Indians
successfully lived beside the puma and appreciated their power
and grace.
Though the puma is smaller, some species are fiercer than lions
and tigers. They are expert climbers and swimmers. Their speed
holds the teachings of quick decisive action.
Pumas are graceful and fast runners, but not for long distances. If
puma arrives at your doorstep it may be a reminder to measure or
pace your movements according to the goal to be achieved and
not run too hard.
The puma have over 410 voluntary muscles that can be used
when the needed. This characteristic symbolizes the ability to
move into different realities.
Pumas have built-in sensors that enhance its ability to see and
feel its prey. The whiskers and hair on its face can detect faint
vibrations at long distances and its sense of smell is phenomenal.

If you sense puma in your dreams it may mean there is a need to

be more sensitive the people and situations around you.
Becoming more perceptive of ones surroundings is sometimes
needed to achieve a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.
The Puma spirit represents power, grace and stealth in darkness,
but its real power lies in the silence of its eerie, unblinking stare
that seems to bore deep into ones soul. This teaching can help
us to discover the benefits of concentration, deep contemplation
and prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the unknown to feel
its power, we can be guided by our puma friend to the light on the
other side.
The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt. It knows when to be
invisible and when to make its awesome presence known. Silence
is its sword and power. Silence is highly respected among
American Indians and is seen as a holy state of consciousness as
we quietly behold the grace and glory of the Creator. It is said that
silence speaks words of the Great Mystery. When the student is
ready, the puma teacher may bring knowledge of this powerful

Dream Analysis: Peacocks message is stand out. Be noticed.

Dream Analysis: The darkness is now passing.

Pig teaches spiritual strength, protection and the mysteries of
nature. Aids in getting organized and solidifying changes. Shows
self-reliance, independence and fearlessness in trials and

tribulations. Are you too scattered in thoughts and actions? Do

you need to stand up for your beliefs and opinions? Are you using
your intuition throughout the day? Pig can teach power and
respect in the balance of complacency and activity. Pig is
resourceful and will teach the lessons to uncover what is needed.
Pig medicine can show the power of transformation and quick
change of direction may be needed in different aspects of your

Polar Bear
Polar Bear deals with death, birth and transformation of a mystical
quality, teaches strength in adversity and endurance in situations,
ability for sustenance and endurance through introspection and
solitude, can show how to tap into emotions with clarity. Polar
Bear teaches how to be aggressive and forthright to achieve your
dreams and empower your thoughts and ideals. He demonstrates
the power of observation and movement with perfect timing. Are
you conserving your strength and energy and/or putting it to good
use? Polar Bear Spirit teaches this balance for survival as you are
guided to walk in light and truth at this time. He will teach how to
walk on the ice of life with grace and a lightness.
Dream Analysis: Polar Bear is saying speak your truth. Do not
be afraid to speak your mind.

Good natured, reminder of innocence, sense of wonder, trusting
in Spirit, curious, cautious, boldness in actions and words, have
recreation time for yourself. Aids in showing where boundaries
are and how to protect them . A re you aggravating someone or
they irritating you? Barbs of resistance. Porcupine teaches
strength and kindness and faith and trust and ushers in
imagination and joy.

Prairie Dog
Prairie Dog demonstrates a sense of community and family, a
caretaker of everyone in cooperative environment. He shows how
to create meaningful bonds and make those long-lost connections
to loved ones. Is there someone you need to contact? Prairie Dog
teaches about diet and the importance of the balance of
vegetables and regular quantities for health inducing activities. He
will aid in examining ones own social ability: enough or too
much?. Prairie Dogs aid in expressing feelings, communication,
and meaningful expressions. He makes you aware of current
responsibilities; those that you may be neglecting and those that
need less attention. It is time to look deeply into aspects in of your
life and discover what truly matters.

Movement in life, fertility, sensitive, artistic, plan for possibilities,
check what is in motion now, move carefully in work or play,
allows for taking advantage of brief chances available. Is it time to
observe and watch or time to make leaps? Rabbit can teach you
how to plan and helps in setting them in motion. How are you
eating habits? Perhaps you need to increase your vegetable
intake? Rabbit is a joy so enjoy the movement at this time.The
rabbit never goes far from its burrow as it timidly searches for
vegetable foods to supply its growing family. There are over
twenty four species of rabbits in America and many more around
the world. Rabbits serve as a perfect example of natures balance
as nearly all predatory animals eat rabbits, but because they
multiply so fast, their numbers are kept fairly constant. Quick
reflexes and keen observation skills are its two most important
Little Sister Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle

with ourselves and others at all times.

