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Phrasal verbs so verbos que consistem de um
verbo e uma partcula.

Partculas so pequenas palavras, tais como

preposies ou advrbios, que ajudam a conectar
ideias. Aqui esto algumas das partculas de
verbos frasais mais comuns:









1. Separveis: sempre aceitam objetos.

a) Os que voc separa se quiser.

Ex: Pick up your toy. ou Pick your toy up.
Ex: Throw away the papers. ou Throw the papers

b) Os que voc tem que separar. S admitem o

objeto (complemento) entre o verbo e a
Ex: Bad weather gets people down.

2. Inseparveis: podem ser divididos entre os

a) Aceitam objetos:

Ex: Im looking after the kids.

Ex: I turn to you.

Ex: We are rooting for her.

b) No aceitam objetos:

Ex: The robbers got away.

Ex: The employees get up.
Ex: The show must go on.



1. Os prepositional verbs podem ser transitivos
ou intransitivos e so obrigatoriamente
inseparveis, ou seja, o objeto direto no
pode ser colocado entre o verbo e a
Ex: Did you talk about me? (No: Did you talk me

2. Quando um verbo com preposio for usado,

o substantivo ou pronome ser colocado
depois da preposio, exceto na oraes
interrogativas ("What are you looking at?") ou
relativas ("This is the man that I was talking
Ex: Look at those children. = Look at them.

3. O significado do verbo com preposio

coincide, em muitos casos, com aquele do
verbo de forma isolado. Os verbos to pay e to
pay for significam pagar. A preposio serve
para introduzir o complemento, no agrega
nenhum significado novo ao verbo.
Ex: Pay for x Pay?

A: How much did you pay for that shirt?

B: I paid 100 reais.

Obs1.: no utilizamos preposies quando no

h objeto.
Ex: Listen! (E no: Listen to!)
Obs2.: gramaticalmente correto incluir um
advrbio entre o verbo e a preposio:
Ex: I'll look carefully after the children.

4. A principal diferena entre

se d no plano sinttico:
quando transitivos, os
a colocao do objeto entre o verbo e a
partcula (advrbio ou preposio) sempre
que o objeto for um pronome, ao passo que
no permitem a
colocao do objeto entre o verbo e a

Ex: They called up Tedd. = They called Tedd up. =

They called him up. (Eles telefonaram para o
Tedd / ele.)
Logo, os Phrasal verbs transitivos
considerados verbos SEPARVEIS.


They called on Tedd. =

They called on him. (Eles visitaram o Tedd. /
Eles o visitaram.)
Logo, os prepositional verbs so considerados

Obs1.: Quanto ao plano semntico, o significado

pode, muitas vezes, ser
deduzido a partir das partes que o compem. O
significado dos
, no entanto,
dificilmente pode ser deduzido dessa mesma

Obs2.: Na pronncia tambm ocorre uma

diferena importante. Nos
a slaba
tnica recai sobre a partcula, enquanto que nos
a slaba tnica recai sobre o
I'll put 'ON my trousers.
Jack 'LOOKED for his
name on the list but he couldn't find it.


about, across, ahead, along, (a)round, aside,

away, back, by down, forward, in, home, off,
on, out, over past, through, up.

To Call chamar
Call for exigir, requerer.
Ex.: This work calls for a lot of patience.
Call in convidar
Call off cancelar
Ex.: I'm going to call off my medical appointment
because I feel much better now.

Call out gritar para

Call up telefonar
Ex.: They called up the man

To come vir
Come across encontrar por acaso
Come down descer
Come in entrar

Come off sair, desprender-se

Come on entrar em cena
Come out sair
Come up subir, surgir

To get adquiri, obter

Get along with dar-se bem com algum

Get away escapar
Get away with safar-se
Get in entrar

Get into entrar

Get off descer, apesar de
Get on subir, montar
Get on with continuar
Get out sair
Exemplo: Get out of here!

Get over superar, livra-se de

Get over with terminar, acabar
Get up levantar-se
Exemplo: I usually get up early.

To give - dar
Give away doar
Exemplo: She gave away her old dress.
Give back devolver

Give in ceder, entregar-se

Give off exalar
Give onto dar para
Give up desistir

To go ir
Go after ir atrs, perseguir
Go at atacar lanar-se sobre
Go away ir embora
Go down descer
Go for ir buscar
Go off explodir
Go on continuar
Go out sair
Go over rever, repassar
Go with combinar com
Go up subir

To look olhar

Look after cuidar de

Exemplo: Could you look after the children this evening?
Look at olhar para
Look down on menosprezar
Look for procurar
Exemplo: What are you looking for?
Look forward aguardar ansiosamente
Look into examinar, analisar

Look out tomar cuidado

Look up consultar (livro, literatura)
Look up to admirar
Exemplo: You have to look up the dollar exchange rate every day.

To make - fazer
Make into transformar
Make off fugir, escapar

Make out preencher (cheque)

Make out entender, captar

Make up inventar, criar

Exemplo: You can attend classes on Saturdays to
make up for the classes you missed.
Make up fazer as pazes

To put pr, colocar

Put aside guardar, economizar
Put away guardar, pr no lugar
Put off adiar
Exemplo: I think I'll have to put off my dental

Put on vestir
Put out pr para fora
Exemplo: The firemen put out the fire.
Put up hospedar
Put up with tolerar, suportar

To run correr
Run after correr atrs

Run away fugir

Run down escorrer

Run into encontrar inesperadamente

Run out of ficar sem
Run over atropelar
Exemplo: He ran over my bicycle with his car.

To take tomar, levar

Take after puxar, assemelhar-se

Take away levar embora
Exemplo: Take it away from here.
Take down derrubar
Take in enganar
Take off tirar

Exemplo: Take your coat off!

Take on contratar

Take out levar para fora

Exemplo: I'm going to drink tonight and don't try to take me out of it.
Take over assumir chefia, direo

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