Anda di halaman 1dari 24

9) Tick the various reasons mentioned Overview (text 2)

Anticipation (both texts)

Express yourself
in the text which could cause people's 11) Say whether (=if), from the Wests point 21) Do you feel personally concerned
1) Describe the photo and what is
happening. What could be the reasons for migration.
of view, the tone of the article is
by climate change? Why (not)?
Justify your choice with keywords.
this problem?
optimistic pessimistic
2) Define the nature of each text according Temperatures are increasing.
Quote one sentence (at least) which justifies Homework (text 1):
to its source.
______________________________________ your answer.
A) Use the composition of the following
3) Read the common title and the two specific Desert areas are spreading (=s'tendent). 12) Attribute a title to each column of the text. words in to guess their meaning:
titles. Then, anticipate the content of each text. ______________________________________
uprooted (title)=
Zoom in (text 2)
rainfall (l.7)=
There will not be enough rainfall.
13) Why won't poor people migrate according adviser (l.26)=
Overview (text 1)
______________________________________ to the author of the article? Just quote the text. B) Use the context to guess the
4) How many million figures
14) True or false? Circle the correct answer meaning of:
(=numbers) are mentioned in the text? Civil war will make people flee.
______________________________________ and justify by quoting from the text.
rising (l.6)(l.11)=
Whom do they all refer to?
5) Say whether the tone of the article is
a. Policymakers do not have to change their melting
crop (l.21)=
optimistic pessimistic
views of migration.
drop (l.21)=
Quote one sentence (at least) which
T F _____________________________
shifts (l. 33)=
A lot of land will be flooded.
justifies your answer.
seeking (l.35)=
6) Divide the text in two parts and give a ______________________________________
rushed (l.37)=
Earthquakes will force people to move. b. Policymakers should not consider migration C) Use the transparency of the following
title to each one.
Part I (from the beginning to line __ ): ______________________________________ as a negative consequence of climate change. words to deduce their meaning:
Glaciers are going to melt.
__________________________________ ______________________________________ T F _____________________________
large-scale (l.30)=
_________________________________ The sea level will rise.
Homework (text 2):
D) Use the composition of the following
Part II (from line __ to the end ):
words in to guess their meaning:
Salt water will contaminate people's List the three practical measures that
__________________________________ wells and fields.
developing countries should take first to face misplaced (title)=
__________________________________ ______________________________________ climate change. Just quote the text.
unlikely (l.32)=
E) Use the context to guess the
Zoom in (text 1)
16) What must developed countries do to
meaning of:
Part I
In developing countries, people will adapt to climate change? Just quote the text. lack (l.6)=
7) Identify the three main causes of migration lack water and food.
Zoom out (texts 1 and 2)
put forward in the first column of the text. _____________________________________ 17) Sum up each article briefly.
F) Point out the false friend in
Quote keywords to justify.
paragraph 5:
18) What is the aim of the journalist who
8) True or false? Circle the correct answer Part II
G) "Those who can migrate will be
wrote the article in Scientific American?
more likely to make..." (l. 7) means:
and justify your answer by quoting
10) Contrast the historical migrations 19) What figures does he give and how does they would like to make more...
(=citing) the text.
with modern and future ones. Use
they appreciate making more...
The fact that 250 million people will be adjectives from the text.
he present them to support his view?
they will more probably make...
migrating by 2050 is absolutely certain.
20) Explain in what way Cecilia Tacoli's
they dislike making more...
T F _____________________________
view on climate change is radically different.