The rabbit is a fearful animal and expends much of its energy
nervously twitching its large ears from side to side listening for
potential threats, quickly hopping from place to place and then
suddenly running away at lightning speed. The rabbit spirit begs
us to study its movements so we may learn to move in concert
and harmony with our environment and the Creator.
Little Sister Rabbit has excellent observation skills and sensitive
reflexes to help it survive in a world surrounded by danger. They
are fast, agile and instinctive. They disappear in an instant. These
traits of rabbit will help us to learn skills related to natural and
unprompted movement so can always know which direction to go
in an instant. As humans we too are in constant danger and need
to be alert and ready to move quickly. Or conversely, we may
need to take advantage of some passing opportunity before it is
Fear is a dominant feature of the rabbit and this reminds us to
examine our own fears to determine if they are hindering our
progress, either spiritually or physically. Are your fears preventing
you from accepting a new challenge? If so, Little Sister Rabbit
may make herself known to you.
Rabbits lives are short and they take advantage of every waking
moment to fulfill their destiny.
The times rabbits are most often seen is during early dawn hours
or at evening dusk. These are times when the visible becomes
invisible and the invisible becomes visible. In this teaching we are
reminded that things are not always as they appear and to study
patterns of movement in relation to time to discern reality from

Dexterity, cleanliness, disguise, explorers, curious, secrecy helps
the new transformations take place, balances curiosity with
caution, be courageous and self-defensive when need to be,
lends a sense of socializing and the ability to see the nature of
illusions and masks. Raccoon will show how to transform yourself
and bring to awareness how you act differently with the various
people you encounter each day.

Rats are social animals that are highly adaptable and expert
survivalists. They drive for success maybe too hard or not hard
enough, if restless with others it helps to become more adaptable
to them and the situations. Rat medicine will teach how to be
resourceful in the midst of environmental and emotional changes.
He will give strength and trust in the process of current changes
and lend security in overcoming worldly ideals. Have you
accumulated too much mental and emotional baggage? Rat will
aid in examining what is not needed any longer and allow truth to
come forth in the midst of worldly illusions. Is it time to let go of
thoughts, ideals, perceptions or people and places? Rat medicine
will instill self-assurance and transform fear into abundance.
There is much wisdom in how Rat moves, watch and listen.

Seeking new beginnings, power, strength, agility, great mental
activity, curious and imaginative, energy to act upon the mental
faculties, trust ability to land safely as new endeavors are made,
balance as you climb. Its time to become more sensitive to
others, increase intellectual and mental pursuits. Ram teaches to
act quickly when opportunities arise and they may be suddenly,
dont hesitate. Be like Ram.

Ravens are the largest songbird in North America. Raven are
often referred to by some indigenous tribes as the secret
keepers and are the subject of many stories. Their ebony black
color is sometimes associated with darkness. Ravens are very
intelligent and are able mimic the sounds other birds and can
squawk out some human words. Ravens are found in many
different regions and climates.The raven spirit guide is not chosen
by those who seek its wisdom. The raven only comes to those to
whom it may speak in private and share its secrets with the
knowledge its mysteries will be well guarded by one who already
possesses wisdom.
The raven is known as the Secret Keeper by some native tribes
because of their way of silently perching near people and
listening to conversations then flying away in a flutter shrieking
an eerie sound or mimicking a human word. Because of their inky
black color they are linked to a place where fear and secrets are
When sun shines on the ravens shiny body it sometimes reflects
many colors is therefore sometimes said it has the ability to
transform itself, especially when it makes the call of another
species. If the raven is seen in dreams or visions it may mean
significant changes are about to take place.
Ravens are intelligent and can be seen in the wild instructing
other birds and animals. From the raven we may learn ways to
become better teachers and understand the languages of many.
Regardless of common European belief, the raven is not an omen
of death and should never be feared as its messages are those
that can benefit the listener. The Creator did not make any evil

creatures on Mother Earth.

