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Eating disorder: practical work

Autora: Reinaga, Elisabet;

Broglio, Federico Adrin.
Responsable disciplinar: Prof. Lic. Mario, Magdalena.
Tema: Recapitulacin de los desordenes alimenticios.
Nivel: Ed. Secundaria; 4to ao.
Gramtica: Presente simple.
Vocabulario: Eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, obesity.
Tiempo requerido: Una (1) hora.

MB! Aprobado.
Prof. Magdalena Mario

Introduccin a la secuencia
En esta secuencia los estudiantes van a poner en prctica el conocimiento adquirido sobre los
desordenes alimenticios trabajados a lo largo de las clases.

Objetivos de la secuencia
Realizar un trabajo prctico, de a pares, sobre los desordenes alimenticios.

Destrezas implicadas
Comprensin y expresin escrita.

Competencias activadas
Lxica, gramatical.

Para empezar
Los docentes comenzarn la clase los docentes explicaran la
dinmica del trabajo practico que debern hacer en parejas, las cuales
sern formadas mediante un sorteo en el cual los alumnos debern retirar
un papel de una bolsa, cada papel contiene un nmero. Aquel alumno que
obtenga el numero 1 deber agruparse con el alumno que haya obtenido
el mismo nmero.

Observar y comprender
El trabajo prctico constar de 3 actividades.

En la primera, los alumnos debern completar un texto que, habla de los

tres desordenes alimenticios abordados, con las palabras que se
encuentran en el cuadro.

1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Bodies burn develop happy excess body - huge hungry
kidneys Little kidneys - much attention - fat

Eating Disorder
Humans need food and water to live. Kids and teenagers especially need to eat enough
and healthily in order to grow and (1) __________.
But some teenagers might think that food makes them fat, so they worry about how
their (2) __________; some of them may even stop eating, eat too (3) __________, or
induce vomiting after they eat.
Many adolescents pay (4) __________ to thin models and TV starts. They see their
bodies on TV, the Internet, or in a magazine and they want to look like them too,
because they seem to be beautiful and (5) __________. But that is not true.
We can mention three eating disorders: one is anorexia nerviosa. People who have this
problem eat too (6) __________ or just stop eating. They usually deny feeling (7)
__________, they exercise too much, they feel (8) __________ and dont get involved
in social activities. The other disorder is bulimia nerviosa. It implies secretly eating a (9)
__________ amount of food, and then try to get rid of it by vomiting and exercising a
lot to (10) __________ the calories. Obesity is also an eating disorder, where (11)
__________ fat is accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health.
These disorders may damage the (12) __________, the liver and the (13) __________;
also teeth may get stained or fall because of vomit acidity.
Talking about having a problem and getting help is the first step to getting back to being
healthy again. It is essential to remember that celebrities looks are not real and that
we are all beautiful in different ways.

Como segunda actividad, los alumnos debern identificar en el texto 2

causas y 3 consecuencias de los desordenes alimenticios, y pensar 2
posibles causas ms.

2. Read the text again. Find 2 causes and 3 consequences of having an eating
disorder. Think about, at least, 2 more causes.

Causes (2)

Consequences (3)

Finalmente, a modo de tercera actividad, los alumnos debern unir el

nombre con el rgano y su afeccin, respectivamente.

3. Join the name with its organ and its affection.



Loss of calcium,



Poor circulation, irregular

or slow heart beat cardiac
Dehydration, failure.



Preoccupation with food,

fearing of gaining weight,
headache, depression.

Recursos lingsticos
En esta seccin se va a enfatizar en el tiempo presente simple, pasado simple, futuro (en
contexto) y en el vocabulario relacionado al tpico abordado. Se le permitir a los alumnos
utilizarn sus telfonos celulares para la bsqueda de vocabulario. La fuente sugerida de consulta

Producir y comunicar
En esta seccin los alumnos van a aplicar las actividades y el vocabulario estudiado durante la
clase para realizar una actividad de comprensin, seleccin.

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