Les modaux (sens 2): expression de la probabilit et du futur

E. Your task: Talk about your future life


G. Grammar practice: subordinate propositions introduced by how

CR. XII You don't believe that global warming will radically change the face of the world.
You think that, in the future, the world will be a better place to live. You tell your friends
CR. I Probabilit d'un fait prsent, pass et venir
1. Experts estimate that as many as 250 million people (...) could be on what you think your life will be like in 2030. Use modal auxiliaries expressing the future
and "probability".
the move by 2050. (text 1, l.1)
2. They will go because temperatures are rising (...). (text 1, I.5)
3. They must be wondering what's going on.
4. We may have passed the point of no return.
5. This might never happen.
a. Classez les modaux souligns selon le degr de probabilit qu'ils
expriment: 1. Faible probabilit (2 rponses attendues) 2. Probabilit
moyenne 3. Forte probabilit (sens futur) 4. Quasi-certitude.
b.Quelle forme verbale (en gras) trouve-t-on aprs le modal soulign: F. Grammar practice: subordinate propositions introduced by if
a. base verbale (infinitif sans to) b. forme BE+ING ou bien c. HAVE + (=les subordonnes en if)
CR. XIII Lisez les phrases ci-dessous et indiquez si la subordonne en IF est une
participe pass (= HAVE -EN =have + V-en) ?
Que dsigne chacune de ces formes verbales dans les noncs ci-dessus: question au style indirect ou si elle exprime une hypothse.
1. I wondered if we should run.
1. Un fait vu sous l'angle du droulement 2. Un fait vu sous l'angle du
2. I wondered if they would come after us with dogs.
rsultat ou pass 3. Un fait venir? Traduisez les noncs.
3. I wondered how far we would get if we ran.
CR. II Les modaux et la ngation : MAY NOT et CAN'T
CR. XIV Lisez les phrases ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions a, b et c.
a. Choisissez pour chaque nonc la reformulation (a ou b) qui lui
1. If I spoke to him now, he would send me back to jail.
correspond le mieux.
2. If I had tried to run away, I would have gone back to detention.
1. They may not
a. It is impossible for them to know the answer.
3. If you stay here, they will get you.
know the answer. b. Perhaps they do not know the answer.
2. They can't have a. It is impossible for them to have found the answer. a. Associez chacune des explications suivantes la subordonne en IF qui lui
correspond. Notez galement le temps du verbe de la subordonne (prsent, pass ou
found the answer! b. It is possible that they haven't found the answer.
b. Traduisez les phrases 1 et 2 l'aide de il est impossible que ou il pluperfect).
-C'est une hypothse qui se ralisera peut-tre dans l'avenir: ________________________
se peut que .
-C'est une hypothse incertaine mais qui pourrait se raliser: ________________________
CR. III WILL et les subordonnes de temps
-C'est une hypothse qui ne s'est pas ralise: ________________________
1. They will go when climate change becomes too unbearable.
b. Traduisez l'nonc suivant.
2. When you have decided what you want to do, we will leave.
I felt that if I took one step forward, the earth itself would (...) reject me.
Nommez le temps des verbes en gras dans les subordonnes de temps ________________________________________________________________________
soulignes. Ces verbes dsignent-ils des faits prsents ou des faits venir? c. Traduisez.
Lequel de ces verbes exprime l'ide de rsultat? Traduisez les noncs. 1. Ce serait diffrent si elles taient plus ges.
Faisons le point!
Peut-on utiliser WILL pour exprimer le futur dans les subordonnes 2. S'il y avait eu une erreur, ils le leur auraient dit.
de temps en anglais ? Quels temps peut-on utiliser ?

A.Observer et comprendre

CR. IV Reformulez les noncs l'aide de l'amorce propose.

a. I'm sure it has caused a great deal of damage It must ________
b. Perhaps they are living in dreadful conditions. They might ____
c. Maybe they do not want to go. They may _________________
d. I'm sure they haven't left. They can't _____________________
CR. V Traduisez l'aide de MUST, MAY ou WILL
a. Il se peut qu'ils ne soient pas d'accord.
b. Ils doivent tre en train de chercher de nouvelles ides.
c. Quand la temprature augmentera (=increase), ils seront obligs de partir.
d. Quand cela se produira, des millions de gens s'en iront.

C. Reconnatre l'expression de la probabilit l'oral

(=subordonnes en how)
CR. XV Lisez l'nonc suivant. crivez la question correspondant au style direct
puis traduisez-le.
I wondered how far we would get (...).___________________________________
CR. XVI Rcrivez les noncs l'aide de l'amorce propose.
1.Did she stay there long?I wonder how ______________________________________ .
2.Do they often visit her?I don't know how ____________________________________ .
3.Is that a serious problem?Do you know how _________________________________ ?

H. Grammar practice: personal and possessive pronouns

CR. VI Prononcer les formes en WILL.

a. coutez ces noncs et rptez les modles.
1. "This will be the largest migration in history." (text 2, l. 23)
2. "Who will be there?" he asked. 3. "I will," she said. 4. "Will they move?"
b. Dduisez: dans quels cas peut-on prononcer WILL sous forme rduite
('LL) ?
CR. VII Comprendre les formes modales l'oral
a. coutez ces noncs et indiquez quelles sont les syllabes accentues.
1. They could have died. 2. They might have been killed.

(=pronoms personnels et possessifs)

CR. XVII Traduisez l'aide de pronoms personnels et de possessifs.
1. Ces documents sont moi. Ce n'est pas ma faute, c'est la vtre !
2. Ils s'attendent (=expect) ce que nous oubliions notre propre langue et que nous
apprenions la leur.=___________________________________________________

D. LEXIQUE: Les rfugis

prepare - home - basic -towns - l o ca te d - areas - destination - local - migrants