Because of ravens ability to make a variety of sounds and high
pitched vibrations are known to alter consciousness, the raven is
sometimes credited with the ability to transform, move into other
dimensions or to shape shift. We may expect frequent changes if
the raven is perched on your shoulder.

Reindeer teaches endurance, strength, fortitude and
perseverance in going the distance. He will teach the power of
adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to
get things accomplished. Reindeer will show how to take on the
roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is
it time to take a more dominating role in life and work or perhaps
a softer subtler stance in situations? Reindeer/Caribou will also
aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and
skills. Caribou will show how to keep moving onward and flowing
with the group. Reindeer/Caribou is about movement and finding
your inner peace and your place as you walk through life.

Wisdom, past life connections, ancient connections, brings energy
in for ones own solitude, spiritual idealism, high sensitivity to
feelings and smell. Rhino spans an assimilation of 17-18 months
will arise new opportunities on all levels. He helps show you the
wisdom of life and the innate wisdom to apply it at present time.
Rhinos are very thick skinned creatures which can teach how to
be tough to against comments, rejections and overall pain. Rhino
will show the balance of being open to life but keeping protected
as well. He aids in personal power and heightening intuition in
which will aid in sharpening your instincts for discrimination and
discernment. Do you prefer to work alone? Maybe its time to

work with others? Or vice versa? How are you handling others?
Are you trusting you instincts at this time? Rhino will show you
these key areas to work on for his wisdom is great.

Dream Analysis: Seagull is telling you that it is time for healing.

Dream Analysis: Trust yourself to be able to discern the truth.

Sheep can show how to maintain balance and have confidence in
situations and abilities, teaches how to move in the physical with
agility, camouflage and blending with surroundings, teaches a
sense of togetherness and community along with showing how to
make life easy and promote serenity. Sheep instills a sense of
protection and alertness with peace of mind and heart. Are you
moving in the direction you should be going? Are going with or
against what you know to be true? Are you protecting yourself
enough and/or remaining centered in peace? Sheep wisdom can
help in understanding your place and perceptions within the
scheme of things.

Respectful, playful, sensual, respect and demands respect, takes
own time, steady with efforts, fragrances can elicit responses with
those who associate with skunk medicine (aroma therapy), an
ability to attract people will start to develop, teaches will power,
enhances self-confidence and self-respect, an awareness of
when to move and adapt along with understanding the flow of
energy, teaches to pay attention to senses and intuitions. People
will naturally notice you. Skunk awakens, activates and amplifies

your internal energy. Helps open up wisdom to the mystical. Are

you asserting the qualities mentioned above? Skunk teaches
fearless with peacefulness and a balance in the ebb and flow and
life. What you do emanates outward.Skunks are a member of the
weasel family and in North America, there are four types of
skunks. About the size of a house cat, skunks are active at night
but are also seen during the day. Their habitat is in clearings,
pastures, prairies and at the forest edge where they dig burrows
or live in any convenient covered area. Skunks prefer to eat meat
and insects but also dine on vegetation and any food with a
strong odor. Of course, its most famous characteristic is its
horrendous defense system, skunk ink.
For all recorded time, skunks have been respected and feared.
When threatened, the skunk raises its bushy tail, stamps its feet,
stiffens its legs and the hair on body raises up and it hisses like a
angry cat. It these tactics do not work to frighten the invader, the
skunk simply turns its rump and sprays up to 10 14 feet with
accuracy. This disgusting musk liquid irritates the eyes,
temporarily blocks vision and stuns other senses of its victim such
as smell and touch. What the skunk spirit teaches with this display
of power is unknown to this writer as we have never ventured
close enough to find out. Regardless, we can surmise the skunk
medicine teaches us to take heed when a warning presents
itself. When our instincts tell us there is danger or trouble facing
us, we should not allow our brain to get in the way, but instead
follow our senses and take appropriate steps to move in another
direction. If we respect the instinctual part of our being we can
avoid problems before they develop. If our stinky little friend
appears, take heed a smelly situation or danger is not far away.
Skunks are solitary creatures (no doubt), slow moving and walk
with an air confidence and pride. If you get a whiff of skunk spirit
in your dreams, it could be signal to emulate his message to

improve your self-esteem and honor yourself as a sacred being.

