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Informal Lesson Plan

Subject: Language Arts

Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Time Estimation: 1 hour
Unit: Reading Comprehension
Topic: Inferencing
Goals: TLW understand how to make inferences when reading short paragraphs.
Objectives: TLW describe details from a story.
TLW choose important details to help make inference.
TLW infer meaning from a story they read.
TLW connect inferences to the paragraph that was read.
TEKS: 3.8
Materials and Resources: Inferencing Worksheet 1 and 2, Pencils, Small White Board,
Dry Erase Marker.
Instructional Procedures:
Focusing Event: I will begin by reflecting on the previous story on the paper
that we had read and remind them that we were using the story to make inferences
about things that happen in the story.
Teaching and Learning Procedures: I will have a student read the next story
on the page out loud to the others. The children will then discuss what they think
will be the answer to the questions on the worksheet. I will encourage them to make
inferences and will emphasize the fact that there is no wrong answer but they are
expected to support their answer using the text. I will take this time to ask
questions, add input, and continually ask them to tell me how they know this. When
the group has finished a story or two I will ask them to return to their seats and will
call another reading group over to the table and repeat the same lesson.
Formative Check: I will be continually checking their understanding by
making sure they are following along and creating their own inferences and using
their own brains. If I see someone struggling I will make notes on who will need to
move on to worksheet 2 before we take the quiz.
Reteach: If children are not understanding we will move on to worksheet 2
and take this time to break it down and discuss the information that we read but I
will model and give examples as we go making it more teacher than student led.
Closure: We will finish the last question as a class and I will have them
discuss exactly what we think we took from the story that we just read.

Assessment: When I feel like the students are understanding and the work
becomes easier for them to complete we will be giving a quiz either next Friday or
the one after. The quiz will show who is following along and who we feel should
move on to other stories.
Modifications/ Notes: This class is predominately GT students. There are two
students in both morning and afternoon classes with Dyslexia. These two students
will have the story read to them and they will be asked to underline and make
known where they got the information from as well.

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