I. Savoir prononcer
CR. XVIII Dans le 2e article, lisez haute voix le passage de "Policymakers..."(I.
3. He may be sleeping.
12) "... local migrants"(I. 20).
b. Dduisez: Les auxiliaires modaux sont-ils accentus lorsqu'ils expriment a. Faites attention la prononciation des diphtongues dans les mots-ci-dessous.
Les lettres soulignes se prononcent-elles: /aq/,/eq/,/Fx/,/eF/,/qF/,/ax/ ?
la probabilit?
policymakers - migration - vital - adaptation - climate - change - failure - nations CR. VIII crivez les noncs que vous entendez.
CR. IX Slectionnez la bonne transcription phontique des mots suivants
a. migrant: /)magrnt/ - /)mgrnt/ - /ma)grAnt/
b. O se trouve l'accent principal dans ces mots transparents?
b. immigrant: /)mgrAnt / - /)mgrnt/ - /)magrnt/
migration - vital - adaptation - climate - consequence - adapt - nations - prepare CR. X Donnez les synonymes des mots suivants :
a.refuge=_________ b.famine=____________
infrastructure - services - rural - destination - local migrants
CR. XI Compltez les phrases l'aide des mots suivants: citizenship migration - seeker - resettle - repatriated - flee - displaced - desperate - flood - c. Vrifiez l'coute, puis lisez nouveau ce passage en faisant attention ces
lack - smuggled - plight - applied - undocumented - drought - provide - uprooted deux points de phonologie.
a.This asylum ___________________ has ___________________ for
American ___________________ .
b. Pedro is an ___________________ worker who decided to
________________ his country to ___________________ in the USA.
c. The tsunami report focused on the terrible ___________________ of
the ___________________ victims.
d. The refugees suffered from a severe _________________ of water
because of the ________________ and had to be ________________ .
2. Ae. Aid volunteers ___________________ refugees with food as soon as
they arrive in the camp.
f. Every week despite strict ___________________ control, hundreds of
________________ migrants are _________________ into the country.
g. He felt so ___________________ in the refugee camp that he asked
to be ________________ .