Skunks are quiet creatures, not totally unsociable, but reserved
and unobtrusive. Should our odorous little friend visit you as spirit,
it may be to remind you that being egotistical, self-righteous,
boisterous or overbearing creates problems. Follow the way of
this animal guide (about 20 feet away) and learn to be humble
and gentle with others.
It is said the white stripe from the head to tail of the skunk is a
sign of creativity and good medicine.

There are 2,267 species of snakes living in the world today.
Snakes have essentially the same organs as humans, but they do
not have eyelids or ears. Usually, females are larger than males
and most can travel three to five miles per hour. Some snakes are
born fully formed, while others hatch from eggs and snakes in
captivity have lived over thirty years. Snakes are fascinating
creatures that deserve respect. Throughout history the snake has
had many legends associated with it linking them to creation,
fertility and transformation.The snake has many symbolic
meanings among various cultures across the world. In the Middle
East, snake is seen as Mother Earth and immortality. To
Christians, the snake is portrayed as evil, lust and temptation. In
Asia, the snake is the life force awakened. To American Indians
the snake is a friend who shares its secrets of the water element.
Altogether, the tremendous symbolism placed on the snake
makes it a powerful and worthy spirit guide.
A snake regularly sheds its outer skin as it grows and a new layer
of skin develops. Crawling out of its skin is an important aspect of
snake medicine because it symbolizes ways we must move away
from old and useless habits and thought patterns as we grow
spiritually. It symbolizes death and rebirth.

A snake does not have ears or eardrums but instead has small
bones in its head that conduct low frequency vibrations that travel
through the earth. Among all creatures of earth, the snake is best
equipped to hear the heartbeat, or magnetic resonance of Mother
Earth and is therefore able to continually communicate with and
be in perfect harmony or balance with Mother Earth.
As a symbol of renewal and transmutation, land snakes do not
require food to generate body heat and they lay motionless and
soundless against the earth absorbing the heat of the sun and the
earth. To those lives to whom the snake slithers into, be aware of
its subtle and silent messages. Before this may be possible, it is
necessary to become balanced in your path and ground yourself
to Mother Earth and all of its elements.
Just before the snake begins to shed its skin, its eyes turn pale
blue or opaque giving it a trance-like appearance as if the snake
is looking right through you. Snake spirit guides teach ways to
look into the hearts of others and find ways to help them along
their spiritual paths.
Rattlesnake Dream Analysis: When rattlesnake appears it is a
sign that the trials you are enduring are preparing you for your
work as a healer.

Grandmother spider is a wise old teacher and weaver of many
stories. Her unique tapestry of life offers many paths to the center
of oneself and creation. Her medicine speaks of connections and
unity of spirit.Spiders are light, delicate and not hostile to humans
unless threatened. To those who require this special of the spider,
it teaches us to maintain a gentle and kind nature.

A poisonous spider signifies death and rebirth. As the poison of

age and lifes perils threaten our life, we use the venom to ward
off future attacks or die.
The spiders web connects itself by silky threads to physical
objects creating a net creating its home and place for harvesting
food. The web reminds us of our connectedness to all things on
earth that we are related to everything in creation. The spokes
of the web remind us to build links between ourselves and the
Creator and all things.
When the spider appears, it is a sign to connect with the ways of
spirit in the ways designed by the Creator.
The eight legs of the spider are unique from other insects who
have only six legs. And unlike other insects, their bodies are
divided into two parts instead of three. Two represents unity and a
union of polarities.
In American Indian tradition, the first dream catcher was made by
Grandmother Spider to catch the bad dreams of children. This
legend reveals our belief that negative elements of ones life may
be screened out if we remember to keep the links between the
Creator and ourselves strong and to always remember that all
things in creation are one.
Dream Analysis: Spider symbolizes help with communication. He
is especially known for helping people with their writing. The
message is to express yourself through your writing. Be sure to
call on spider for some help.

Activity, gathering and preparedness, awareness, sociable,
playful, people should do rather than watch, be active in life, are
you planning for the future: time, money, energy? Gathering and
not giving? Its time to cleanse emotional and mental clutter.

Teaches to balance your energy, activate your resources, see

from another perspective, balance and power of giving and
receiving, aids in discerning when to rest and being active. Are
you making time for play? Active enough? Using your voice
properly? Are you trying to do too many things at once? Squirrel
teaches the balance of activity and play and reorganizing the
inner self.Mr. Squirrel gathers and prepares for long winter nights.
As a friendly, quick and industrious worker, he knows the ways to
survive. On a spiritual plain, Mr. Squirrel brings us many gifts and
lessons to help us gather the blessings of life for our journey into
the next dimension.
Mr. Squirrel is fast at everything he does and remains in constant
motion during three seasons of the year. For those who hear or
see squirrel in dreams, the message may be to get busy with
your life and stop waiting for good things to happen. The squirrel
is a reminder that good things come from our honest labor.
Squirrels do not always remember where they store the hard
earned food and forget the best routes to travel to retrieve their
stores during winter. If you see squirrel, it may be time to slow
down and concentrate on the task at hand.
Squirrels are playful, friendly and chatty. As a sociable animal, the
squirrel continually chatters sometimes to the annoyance of his
neighbors. If you hear squirrel, it may be a lesson to seek silence
or to speak slowly and distinctly.
Squirrels are skittish and at the same time trusting. They will often
eat from your hand and come very close to bring a gift. This
wonderful quality of the squirrel teaches us to trust one another in
personal relationships and trust the Creator in all things. Creating
trust where none exited builds on this special medicine.
The squirrel teaches us to gather our energies for the important
tasks in life and honor the future by preparing for change.

Power, devotion, tactful, skillful, expect new adventures, examine
what is happening to you in life. Are you expressing your passion
appropriately? A new sense of new direction is opening up so
expect new adventures on your journey with Tiger. You are
awakening to a new passion and power within, self-confidence,
discernment along with increased healing abilities. Tiger can
teach the gentle art of going with the flow with patience and
Dream Analysis: Tiger power animal is telling you that you are
being called to provide leadership.

Wild turkeys lived almost ten million years ago and are native to
North America. Between 5,000 and 6,000 feathers cover the body
of an adult turkey. Related to pheasants, gobbling of turkeys can
be heard a mile away. Wild turkeys have excellent vision during
the day but dont see as well at night. Turkeys can run at speeds
up to 25 mph, and can fly up to 55 mph. Wild turkeys like open
areas for feeding, mating and habitat. They use forested areas as
cover from predators and for roosting in trees at night. A varied
habitat of both open and covered area is essential for wild turkey
survival.A wild turkey is a clean bird in many respects and
considers its appearance important. A turkeys colorful metallic
iridescence glittering feathers provide a variety of survival
functions they keep him warm and dry, allow him to fly, feel and
show off for the opposite sex. Turkey feathers were used
American Indians to stabilize arrows and adorn ceremonial dress,
and the spurs on the legs of wild tom turkeys were used as
projectiles on arrowheads. If the spirit of the turkey struts into your
life it may be to remind you that hygiene and appearances are

important to self-respect and respect for others.

Turkeys have very good hearing and can see in color and tiny
movement almost a hundred yards away. The message of the
turkey spirit could be to closely examine our actions and how they
relate to our spiritual path.
Toms and sometimes hens have black, hair-like feathers called
beards on their chest. Turkeys heads change colors when they
become excited as both defense and warning to other turkeys. If
your spirit turkey shows you these characteristics, it is time to sit
up and take notice of your own actions that may hinder your
spiritual growth. You may also need to look at people, situations
or events around you.
Wild turkeys eat whatever is available in the immediate terrain
including nuts, berries, green foliage, insects, and lizards. This
habit has been seen in vision given by a spirit turkey and was
interpreted to mean to make good use of the talents and
resources, to waste nothing and give thanks daily for the bounty
and blessings given by the Creator.
Turkeys fly powerfully for short distances but have difficulty in
sustaining great speed over a long distance. If you see turkey
flying into your life in this way, its message may be to start
redirecting your spiritual energy in a more balanced or efficient
way. Quick bursts of enthusiasm or energy can lead to
undesirable results.
The wild turkey is a resilient bird and survivor. After heavy,
uncontrolled hunting by European settlers and American hunters,
the turkey almost vanished to near extinction by the early 1900s.
But, through conservation turkey populations have rebounded and
are growing. Wild turkeys almost vanished from North America
largely due to greed and disrespect. To American Indians the wild

turkey symbolizes renewal and rebirth that must take place for all
nature in order for humans to survive. The turkey also symbolizes
the spirit of freedom that must be respected by all people.