CR. V Traduisez l'aide de MUST, MAY ou WILL

a. Il se peut qu'ils ne soient pas d'accord.
They may not agree.
CR. I Probabilit d'un fait prsent, pass et venir
1. Experts estimate that as many as 250 million people (...) could be on b. Ils doivent tre en train de chercher de nouvelles ides.
They must be looking for new ideas.
the move by 2050. (text 1, l.1)
c. Quand la temprature augmentera (=increase), ils seront obligs de partir.
2. They will go because temperatures are rising (...). (text 1, I.5)
When the temperature increases, they will have to leave.
3. They must be wondering what's going on.
d. Quand cela se produira, des millions de gens s'en iront.
4. We may have passed the point of no return.
When that happens, millions of people will go / leave.
5. This might never happen.
a. Classez les modaux souligns selon le degr de probabilit qu'ils
expriment: 1. Faible probabilit (2 rponses attendues) 2. Probabilit C. Reconnatre l'expression de la probabilit l'oral
CR. VI Prononcer les formes en WILL.
moyenne 3. Forte probabilit (sens futur) 4. Quasi-certitude.
1. Faible probabilit : could / might - 2. Probabilit moyenne : may - 3. coutez ces noncs et rptez les modles.
1. "This will be the largest migration in history." (text 2, l. 23)
Forte probabilit (sens futur) : will - 4. Quasi-certitude -.must.
b.Quelle forme verbale (en gras) trouve-t-on aprs le modal soulign: 2. "Who will be there?" he asked. 3. "I will," she said. 4. "Will they move?"
a. base verbale (infinitif sans to) b. forme BE+ING ou bien c. HAVE + b. Dduisez: dans quels cas peut-on prononcer WILL sous forme rduite ('LL) ?
On peut prononcer will sous forme rduite lorsqu'il se trouve entre deux mots :
participe pass (= HAVE -EN =have + V-en) ?
Que dsigne chacune de ces formes verbales dans les noncs ci-dessus: noncs la forme affirmative (1), interrogatives commenant par un mot en wh- (2).
1. Un fait vu sous l'angle du droulement 2. Un fait vu sous l'angle du
CR. VII Comprendre les formes modales l'oral
rsultat ou pass 3. Un fait venir? Traduisez les noncs.
1. could be : le modal est suivi d'une base verbale qui renvoie un fait coutez ces noncs et indiquez quelles sont les syllabes accentues.
1. They could have died. 2. They might have been killed.
2. will go : le modal est suivi d'une base verbale qui renvoie un fait 3. He may be sleeping.
3. must be wondering : le modal est suivi de la forme BE+ING qui renvoie b. Dduisez: Les auxiliaires modaux sont-ils accentus lorsqu'ils expriment la
un fait vu sous l'angle du droulement.
probabilit? Oui. les auxiliaires modaux sont accentus lorsqu'ils expriment la
4. may have passed : le modal est suivi de la forme HAVE EN qui probabilit. Remarque : lorsqu'ils expriment obligation, interdiction, permission, capacit
renvoie un fait vu sous l'angle du rsultat ou pass.
(sens 1). les modaux sont moins fortement accentus que lorsqu'ils expriment la
5. might never happen : le modal est suivi d'une base verbale qui renvoie probabilit (sens 2). : voir Grammaire de l'oral .
un fait venir.
CR. VIII crivez les noncs que vous entendez.
Traduction : 1. Les experts estiment que 250 millions de personnes au 1. She'll probably be waiting for him. 2. He might have heard you. 3. They
moins pourraient se dplacer / migrer d'ici 2050.
could have been arrested. 4. Temperatures could be rising.
2. Ils s'en iront parce que les tempratures montent .
D. LEXIQUE: Les rfugis
3. Ils doivent se demander ce qui se passe.
CR. IX Slectionnez la bonne transcription phontique des mots suivants
4. Il est possible que nous ayons atteint le point de non-retour.
a. migrant: /)magrnt/ - /)mgrnt/ - /ma)grAnt/
5. Cela pourrait ne jamais se produire.
b. immigrant: /)mgrAnt / - /)mgrnt/ - /)magrnt/
Remarque : la base verbale aprs un modal renvoie l'avenir si le CR. X Donnez les synonymes des mots suivants :
contexte inclut des repres futurs ou induit un sens futur :
a.refuge=_ shelter _ b.famine=_ starvation _ provide __
-les verbes d'action se prtent plus facilement un renvoi l'avenir;
CR. XI Compltez les phrases l'aide des mots suivants: citizenship - migration -les verbes d'tat renvoient souvent au prsent : Il must be too late I She seeker - resettle - repatriated - flee - displaced - desperate - flood - lack - smuggled - plight may be ill.
applied - undocumented - drought - provide - uprooted
CR. II Les modaux et la ngation : MAY NOT et CAN'T
a.This asylum _ seeker __ has ___ applied ___ for American __ citizenship __ .
a. Choisissez pour chaque nonc la reformulation (a ou b) qui lui
b. Pedro is an _ undocumented / desperate ____ worker who decided to ___ flee
correspond le mieux.
___ his country to __ resettle ____ in the USA.
1. They may not
a. It is impossible for them to know the answer.
c. The tsunami report focused on the terrible _ plight ___ of the __ flood __ victims.
know the answer. b. Perhaps they do not know the answer.
d. The refugees suffered from a severe __ lack __ of water because of the __
2. They can't have a. It is impossible for them to have found the answer. drought _ and had to be __ displaced / resettled____ .
found the answer! b. It is possible that they haven't found the answer.2. Ae. Aid volunteers __ provide _____ refugees with food as soon as they arrive in the
b. Traduisez les phrases 1 et 2 l'aide de il est impossible que ou il camp.
se peut que .
f. Every week despite strict _ migration ___ control, hundreds of __ displaced/
1. Il se peut qu'ils ne connaissent pas la rponse.
desperate __ migrants are ___ smuggled ___ into the country.
2. Il est impossible qu'ils aient trouv la rponse.
g. He felt so _ uprooted / desperate ____ in the refugee camp that he asked to be
CR. III WILL et les subordonnes de temps
__ repatriated ______ .
1. They will go when climate change becomes too unbearable.
2. When you have decided what you want to do, we will leave.
Nommez le temps des verbes en gras dans les subordonnes de temps
soulignes. Ces verbes dsignent-ils des faits prsents ou des faits venir?
Lequel de ces verbes exprime l'ide de rsultat? Traduisez les noncs.
1. becomes : prsent / dsigne un fait venir.
2. have decided : present perfect / dsigne un fait venir. C'e
st le verbe au present perfect (have decided) qui exprime l'ide de rsultat.
Traduction : 1. Ils s'en iront lorsque le changement climatique deviendra
trop insupportable.
2. Lorsque vous aurez pris une dcision sur ce que vous voulez faire,
nous partirons.
Faisons le point!
Peut-on utiliser WILL pour exprimer le futur dans les subordonnes
de temps en anglais ? Quels temps peut-on utiliser ?
- On ne peut pas utiliser will pour exprimer le futur dans les subordonnes
de temps.
- On emploie soit le prsent, soit le present perfect dans la subordonne
lorsque la principale renvoie l'avenir et inclut will.

Les modaux (sens 2): expression de la probabilit et du futur

A.Observer et comprendre


CR. IV Reformulez les noncs l'aide de l'amorce propose.

a. I'm sure it has caused a great deal of damage It must _ have
caused a great deal of damage._
b. Perhaps they are living in dreadful conditions. They might _ be
living in dreadful conditions.___
c. Maybe they do not want to go. They may __ not want to
d. I'm sure they haven't left. They can't _ have

E. Your task: Talk about your future life

G. Grammar practice: subordinate propositions introduced by how

CR. XII You don't believe that global warming will radically change the (=subordonnes en how)
face of the world. You think that, in the future, the world will be a better CR. XV Lisez l'nonc suivant. crivez la question correspondant au style direct
place to live. You tell your friends what you think your life will be like in puis traduisez-le.
2030. Use modal auxiliaries expressing the future and "probability".
I wondered how far we would get (...)._ How far will we get ?
=_ Je me demandais jusqu'o nous irions.
CR. XVI Rcrivez les noncs l'aide de l'amorce propose.
1.Did she stay there long?I wonder how long she stayed there..
2.Do they often visit her?I don't know how often they visit her.
3.Is that a serious problem?Do you know how serious a problem that is ______ ?