You can help but admire turtle and tortoises. Their ancient
wisdom, unfaltering character and physical characteristics make
them among natures most interesting creatures. The turtle is a
creature of both water and the land. Because of its great age and
its slow metabolism the turtle is associated with longevity. The
oldest known tortoise died in 1965 in Madagascar at the age of
188. The largest living species is the Galapagos tortoise weighing
in some cases, over 570 pounds. Stupendemys geographicus
was a prehistoric turtle that was 10 feet long and probably
weighed 4,000 to 5,000 pounds. Turtle medicine can teach new
perceptions about time and our relationship to it. It can also help
us grow old gracefully and in harmony with our environment.
When the pace of life becomes too hectic the turtle shows us how
to slow down and go with the flow.The turtle has its own built-in
house on their back. The upper shell is composed of about 50
bones, including modified ribs, vertebrae and bony skin plates.
The shell is very much alive and not dead tissue. If turtle has
crawled into your subconscious, it may carry the message to
remain mobile and flexible in your spiritual walk and not to acquire
more possessions that you need. The burden of possessions can
slow our spiritual journey.
Growth rings (scutes or scales) on a turtle/ tortoise shell cannot
be used to determine its age with any degree of accuracy. In most
cases, the rings are determined largely by environmental
conditions. The size, color and other physical adaptations of the
turtle are also largely determined by its environment. The turtle
teaches us to accept the world we live in and to adapt to changes
when needed.

Grandfather Turtle has amazing survival skills and strategies.

They sense vibrations in the water through their skin and shell. If
turtle comes with a message for you, it may be interpreted to
mean that you should listen closely to your physical and spiritual
senses and vibrations and move slowly and cautiously to adapt.
Water turtles come ashore to lay eggs and bury them in the
ground. After the eggs hatch, the baby turtles crawl to the water.
This characteristic is a significant sign in pointing out connections,
especially for the purpose of reproduction, between the elements
of water and earth. Turtle may be telling us to combine the deep
emotional and spiritual qualities of the water element with the
strong and solid grounding qualities of Mother Earth in our search
for balance.
When the turtle negotiates uneven terrain and its weight causes it
to flip over on to its rounded shell, it uses its strong neck to right
itself. This ability when communicated by messages from the
turtle may be a sign to use the tools at your disposal to use your
inner senses and knowledge to correct the problem when your life
becomes upside down.
When old turtle slowly crawls in to your dreams and visions, it is
time to get connected to your most ancient heart and delve deeply
in to the shell you have constructed around yourself. Peer deeply
into that shell. The turtle cannot be separated from its shell and
we cannot separate ourselves from who we are. We can develop
ways to emerge from our shell to interact and take sustenance
from the world around us, and at the same time, allow that
emergence to be a blessing to all around you and your spiritual
walk on earth.
The slow moving plod of the turtle does sooner or later get them
to where they are going. The turtle is famous for getting things
done in its own slow-moving way and winning the race. Could this

be a sign for you to slow down and enjoy the blessings gifted by
the Creator?
Dream Analysis: Tortoises message is to get grounded.

Dream Analysis: Unicorns symbolize artistic expression. Let the
artist in you come out.

Teaches expression of nature and sensitivity one surroundings,
alertness and awareness of what is happening around you,
teaches to listen and feel carefully while using intuition. Voles can
teach you lessons of destruction and rebirth. What needs to
change in your life? Vole will show you how to make those
changes. Are sinking your teeth into your endeavors? Vole
teaches how to grab ideas and thoughts to make them productive
by using creativity and tenacity.

Dream Analysis: Remain vigilant about current situation. Walrus
is telling you not to waver. Your feelings are valid.

Sly and stealthy, shows dietary strengths/weaknesses, ability to
get out of tight spots and situations, loners, can sniff out what is
hidden and show how to determine things that are hidden, attacks
verbally, observation skills and keen sense of discernment. Are
you listening carefully? Time to dig deeper? Weasel teaches
intelligence and the power of observation along with discretion to
avoid trouble. Time to trust you instincts and pursue you
goals.Weasels are very quick ground dwelling meat eaters. They