Il s'agit d'une tche d'expression orale en continu, mettant en jeu la matrise des formes
grammaticales vues Les modaux (sens 2) : expression de la probabilit et du futur . On incitera
l'lve s'appuyer galement sur la Toolbox fournie au bas de la page 109. C'est une tche de
niveau B1 B1+.
Interaction orale
Niveau B1 : capacit exprimer une opinion personnelle et des sentiments.
Niveau B1+ : on ajoutera aux critres prcdents une certaine aisance et fluidit de l'expression.
Comptence linguistique
Niveau B1 : on attendra au niveau B1 que l'lve dmontre, dans son emploi des modaux, qu'il a
conscience des degrs de probabilit . On pourra s'attendre cependant ce que l'lve utilise un
nombre limit de modaux. Les erreurs sur la construction (base verbale / to) ne sont pas
acceptables. L'emploi des formes be+ing et have en aprs les modaux sera considr comme un
bonus, tout comme l'emploi de la ngation aprs may (may not be true).
Niveau B1+ : on attendra, du point de vue linguistique, un assez bon contrle grammatical, avec
des erreurs non systmatiques. Dans ce cas prcis, on attendra la matrise des formes verbales
tudies, et une plus grande varit dans l'emploi de ces formes. La prononciation doit tre
clairement intelligible tout le long de l'change.
Les formes conversationnelles (I mean... Let's say... I would say...) sont galement attendues
car elles introduisent fluidit et aisance dans l'expression orale.
Exemples d'noncs pouvant tre intgrs la production Niveau B1
Life will be different and happier for many of people.
This is how I see life in 2050, I hope I'm not wrong.
Scientists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050.
I don't think the future will be worse. /1 think the world will be a better place to live.
By 2050. music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us via the Internet. / most
programmes and films will be free!
By 2050. people will fly from l.os Angeles lo Tokyo in just two hours.
We will see robots everywhere - in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.
Sustainable energy / green energy / clean technologies will provide new jobs.
It is true that water will have become one of our most serious problems by 2050.
I think climate change could cause a lot of damage too
By 2050. robots will have replaced people in factories / there could be new medical advances too /
people could live much longer.
Scientists might be able to produce new medicines / clones of people in the near future. / Of course
this might never happen
You may think I'm a dreamer... / You may not believe me...
-You must he wondering why I'm so enthusiastic. / You may be thinking of the damage nuclear
energy has already caused.
Niveau B1 +
Outre les noncs ci-dessus, on introduira des expressions (opinion, point de vue) permettant de
rendre la production orale plus naturelle.
-I definitely think... / In my view... / Well, actually... /1 mean...
What I mean is... / What I'm trying to say is... You see... / If you see what
I mean...
Lei's take the example of the Internet. / Let's say...
I would say./ It seems to me...

F. Grammar practice: subordinate propositions introduced by if

(=les subordonnes en if)

CR. XIII Lisez les phrases ci-dessous et indiquez si la subordonne
en IF est une question au style indirect ou si elle exprime une
1. I wondered if we should run. question au style indirect
2. I wondered if they would come after us with dogs.
question au style indirect
3. I wondered how far we would get if we ran.


CR. XIV Lisez les phrases ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions a,

b et c.
1. If I spoke to him now, he would send me back to jail.
2. If I had tried to run away, I would have gone back to detention.
3. If you stay here, they will get you.
a. Associez chacune des explications suivantes la subordonne en IF qui
lui correspond. Notez galement le temps du verbe de la subordonne
(prsent, pass ou pluperfect).
-C'est une hypothse qui se ralisera peut-tre dans l'avenir:
3. If you stay here, . prsent
-C'est une hypothse incertaine mais qui pourrait se raliser:
1. If I spoke to him now, . pass/prtrit
-C'est une hypothse qui ne s'est pas ralise:
2. If I had tried to run away, . pluperfect=had + V-en
b. Traduisez l'nonc suivant.
I felt that if I took one step forward, the earth itself would (...) reject me.
Je sentais que si j'avanais d'un pas, mme la terre me rejetterait.
c. Traduisez.
1. Ce serait diffrent si elles taient plus ges.
It would he different if they were older.
2. S'il y avait eu une erreur, ils le leur auraient dit.
If there had been a mistake, they would have told them.

H. Grammar practice: personal and possessive pronouns

(=pronoms personnels et possessifs)

CR. XVII Traduisez l'aide de pronoms personnels et de possessifs.
1. Ces documents sont moi. Ce n'est pas ma faute, c'est la vtre !
_ These documents are mine. It's not my fault, it's yours! ____________________
2. Ils s'attendent (=expect) ce que nous oubliions notre propre langue et que nous
apprenions la leur.=_ They expect us to forget our own language and learn theirs._

I. Savoir prononcer
CR. XVIII Dans le 2e article, lisez haute voix le passage de "Policymakers..."(I.
12) "... local migrants"(I. 20).
a. Faites attention la prononciation des diphtongues dans les mots-ci-dessous.
Les lettres soulignes se prononcent-elles: /aq/,/eq/,/Fx/,/eF/,/qF/,/ax/ ?
policymakers - migration - vital - adaptation - climate - change - failure - nations eq








prepare - home - basic -towns - lo ca te d - areas - destination - local - migrants

eF Fx



Fx eq





b. O se trouve l'accent principal dans ces mots transparents?

migration - vital - adaptation - climate - consequence - adapt - nations - prepare infrastructure - services - rural - destination - local migrants
c. Vrifiez l'coute, puis lisez nouveau ce passage en faisant attention ces
deux points de phonologie.

D. LEXIQUE: Vivre ensemble

Assurez-vous que vous avez bien retenu les mots cls de l'unit.
LT. X Donnez les synonymes (=) ou les antonymes () des mots
a. tolerant =_______________
b. tolerant (2 mots) _______________ _______________
c. diffrence _______________
d. traditions = _______________
e. stand together = _______________

E. Your task: Make suggestions

A parcel has been found in your locker. You have no idea what it is or where it
comes from. With a friend, you try to find possible explanations. Act out the dialogue
and record it if possible. Use modal auxiliary verbs expressing "probability".

a. tolerant =_ open-minded ______________

b. tolerant (2 mots) ___ intolerant/narrow-minded __________
c. diffrence ___ similarity ____________
d. traditions = __ customs _____________
e. stand together = __ stick together _____________

Your task
Il s'agit d'une tche de production (interaction orale) semiguide, mettant en jeu la matrise des lments
grammaticaux vus dans les pages 102-103 du Language
workshop : Les modau* (sens 2) et l'expression de la
probabilit. On incitera l'lve s'appuyer galement sur la
Toolbox fournie au bas de la page 103. On peut valuer cette
production au niveau A2 ou au niveau B1, tant du point de
vue de l'activit d'interaction orale qui est propose, que du
point de vue de la comptence linguistique (matrise
grammaticale et phonologique).

LT. XI Donnez l'quivalent anglais des mots et des expressions

a. croyances b. partial c. amical d. semblable e. partager des
valeurs f. passer d'une culture l'autre g. tre sur un pied d'galit
h. combler un foss i. avoir des prjugs contre j. prendre parti
a. croyances= beliefs b. partial= biased c. amical= friendly d.
semblable= similar e. partager des valeurs= share values f. passer
d'une culture l'autre= cross cultures g. tre sur un pied d'galit=
be on an equal footing h. combler un foss= bridge a gap i. avoir
des prjugs contre= be prejudiced against j. prendre parti pour=
stand up for.

interaction orale
Niveau A2 : capacit poser des questions, demander
des informations, exprimer la probabilit et rpondre
au questionnement. Tentative pour raconter un fait pass.
Niveau B1 : capacit faire des hypothses sur un fait
pass. Capacit ragir aux noncs de l'interlocuteur, audel de la simple juxtaposition de propos.

LT. XII Quelle est la syllabe accentue dans les

mots suivants ?
a. multicultural b. prejudiced c. community d. tolerant e. united

Comptence linguistique
Niveau A2 : emploi des adverbes maybe, perhaps, certainly.
Emploi des modaux may, mi can't (ou can la forme
interrogative) suivis de la base verbale.
Niveau B1 : en plus des lments mentionns pour le
niveau A2, on pourra attendre un emf correct des modaux
suivis de la forme have+en. Du point de vue phonologique,
respect du rythme et de l'accentuation (en particulier
dsaccentuation de have aprs les modaux).

a. multicultural b. prejudiced c. community d. tolerant e.

united f.idealistic.
LT. XIII Compltez les phrases l'aide des mots suivants:
community - values - friendship - behaviour,
a. _______________ , brotherhood and solidarity are
_______________ which enable us to be in harmony with others.
b. Their _______________ shows that they are not very
understanding and that they do not have a sense of belonging to a
_______________ .
a. _ Friendship __ , brotherhood and solidarity are __ values ___
which enable us to be in harmony with others.
b. Their __behaviour___ shows that they are not very understanding
and that they do not have a sense of belonging to a _ community _ .

Exemples d'noncs pouvant

tre intgrs l'change :
Niveau A2

Where can this parcel possibly come from?

It must belong to someone else.
Maybe someone put it there during break-time.
Maybe it's a present for you.
You must be mad!
It can't be a present.

It might be something dangerous.

Someone must have put it there.
Could this parcel belong to someone else?
- Who could have placed it here?