are solitary night hunters, often killing more than they eat.
Rodents and chickens are its favorite diet. Weasels are also
known as ermine in cold regions and are related to ferrets, mink
and polecats. The weasel is agile, hard-muscled and has a
cunning, yet sometimes playful mind. They are stealthy, fierce
and relentless hunters.
People who know weasel medicine have exceptional opportunity
to learn powers of close observation. Searching out the meaning
and cause of events, situations or problems is a positive trait of
the weasel. Seeing beneath the surface of things enables the
weasel spirit to contemplate deeper meanings. However,
sometimes this trait can have a negative affect because seeing
too deeply can be burden.
Weasel teaches us to trust our instincts to achieve higher
awareness and quietly seek resolutions to problems.
The long, thin and lustrous body of the weasel allows it to move
easily in small, narrow places. Part of the medicine of the weasel
spirit is to help you find ways to negotiate through difficult, tight
As solitary hunters, the weasel relies on cunning, graceful and
silent movements to move close to its prey. This medicine is a gift
of patience, knowledge and peace.
Weasel often overestimates his abilities during the hunt and
becomes vulnerable to counterattack and defeat. Walking with the
weasel spirit teaches the power of discernment and modesty.
Weasel is a fierce, relentless and sometimes reckless warrior who
is often saved by its great agility and speed.
As a fearless warrior, a weasel grabs the throat of its victim and

quickly severs its arteries with sharp teeth and strong jaws
teaching those who seek the weasel to be less aggressive in
relationships and show mercy in word and deed.
It is said the weasel is a loner who has no code of honor as they
often kill more than they can eat and sometimes steal the food of
others. This medicine teaches us not to be wasteful and careless
of others feelings and to respect the rights and property of our
Dream Analysis: Something may not be what it appears.
Observe your surroundings. Pay attention to what is going on
inside and around you.

Royalty, spirit, strength, friendly, family, sociable, intelligent,
ritualistic in nature (applies to all of life), balances flexibility to
establish harmony and order in life, new paths and journeys,
freedom to move within the realms of insights and attachments.
Teaches able to be steadfast, familial protection, Epitome of the
wild spirit. Wolf guides the use of resources and the lesson of
adaptability along with teaching and instruction. Wolf helps to tap
into inner strength and intuition. Sometimes transformation
accompanies Wolfs lessons. Are you using your resources wisely
for the greater good? Are you nourishing your family and those
around you? Are you listening to your instincts to avoid
confrontations? Wolf will add in balancing harmony and wisdom to
take control of your life.The wolf has been much misunderstood
and maligned in history and is not the vicious intruder of western
fairy tales. The wolf is a shy, yet very sociable creature with
strong rules of behavior. Fear of the wolf is perhaps born when its
eerie howl raises the hackles on our neck and in our souls. Maybe
we do not fear the wolf at all, but only the wild nature within
ourselves. To American Indians, the wolf is said to be teacher

medicine. We study wolfs ways of hunting and their social

structure. The wolf is associated with the Dog Star, Sirus and
some cultures belief humans came from this distant star. Wolf
populations are threatened in the lower 48 states, but abundant in
Alaska and Canada. Wolf has much to teach us, if only we will
Wolves live in a communal structure like humans. The Alpha male
and female lead a strict social order. Next in the order are Beta
wolves who do not breed and serve as nursemaids for pups of the
pack. The Omega wolf is at the bottom rung and is the
scapegoat in situations when the pack is being attacked. Often
the Omega wolf is forced not to eat when food is scarce. If wolf
has entered the forest of your mind, it may be to teach you that all
things in nature have order amid chaos and to accept your duties
in life, whether they be leadership roles or otherwise, with humility
and strength.
The wolf spirit teaches us to have balance between your personal
needs and those of the family and community. Wolves are
absolutely committed and loyal to the pack and find their place
within the group. If wolf exhibits these traits, it may mean that you
must examine your function within the community and loyalty. It
may also be a sign to bring better balance to the varied interests
of self, family and community.
The hunting techniques of wolves served as an example for many
tribes who copied them. Members of the pack form tag teams
who take turns chasing prey to exhaust the prey before
themselves. Packs are known to have run over thirty miles a day
in pursuit. Cooperation in achieving a common goal is the
message conveyed here.
Wolves have developed many ways to communicate by body
language and vocally. Facial expressions, tail and ear