Niveau B1

F. Enrich your vocabulary: phrasal verbs

(=verbes particule cf.prcis grammatical 18p181)
LT. XIV Compltez les phrases avec la particule qui convient.
Chaque particule ne peut-tre employe qu'une fois.
across - away - back - down - in - off- on - out - through - up
1. Keep ________ ! Don't stop now.
2. Because of the wind they could not put the fire ________ .
3. As soon as he arrives, show him ________ .
4. This case is too heavy, I'll put it ________ for a minute.
5. Make ________ your mind! I can't wait for hours.
6. Be polite, don't answer ________ .
7. It is sunny, so the snow has melted ________ .
8. Turn ________ the light, please.
9. She anxiously read the letter ________ .
10. Lindbergh flew ________ the Atlantic in 1927.
1. Keep ___ on _____ ! Don't stop now.
2. Because of the wind they could not put the fire _ away _______ .
3. As soon as he arrives, show him _ in _______ .
4. This case is too heavy, I'll put it __ out ______ for a minute.
5. Make _ up _______ your mind! I can't wait for hours.
6. Be polite, don't answer __ back ______ .
7. It is sunny, so the snow has melted __ down ______ .
8. Turn _ off _______ the light, please.
9. She anxiously read the letter __ through ______ .
10. Lindbergh flew __ across ______ the Atlantic in 1927.
G. Grammar practice: subordinate propositions introduced by if
(=les subordonnes en if cf. prcis grammatical 9Bp.174)
LT. XV Lisez les passages ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions a
et b.
1. It would have been different if he had come back.
2. It would be different if he came back.
3. If he comes back, we will tell him what to do.
a. Associez chacune des explications suivantes la subordonne en if qui lui
-C'est une hypothse qui se ralisera peut-tre dans l'avenir :______
-C'est une hypothse incertaine (mais qui pourrait se raliser) : ______
-C'est une hypothse qui ne s'est pas ralise : ______
b. Traduisez les noncs 1, 2 et 3.
1. It would have been different if he had come back.
2. It would be different if he came back.
3. If he comes back, we will tell him what to do.
a. Associez chacune des explications suivantes la subordonne en if qui lui
-C'est une hypothse qui se ralisera peut-tre dans l'avenir :__3____
-C'est une hypothse incertaine (mais qui pourrait se raliser) : ___2___
-C'est une hypothse qui ne s'est pas ralise : ___1___
b. Traduisez les noncs 1, 2 et 3.
1. Cela aurait t diffrent s'il tait revenu.
2. Cela serait diffrent s'il revenait.
3. S'il revient, nous lui dirons ce qu'il faut faire.

LT. XVI Mettez le verbe entre parenthses la forme qui convient au

prsent, au prtrit ou au pluperfect (=past perfect=had+V-en).
1. Would he look after you if you (ask) _______________ him to?
2. If she really (love) _______________ him, she'll wait for him.
3. If you (not - be) _______________ so selfish, you would understand me.
4. If I (know) _______________ , I would have thrown you out.
5. If you (not - change) _______________ your mind right now, you'll have to
6. They would kill you if you (try) _______________ to run away.
1. Would he look after you if you (ask) ___asked_______ him to?
2. If she really (love) _loves________ him, she'll wait for him.
3. If you (not - be) __werentt _____ so selfish, you would understand me.
4. If I (know) __had known____ , I would have thrown you out.
5. If you (not - change) _dont change_ your mind right now, you'll have to
6. They would kill you if you (try) __tried___ to run away.
H. Grammar practice: they, them, their, theirs, they're, there's
(cf. prcis grammatical 23p.187)
LT. XVII Compltez avec l'un des lments donns ci-dessus.
1. _______________ think that _______________ something wrong with
_______________ daughter.
2. It's not our fault, it's _______________ !
3. _______________ not doing anything to help _______________ own folk.
4. Tell _______________ that _______________ nothing we can do about it.
1. ___ They_________ think that _ there's ______ something wrong with
2. It's not our fault, it's __ theirs _____________ !
3. ___ They're _____ not doing anything to help ____ their ____ own folk.
4. Tell __ them _______ that _____ there's ____ nothing we can do about it.

I present perfect et prtrit

1. Kindle from Amazon caught on first with adults [...] (NYT article, I. 12)
2. It's so far the best phone I've ever owned.
3. They started using Twitter two years ago.
1. yourself
Twitter has become
very popular recently.
10) Tick the reasons which explain why young people
1) Deduce thede
of character
in the picture.
a. Classez les verbes et les complments
des noncs
ci-dessus : aren't interested in Twitter.
2) Express
what is funny
about it.
already interact
with friends viadeFacebook
Verbes au prtrit
de temps
Verbes au present
temps or text
3) Take notice of the kind of document.
4) Guess about its content.
They want to interact with their friends only.
so purposes.
far ; ever
Twitter is more for business
5)As youtwo
the text,
write down answers to the
They want to send longer messages.
relevant 6 Wh- questions.
Zoom out
has become
6) Match paragraph () and title.
8)Do you agree with the views expressed in this text?

Adults' favourite hi-tech devices
You may justify your opinion with examples of
2 la forme The
of Twitter
b. Quel est l'auxiliaire et quelle est
du popularity
verbe au
acquaintances of yours (=people you know).
A teenager explains why she does not need
Homework:au prtrit. Lesquels expriment:
The reasons
young people
do notet
Twitter associs
c. Comparez les complments de4 and

1)Use the context of these words in order to

Give the main idea of the text.

une rupture avec le prsent ?7)______________________________________________________________________
tick their right meaning:
Zoom in
sends (l.2) = launches emits finds
2. un lien avec le prsent ? __________________________________________________________________________
8)Why does Kristen never use Twitter?
revolve (l.33) = walk drive centre
Conclusion :
She is too young.
in touch (l.35) = in place inside in contact
Le present perfect est associ _______________________________________________________________________
She thinks Twitter is strange.
Le prtrit _______________________________________________________________________________________
She is too old.
turns out (l.36) = spins is revealed goes out

broadcasting (l.37) = transmitting receiving finding

She doesn't want anyone to know what she does.
II for, since et le present perfect
2) Copy the transparent words of the text.
Old people are not interested in video games.
1. I have known them since 2006 / last week.
2. (They) have used Facebook since they began using the Internet .[...] (NYT article, I. 25)
Hi-tech devices are not popular with adults.
3. Adults are just catching up to____________________________________________
what teens have been doing for years. (NYT article, I. 22)
a. Dduisez partir des noncs
1, 2 etpopularity
3 les rgles
de for et since.
from adults.
___________________ est suivi
d'une date ou d'une expression exprimant un point de dpart.
is the
first social website
that hasaddition
attracted adults.
___________________ est suivi
ou d'une
de moments (jours, semaines, annes).

b. Lequel des verbes en gras est au present perfect continu/progressif/en been+ V-ing /BE+ING ? _________________
Qu'exprime-t-il dans ce contexte ? 1. Une activit termine ?
2. Une activit qui a commenc dans le pass et se continue dans le prsent ?
c.Traduisez les verbes en gras.
I have known them since 2006 / last week.=
(They) have used Facebook since they began using the Internet .
Adults are just catching up to what teens have been doing for years.
Quel temps utilisez-vous en franais dans tous les cas ? ___________________________________________________
Traduisez les complments en for et since.
Quelle prposition utilisez-vous en franais ? __________________________________________________________
A retenir! Avec for et since, le present perfect se traduit souvent par ________________________________________

I present perfect et prtrit

4. Kindle from Amazon caught on first with adults [...] (NYT article, I. 12)
5. It's so far the best phone I've ever owned.
6. They started using Twitter two years ago.
2. Twitter has become very popular recently.
a. Classez les verbes et les complments de temps des noncs ci-dessus :
Verbes au prtrit
Complments de temps
Verbes au present perfect
two years ago
has become

Complments de temps
so far ; ever

b. Quel est l'auxiliaire et quelle est la forme du verbe au present perfect ?

On forme le present perfect avec lauxiliaire have au prsent et le participe pass du verbe (V-en).
c. Comparez les complments de temps associs au present perfect et ceux associs au prtrit. Lesquels expriment:
1. une rupture avec le prsent ? les complments de temps associs au prtrit (first ; two years ago)
2. un lien avec le prsent ? les complments de temps associs au present perfect (so far ; ever ; recently)
Conclusion :
Le present perfect est associ __ des complments de temps qui tablissent un lien avec le prsent_
Le prtrit __ des complments de temps qui tablissent une rupture avec le prsent _______________
II for, since et le present perfect
1. I have known them since 2006 / last week.
2. (They) have used Facebook since they began using the Internet .[...] (NYT article, I. 25)
3. Adults are just catching up to what teens have been doing for years. (NYT article, I. 22)
a. Dduisez partir des noncs 1, 2 et 3 les rgles d'emploi de for et since.
___ since _____ est suivi d'une date ou d'une expression exprimant un point de dpart.
____ for ____ est suivi d'une dure/priode ou d'une addition de moments (jours, semaines, annes).
b. Lequel des verbes en gras est au present perfect continu/progressif/en been+ V-ing /BE+ING ? do (3.)
Qu'exprime-t-il dans ce contexte ? 1. Une activit termine ?
2. Une activit qui a commenc dans le pass et se continue dans le prsent ?

Cest lassociation de for ou since au present perfect continu qui signifie que laction se continue dans le prsent ou que cela dure encore .
On pourra expliquer que le seul present perfect continu nindique rien de cela et fait seulement rfrence une activit qui a eu lieu et sont les
rsultats sont visibles dans le prsent . On pourra citer des exemples tels que Youve been crying./ Its been raining , qui se traduit par un pass
compos ( Tu as pleur / Il a plu ).

c.Traduisez les verbes en gras.

I have known them since 2006 / last week.=
=Je les connais depuis 2006 / la semaine dernire.
(They) have used Facebook since they began using the Internet .
=Ils utilisent Facebook depuis quils ont commenc utiliser internet.
Adults are just catching up to what teens have been doing for years.
=Les adultes sont juste en train de rattraper ce que les adolescents font depuis des annes.
Quel temps utilisez-vous en franais dans tous les cas ? prsent simple
Traduisez les complments en for et since.
Quelle prposition utilisez-vous en franais ? depuis

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