movements, body posture, teeth bearing, eye squinting and

scratching are part of their vocabulary. Vocally, a wide variety of
growls, yelps, whines and howls make up a sophisticated system
of communication. Wolf language helps the pack to identify and
locate its members, establish territorial boundaries, give
instruction, request assistance, sound warnings, teach the young,
and generally to bring cohesion and unity to the pack. If a wolf or
wolves have entered your physic, you are fortunate to have an
animal spirit to knows the importance of communication and one
that will find many ways to make their messages know to you.
This ability to communicate may be a sign to hone your own
speaking skills to effectively relate your feelings and ideas in a
good way to pray, sing and dance in praise of the blessings of
the Creator.
When a lone wolf is seen the wild it symbolizes freedom. When
seen in a pack it represents community. If wolf appears to you
alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your
own life.
The primal and piercing howl of the wolf sometimes is marking
their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling
you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.
Wolves have great stamina and strength. They do not fight
needlessly and often avoid fighting whenever possible. Wolf
teaches to know who you are and to develop strength and
Wolf is associated with the lunar influences and energies that rule
psychic perception. They teach us to respect our emotions and
face the darkness within.
The wolf is ritualistic. It knows the importance of regular lunar
howling ceremonies and daily social rituals designed to

communicate needs and express feelings. The message of your

wolf spirit may be to honor the forces of spirituality and connect
with the life forces of Mother Earth.
Dream Analysis: Wolfs message is to ask yourself if you are
being a loyal friend, are your friends being loyal to you, or are you
being loyal to yourself? Wolf can also be asking you if you have
made a plan to achieve your goals?

Ferocious, Strong. Cunning.Some Indians say the wolverine as a
trickster, probably because of its quick cunning ways. The
Wolverine is also considered as a messenger between the real
world and the spirit world. As a burrowing trickster, the smart and
wily wolverine moves between the underworld and the upper
world with ease.
Wolverine babies are born blind and can often weigh less than a
pound. All their senses develop quickly, so their keen smell can
detect food and enemies as tiny ones. Even though they are
blind, baby wolverines have a highly developed sense of feel.
Their intelligence and intuitive senses increase rapidly.
If your totem spirit guide is the wolverine, it can teach you to
respond to challenges of life with great focus. Part of the
wolverines ferocious way is its tenacity and persistence. Once the
wolverine grabs on to something, it digs in with its sharp, long
claws and sinks it teeth in and seldom lets go. This tenacity will
help guide you to a deeper understanding of you personal spirit.
The medicine of the wolverine is powerful, sometimes too
powerful for the situation. It can teach you to regulate your
relationships to maintain an even hand, not too hard and not too
soft. Learning how to utilize your power in a balanced way is one
of the teachings the wolverine.

Because of the wolverines cunning, focus and tenacity, it

arranges its energies in a straight, balanced line. This alignment
allows them to know the exact moment they should act and when
they should retreat. Knowing how and when to respond to any
given life situation is what makes the wolverine such a worthy and
capable guide.
The wolverine is a loner most of the year. It can travel thirty to
forty miles a day in search of prey. The endurance and strength of
the wolverine teaches us to have a stick-to-it attitude in life and go
the last mile to get what we seek.
The coloring of wolverines allows them to be unseen in the
shadows and out in the open as well. They can wrench and wring
their bodies into various shapes that allow them to wriggle into
small cervices. This characteristic is reminiscent of the old Indian
medicine way of shape shifting and therefore serves as a guide to
the medicine of space and time.
The fur of the wolverine is extremely durable and it resists the
buildup of ice and snow. This favorable characteristic can teach
us to weather any storm that comes our way.
Wolverines are slower than most of their prey, but their cunning
and willingness to be a scavenger suits them and keeps their
bellies full. They are known to be natures best survivor by all who
know them well because wolverines can make-do with whatever
nature provides.
The primary trait of the wolverine teaches us focus, clarity,
endurance, emotional and physical balance, and spiritual
The wolverine is a master of its domain and its skills and behavior
is a great teacher.
Dream Analysis: You need to be and act tougher at this time.

Dream Analysis: Zebra is asking you to let go of any fear that
you are holding on to. Know that you are safe at all times.

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About the Author:

Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and

BodyMindSoulSpirit. You can find his In5D Radio shows on the
In5D Youtube channel. Gregg is also a transformational speaker
and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in
the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for
humanity motivates him to work in humanitys best interests
12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D
on Facebook, BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook and In5D on

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